Sin Series Stand-alone Novels Bundle: Endurance, Unintended, and Redemption

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Sin Series Stand-alone Novels Bundle: Endurance, Unintended, and Redemption Page 52

by Georgia Cates

  “You say that because you’ve never been in love.” If he had been, he’d know that isn’t how it works.

  “I’m not ready to give up on winning you.”

  Winning me? Like I’m some sort of prize?

  “You won’t give up even if another man is bedding me?”

  “You wouldn’t taint yourself like that.”

  “That statement alone proves just how little you know about me.” Shite. I shouldn’t have said that.

  “This man has already taken your virginity?”

  Sin refused to be my first. So did Jamie. Both said that they didn’t want to be anyone’s first because too many emotions were attached to it. They decided that Leith should be the one to take my virginity. And so he did. But that isn’t any of Maddock’s business.

  “He hasn’t crossed any boundary that he shouldn’t.” This time. But he crossed plenty of them four years ago. And I hope that he crosses them again very soon.

  “When a man loves a woman, he won’t taint her. You understand that, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  He looks at me and sighs. “This man is a wrinkle in my plan that I wasn’t counting on, but I’m still going to call on you.”

  “I don’t want that.”

  “Then you’d better convince your man to marry you. Because if he doesn’t, you are obligated to me. And I’m going to make you mine.”

  Chapter 7

  Leith Duncan

  She’s been with him for three hours—almost four—and I’m losing my fucking mind. I look at my phone on the coffee table for the thousandth time tonight and contemplate texting her again. But instead, I take another shot of Glendronach, twelve years.

  This is bullshit.

  I choose Sin’s contact and wait for him to answer. “This call is coming about two hours later than I expected.”

  “She’s supposed to call me as soon as he brings her home.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, mate, except that she hasn’t come back yet.”

  What the fuck could two people who don’t know each other be doing for so long?

  “We need to talk about what I have to do so this doesn’t happen again.” Because my heart and sanity cannot take this a second time.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. You know what you have to do.”

  “Lorna and I need time so our relationship can happen at a natural pace.”

  “Well, while you’re naturally pacing your relationship, you’ll be sharing her with Maddock if he wants to continue seeing her.”

  Fuck no. “I can’t take this shite again. I’m losing my mind over here.”

  “You hold all of the control, Leith. Claim her as soon as possible and announce your intentions. He can’t have her if you make it official. But leave things as they are and my hands are tied.”

  I need to marry her and put an end to this. It’s the only way. Maybe it’s not on the timetable that I had in mind, but it’s still what I want most in this world.

  Sin continues speaking but I don’t hear what he’s saying. I briefly take the phone away from my ear because there’s a knock at the door.

  “Hey, someone’s at the door. I need to go.”

  “It’s Lorna. Guarantee it.”

  I hope like fuck that it is.

  “Are we still meeting at the gym in the morning?” Sin says.

  “Aye. Seven?” I think that’s the time we said.

  “Make it eight. The babies have been sleeping a little later and I get to have my wife all to myself for a wee bit before they wake up.”

  I bet he lives for those mornings when his kids sleep in. “Eight it is.”

  I open the door and Lorna throws herself into my arms. “I was expecting a call, but this is so much better.”

  “Oh, Leith. It was horrible.”

  I pull away and look at her face. “Hey, hey. Are you okay? Did that bastard do something to hurt you?”

  “No, I’m fine. But we have to discuss some things.”

  “I know.”

  The lighting hits her face when she comes in, and I can tell that she’s been crying. I better not find out that he did anything to her. If he did, he’s a dead man.

  “Do you want a drink?” I sure as fuck do.

  “Do you have the ingredients for a Scotch fizz? My version? I haven’t had a decent one since the last one you mixed for me.”

  Feels like that’s been forever ago. “I should have everything.”

  “If not, I’ll take whatever you’re having.”

  I’m glad she wants a cocktail. Stepping into the kitchen to mix it gives me a minute away from her. A moment to calm my nerves and gather my thoughts concerning what’s about to happen. I truly believe that this conversation is it. The one to determine where we go from here. The rest of our lives is about to be decided.

  I fill a glass with Glendronach two fingers high and turn it up. I drink the whole thing, hoping that it will calm my nerves. And for good measure, I do it again.

  “Scotch fizz, my special Lorna version.” For my very special Lorna.

  She grins as she brings the glass to her plump pink lips and smiles around the rim as she takes a drink. “Mmm… I’ll let the missing cherry slide this time because the drink is so damn good.”

  I sit next to her on the sofa and quiet sets in. My throat feels dry despite having just tossed back two glasses of Glendronach.

  “We need music.” Maybe a little background noise will help ease my nerves.

  “Some music would be nice but none of the head-banging stuff, okay? Something soothing.”

  That’s a tall order to fill. “I’ll see what I can find.”

  She takes another drink, a bigger one this time. Probably for the same reason that I just tossed back two whiskies.

  I thumb through my music, choosing “Love is on the Way” by Saigon Kick. It’s heavier than what she likes, but it’s the best that I can do on short notice.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” Actually, I’m fucking ecstatic.

