Blood Rose (Vampire Romance)

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Blood Rose (Vampire Romance) Page 5

by Natalie Aejaz

  “You can look now.” His breath teased her face, sending shivers through her.

  She blinked a few times before her mouth dropped open. He had teleported them to a dark and secluded room which overlooked an ornate hall, its grandeur belonging to a different era. There was a large stage at one side of the venue with heavy red curtains drawn across, and the rows of seating were in a circular shape, resembling an infinity illusion. It was a theater of some kind, breathtaking in its magnificence.

  The room Lohan had teleported her to was lit with candles and tastefully furnished with a sofa and table, with a row of chairs at the front, from where one could look down over the hall. The curtains slowly parted to reveal a group of performers on the stage, but the venue was practically empty as if this was a show just for them. She looked up into those blue eyes. “How? So late at night?” It explained the lack of people, but what theater opened at such an hour?

  “An acquaintance of mine arranged this. Just for you.”

  A show especially for her? How was it even possible? “Acquaintance?” She imagined he did not have many human friends. “You mean a vampire?”

  He nodded. “A very distant cousin, from Italy.” He cleared his throat. “Actually, a few of my cousins in Italy had to get involved to organize this so quickly…”

  Lohan had arranged this for her? An overwhelming thought, one she found difficult to believe. But why had he needed to contact vampires in Italy? “Italy? I don’t understand.”

  His smile widened, shaking her. Gone was the calculating coldness with which he had encountered her a few hours ago on the bridge. In fact, she now regarded him as a friend…her first ever friend. One who plans to drain me to death. “Dear Rose, we are in an opera house in Rome.”

  Her legs gave way, and he held onto her, chuckling. Rome? It was not possible. She glanced at the stage. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course.” He released a small cough. “The movie we just watched inspired me. I thought there was no harm in teleporting to another country.”

  She really was in a different country? For the first time? She hugged him, and he instantly wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you,” she murmured against his chest. When she lifted her head, there was confusion in his expression. And want. He brought his face close, his breath hot on her lips. Finally, his mouth closed over hers. When she moaned in response, he deepened the kiss and pulled her against him. She placed her arms around his neck and pushed closer, the contact of his body with hers setting her insides on fire. When his tongue pressed against her lips, she opened them, eagerly allowing him to enter. Beautiful voices rose from the stage and floated toward them as if to provide a backdrop for this moment of passion. As he explored her mouth with his tongue, she became dizzy with desire, heat surging between her thighs. “Lohan,” she whispered against his lips.

  There was a knock at the door, and the vampire stepped back. He took a deep breath before speaking, his voice suddenly firm. “Come in.”

  When a waiter entered with a cart of food, Rose felt blood rush to her cheeks, convinced he could guess at what had transpired in the room. After he arranged the dishes on the table, Lohan handed him some money. “Thank you,” said the waiter, politeness fixed to his face as he exited, firmly closing the door.

  The pressure at her core was torture, and she could not wait to be in Lohan’s arms again, but his expression was now of the cold vampire she met on the bridge. When he spoke, his voice was polite, creating a firm distance. “Are you hungry?”

  She lowered her head to hide the tears biting at her eyes. The kiss might as well have not happened. She sat on the cushioned sofa, the seat elevated to a position that provided a view of the stage. The vampire sat next to her, careful to maintain a space between them. His coldness hurt, the sudden rejection painful. What else did she expect? After all, he was only interested in her blood—what other use was she to him?

  Nobody wants me.

  She tried to keep her voice steady. “That was a lot of food in the cinema.”

  “That was not real food. Try this.”

  Apart from the pizza, spaghetti and tiramisu, she recognized none of the dishes spread across the table. They did look delicious, though. And might take the edge off the disappointment about the sudden distance between them. “All this food?” She injected enthusiasm into her voice. “Just for us two?”

  “For you.”

  “What about you…oh.” She almost forgot what he was; and that he offered her this meal before he fed on her. The irony…She had been happy with the deal, but now…She glanced at him, but there was no indication that the kiss they shared had affected him. What did she expect? He was a vampire, after all.

  “What is wrong?”

  She could not admit there was something she truly desired before dying, above everything. Him. “I can’t remember eating with anyone before.” The lunch breaks at work did not count as they were times to tolerate, not savor. “I hoped—”

  He nodded. “I will join you.”

  He what? “But I thought vampires only consume blood?”

  His gaze dropped to her neck. “We prefer blood, but if the need arises, we can eat this fare.” He did not seem particularly excited by the idea. “I will stick to the meat, though.” He appeared downright disgusted as he chose a piece of chicken. Still, he bit into it. For her? No. Because he wants to keep me happy until his real meal.

  She placed a piece of pizza on her plate and after the first mouthful, she discarded the fork and picked up the slice with her fingers, devouring it. No pizza she had ever tasted could begin to compare to this one. After finishing the pizza in record time, she tasted the spaghetti. The sensation? Out of this world. She paused with the next forkful near her mouth. “So you usually only drink blood—nothing else?” It seemed a waste to live for centuries and not experience all that life offered.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Sometimes we go through phases when we crave something different, but in those cases we prefer the finest of cuisines.” His lips curled up in a smile. “In fact, over the years I have acquired a taste for a good drink. I have a collection of fine and aged whiskey in the cellar below my mansion.”

