The Forbidden Wilds: Crossing the Styx

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The Forbidden Wilds: Crossing the Styx Page 12

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’m detecting stars being blocked out by something,” Brooks announced.

  “So am I!” Jangle replied.

  “Stop here and hold our positions!” Alex ordered. “Brooks what can you tell me about those shadows?”

  “Not much, Alex. But I have determined they are quite large.”

  “How large?”

  “They’re smaller than the Nebula Aliens’ warships but not by much.”

  “How many have you detected?” Jingle asked


  “What’s the distance between them, Brooks?”

  “About double the distance of those probe’s, Alex.”

  “That means they’ve overlapped their coverage. We’re going to move around the galaxy from this distance and both of you keep a running commentary on what you’re detecting,” Alex ordered

  • • •

  They began moving around the galaxy and after several hours, Alex ordered, “OK, that’s enough. It appears they have most of their ships on the Milky Way side of the galaxy. The side of the galaxy away from the Milky Way is not covered at all.”

  “Why is that, Alex?”

  “Jingle, if you didn’t know of this civilization’s existence, you’d just move in directly toward it on the shortest route; that’s where they have their ships. I think they’re still operating on the assumption that we don’t know about them.”

  “What else is bothering you?”

  “How do you know something else is bothering me?”

  “Your expression gives you away. You haven’t relaxed since we left to come here.”

  Alex huffed out a breath before replying, “Do you remember that alien probe in the nebula that immediately took off toward the planet we attacked?”

  “I do,” Jingle replied.

  “It was very small and didn’t leave a detectable wake behind it. It must have arrived at that planet before we did.”

  Jingle was silent for a moment and then said softly, “It must have recorded our attack, Alex.”

  “I’m sure it did, and it sent that information directly to the area collecting the data. It knew that the Union made that attack and it at the very least got a recording of the warships we were using.” Jingle stared at Alex and he said, “You don’t see it.”

  “See what?”

  “If our new warships concerned them, what do you think they would have done?”

  Jingle’s eyes widened, “They would have responded!”

  Alex nodded, “And the more concerned they were, the larger their response would have been. If they were worried a lot, they would have sent in attack fleets. If they were worried a little, they would have sent more probes in to scout the Union. They did neither. No new probes have been detected.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jingle said in a fearful tone, “The new warships we used to attack that planet doesn’t bother them at all.”

  “And we know that ship was capable of handling the Nebula Alien’s warships as well as every Union warship.”

  “You’re starting to scare me again, Alex.”

  “I’ve been afraid since we left to come here. I don’t know if even this new ship we’re flying can handle them.”

  “Do you intend to find out, Alex?”

  “I don’t know, Jingle. If it can’t, we will stir up this hornets’ nest and might cause them to attack the Union.”

  “They’re not all powerful, Alex.”

  Alex’s head tilted, “And you know that because…?

  “If they were, they wouldn’t be waiting on the Union to take on the Nebula Aliens. They’d just go in and clean house.”

  Alex thought about it and nodded, “You’re right. They’re concerned about the numbers in the Union Fleets.”

  “I don’t know if this means anything, but the numbers of their warships is growing again.”

  Alex and Jingle looked up, “It appears they also have a high number of ships between this galaxy and the large Magellanic Cloud,” Jangle added.

  They were silent until Alex commented, “There must be some trouble out there as well.”

  “It could be major trouble, Alex.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “The Large Magellanic Cloud is the fourth largest galaxy in the Local Group. It’s estimated to have ten-billion stars making it ten-times larger than Canis Major.”

  “They’re separated by a long distance, Jingle.”

  “Well, from the evidence, there must have been some sort of run-in between them or there wouldn’t be so many of their ships between the two.” Alex’s expression changed and Jingle asked, “What are you thinking?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just…what if the civilization here in Canis Major is planning to leave to colonize planets in the Milky Way.” Jingle fell back in her chair. “That would possibly explain why they haven’t launched an attack.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if we’re now scouting them, I imagine they are also being scouted by the forces in the LMC. They can’t afford to send all of their warships and leave Canis Major undefended,” Alex replied.

  “There’s a way to find out.”


  “Go in and look for construction of colony ships, Alex.”

  Alex sighed and then nodded, “You’re right. What’s wrong, Jingle?”

  “I’m accustomed to the night changing but this is getting ridiculous. The changes coming at me are getting more scarier with each one. I almost long for the time of just having the Nebula Aliens to deal with.”

  “I’m receiving a message from Fleet Operations,” Jangle announced.

  “How is that possible? We were told the new communicators wouldn’t be completed for another year,” Alex asked.

  “It probably will take a year for it to be widely disseminated but they obviously have one transmitter operational,” Brooks interjected.

  “What are they saying?”

  “Jingle, Admiral Glennon has sent two more ships out to join us.”

  “OH CRAP! They could run into the ships on the Milky Way side.”

  “Jangle, do we have the new communicator on our ships?”

  “Yes, Alex.”

  “Then the two ships coming here must have it as well; send them all the data we’ve collected and give them our coordinates.”

