Primrose & Brimstone

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Primrose & Brimstone Page 13

by Mueller, Jason

  She was raised to be humble and hardworking and to not use her beauty for gain by religious parents. In fact, she hadn’t ever even dated much as most men were too intimidated by her stunning looks. She was a true blonde, curvy and sensual and walked with an unconscious grace. It would have surprised the people in her office building to know she saw herself as plain and ordinary when she looked in the mirror.

  Many of the men in the office would leave gifts on her desk such as small pieces of jewelry, perfume and gift cards affording her to look and dress way beyond her means on her meager salary. It made her feel uncomfortable but since she seldom knew who it was from she figured she might as well use the gifts and at least her admirer could see she was thankful.

  As she turned the corner to the bathroom, she collided with a janitor. She had seen him around before but had never spoken to him; not because she felt too good to speak to him but because he always had headphones on and never spoke to anyone himself, really. His only acknowledgment of the people around him was an occasional smile and “excuse me” as he went about his work.

  “Oops, I’m sorry!” She reached out touching his arm in apology. With that act, a tragic chain of events continued as hell had arrived on earth only hours before. The janitor had become possessed by the devil after taking part in a Santeria ritual that had gone horribly wrong. An hour before on his way to work had committed a hit and run that morning; leaving nine-year-old Jimmy Stevens dead in the street. With the touch of her hand, the devil passed to Lucy; her day was about to get a lot worse.

  Thirty minutes later.

  High above Chicago skyline David Jeremiah waited for the elevator impatiently tapping his three hundred dollar loafers. He hated waiting, time was money and every second he spent waiting for the damn elevator cost him money and that just pissed him off to no end; but if time was money, then image was power, and he was happy at some level to have his office on one of the upper floors of the Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower. For most longtime Chicago residents, it would always be the Sears Tower

  He checked his image again in the mirror polish of the elevator door “Damn I look good!” he thought to himself and he was a handsome man, tall and broad without an ounce of fat. He had that classic V-shape; thick muscled but not bulky, his hair was dark sandy blonde and thick which he kept cut short. David was used to women pursuing him if not for his looks then his money, they were all vultures in his mind and he had long given up on love; instead he settled for lust and bedded as many as he could.

  But for the moment he wanted to get home. He had to fly out in the morning for a monthly meeting and he hated having to do so; it always left him in a bad mood. He would fly from his home base in Chicago to San Francisco; to the headquarters of the software firm for which he worked. While he was there, he would have to hand in his financial reports and sit through endless meetings that never seemed to better the business, just made everything more complicated and added a lot of needless expensive paperwork. He hated having to kowtow to people who weren’t in his league, idiots all of them was his opinion and as arrogant as it sounded there was more than a modicum of truth to it.

  The elevator chimed, and he stepped in and angrily stabbed the button for the lobby, it was then he noticed the hot blonde looking at him with that look; the look of lust and desire he saw so often, but there was something else in those eyes. Something unsettling, but damn was she beautiful, and she oozed sex appeal. She was stunning, and he had to try.

  “Hi, my name is David.” He held out his hand to her.

  “I’m Lucy.” She almost purred as she took his hand. “Take me to your place David.” She whispered seductively in his ear as she stepped even closer. Her scent left him breathless, she smelled of expensive perfume, lust, desire, and sex and it made him want her all the more. She pulled his head down to her and kissed him passionately; her other hand massaging his crotch.

  The elevator lurched to a stop; they both adjusted themselves and walked out together to David’s waiting limo. The limo ride seemed to take forever as the two kissed and groped in the back seat while the car made its way down Michigan Avenue toward Lake Michigan and the penthouse condominium David called home.

  David and Lucy exited the car in a hurry not waiting for the doorman to open the door as was customary; they rushed up to the top floor where David’s unit was. Once they entered the penthouse they were frantically pulling at each other’s clothes, kissing and biting as they made their way to the master suite.

  Lucy finished stripping first and lay on the bed naked, legs spread with a look in her eyes that spoke two different messages the first being “Fuck me.” and the second was “I’m going to hurt you.”, either way, David was eager to take her.

  He climbed onto the bed, she rose to meet him, he grabbed a handful of hair at the base of her skull and they fell into a tangle of arms and legs. Their mouths met as hands roamed, groped, and pinched in animalistic passion. Lucy shrieked and growled in delight as David lost control of himself and brutally entered her. He was lost in a world of perversion he could never imagine nor had ever known he wanted.

  David had never been with such an aggressive lover. It excited him and yet made him slightly scared as if he might have bitten off more than he could chew. This beautiful woman begged him to hurt her and it disturbed him at how much he wanted to.

  As they rutted David was only vaguely aware of the feeling that something was not right. The devil had snuck in using sex as a distraction and it was too late. His mind was infiltrated and his defenses had been usurped. The sex play would soon turn even more perverted and eventually deadly as he felt compelled to bite her, drawing blood, slapping and punching her; the whole time she begged for more; and more is what he gave her.

