In To Her

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In To Her Page 17

by JA Huss

  I am, after all, her monster now. And that comes with some perks.

  And I did make a promise to be careful.

  I don’t often keep promises but it doesn’t cost me anything to do a good job. And besides, I’m the one who’ll reap the benefits of my efforts.

  We’re doing this for me.

  That thought stops me for a moment.

  We’re doing this for me.

  I knew that going in, but somehow admitting it makes me pause.

  That was AJ’s objective. Make me connect with her.

  Seems to be working.

  For now.

  When I’m satisfied the delicate skin between her legs is as smooth as I can possibly make it, I lean back and smile.

  “More than pretty,” I say.

  Yvette has her eyes closed. Her head has fallen back onto AJ’s shoulder. She is perfectly relaxed. Her body pink from the steam swirling around us.

  But she smiles back.

  I stand up and reach for the detachable shower head on the wall above them. Then aim it at the tiled floor as I adjust the temperature. Making it hotter than it needs to be, but not hot enough to burn.

  When I aim it between her legs she gasps. I’m unsure if it’s from the heat or the pressure, then decide both.

  The remaining bits of shaving cream run down over the bench in a stream of water and then my masterpiece is revealed.

  My cock wants to feel it right now, but my head prevails.

  Patience, I tell it. We’ll get there.

  AJ is jerking off to me. Watching me watch her. His hand coming up and over the tip of his head with each upward motion, making the tip disappear from view. I watch him. Notice how plump the tip is. How swollen and ready for more.

  I wish I could shave him too, but he’s always manscaped. It’s not perfectly smooth like Yvette’s pussy, but not enough to bother with.

  My own cock is about the same.

  I have another idea though.

  But first… I want to fuck them.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight - AJ

  I like the way Logan concentrates. How he heeds Yvette’s request to be careful with her. This was a good idea. A very good idea. He owns that pussy now. At least for a little while. He’s made it his.

  Which was the whole point.

  “Get on your knees,” Logan says.

  I look up at his face, unsure who he’s talking to.

  “Both of you,” he says, answering my unasked question.

  I lift Yvette up—she is pliant and soft, all her muscles relaxed—and hold her steady until her feet find the floor, then help her to her knees in front of Logan’s cock. He’s gripping it tight now. Jerking on it.

  He takes her hand and places it over his and they jerk him together, Yvette’s head tilting up like Logan’s her master and she’s his little sex slave.

  I’m a little unsure how I fit into this scene, but I do as he asks and kneel next to Yvette. Logan lets go of his cock, making sure Yvette takes his place and keeps tugging on his dick, and then reaches for my hand and puts it over hers.

  “You’re into this, aren’t you?” I ask him, helping Yvette jerk him off.

  “That’s what you wanted, right?”

  I nod. “Yup.”

  “Well, then. Shut the fuck up.”

  I laugh, glancing at Yvette, and find her squinting her eyes at Logan. “Don’t worry,” I tell her. “It’ll be OK.”

  And it will.

  Because I will do everything he wants. I will make him see just how good we could be if he would just leave Damon behind and commit to this new life I’m dreaming up for the three of us.

  No, I don’t know this girl. Not at all. I have bits and pieces of her. I know what it feels like to fuck her. I know what it feels like to be inside her. I’m familiar with her moans and squeals and the way her pussy clamps down when she comes.

  And I know she’s sad. I know she’s played the game for a long time now and has mostly lost.

  But I also know we’ve started to change her mind. Even though Logan isn’t trying to change her mind, he’s helping. Because he’s here. He showed up just now. He did everything I wanted him to.

  Now it’s my turn.

  Just as I think those words Logan’s hand is on the back of my head, urging me forward.

  I do it gladly, just like I did before we got into the shower. I take him in my mouth and suck. But just as I get him to the back of my throat, he grabs my hair and pulls my head back. His cock slips out between my lips and then he shoves it into Yvette’s mouth.