  “A party animal, are you?” She would never have thought it.

  “I once enjoyed entertaining, but that whiskey has been untouched for decades…”

  She finished the delicious course and then tried the other dishes, unable to decide which of these exquisite creations she preferred the most. She savored each mouthful of her last meal, absorbing the contrasting tastes and tantalizing aromas. “Thank you so much for this, Lohan. I’ve had the best time ever.”

  Even if her utmost desire remained unexpressed, she had already experienced more than she could have hoped for. She moved on to the tiramisu, intending to take a bite, but within a few minutes had licked the spoon clean. When she looked up, the vampire was watching her, his eyes on her mouth. He averted his gaze, his expression strained.

  When she leaned back into the sofa, she inadvertently moved closer to him, but he shifted to avoid physical contact. If that was what he preferred, then so be it. She turned to the stage, trying to give the performance her full attention. She did not understand what was going on, but the theme was romance. It would be, wouldn’t it? Despite Lohan’s indifference, she became absorbed in the show, those otherworldly voices projecting a tragedy so beautiful that her chest contracted, and she wanted to cry tears of both sadness and joy. The extravagant sets and costumes—all those overwhelming emotions—slowly transported her to another world. Why had she never watched a show before? She would make an effort to go in the future, even if on her own. In future? After tonight there was no future. This would have to be enough. But at least in these few hours with Lohan she had truly lived.

  She became aware of her leg touching his. Heat emanated from his body, making its way to her core. She turned to find his eyes on her, warm. Again, he looked away. She shifted her attention back to the production, but her mind w
as muddled with confusion and desire; she could barely hear the music or register the visuals. It’s my last night. If I don’t dare to live now, when will I? She turned to the vampire, desire rushing through her. “Lohan,” she murmured, resting her head on his shoulder. His arm went around her, and she relaxed against him, lifting her face. He kissed her on the forehead before moving his mouth down over her jawline to her neck, sending spasms of pleasure through her. When she softly moaned he lifted his head, his lips hovering over hers and driving her breathless with anticipation. Why was he making her wait?

  He sat back. “No.”

  “Lohan…I want this.”

  His expression was full of regret as he brought a hand to her hair, trailing his fingers through it. “I do not wish you to think I did all this only to use you.”

  “That is the last thing I would think.” She shifted closer. “You asked me what I wanted before dying. I want you.” More than anything.

  She pressed her lips against his, kissing and softly biting until he released a soft moan and took her in his arms. His mouth plundered hers, hungry and desperate as he held her waist and pulled her to sit on his lap. “Rose,” he groaned, hunger in those blue eyes. She brought her lips to his again, just as needy for him. As they kissed, his hand traveled up toward the neckline of her dress, nudging the material aside. Taking her nipple between his finger and thumb, he stroked it, making her gasp and arch backward. “Lohan!” He kissed her, deep, as his fingers moved between her nipples, driving her over the edge. He was hard underneath her, and she shifted in his lap, wanting to get closer. This was not enough. “Wait,” she murmured. He let out a small sound of protest when she stood, gripping her wrist as he tried to pull her back. She resisted as she lifted her dress with her free hand, up to her waist—and then straddled him. She was going to take what she wanted.

  “Rose?” He stared up at her in wonder. She said nothing, kissing him as her core pressed against his erection. He groaned in response as his head fell back over the sofa, his hands gripping her hips tight. As the music rose to a crescendo, she explored the base of his neck with her mouth and tongue, the ache between her legs unbearable and the pressure building with each touch. She needed him inside her. As he moaned her name, the music suddenly stopped, indicating a break in the show. Someone knocked at the door.

  Before she could pull away, there was that dizzy sensation again, and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was still straddling him, both of them on top of a large four-poster bed, Lohan’s back against the ornate headboard. Before she had the chance to register the bedroom, he wrapped her hair around his hand, his tongue plundering her mouth as her hips rocked against him. His lips moved to her neck, and she paused, expecting the bite. Instead, he pressed kisses over her cleavage before taking the straps of her gown and pulling them down until her breasts fell free. He grasped her waist, lifting her so he could fasten his mouth over her nipple. Heat shot through her in spasms when he softly licked, making her cry out. He held her in place with one hand and the other shifted to her breasts. He sucked one nipple as he twisted the other between his skillful fingers, igniting the lust at her core. Her hips bucked. “Lohan,” she gasped. “Would you…”

  “What?” She could not say it. But then he stroked her nipple again, making her unable to bear any more of this torture. “Tell me, Rose.”

  If she would not be bold tonight—then when? “Would you fuck me?”

  He grinned. “If that is your wish.” He held tight, turning her in a quick movement so she was on her back on the enormous bed. She lifted her hips as he dragged her gown over her ankles, along with her panties. She was naked in front of the vampire…and wishing she had stuck to at least one of those diet plans. “You are beautiful, Rose.” And he stared at her as if she really was the most beautiful thing he had seen, his eyes fixed to her body as he stood to undress. She licked her lips, her insides clenching as he pulled off his jacket and shirt, and then his trousers and boxer shorts in one go. He was magnificent, of course, that chest broad and muscled, his abs toned to perfection. He returned to the bed, and when he kneeled between her legs, her hips bucked in anticipation. But he paused, running his gaze over her face and down past her breasts.

