Little Devil

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Little Devil Page 8

by Bethany Winters


  “Don’t you dar–”

  He rushes me and I scream, laughing my ass off when he locks his arms around me to pull me under. I jump back up to wipe the hair from my face and splash him again, running away from him with a squeal when he starts to chase me. We mess around in the water for I don’t know how long, and even though my hair is a mess and my make up is gone, this is the most fun I’ve had in months – probably years, if I’m being real.

  I wish I brought my camera with me.


  “What, new boy?”

  “Are you done?”

  “Yeah,” I rasp, propping my hands on my waist to catch my breath.

  He chuckles and follows me out to walk up to the tiny shower at the top of the beach. The water pressure sucks and does nothing to rinse the salt from my hair, but at least I won’t be walking around with dried lumps of sand wedged between my toes.

  “Hang on, I think I’ve got a clean towel in my gym bag,” he tells me, quickly heading back to the car to grab it.

  He hands it to me and I smile at him, leaning over to the side to dry my hair with it. “What now, Xander Reid?”

  He shrugs and looks around, tipping his chin at the lit up nightclub across the street. “You wanna dance?”


  “Xan, this is a bad idea,” I hiss, awkwardly tugging my dress down over my thighs while he pulls me along by my hand. “I’m telling you they’re not gonna let us in. Look at the state of my hair.”

  “It’s sexy.”

  “It’s wet.”

  He laughs at me and keeps walking, highly amused by me and my mini temper tantrum.

  We put our clothes back on behind the car just now and I managed to fix my make up in the side mirror, but neither of us are wearing any underwear and I’m pretty sure everyone can see my ass through this dress.


  “Baby, chill,” he says, pulling me in to back me up against the wall next to a fancy looking sushi restaurant. “You look hot, okay? Really fucking hot.”

  I remove the glare from my face and take a breath, secretly liking the way he calls me baby.

  “Are you good?” he asks, speaking over my lips. “Or do you need to stay out here and listen to me tell you how bad I wanna fuck you up against this wall right now?”

  Jesus Christ, he’s too much.

  Unable to form a verbal response to that, I shake my head and he winks at me, casually linking his fingers with mine while he walks me along towards the club we’re about to try and con our way into. We get to the entrance and I stand up a little taller, doing my best to act casual and chill like he told me to. The bouncer frowns at me and I die a little on the inside, terrified I’m about to spend the night in jail, but then Xander pays the entry fee and passes him two driver’s licenses. The bouncer takes them and looks between us for what feels like forever, passing them back with a nod and waving us in without so much as a second glance. My brows crash in the center and I look at Xander, snatching the fake cards from his hands to get a look at them. One of them is obviously his, but my picture is on the other one with a name that’s not mine and a birthday that makes me twenty two.

  “Damn it, you could have told me,” I whisper yell, angrily shoving the cards at his chest when I catch the look on his face.

  He keeps laughing at me and it’s pissing me off.

  “When did you even get that?”


  “Today,” I echo, knowing he’d have only had about three hours to get it done, if that. “How?”

  “I know a guy,” he says vaguely, pulling me along through the dimly lit hallway to get to the main part of the club.

  Neon pink strobe lights pulse throughout the room in time with the beat of the deafening music and there’s a lit bar set up along the left wall, the right wall lined with black tables and chairs while the middle of the room serves as a huge dance floor.

  I’ve never been in a place like this before.

  I’m used to mansions and yacht parties and charity functions in ballrooms filled with expensive things to match the expensive people within.

  Xander leads me over to the bar and takes out a wad of cash from his wallet, pulling me into him to shout in my ear. “You want a shot?”

  I hesitate but nod, suddenly craving something to take the edge off. He orders us two each and knocks his glass against mine, eyeing me while I tip my head back to swallow it down. The vodka burns my throat and I wince at the aftertaste, setting my glass down on the bar to neck the other one just as quick.