  She takes him deep, opening up wide, both her mouth and her eyes, as she stares up at Logan’s face and focuses. She places both her hands flat on his thighs, prepared to push him back if she has to, but not doing that yet.

  She takes it. She takes all of it.

  And just as she’s about to gag, he pulls out and points his cock at me.

  My turn.

  Ah, I get you now, Logan. You want to face-fuck me like a girl, eh? Both of us at the same time? Play a little game of who’s-in-charge-here?

  Sure. I’ll be your bitch.

  For now.

  But I’ll get you back too. Just wait. Because this was my plan, motherfucker. And you walked right into it.

  He shoves his cock so far down my throat, I gag instantly.

  Logan laughs. “What’s the matter? Too big for you?”

  Fuck you. But I don’t say it. Can’t say it. Because his cock is doing its best to choke me.

  Now my hands are on his thighs. Palms flat against his thick muscles. And I’m just about to push him away when he pulls out and aims for Yvette.

  She dives in, like she hasn’t been face-fucked in years. And her eyes never close. She holds his stare. Tracks him like he is her god—or maybe just her monster.

  He pulls out again and thrusts inside me and even though I agreed to this, I’m still getting a little pissed off at his arrogance.

  So the next time he pulls out to fuck Yvette’s mouth, I slip two fingers under his balls and begin to stroke the soft skin just in front of his asshole.

  “Shit,” he growls, gripping Yvette’s hair with both fists. Leaning in to her until her face is pressed up against his stomach.

  I just smile and sneak a fingertip into his ass.

  He stops for a moment. Just goes still.

  See? Two can play this game, I muse.

  My other hand pushes back on Yvette’s forehead, forcing Logan’s dick to slip out of her mouth. Then I push her forward again, but aiming her at his balls. She understands what I want, because both hands cup him as her head lowers and tilts underneath to take his balls in her mouth.

  I let go of her head and take his cock in my hand, tugging and jerking on the slick shaft.

  Logan goes still. He’s still gripping Yvette’s hair but he knows he just lost because he closes his eyes and lets his head roll back.

  Game over, motherfucker.

  I win.

  He’ll come if I let him.

  I’m not gonna let him. My plan has three phases and we’ve only covered two.

  I stand up, one hand still sliding back and forth on his dick, the other playing with his ass as I lean over and kiss his mouth.

  He responds, one hand letting go of Yvette so he can place it, palm-first, against my throat and choke me.

  Go for it, I think. Give it all you’ve got, Logan. Because I sure am.

  I almost black out, that’s how serious he is about maintaining control.

  But he lets go just as the sparks and stars begin to flutter in front of my eyes.

  He huffs out a laugh as we continue to kiss, thinking he’s won.

  “You always were too sure of yourself,” I mutter into his mouth.

  “And you always let me be,” he adds.

  I reach down for Yvette’s hair. Pull on it a little. She looks up and both Logan and I break apart to look down at her.

  God, she’s pretty. I saw it yesterday. Hell, there hasn’t been a
moment I wasn’t admiring how beautiful she is. But right now, as she kneels at our feet gazing up at us with wide, willing, trusting eyes—it’s more than that.

  She’s the one.

  She. Is. The. One.

  She gets us. And we get her.

  And I mean that in two ways. She understand us and we understand her. And she literally… gets us. Gets to keep us both.

  She stands up. The top of her head only comes up to about my chin, but just one tilt of her head and her lips are on Logan’s.


  I step back and take a seat on the bench.

  Phase three starts now.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine - YVETTE

  The whole experience feels a little… out-of-body.

  A dream, or an illusion, or hey, maybe it just is what it is. The actualization of an erotic fantasy.

  Either way… it has changed my mind about one thing.


  I don’t want to die. I don’t want to give in or give up. Because I’m feeling things today that felt impossible just twenty-four hours ago.

  For these men. For myself. For the past. For the future.