  Why would the devil bother to possess mere humans? The answer is simple. There is a hierarchy in hell of which he is the supreme ruler of those angels who fell on that ancient day; but sometimes boredom sets in and he spends time in the field for a more hands on approach if you will. When he does visit, he leaves behind a trail of bodies and lives left in ruin. Lucy and David Jeremiah were just two of the devil's latest victims and now their worlds would collide in ways they could never imagine.

  The next morning David left the penthouse for O’Hare Airport; Lucy lay on the bed naked and dead. Her neck broken, her beautiful skin carved upon, the gray satin sheets bloody, the coppery smell of blood, piss, shit and evil still lingered in the air. She had suffered in ways unimaginable before she was put out of her misery. She suffered not only physically but mentally too as the devil did his evil deeds in her mind also leaving her shattered and insane. Not merely off kilter but mentally destroyed and broken. If she had survived, she would have spent her days trying to kill herself and anyone else she came in contact with. Not because she was an evil person quite the contrary, she met the son of perdition and the father of lies and he had corrupted her as he corrupts all things he encounters.

  The sex had been amazing as they had both been demonically charged and they did the most depraved acts upon each other. They both watched in horror as things went from consensual and then turned to rape and masochism. The devil being who and what he is could possess them both at the same time and he caused David to cut her with knives from the butcher's block, he lapped the blood from the cuts as he raped and sodomized her repeatedly. Death was merciful for her but David could not die yet.

  David realized he would die and he could do nothing to stop it, he could feel the evil presence in his body but was powerless to kick it out. His mind reeled at the things that his body had done to Lucy against his will? Was he responsible for what he’d done even though something had driven him to it? The moral and ethical questions were staggering, he knew he was a callous prick but he would harm no one on his own, especially a beautiful woman.

  David watched his reflection as he rode the elevator down to the waiting limo, whatever possessed him knew everything he felt and thought and had called and confirm
the limo and the flight. David struggled against the evil force that had taken him over the night before but he was helpless and could only watch the world as his body went on about the devil's business. In his mind, he wondered if the devil would ever leave him, and what would happen when someone found Lucy’s body how could he explain to the authorities he had nothing to do with the murder that the devil literally made him do it?

  The limo made its way through Chicago traffic and the countless toll booths on the way to the airport. David watched through his own eyes like a window instead of the usual sensation when one looks at the world. They arrived, and the devil led him through the sprawling airport as if he had been there a hundred times. David wondered if maybe he had.

  The devil and David made their way through security the devil laughing and joking as David’s body was searched, the TSA agents had no idea that their lives would change that day. One of them mere hours later would open fire into the crowd of travelers and be shot and killed by his fellow TSA agents. They would all go home and wreak havoc on their loved ones and society. One would open fire in a crowded restaurant, another would strangle his wife and children, while a female agent would saturate her house with gas and burn herself, her husband, and children to death in their sleep.

  David and his hellish intruder took their seat in the first-class section waiting patiently for the rest of the passengers to board. David could feel the devil silently assess each person as they walked by. David was morbidly impressed with the amount of information the devil could glean with just one look at a person. If he could ever harness that ability he would turn the business world upside down, he thought to himself.

  Finally, the plane was boarded and the flight attendant had hurriedly gone through her safety announcement and they were screaming down the runway. The lumbering jet made its way off the ground and was soon headed to 35,000 feet and a cruising speed of 550 miles per hour. What would take days to drive would be a short four-hour flight.

  David could feel the devil inside him continually mentally dissect the nearly 400 people on the plane and the rate that this fallen angel could do it was horrifyingly quick. David could see exactly what the devil planned to do, and was powerless to stop him, he pleaded with Jesus to no avail. What he didn’t understand was that this was the devil’s time to reign on the earth, the cosmic battle of good and evil was still decades away but the time was drawing closer.

  David watched and felt as the devil grinned and began his evil plan. He focused his attention on an older woman back in the coach section of the plane. She was in her sixty’s, a widow and on her first trip to see her son and his family since the sudden death of her husband of pancreatic cancer. She missed him terribly, and it had taken her long months to come to grips he wasn’t coming back to her no matter how hard she prayed and cried to God.

  As she sat there in the stuffy cabin with its recycled air, she looked out the window at the clouds below and let her mind wander as she often did now that her life was turned upside down and so different and lonely. She found herself daydreaming and reminiscing about the happier times, this was natural she supposed but sometimes she hated remembering so much.

  As she stared out of the window a faint whiff caught her attention, someone was wearing her Jacks cologne. It was rare to smell it these days as it was very much out of style. She glanced around trying to see who might be wearing the familiar scent and could see no one, that fit the description of an older man that was close enough she could smell them. She settled back into her seat thinking it must be a coincidence or maybe Jack was visiting her and she liked that idea and kept it.