  “You alright, princess?” he chuckles, somehow sensing my inexperience and naivety.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  He nods and looks around, tipping his chin at the dark corner on the other side of the room. “You want me to go with you?”

  I shake my head and back away from him to go by myself, somehow managing to snake my way through the crowd of dancers and drunk people without getting kidnapped or trampled on. I push the bathroom door open and choose a stall, scrunching my nose at the tampon slash condom machine in the corner.

  This place is so weird.

  I wash my hands once I’m done and check myself in the long, horizontal mirror above the counter, not exactly hating the look of the girl staring back at me.

  She doesn’t look like me.

  I like that about her.

  I walk out of the bathroom and make my way through the crowd again, ignoring the slurred pick up lines thrown my way while I scan the bar to look for Xander. I spot him sitting exactly where I left him and head that way, but then a pretty brunette girl grabs a hold of my hand and starts dancing with me. She’s wearing a white mini dress and a veil to match, clearly drunk enough to assume she knows me, but she also seems harmless, which is why I decide it’s safe to humor the bride to be for a minute. We dance together for the rest of the song and she stumbles into my arms a few times, making me laugh. After my fourth time setting her back on her feet, she wanders back over to her friends and I continue to dance on my own, lifting my arms over my head while I roll my hips to the beat of the music. Rumors by Neffex blares through my ears and I look up, biting my lip to hide the smile on my face when I catch Xander watching me from across the room. He’s leaning back in his seat with his back to the bar and his legs spread out wide, ignoring the smoking hot girl pawing at his arm while he moves his eyes over my form.

  Jealousy, you vile little bitch.

  I expect the cocky bastard to sit on his ass and wait for me to come to him, but he doesn’t do that. Instead he swallows the last of his drink and passes her the empty glass, never once taking his eyes off my body while he stands up and walks over to me.

  “That was mean,” I tell him, still rolling my hips out to the beat of the music surrounding us.

  “I don’t care,” he teases, sliding his hands over my ribs to pull me into him. “And neither do you.”

  I smirk to myself and lower my arms to wrap them around his neck, enjoying the way his hard body feels against my soft one. He grinds on me and I move with him hit for hit, bravely running my hands through his messy hair to pull his face down to mine.

  Noah never danced with me like this.

  He never danced with me period, never took me out for pizza and sat me down on the hood of his car by the beach, never made me laugh until my insides hurt or looked at me like I’m the hottest girl he’s ever seen.

  Xander doesn’t have that problem.

  The fact that he’s not even trying to hide his hunger for me turns me on more than I care to admit, and I’m pretty sure I’m in way over my head here.

  I shouldn’t be doing this with him.

  He’s bad and I’m good – or at least that’s what I’m supposed to be – but right now, I don’t give a fuck.

  He slides his hands down to my ass and I moan before I can stop it, tightening my grip on his hair while I drop my eyes to his mouth. My heart races and I run my tongue over m
y lips, wanting it more than my next breath but too chicken to take it.

  “Fuck, baby,” he rasps, sounding just as worked up as I am. “You want me to kiss you, don’t you?”

  I nod without thinking and he smashes his mouth on mine, eagerly digging his fingers into my ass to pull me in further. I can’t get close enough and it seems he feels the same way, because then I’m in the air and he’s moving us towards the wall, pushing me up against it to trap my body with his. I bite his lip and he groans into my mouth, pulling my jaw down with his free hand to open me up for him. His piercing slides across my tongue and I moan again, thankful it’s too loud in here for anyone but him to hear the noises I’m making.


  “What, baby?”

  “Take me home.”

  He freezes at that, pulling back an inch to bounce his eyes between mine. “What?”

  “Take me home,” I repeat, slower this time. “Now.”

  He stares at me for a solid ten seconds and I almost think he’s about to tell me no, but then he grins like the devil he is and slides his thumb over his bottom lip, taking my hand to pull me out towards the exit. We get outside and I turn right to head to the parking lot, freezing when he pulls me back and takes me over to the first yellow cab parked up on the side of the road.