  “Me too.”

  “Do you want to tell me about tonight?”

  She nods and takes another big drink. “He took me to dinner, and then we went back to the Hendry estate.”

  Fucker. “Did he take you into his private quarters?”

  “No, the garden.”

  I’m minimally relieved. I can deal with a conversation in the garden. “What did you talk about?”

  “He made it very clear that he wants me.”

  “That comes as no surprise.” What man wouldn’t?

  “I told him that there was someone else. I thought that another man in my life might deter his intentions toward me, but he said that I was obligated to see him as long as I remain single.”

  “Sin says the same thing.”

  Her eyes leave mine and she looks down at the couch. “He told me that I was going to be his.”

  “No the fuck you’re not.”

  I take Lorna’s cocktail from her hand and place both of our drinks on the coffee table. I stand, tugging on her hands. “I want you to come with me.”

  I hold her hand, leading her to my bedroom—the place where I feel most connected to her. The place where our bodies have joined so many times to become one. The place where I fell in love with her.

  Many times, I’ve considered moving out of this flat, but I’ve never been able to give it up. Leaving it would feel too much like letting go of our memories. And now we get to make new memories.

  I lead her to my bed. “Sit here and don’t get up. I need a minute.”

  I open my closet door and reach for a box on the top shelf. I lift the lid and dig through its contents: ten thousand pounds in cash, my father’s favorite handgun, the diamond ring that my grandfather was given by Thane’s father when he thwarted the kidnapping of Thane’s mother.

  And the wedding ring I bought for Lorna four years ago.

  I crack open the box and look at the diamond ring and matching band. Damn, I t
hought that this ring set would forever stay in this box and never be worn on a woman’s finger.

  Lorna watches me come toward her, and I hide the ring box behind my back when her eyes move to my hand. Shite, this isn’t the way that I wanted to do this. I wanted better for her. Something romantic.

  I hold out the still-closed ring box so she can see it. She needs a moment to absorb what’s happening. Her eyes look at it and then they dart up to meet mine. Her mouth parts, but no words come out.

  “I love you, Lorna. I have for a long time and this ring proves it. I bought it for you four years ago, long before Maddock Hendry came along. This proposal has nothing to do with him. I want you to be my wife. I’ve wanted that for years, but I’ve been stupid and allowed things to stand in the way of it. But I’m done being apart from you. You are mine and I am yours.”

  I lower myself to one knee and crack the box. Removing the ring, I hold it out for her to see. “Marry me, Lorna. Be my wife. Be the mother of my children.”

  She blinks and large tears spill down her cheeks. “Yes, Leith. A thousand times yes.”

  I take her left hand and slide the diamond engagement ring onto her finger. It’s a perfect fit.

  “It’s beautiful, Leith.”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She draws air in through her nose to stop it from running.

  “Please don’t cry, baby.” I stand and reach for her face, cradling the sides, and pull her forward. Her mouth presses against mine, and my thumbs catch the tears running down her cheeks. “I swore to myself that I would never be the reason behind your tears again.”

  She smiles and sniffles again. “It’s okay to be the reason behind these. They’re the best kind—happy ones.”

  She leans forward and presses her forehead to mine. “I’ve dreamed of this moment so many times, but I thought it would never happen. I can’t believe it’s real.”

  “It is real, Lorna, and it’s not the only thing that’s happening tonight.” I push her hair away from her face and place a kiss against her lips. “It’s time to claim what’s mine.”

  “Yes.” She nods. “Finally make me yours.”

  I was ten years old when my father explained sex to me. Immediately following that lesson, he went on to describe the claiming ritual between a Fellowship man and his beloved. He said that I would fall in love with a girl and want to keep her as mine forever. When I found the one, I would say four sacred words to her: into me you see.

  Not every brother reserves those words for his wife, but I have. Lorna is the only woman that I will ever say those words to.

  I move my hands from her face to her waist and tug upward on her shirt. When the bottom is freed from being tucked inside the waistband of her skirt, she lifts her arms and lets me pull it up and over her head. And there it is—that wee sparkly jewel between her tits. Fuck, it’s sexy.

  She reaches back and unfastens the clasp of her bra, letting it fall to her waist. I can no longer keep my twitchy hands to myself. They move to her round, perky breasts, cupping them from below and pushing them together. My thumbs circle her nipples over and over, making them hard pebbles.

  God, I’ve always loved Lorna’s tits and rosy pink nipples. They’re still round and perky and fit inside my hands perfectly, just the way I remember.

  The tip of her tongue peeps out through the part between her lips and slides across her upper and lower lips as she watches the reunion happening between her breasts and me. Her breath is audible and increasing by the second, causing her breasts to rise and fall rapidly beneath my grasp.

  Her reaction makes me rock-hard and my restraint dwindles. My need to claim her spirals until I can barely remain in control. I fight the urge to push her knickers aside and bury my cock in her because I want this claiming to be special. I want her to think back on it years from now and remember it as one of the best days of her life.

