The Magnificent Cyborg

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The Magnificent Cyborg Page 11

by Honey Phillips

  “Technically, it’s the oldest business.”

  They all laughed, and Tom and Esme began clearing the table. By tacit agreement, they didn’t discuss the next day or the challenges in front of them. Instead, Tom told them humorous stories about some of his early struggles on the claim, and Wyatt matched them with tales from the icecap.

  “I think we should get an early night,” Tom said at last as he rose from the table. “I suspect tomorrow will be a long day.”

  From the eagerness with which Esme jumped up to join him, he doubted that rest was the only thing on the big man’s mind.

  “I’ll stay here and keep Wyatt company,” Cherry volunteered but he reluctantly shook his head.

  “No, darlin’. It was a long day for you too and tomorrow is going to be difficult. I want you to get some rest.”

  She pouted full pink lips as she sashayed over to him with an extra swing in her hips.

  “Are you sure? I’m excellent company.”

  “Good night,” Esme called, but he paid no attention to their departure, too focused on the woman in front of him. Her face was bare, her hair in a tangled braid, her clothes smudged with orange dust, but she had never looked more beautiful to him.

  “Too excellent. You’re a very distracting woman.”

  “Why, thank you.”

  She went up on tiptoes to kiss him and he couldn’t resist, tugging her against him so that every lush curve was nestled against his body. The kiss rapidly turned carnal and they were both breathing heavily when he forced himself to raise his head.

  “Please go to bed, darlin’.”

  The teasing temptress vanished as her face softened and she put a gentle hand on his cheek.

  “All right, Wyatt. Just be careful.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m just going to keep watch and make sure nothing goes bump in the night.”

  “All right. Good night then. I l—”

  He saw the struggle on her face, could almost hear the words she had been about to say, and he waited anxiously. Should he tell her how he felt? Before he could decide, she gave him a shaky smile and fled the room.

  Perhaps it was just as well. This didn’t seem like the right moment for undying declarations. With a sigh, he went to double-check that all of the airlock doors were locked. Tom also had a small motion scanner covering his claim. The swirling winds disrupted the signal, but he thought—hoped—that something as large as a man would show up.

  The hours dripped past with only the constant howl of the wind and the grating of the sand against the walls to keep him company. He knew Cherry was in one of the small domes, and he had to fight the constant impulse to go to her. Had she really been about to tell him that she loved him?

  He was a fool, he decided. A coward and a fool. He should have told her how he felt. The next time they were alone, no matter how difficult the circumstances, he was going to tell her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  In the early hours of the morning, he heard a noise behind him and whirled around, expecting to find Cherry standing there. His heart pounded as he realized he would have to make good on his resolution and tell her how he felt. But instead of Cherry, Tom stood in the opening to the corridor. His hair was tousled, his face contented, and W-246 fought back a wave of envy. He had no doubt that Tom told his wife that he loved her.

  “Don’t tell me you couldn’t sleep,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

  “Don’t worry. I got plenty of—” Tom’s words were interrupted by an enormous yawn, and he grinned sheepishly. “Well, enough sleep anyway. I’m here to relieve you.”

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  “Yes, I do. We wouldn’t be here at all if it weren’t for you and I suspect your woman would like some company.”

  “Are you sure?” His sense of duty clashed with his desires.

  “Quite sure. I can watch the monitor, especially now that the storm is starting to die down.”

  Startled, he realized that the intensity of the wind had dropped. It had happened so gradually that he hadn’t noticed.

  “Call me if—”

  “If anything happens.” Tom nodded. “If I so much as suspect a rock out of place, I’ll wake up the whole habitat.”

  His heart thundering in his chest despite his nanites, he headed for the room where Cherry was sleeping. He hadn’t been this nervous since he had taken the initial test for officer candidate school. I won’t disturb her if she’s asleep, he told himself, even knowing that it was the coward’s way out. But as soon as he opened the door, she raised her head. He could see her watching him in the dim glow of a small nightlight as he closed the door behind him.

  “Wyatt? Is everything all right?”

  “It’s fine. Tom is keeping watch now. I thought I would join you—that is, if you want me to.”

  “Of course I do.” She pulled back the covers on one side of the bed, and he caught a brief glimpse of naked thigh. His mouth went dry.

  “Are you wearing anything under there?”

  She giggled and shook her head.

  “All of my clothes were in my bag—which is hopefully still attached to Maverick’s saddle. And Esme and I are not built the same way. She did offer to let me have one of Tom’s shirts—”

  He growled, instinctively rejecting the idea of her in another man’s clothing.

  “—but I suspected you wouldn’t approve.”

  “You suspected correctly.” He started to strip off his own clothes but hesitated. “Would you rather I kept mine on?”

  “Not at all.” She sounded as breathless as he felt, with just the tiniest hint of nerves, but he didn’t think it was due to his lack of clothing.

  He went down on his knees next to the bed, studying her face in the faint illumination of the small lamp.

  “I need to tell you something. I’m not trying to pressure you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. Yet,” he couldn’t help adding, then took a deep breath. “I love you, Cherry.”