  “What about your car?”

  “I’ll get it tomorrow.”

  He opens the back door for me and ushers me inside, giving the driver my address while he slides in to sit beside me. I frown at the worn fabric beneath my ass and run my finger over the hole next to my bare thigh, squealing when Xander snatches my waist and pulls me over to set me down on his lap.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I hiss, but he just smirks and spreads my thighs apart so that I’m straddling him.

  “Hey,” the driver says, craning his neck from the front seat to get a look at us. “Put her back–”

  Xander passes him a few fifty dollar bills and he shuts his mouth, muttering something about horny fucking kids while he pockets the cash and continues driving. I scrunch my nose at him and Xander pulls my eyes back to his, moving in to kiss the crook of my neck.

  “Ignore him, baby. He’s just jealous.”

  “Jealous of what?”

  “The fact that you’re mine and not his,” he says, moving his hands down to squeeze my ass over my dress.

  My pussy throbs and I clench my thighs around him, digging my nails into his shoulders to relieve some of the pressure. “I told you I’m not yours.”

  “Yet,” he repeats, gently sucking on the flesh beneath my ear. “But you will be. Really fuckin’ soon.”

  I pretend he didn’t say that and run my hands over his chest, pausing to study the silver cross hanging around his neck. It’s clearly fake considering there’s barely any weight to it, probably one of those things you can pick up at the gift shop on the beach for a few dollars, if that, but the way he wears it every day without fail makes me think it’s worth more to him than any diamond. He allows me to do my thing and I move my hands over his shoulders, then up to his face to brush my thumbs over the two circular piercings on either side of his nose.

  “Did they hurt?” I ask, pulling his bottom lip down to get a look at the little bar in his tongue.

  “Not as much as the other one.”

  My hand freezes on his mouth and I cut my eyes back to his. “Where’s the other one?”

  His smirk returns at the eagerness in my tone and he takes my wrist, slowly moving my hand over his abs and down to the waistband of his jeans. I swallow my fear and curl my fingers beneath the denim, my cheeks heating when I feel the two metal balls right there on the tip of his cock. I look down and run my thumb over the small space between them, clearing my throat when I realize how hard he is between my legs.

  “This was a dare, too?” I guess, and he nods, breathing heavily against my forehead.

  “My friend Justin made me do it after I dared him to tag his own house on Halloween last year. He’s an asshole.”

  “A bigger asshole than you, you mean?”

  He pinches my ass and I laugh at him, pulling his waistband out a little more to get a better look at this new piercing. I run two fingers over the tip and slowly swirl them around, fascinated and turned on by the thought of what it would feel like inside me.

  “Jordyn,” he warns, tangling his fingers in my hair to pull my mouth back to his. “If you keep playing with my dick like that, I’m gonna pull this dress up over your ass and fuck you right here in front of him.”

  My eyes widen and I stop what I’m doing, discreetly glancing at the driver over my shoulder before looking back at Xander.


  “You like that?” he asks, and I quickly shake my head to deny it, but he already caught me. “Dirty little devil,” he whispers, tightening his grip on my ass to pull me down on him. “Rub your pussy on my dick and make yourself come. I wanna watch you.”

  I must have lost my mind someplace between my house and this cab, because instead of telling him no like I should, I whimper and wrap my hands around his neck, unable to stop the way my hips roll out to chase the friction he’s offering. I kiss him like he’s mine and he shoves his tongue into my mouth, leaning back even further to grind his hips up against me. He’s driving me wild and it’s right fucking there, but it’s just out of reach and I can’t get a good enough hold on it.

  “Baby,” he pleads. “Let me touch your pussy.”

  I nod a little faster than necessary and he brushes his thumb over my clit, groaning out a curse when he feels how wet I am for him. I slap a hand over his mouth and whip my head over my shoulder, wincing a little bit when I catch the driver’s eyes in the rear view. His face reddens and he clears his throat, averting his eyes while he shifts around in his seat. Xander chuckles against my hand and I cut my eyes back to his, jolting against him when he increases the pressure on my clit.