  I release my hold on her breasts and move my hands down to dip my fingers into the waistband of her skirt and knickers, pulling both down her legs when she places her feet on the bed and lifts her bum. I slip off her heels and her body is completely bare—with the exception of the diamond ring on her left hand, an outward symbol telling every other man on earth that she’s taken.


  Reaching behind my neck, I grasp the back of my T-shirt and pull it up and over my head. Lorna’s eyes roam my bare chest for a moment, but then they follow my hands to the waistband of my jeans, and she watches as I push them down my hips and legs.

  After kicking my jeans and boxers away, I lower myself to the bed. Crawling over Lorna’s body, I feather kisses along her hips and stomach and chest while on my way up and allow my bare skin to ever so gently brush against hers.

  Once we’re face-to-face, I let my body down to press against hers and we’re heart-to-heart. Despite my weight pushing down against her, she’s trembling beneath me when her eyes connect with mine. And then I realize that it’s both of us trembling.

  With my elbows pressing into the mattress on each side of her head, her arms drape around my midsection. Being with her this way feels familiar yet new at the same time. The anticipation of what is about to happen is eating me alive, and I’m barely able to keep my breathing under control.

  And the time has come to claim her. Bind us together as one. “Into me you see.”

  Lorna blinks slowly and the tears collecting in the outer corners of her eyes roll down into her hairline.

  “Into me…” Her voice breaks and a sob escapes her chest. “You see.”

  It’s done and no one can ever tear us apart. She’s mine and always will be. The relief and resolution bubbling inside of me is indescribable.

  I press a kiss to her forehead. “You have no idea how much I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  I kiss her and then drag my mouth across her jawline until it reaches the side of her neck just below her ear. I love the way she wiggles beneath me when I press my mouth against that tender spot.

  She widens the part in her legs, and my body settles between her thighs with the length side of my erection pressing against her folds. I pull back and slide my length up and down the slick liquid oozing from her center.

  “Leith,” she whispers against my ear.


  “I’m not on birth control.”

  I stop moving and push my upper body away from her so I can look at her face. “Why not?”

  “I quit taking the pill because I wasn’t having sex. I didn’t see the need in taking it anymore.”

  Lorna and I haven’t discussed the sex partners that we had while we were apart. It’s a conversation that I’ve not wanted to have. I don’t want to hear which of the brothers she’s been with.

  “How long ago did you stop taking it?”

  “When things ended between us.”

  Wait, what? “You haven’t been on birth control in four years?”


  “You didn’t sleep with anyone after we parted?”

  “How could I be with someone else when I loved you?”


  Just fuck.

  I wasn’t expecting her to say this. Not at all.

  This girl is amazing. In spite of being apart for so long, she remained true to me for four years. And I was disloyal to her. I’m such a motherfucking bastard.

  “I can see a doctor this week and start birth control.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  I push her thighs apart with my body and position the tip of my cock at her entrance.

  “I could get pregnant.”

  She may have gone the entire four years without having sex, but I’ve been celibate for the last year. Clearly, I wasn’t expecting this to happen tonight. “I don’t have condoms. Do you want to wait?”

  I guess we could do other stuff to get off. We used to be really good at that.

  “I don’t want to wait. I want you to make me yours.”

a baby happens then it was meant to be?”

  She nods. “Meant to be.”

  I rub the head of my cock through her juices and push it against her narrow slit, immediately meeting resistance. She shifts her hips beneath me and when she stills, I thrust my full length into her in one fluid motion until I’m buried balls deep. And fuck, I think that she feels tighter than she did when I took her virginity.

  She pants against my ear and her fingertips dig into the flesh on my back. “Ohh… fuck.”

  I go still inside her. “Am I hurting you?”

  “God, no. Don’t stop.”

  Pulling back, I thrust again, this time my cock getting a full coating of her lubrication. Her hips lift from the bed and together we find the perfect rhythm. We do it over and over and over until our bodies are covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

  I reposition, pushing myself up so I can see more of her. Hard nipples. Jostling tits every time I thrust. Hair sprawled across the bed. On her back, legs spread wide. She’s absolutely stunning. Pure perfection lying underneath me.

  And those eyes… I see such love and adoration in them.

  It’s too much. I don’t deserve this. I’m not worthy of her. At least tonight I’m not but I will be. I swear that I will become a man who is worthy of her love and deep loyalty.

  She stretches upward and kisses my mouth. “Make me come. Please, Leith. It’s been so long.”

  Soon, I will make her orgasm, and the thought of her cum covering my dick arouses me even more. Another rush of blood floods my cock, heightening my arousal and firing up my body even more. Because I now know that she held out for me—for this—for four years. All of this time, no other man has been inside her because she wanted me. That confirms in the most significant way that even before we said those four words to each other tonight, she already belonged to me.

  I fill her body with my own, sheathing myself inside her tight opening. I stretch her inner walls to limits they’ve not experienced in years. And it feels so fucking good.

  Like home.

  While remaining buried deep inside her, I reach between us and place my thumb on top of her clit. I start out slowly, rubbing in a circular motion. “Is that what my girl wants?”


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