  The fact that I’m actually contemplating a future is a huge swing in a totally opposite direction.

  And Logan.

  Let me be your monster.

  I don’t know what that means, exactly. I just know it’s special. Somehow.

  He will kill for me? He will die for me? He will love me? Protect me? I’m not sure.

  Maybe all of that.

  Or maybe he’s just being literal? He will be my monster. He will be my worst nightmare.

  Before this moment I’d have gone with the latter. He will ruin my life. He seems capable of that.

  But now I feel a change inside me. A hope, maybe. That he will unleash this monster that lives inside him on my behalf and make all the bad things disappear.

  I want to believe that. I’m desperate to believe it. I just don’t know if this potential conviction is faith or a false promise.

  All this runs through my mind as we kiss.

  I’m kissing the monster. I’m in bed with him.

  So… I guess I made up my mind.

  Logan turns me around and pushes me against the tiled wall. It’s not cold, because the hot water has been falling down from the ceiling for a half hour or more by now. And the whole shower is filled with steam. But there is a temperature difference as my back hits the tiles. It’s that uncomfortable sting of cold you sometimes feel when something aches and you put an ice pack on it.

  It’s not painful, not quite. But it is.

  That’s the sensation I get when my back hits the wall.

  But then one hand is on my throat. I watched him choke AJ. It was a clear power play between them. Logan has to be the leader. Has to be in control. It’s the way of things between these friends who are clearly way more than friends.

  So I wonder, as his other hand finds my hip and slides up to my waist, is he AJ’s monster too?

  Is what he was offering to me? What he gives AJ? He will die for him?

  It’s a nice thought.

  “Yvette,” AJ says from across the shower.

  I look over at him. Sitting on the bench, pressed into the corner. One knee bent, one foot on the stone seat. Legs open as he jerks off.

  “What?” I say. Softly. Probably too softly.

  But he must hear me or maybe he reads my lips. Because he says, “Just say yes.”

  I nod my head. Because I did say yes. I already decided. I don’t want to die. I will let him be my monster. I said yes.

  But I’m not sure if that’s what he means.

  “No,” AJ says. “Say it to him.”

  I look up at Logan and find him frowning. “Yes, “ I say quickly. Because I don’t want there to be any doubts. Then I clasp my hands behind his neck, draw him down as I stand on my tiptoes, and kiss his mouth, whispering, “Be my monster,” past his lips.

  He lets out a breath of air that is something between a sigh and a laugh. And then his hands grip under my thighs and he lifts me up. His hard cock pressing against my lower stomach as I wrap my legs around his ass.

  “You’re sure?” he asks.

  I’m not sure of anything except… I don’t want to die now. I want to live. And I need him to do that. Because he was sent here to kill me.

  So I say, “Yes. I want to live.”

  Logan kisses me hard. It’s a desperate, hard, unyielding kiss that feels very much like a claim of ownership.

  I close my eyes because as sick as it is, I want him to claim me and to own me.

  I want them both.

  AJ has already made his promise and now I have Logan’s too.

  I wonder what he’ll want from me in return?

  Choke me with his cock again? Stick his fist in my pussy? Some other kinky bit of fuckery that we haven’t yet done?

  But when he reaches down for his cock and slips it inside me, he does it slowly. Carefully. Gently.

  He goes very slow.

  He says, “You OK?” when he enters me.

  Which makes me laugh a little, the way he just did. Something between a sigh and a huff. “Fine,” I say. “Keep going.”

  He does—but again, it’s slow. And thoughtful. And painstakingly unhurried. So that it takes many moments, maybe even an entire minute, for him to be deep inside me. Something he did quickly and with much force just this morning.

  Is this what it means to be his? For him to be mine?

  He is a killer. He is ruthless. He is… maybe… evil.

  But not with me.

  Not anymore.

  With me he is just himself.

  It’s hard not to be impressed. To be swept away in the tide of his possession.