  Even in the dim light, he could see the sparkle of tears in her eyes and his heart stood still. Had he spoken too quickly? Before he had a chance to panic, she threw herself into his arms, soft, fragrant, his. His breath escaped in a relieved sigh before he was too busy kissing her to think of breathing.

  Their lips finally parted long enough for her to whisper, “I love you too.”

  There was an aching familiarity to the words and an odd combination of joy and regret and pain washed over him. He pushed them all aside, determined to focus on showing his woman just how much he loved her.

  He threw back the covers, reveling in the sight of her lush, perfect body. Her pretty pink nipples stood at attention, begging for his mouth, and he obliged, licking and sucking until she was writhing beneath him.

  “Now that’s a pretty sight,” he said, lifting his head to watch as he ran a thumb over one taut peak, down over the soft curve of her stomach, and then further down. Her legs parted for him and he could see her delicate folds, already pink and glistening. He swirled a finger through the abundant wetness, then circled the swollen nub of her clit. A soft cry escaped her lips and her whole body quivered.

  “Do you like that, darlin’?” He brushed his finger gently back and forth over the exposed flesh as she tried to lift into his touch. “Do you want more?”

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Please, Wyatt.”

  He rewarded her by moving lower, slowly circling her entrance before pushing inside. Her tight little channel resisted, then engulfed him in a silken grip. His cock throbbed and ached, longing to enter her, but he was determined to take his time, to savor the moment—until she clamped down on his finger, her muscles massaging the digit in slow, seductive pulses. His patience started to fray, then disappeared completely when long, cool fingers closed over his cock, gripping him just as tightly.

  “I want you inside me, Wyatt,” she gasped, her hips moving restlessly. “I’ve waited long enough.”

  It seemed like an eternity to him as well
and he abandoned any attempt to hold out, rising over her and positioning the broad head of his cock at her entrance. His eyes never leaving hers, he pushed slowly inside, into her warmth, her heat, sinking deeper and deeper until she surrounded him completely. She felt so good, so right, and he paused to savor the moment, their eyes still locked. The certainty that they belonged together swept over him and an elusive memory hovered just out of reach, but before he could grasp it, she tightened her muscles again and his thoughts evaporated in a blaze of lust.

  His hips snapped forward and she rose to meet him, taking him impossibly deeper, and then he was pounding into her, claiming her. She met every stroke, her arms tight around his neck, her legs like a vice around his waist as she arched against him, urging him on and on, until he felt her shudder, felt her clamp down so tightly that he could barely move, and then he was coming too in long, helpless waves that left him limp and drained and unbelievably happy.

  He buried his head in her neck, too exhausted to think of moving, and felt her hands stroking his back. When he finally raised his head, she was smiling up at him but her eyes were damp.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Just happy. Happier than I’ve been in a very long time.”

  “I’ve never felt like this before,” he confessed and saw the briefest hint of sorrow cross her face. “What is it?”

  “Nothing that matters now.” She lifted her hand and ran her fingers through his hair, rubbing the spot that ached when he tried to remember. “We’re together. That’s what matters.”

  “Yes, it does.” His exhaustion had already started to disappear, and he rocked against her. “And I intend to take full advantage.”

  “I think it’s my turn to take advantage.”

  With unexpected swiftness, she twisted her body, and he found himself lying beneath her. She sat up, giving him a clear view of her magnificent breasts as she began to undulate on top of him.

  “You can take advantage of me any time,” he groaned as he seized her hips and gave himself over to pleasure.

  Only the faintest sliver of light had appeared outside the dome when Cherry awoke. Her body felt limp and relaxed with a slight, pleasant ache between her legs. It had been so long—but he had been worth waiting for.

  Wyatt had wrapped himself completely around her in his sleep, his face buried against her breasts, his arms and legs holding her against him. He stirred restlessly, a faint whimper escaping his lips. She stroked his hair soothingly, murmuring softly, and he settled back down.

  Despite her contentment, she couldn’t help but worry. Would he remember the night before this time? She was sure that he had been awake, but his troubled sleep worried her more than she cared to admit.

  A light tap sounded on the door and he awakened instantly, jumping out of bed and placing himself between her and the door, his big, naked body gleaming in the faint light.

  “Who’s there?” he snapped.

  “It’s Tom. The storm has died down and it’ll be light soon. We should get started.”

  The tension left his body. “We’ll be right there.”

  He turned towards her and she couldn’t resist an admiring gaze. All those hard, firm muscles, the golden skin of his left side only accentuating each impressive inch. Her gaze dropped involuntarily to his magnificent cock, hanging heavily down his thigh but responding immediately to her perusal.

  “Darlin’, if you look at me like that, we’ll never get out of here.”

  She very deliberately licked her lips. “But I want another taste.”

  His eyes heated, turning silver with lust as he stalked towards her, but then he hesitated. “Another taste?”

  Heat rushed into her cheeks. “Never mind.”

  “I wouldn’t forget something like that, would I?”

  She dropped her gaze. “It was while we were at Clint’s. I thought you were awake—I didn’t mean to take advantage of you.”