  “Alex, are you sure our communications won’t be detected?”

  “Of course not, Jingle. But Glennon is certain they won’t. If the crap hits the fan, we can blame him. Get ready to get out of here! Brooks, connect me with those two ships.”

  • • •

  Gary saw the Canis Major Galaxy getting larger and Royal announced, “I have a message coming in.”

  “Deidre, stop where you are. Royal, put it on our consoles.”

  Alex and Jingle appeared on their monitors and Alex said, “I hope you’re not just rushing in to join the dance.”

  Gary smiled, “We were ordered to get here as quickly as possible.”

  “That sounds like Glennon. Where are you now?”

  “About two-light weeks from the edge of the galaxy.”

  “In another light week you would have been forced to introduce yourselves to the alien civilization living here. I’m sending you everything we’ve uncovered so far along with our recorded conversations. Take a look at them and get back to me.”

  “Will do, Admiral. Admiral Glennon also ordered me to send you the initial meeting he had with us before he sent us on this mission.”

  Alex smiled, “This should prove to be interesting.”

  “Why do you say that, Sir?”

  “Because he wants us to see it.”

  The monitor went dark and Gary sent the recording. Royal announced, “I’ve received the recordings. I’ll start them now.” Gary and Deidre sat back and stared at their monitors as the recordings began.

  • • •

  The recordings ended and Deidre touched her panel. Alex and Jingle appeared on her display and she
said, “You’ve been doing this for a while, haven’t you?”

  “Longer than I want,” Jingle answered.

  “The two of you nearly ran head on into trouble. Why weren’t you more cautious?”

  “I told him to slow down but nooo! He said our orders were to get here as quickly as possible and he wouldn’t listen.” Deidre looked at Gary on the monitor, “He can be impulsive!”

  Jingle turned her eyes to Alex before responding, “Do tell!”

  “Nothing was said in our material about the existence of a highly advanced civilization here. We know their probes are more advanced than ours but not by a huge margin,” Gary interjected.

  “What do you mean?” Alex quickly replied. “We included Jingle’s concern about an ancient advanced civilization existing here.”

  Jingle sighed, “Alex, we didn’t include that in the data we sent Lu.”

  Alex jerked his head around to her, “Yes we did!”

  Jingle shook her head, “Jangle?”

  “I’m sorry, Alex, but that wasn’t included in the data that was sent.”

  “Are you certain about that, Jangle?”

  “I’ll replay the data for you if you like.”

  Alex shook his head, “No, if you say it wasn’t included, it wasn’t included.” Alex looked at Gary, “Shame on us; that’s our bad.”

  Deidre and Gary listened to the exchange between them and their computers and quickly saw these computers didn’t sound like any computers they ever encountered. Jingle looked at Alex, “So, what happens now?”

  Alex was silent for a moment and then answered, “One of us will take a newbie out to scout the LMC and the two remaining will start searching for colony ships.”

  Before Jingle could object, Deidre spoke up, “Gary and I are a great team and you’re breaking it up.”

  Jingle added, “I agree, Alex.”

  Alex looked up and rolled his eyes, “Alright, Jingle, you’re the ranking officer here. Here are your choices; you can send the two newbies out to scout the LMC and leave us here; Or you can send us out to scout the LMC and leave the newbies here; Or you can have one of the newbies go with each of us until we can get them up to speed on the safe way to scout an alien civilization. Tell me my orders so I can make plans on what to do!”

  Jingle fell back in her chair, blew out a hard breath, and then sighed heavily, before responding, “We are currently in combat conditions and you are in command whenever that happens. You’re right, it’s too dangerous to send them out together. You decide on what you want to do. However, I recommend you go to the LMC and I remain here.”

  “Tell me why you say that Jingle.”

  “Alex, searching for the colony ships involves staying hidden and avoiding detection. Going out to the LMC could lead to possible combat and you would be more effective there than I would be.”

  Alex smiled, “Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me.” Alex looked at Gary, “You’ll go with me.”

  “Why do you want that, Sir?” Gary asked.

  “Sending anyone with an impulsive nature in to this galaxy is a recipe for disaster. Jangle, make sure you keep them safe.”

  “Count on it, Alex.”

  “And Jingle, make sure Captain Godwin does what you order and ask why later.” Jingle looked at Deidre and she nodded. Alex saw the exchange and smiled, “I don’t expect us to be gone long.”

  “Why not?” Gary asked.

  “We need to find out what is threatening this galaxy in the LMC. I honestly don’t think we’ll have to go all the way to the LMC to find out.”

  Jingle nodded, “Those ships they have between Canis Major and the LMC are there for a reason.”

  Alex shrugged, “I suspect that if there is an enemy of this galaxy in the LMC, we will find their warships long before we have to go all the way to that galaxy.” Alex looked at Gary, “I’m sending you our current coordinates. Come around to the other side of Canis Major and meet us here.” Gary nodded and started moving around the small dwarf galaxy with Deidre following him.

  • • •

  They arrived and Alex said, “Gary, you will follow me and do exactly what I tell you! Do you understand?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Call me Alex. If you have any questions, I’ll answer them later. Jingle, it appears our communications aren’t being intercepted, I’ll keep you informed on what we encounter.”