  “Your pussy feels so nice,” he says.

  And it does, I realize. It’s smooth. I’ve always liked the first fuck after being waxed or shaved down there. It’s so much more sensitive. Even if I was just masturbating with a toy, it always felt different.

  So it should not surprise me that this time feels different. Feels like we are more connected and in tune. That there’s actual emotions attached to this physical act.

  But then I understand. It comes to me without effort. It’s just… there. Actual, and authentic, and real.

  AJ did this on purpose. He took a kink of Logan’s and linked it to me—a beauty for Logan’s beast.

  I glance over at AJ and find him grinning.

  He knows what he did. But Logan doesn’t. Not yet, anyway. All Logan knows is that he wants to fuck me slow. He wants to feel that pussy he shaved. Enjoy it. Make it last.

  Is that enough, I wonder? To tame him?

  “Is it enough?” I ask him.

  He smiles lazily. Like the way he’s fucking me. Pushing in, and stopping. Then pulling out, and stopping.

  It shouldn’t be enough. There’s not enough urgency, or friction, or blind lust to maintain the arousal. Not nearly enough to make us come.

  And yet… there’s more than enough at the same time.

  He kisses me again. Just lips, no tongue. And still I worry it’s not sufficient. There should be nipping and biting, and teeth crashing, and reckless abandon.

  “Oh,” he sighs. “It’s enough.”

  So it is. Like his words are law. He says it and it’s true. I should believe him because he wouldn’t lie. Not to me. Not after I took ownership of his demon inside.

  So—even though I shouldn’t because he is who he is and that monster inside is loose, and has been loose for maybe decades—I do believe him.

  And I say, “OK,” as I come.

  Chapter Thirty - LOGAN

  The moment she gives in something changes.

  I don’t know what it is. It could be love, I just don’t think so. But whatever the emotion is that floods the blood inside my cock, it changes things.

  The promise I made her becomes real.

  I come too. I don’t even expect it. Don’t even realize it’s gon
na happen until it happens.

  Her body goes limp. Utterly soft. Her head drops to my shoulder as her legs drop to the floor. She quivers and shakes. Like she is spent.

  And she should be. I have literally lost count of the number of times we’ve fucked.

  I pick her back up and walk over to the bench where AJ is sitting, then sit next to him. Close enough that our shoulders are pressed up against each other.

  Yvette sinks into my chest like she might fall asleep, her arms around my waist, her thumbs swirling lazy circles on my wet skin.

  I sigh and look at AJ, find him smiling. I glance down at his cock, still in his hand, and see that he came as well. All over his fingers. He’s still massaging the tip. He’s looking me in the eyes when I glance back up. “What?”

  He shakes his head, stands up, steps under the shower head to rinse off, then opens the glass door and walks out.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Hold on,” he calls, grabbing something from the medicine cabinet. When he returns to the shower he says, “OK, Logan. Your turn.”

  He’s holding up another razor.

  I look down at my dick.

  “No.” He laughs. “Your face. Give Logan a shave, Yvette.”

  “Oh,” I say. “OK.”

  Yvette forces herself to sit up, her eyes heavy and half-closed. “Seriously?”

  “Fuckin’ serious,” AJ says. “It’s good for us, trust me.”

  I think about that for a second. How he wanted me to shave her to bring us closer. And how he’s gonna make damn sure that the tenuous bond we’ve formed grows stronger.

  He’s really invested in this. More than I am, for sure.

  Yvette takes the razor and AJ hands her the shaving cream, then settles back down in his corner to watch.

  “Have you ever done this before?” I ask Yvette.

  “Did I question your skills when you took a blade to my pussy?” She raises one challenging eyebrow at me.

  “No.” I laugh. “You didn’t.”

  “Then shush and trust.”

  She squirts a large dollop of foamy cream onto the side of my face, sets the can down, and then begins to smooth it out across my jaw.


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