  “Fuck, darlin’. I’m so sorry. I thought I dreamed the whole thing.”

  “You mean you remember?” Her heart started to beat a little faster. Had he remembered her in his dream? To her dismay, he shook his head.

  “Not really. Just flashes.”

  He winced as he spoke, and she recognized the sign that he had started to trigger his memory blocker. Even though her heart ached, she smiled, determined to distract him.

  “Then I guess I’ll just have to make sure you’re awake this time.”

  She leaned forward and licked the head of his cock. His hand buried itself in her hair but then he gently raised her chin.

  “We need to get going, darlin’. But believe me, I’ll give you another chance.”

  “The question is, am I going to offer you one?” She gave him one more teasing lick and climbed out of bed.

  As she bent over to pick up her clothes, he smacked her butt just hard enough to send a thrill of excitement through her body. Her nipples tightened into stiff little peaks as she turned to face him.

  “You are not discouraging me.”

  He took a step towards her, but just as their bodies touched, there was another knock on the door, harder this time.

  “Come on, lovebirds. Time’s a-wasting,” Tom called.

  “Lovebirds…” she said softly. “Is that really what we are?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His eyes were serious as he raised her chin so he could look into her eyes. “This is love, Cherry. I don’t doubt it for a minute.”

  She didn’t doubt it either, but would she get to keep it this time? Refusing to let him see the tears in her eyes, she leaned forward and hugged him and then turned back to her clothes.

  “Do you think Maverick is all right?”

  “I hope so. I’ll head for his location first.”

  “Are you going to take me with you?”

  He hesitated, and she knew his answer before he spoke.

  “I wish I could, but I need to move as fast as possible. It wouldn’t be a comfortable trip.”

  “I don’t care about comfort!” she cried, then bit her lip. She knew she wasn’t being fair to expect him to carry her the entire way. If only the memory of their last day together on Earth didn’t haunt her so much. It had started the same way with a night of lovemaking and teasing morning kisses and his obvious reluctance to leave. And he had never returned.

  “I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I know I’m being silly.”

  “I wish I could take you, but I need to be prepared to handle any… problems that crop up.”

  The fact that he tactfully omitted the possibility of encountering the hybrid didn’t make her feel any better, but she forced herself to nod and finish getting dressed.

  They walked into the main dome just as Tom looked up from the monitor, his face grim.

  “Something is coming.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Wyatt instinctively stepped in front of Cherry even though there was no imminent danger. He hurried over to Tom’s side, both women right behind him.

  “What is it?” Cherry asked.

  Tom frowned at the monitor. “I’m not sure but it looks big, bigger than a man.”

  “A vehicle?” Esme guessed.

  “At that speed? It could be, but I can’t tell. This doesn’t show much more than size and speed at the best of times, and it’s still off-kilter from the storm.”

  “Do you have any weapons?” he asked grimly.

  “Of course.” Tom opened a locked cabinet to reveal a small but impressive collection of arms.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You were expecting trouble?”

  “Always. You don’t grow up in the slums without learning to take care of yourself.”

  Tom’s words triggered the familiar flash of pain, but he shoved it aside. He didn’t have time for his weakness.

  “Cherry, can you handle one of these?”

  “We both can.” Esme handed a gun to Cherry and took one for herself. Tom grabbed the rifle.

  “Where do you want us?”
r />   “I’ll meet whatever is coming out front. Can you cover me from the transport shed?”

  “You got it.”

  “What about us?” Cherry asked, her face pale but determined.

  “I want one of you at each airlock. Just like before—if anyone other than one of us enters, shoot to kill.”

  “Got it.” Esme’s face was equally determined as she nodded along with Cherry.

  He gave Cherry a quick kiss and headed outside, determined to protect his woman and their… friends. He couldn’t remember the last time he thought of someone as a friend, but he had no doubt that Tom and Esme would stand with them.

  The sun had not yet risen above the horizon and the misty light of predawn wanted to play tricks on his eyes. Even though the storm had abated, the air was still thick with dust, swirling in the icy morning breeze. He extended his senses as far as possible and finally caught a distant rhythmic thump. He was so prepared for danger that it took him a moment to recognize the sound of a horse’s hooves. Afraid to relax prematurely, he kept his hand poised on his weapon until he could make out the silvery form racing towards him. Maverick.

  A huge sigh of relief escaped as he yelled the good news over his shoulder. By the time Maverick came to a halt in front of him, Cherry had put on her mask and coat and was waiting at his side.

  “He’s all right. Thank God.”

  The horse nuzzled at her face while Wyatt examined him. His sides were scratched, and some of the tubing that comprised his mane had been torn away, but otherwise, he appeared to be in good shape.

  He shook his head. “He must have taken shelter from the storm.”

  “Well, of course he did. He’s too smart to stay out in weather like that, aren’t you, boy?”

  He could have sworn the horse shot him a triumphant look.

  “I guess he is at that.” He checked the backup power source and found that it was close to full.

  “Are you going to ride him back to town?” Tom asked from behind him.

  Maverick started to rear as the other man approached but Cherry put a soothing hand on his neck. “It’s okay. He’s a friend.”


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