  “I’ll do the same, Alex. Stay safe!”

  “You do the same. Gary tuck in behind my ship and stay there unless ordered otherwise.” Alex moved away from the Clapper and Deidre’s ship.

  • • •

  Alex took a course high above the small galaxy and Brooks announced, “We’re moving over the warships holding position between the LMC and Canis Major.”

  Alex was right; it didn’t take long for them to find what they were seeking.

  • • •

  Alex stared at his monitor and shook his head, “It appears we’ve stumbled on to a space battle.”

  “Who is who here?” Gary asked.

  “The Canis ships are using stealth technology and all we’re detecting is their blaster beams. Those four monsters must be from the LMC. Those things are huge!!”

  “They’re heavily outnumbered but they appear to be holding their own,” Gary noted.

  Royal announced, “I have numerous energy sources moving in from above and to the portside of those giant ships.”

  “Gary move us out from under those energy sources and away from the ones coming from the left!”

  Gary took the lead and accelerated to the starboard side. He stopped and Alex asked, “How are you able to detect those energy sources.”

  “A new software update was installed before we left Shanghai.”

  “Send that software to my computer now!”

  A few moments later, Brooks said, “I’ve got it and it’s now operational on the passive scanner display.”

  Alex looked at Gary, “What would you do now if it were left up to you?”

  “I’d remain here and scan the battle.”

  Alex smiled and ordered, “Brooks move the ship above the energy sources moving in from above those giant ships.” The two Union ships accelerated away, and Gary remained silent; he’d ask why Alex did that later.

  They came to a stop and Alex ordered, “Brooks, contact Jingle and send her this software. Make sure she understands how to use it.”

  “I’ve linked with Jangle now.”

  Alex stared at the tactical monitor watching the space battle unfold. “It appears their stealth systems leak energy which will make them vulnerable,” he said under his breath. He looked at Gary on his monitor and tilted his head, “Why do you think those Canis warships only came in from above and to the left.”

  Gary thought about it and replied, “I’m not sure.”

  “They’re leaving an obvious escape route. Once those ships open fire, those large battleships are going to move toward the only open place for them to go.”

  Gary stared at his monitor and saw the new ships start firing at the four giants. Just as Alex predicted, they turned right and accelerated. Brooks announced, “I have numerous energy sources appearing in front of those battleships.” Fifty stealth ships came roaring in on the four giants from head on and Gary said, “I have a lot to learn.”

  “It’s not as hard as you think, Gary. You only have to keep one thing in mind.”

  “What is that?”

  “Don’t assume if you can’t see them they’re not there.”

  Gary smiled and asked, “Shouldn’t we do an active scan of those ships?”

  “We’ll be detected if we do that, Gary.”

  “But they won’t know who did it, Alex. The giants will believe it was the Canis warships and the Canis warships will believe it came from those giants or possibly a probe they launched.”

  Alex thought about it and decided, “You scan one of the large battleships and I’ll scan a Canis warship.”

ount it down!” Gary replied.

  “In three-two-one-SCAN NOW!” They scanned their assigned ships and Alex quickly ordered, “FOLLOW ME!!” He accelerated away from the battle as a large group of Canis warships moved toward the location where they made their scans. They found nothing and turned back to the battle.

  The four battleships were heavily outnumbered but only one of them went up in a massive explosion. The other three went to full speed and fought their way out of the surrounding warships. They disappeared in the distance and the ships pursuing them eventually turned around and flew back to Canis Major.

  • • •

  Jingle was moving into the small galaxy and Jangle announced, “Jingle, Brooks had just contacted me and says that the new software will not detect a Canis Major warship that’s powered down.”

  “Do you have a recording of how they made that discovery, Jangle?” Jingle looked at her monitor and saw the battle unfolding.

  Deidre watched it with her and said, “This could be dangerous.”

  “Not really,” Jingle replied.

  “But we wouldn’t detect any ships that are powered down!” Deidre replied.

  “Deidre, if they’re powered down, they will also have to turn off their environmental systems. They can do that for a while when they’re lying in ambush. But inside their space, they won’t be attempting to ambush anyone. They’ll be powered up, alright. This new software is a godsend. We can at least now detect their presence.” Jingle paused and ordered, “Jangle, I want you scanning for the sources of that alien frequency. We don’t have time to wander around looking for their planets. I’m going to half-speed. Let me know if you see anything.”

  “Are you still not using the energy fields, Jingle?”

  “No, I’m staying with the hull stealth system.”

  “Then half-speed will be too fast. We’re inside this galaxy and there is a much higher level of space debris than open space.”

  “What would you suggest, Jangle?”

  “One-quarter speed.”

  “One-quarter speed it is,” Jingle replied. Deidre listened to them and was again amazed by their conversation. Jangle changed course and started moving toward a small Class M Red Giant Star. They moved in quickly and Jangle began reporting, “I’ve not detected any energy sources between us and that star, but I do see a planet in the habitation zone that is emitting strong electronic emissions.”


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