  “Fuck,” I mouth, pulling his head back by his hair to kiss him again. “I need more, Xan.”

  He licks my tongue and twists the hand between my legs, sliding a single finger inside me to give me what I asked for. I dig my nails into his scalp and bite his lips, shamelessly rolling my hips on his lap to chase the high. His thumb finds my clit again and my mouth parts, my eyes rolling back in their sockets while I fall apart from the inside out. I fall down on his chest and rest my forehead against his, shaking my head at him when I catch the stupid grin on his face.

  “What the hell are you doing to me, new boy?”

  “I don’t know but I like it.”

  I roll my eyes at that, dipping my head to hide my own grin because yeah, I think I like it, too.



  Her bedroom door crashes against the wall and she stumbles in my arms, clinging to the back of my neck to keep herself steady. She tears at my clothes like they offend her and fists the hem of my t–shirt, pulling it up over my head to toss it on the floor. I take her waist and back her up towards the bed, shoving her down on her back to move my eyes over her hot little body. Her legs part without instruction and I barely contain my groan, kneeling up on the edge of the bed between her thighs to run my hand over my cock through my jeans.

  She keeps surprising me and I like it.

  I like it a fucking lot.

  She chews her lip like she’s considering something and then reaches over to turn the bedside lamp off, frowning at me when I snatch her wrist to stop her.


  “I wanna see you,” I tell her, pushing her back to pop the button on my jeans. “All of you.”

  She swallows and leans up on her elbows, watching me curiously while I pull my zipper down to give my dick a little breathing room. I’ve been hard since the second she wrapped her legs around me in the water earlier tonight, and just the sight of her spread out beneath me like this isn’t helping the state of my sanity.

  I push her dress up to her ribs and pull it over her head, tossing it down onto the baby pink
rug on the floor next to my shirt. Her bedroom is immaculate and huge, at least four times the size of my room back at my parents’ house. She’s got one of those four poster beds made up with white sheets and pink throw pillows, a white corner couch on the other side of the room with a coffee table and three expensive looking paintings hanging on the wall above it, and a white vanity behind me with a fresh bunch of pink flowers on top.

  “Nice apartment, princess,” I joke, leaning over her to tease her nipple with my thumb.

  “Shut up,” she chuckles, wrapping her hand around the back of my neck to pull my mouth back to hers. “I don’t even like this room. This is just what my interior designer thinks I should like.”

  “Your interior designer,” I echo, sliding my tongue bar over her lip. “Poor little rich girl.”

  “Says the boy with the Camaro,” she throws back, squealing when I pinch her nipple between my fingers.

  Her back arches against my touch and I run my hand over her stomach, sliding two fingers over her wet clit to push them inside her. She moans and lifts her ass up off the bed, but she doesn’t let me off the hook.

  “You have money,” she points out. “Lots of it, I think.”

  I kiss the vein in her neck and she pulls my hair, tugging my head back until I’m forced to look at her. I can tell she wants to ask what my parents do for a living, but I don’t feel like talking about that while I’m finger fucking her, which is why I decide to distract her with my tongue. I lick the valley between her breasts and she whimpers, automatically rolling her hips out to fuck my hand.

  “Good girl,” I whisper, stealing another kiss from her mouth before I move down to lie between her legs. “Get up on your elbows and watch me eat your pussy.”

  “Jesus, Xan,” she hisses, her cheeks flushed, but I think she likes it when I talk like that.

  I dip my head and slide my tongue over the inside of her thigh, smirking to myself when she glares and knocks my head with her knee to get my mouth where she wants it. I curl my fingers inside her and kiss the edge of her pussy, teasing her like that a minute, then I give her what she wants and lick her clit until she forgets how much she doesn’t like me.


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