  She continued to let her mind drift as she went back to looking out the window when out of the corner of her eye she saw him as he moved past her seat row. Her heart raced, it couldn’t be him, could it? The smell of his cologne, the site of him no matter how fleeting sent her mind into a tailspin, it had been real she had smelled him and now he was here on the plane with her? How could this be? She had always been a sensible woman, but this made no sense and she was stumped, but she didn’t care the longing in her wouldn’t allow her to let this go she must know. One last kiss, one last embrace she would do anything to have him again if even for a second. She lurched over the woman sitting next to her and stumbled up the aisle after him, now she could see him better she was sure it was her Jack.

  The man was about to disappear into the bathroom; not wanting to lose sight of him she lunged for the door.

  “What the hell lady!” The man yelled at her, how could her beloved Jack yell at her that way?

  “Jack, it’s me, Mary Beth, I’ve missed you so much!” She gushed as she reached for him wrapping her arms around him.

  “Someone get this crazy bitch off me!” He demanded not understanding what was going on.

  A gaggle of flight attendants came and pulled the old confused woman away from the man who was a greasy tattooed biker in his 30’s and not her husband. Mary Beth screamed for her Jack all the way back to her seat where she was strapped in.

  David could feel the devil inside him almost giggle as the scene played out. Still helpless against the leader of the fallen angels David could do nothing but watch, his own eyes and mind nothing more than windows with horrifying scenes playing out in front of him.

  The next thing to happen was for the all the lights to flicker and go out. David knew this was the doing of the devil but no one else was privy to this revelation and no one seemed to comprehend how it could be dark inside since it was daylight and light should have filtered in from the planes windows. Panic erupted throughout the plane the flight attendants did their best to calm everyone down but they too were becoming slightly unhinged.

  The lights flickered back on for a few seconds, everyone sat stunned. Everywhere they turned demonic forces were positioning themselves over their prospective victims. The lights went out again. Pandemonium exploded as the demon possession began to attack each other and the unfortunates who were caught up in the crossfire of these satanic minions.

  And minutes later everyone was dead, the pilot and co-pilot were unaware to the events taking place outside of the cockpit door. The body of David Jeremiah still sat in its seat, the devil reveling in his handiwork, David recoiled at the scenes that had played out before him, the darkness not affecting his vision as the devil could see perfectly in the dark and that meant David could as well.

  Bodies were torn apart when the possessed attacked one another. Blood seemed to cover everything while body parts and entrails littered the cabin. David and the devil still sat in their seat in first class, his suit still impeccable, hair still perfect. A small splattering of blood lay across his cheek but the devil was oblivious to it as he reveled in the chaos and destruction he had wrought.

  David was stunned at the sight, he would have wretched but the devil was in control of his body, so far in David’s mind this might have been the only positive of being possessed. David could feel the devil focusing on the pilot now, he had felt the devil place something akin to a protective shield that had kept the pilot and the co-pilot from knowing anything was amiss out in the passenger cabin.

  “I think I will go stretch my legs really quick.” David could hear the pilot say to the co-pilot as he was getting up from the controls.

  “Hey, can you have someone bring me back some coffee?”

  “Sure thing!” The pilot opened the door and stepped out, wondering why the passenger cabin was dark.

  “What the hell?” He made his way forward stumbling toward the first-class arms out in front as he was blind in the inky blackness.

  “Hello?” He spoke the words; jumping at the loudness of his own voice compared to the deathly quiet of the plane. With four hundred people on board there should have been some noise beside the air filtration system and the engines of the plane.

  He called again as he stood there in the front of the first-class cabin confused. How could it be dark inside when it was light outside? It made little sense to him,
he had just come from the cockpit and had been looking out the windshield and it was broad daylight!

  His mind was reeling trying to figure out an explanation when the lights suddenly went on. There was one man sitting and smiling at him amid the gore of four hundred people. As if that wasn’t bad enough the devil revealed his true nature to the pilot who lost his mind as the root of all evil, and the ugliness that was the son of perdition was splashed a crossed his psyche.

  The pilot turned back to the cockpit staggering as he went.

  Eugene Morris stood in the yard of the farm that had been in his family for four generations, his face was pointed to the sky watching as the 747 came right towards him. He knew he should run but he couldn’t take his eyes off the plane screaming toward him.

  The plane slammed into the ground of his corn field across the road, he was grateful to be alive but his heart was pounding at the thought of so many people dying in his corn field. He ran toward the wreckage when it exploded, the shockwave sent him backward landing on his ass in the dirt. He scrambled to his feet and took off running toward the wreckage again, the only thought in his mind was if anyone made it out alive they would need help. As he ran through the corn, he could feel the heat from the flames, it was getting unbearably hot but he had to keep going just in case, the seven-foot high corn whipped and cut at his face and arms as he ran through.

  Suddenly he came to the edge of the burned out and damaged area. There were scattered pieces of the plane everywhere looking more like pieces of paper than parts to a massive plane, and there were body parts everywhere. The smell of burnt flesh and jet fuel seemed as if it would take his breath away.

  From out of the burning wreckage, a man came walking out, seemingly without a care. Eugene couldn’t believe his eyes that this man was walking out of all this destruction and yet did not have a mark on him.


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