  Don’t make me wait.

  He bent and—dear God!—kissed the inside of her thighs, first softly and then more urgent, moving toward her core. He licked her clit, slow, before covering it with his mouth. It was too much. She could not take any more of the agony, the ecstasy…And then his fingers entered her, probing and thrusting. Her head fell to the side, and she clutched the bed sheets in her fists as her body shook. He pressed into her and sucked her swollen clit until she screamed loud and came around his fingers. She went limp, unaware of anything but the overwhelming pleasure which had surged through her.

  Thank God I never jumped off that bridge.

  He shifted so his body was between her thighs as he kissed her. It should have been impossible, but as that broad chest pushed down on hers and his erection pressed against her belly, heat gathered at her core again. She spread her legs wider, and he gave a grunt of satisfaction as he positioned his shaft at her entrance. Anxiety now crawled inside her, and she tensed. She had avoided this for years…

  “Rose?” His voice was strained. “Do you want to stop?”

  “No. I want this.” Fear had dictated her life for too long. She wound her fingers through his soft hair, holding him tight as she kissed him and slipped her tongue between his lips. He moaned, soft, his breath coming and going fast. He entered her with a strong thrust, making her cry out with pleasure. As he waited, she closed her eyes, getting used to the sensation of him filling her. This felt right, as if meant to be. “Lohan? Again. Please.”

  “You are a wonderful surprise, Rose,” he whispered against her ear. He pulled out and entered her again, deeper, breathing fast as he pushed inside her with slow strokes. How was it possible to feel so good? His gaze was on her face, emotion turning those ice-blue eyes soft. She stared into their depths, hypnotized by this beautiful man who had stopped her from making such a big mistake.

  There was so much to live for.

  He brought his mouth to her neck, pausing. She anticipated the bite, but he pulled his lips away. Waves of ecstasy swept through her body as he moved inside her, his expression tense as if he was struggling to keep control. As he pushed into her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and shifted her hips so that the contact deepened. “Rose!” He called out her name as he lost control, pushing into her hard and fast until she was coming again. Another deep thrust, and then he collapsed on top of her with a shudder. Her arms went around him, holding him tight, tears threatening to come. But her tears were not caused by pain or fear.

  This is what love feels like.

  Why had it taken death to stare her in the face before she reached for even the smallest of her dreams? Life had been difficult, yes, but perhaps she could have left that misery behind; if she had dared to live as she did this night.


  * * *

  ROSE WAS A HUMAN. HE UNDERSTOOD the part about enjoying sex with her, yes, but nothing warranted him being overwhelmed by the passion that just rushed through his being. And why the fuck was he tempted to bite during sex when the despicable action would bind them both, in a manner vampire mates usually were? He grew up with horror stories about vampires binding themselves to humans and then falling to the depths of despair when rejected, some of them acquiring death through painful means after being unable to bear separation.

  Lohan moved away from Rose but despite his intention, could not leave the bed. She lay with her eyes closed, a smile on her lips. A smile of joy. He needed to be close, savor her happiness. Why did she attract him so? He had encountered the most desirable and willing human females over the years but after taking them once, was always eager to feed and depart before they became a nuisance. She opened her eyes, turning to face him. “Thank you. This is the best night I could have had.”r />
  It was meant to be her last night. But this Rose, full of passion, had much to live for. And he was a fucking vampire—when had he ever cared whether a human had anything to live for? Yet this irritating emotion pulled him, made him want to delay taking her blood and even back out of keeping his word. He left the bed and then pulled on some jeans and a tee shirt. Seeing him clothed perhaps caused her to be aware of her own nakedness, because she immediately sat up, looking for her gown. It had fallen to the side of the bed, and although he was enjoying the wicked sight of her jiggling around naked in a panic, he handed it to her.

  He could not take his gaze away as she quickly pulled the dress over those ample curves. Once dressed, her mouth dropped open as she looked the room, as if she had just noticed where she was. Her gaze traveled over the custom-made oak chairs, large wardrobes and that ornate fireplace. It brought him pride, seeing the chamber through her eyes. “Which hotel are we in?” she breathed. “It’s beautiful.”

  He grinned—a genuine reaction, not that condescending treatment he gave to other humans. “This is my bedroom.”

  “Your bedroom?” She glanced around the room again. “Can I see the rest of your place?” He had introduced no one to his mansion for decades, but now the prospect brought immense pleasure as he placed his jacket around her exposed shoulders. When he held her hand, the contact sent a frisson of excitement through him, a reminder of how close they were moments ago. The quickening of her breath was enough to signal she felt the same. When they went out onto the landing, her eyes opened wide in shock at the sight of the hall. “This is yours?”

  “All mine.” He led her down the staircase to stand in the middle of the hall. Her gaze moved back up to the landing. “All these rooms…who else lives here?”


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