Mommy's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 1)

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Mommy's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 1) Page 17

by Victoria Snow

  “Honey, you’re forgetting that I have more money than I could spend in a lifetime… maybe even two!” I interjected, gripping her upper arms tight. “Money can make people forget all sorts of things if we want them to. We’ll find a way to make people accept us.”

  Rylee grimaced. “I’m not sure that’s what I want,” she replied.

  “Then if we can’t be happy in Halston, we’ll move,” I told her with a smile. “I’ll do anything if it means I get to be with you. If Halston can’t accept us then we can move somewhere else where people won’t talk about us. Maybe even someplace as beautiful as Hawaii.”

  Rylee’s face lit up. “You mean it?”

  “Of course, I do,” I reassured her. “I’ll do anything for you, Rylee. You’re my everything.”

  Rylee smiled. “Okay. I’m going to trust you because I don’t think I can live without you. Now, give me that ring.”

  Speechless, I slid the ring on her finger and as soon as I was done, Rylee wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a sensual kiss. By the time I pulled away, I knew I couldn’t let her go for much longer. I swept her up into my arms and carried her back inside toward the bedroom.

  The classical music was playing in every room and as instructed, the hotel staff had laid out pink rose petals along the bedspread and there was an ice bucket on the nightstand with a large bottle of champagne. I put Rylee on her feet and kissed her feverishly again before heading toward the champagne and picking up a glass.

  “Would you like a toast, Mrs. Reid?” I asked.

  “Oh my God!” Rylee exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. “I’m going to be Mrs. Reid! This is unbelievable!”

  I smiled at her. I was enjoying the sight of her happy and bubbly for the first time in a long time. Since she didn’t answer the question, I poured her some champagne anyway and handed it to her before pouring my own one out. “To the future Mr. and Mrs. Reid!” I said as I wrapped my arm around Rylee and tapped my glass against hers.

  We both took a long drink from the flutes in our hands before I set them aside again and smiled down at her. “I can’t believe you’re finally mine,” I told her, reaching for her hand and kissing her finger where her ring sat. “My fiancée.”

  Rylee’s face turned scarlet. “W-why don’t you prove it?” she suggested shakily.

  Never had I been more in favor of a suggestion in my life. I rushed toward her and lifted her up until her legs wrapped around my waist. I put my hands on her ass, grabbing the cheeks and holding her tight against me. “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered before leaning in and kissing her neck.

  Rylee’s thighs trembled and she moaned. I made my way up to her ear where I sucked and nipped at the lobe there. She squealed in delight and her legs tightened around me. Her hands were wandering up my back and into my hair, encouraging me to kiss her harder. I couldn’t help but oblige her every desire.

  “I want you, Spencer,” she told me as she began to roll her hips against me.

  “Oh God, Rylee, I’ve never wanted anyone more,” I confessed.

  Our movements were becoming frantic and desperate, so I laid her down on the bed on her back. Her blonde hair became tangled with pink rose petals and the sight was so romantic and beautiful that I wanted to take a picture so I could remember it forever. Instead, however, I was desperate to get my hands back on her.

  I laid down on top of her and untucked her blouse from her skirt before unbuttoning it and revealing her silk lingerie underneath. The material was soft and the lilac color complimented her so well. I leaned down and pressed a kiss between the valley of her breasts before caressing them in my hands. I could feel her nipples grow hard under the fabric and it made my dick throb with desire.

  “I’ll never get tired of making love to you,” I told her before sitting back and looking down on her. “But right now, I’m a little thirsty.”

  “Spencer? What do you mean?” Rylee questioned, looking a little panicked.

  With a grin, I reached to the side and grabbed the champagne bottle. I gave Rylee a wink before bringing it over to her and pouring a little of the bubbly, saccharine liquid into the dip of her belly button. She cried out and shivered.

  “Oh my God, Spencer, that’s so cold!” she protested.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up for you,” I told her as I leaned down and licked the delicious drink from her skin. My tongue lapped around her midriff even after the alcohol was gone, enjoying the sweet taste of her skin.

  “Oh, Spencer!” she called out in pleasure. “More!”

  “More? Really?” I teased her with a sly smile before pouring the liquid down her cleavage and then licking it all off again. “This champagne is almost as sweet as you.”

  Rylee chuckled and reached out to grab my shirt, pulling me down for a kiss. Her tongue delved into my mouth and she moaned as she enjoyed the taste of the drink left in my mouth. “You’re right. It is almost as sweet as you,” she echoed with another giggle.

  I put the champagne bottle aside again and instead reached for an ice cube from the bucket. “I think it needs some ice though,” I teased as I brought it toward her body. I pressed the frosty piece against her clavicle where she gasped in surprise.

  “Oh my God, Spencer!” she screamed as she shivered.

  With a grin, I leaned down and licked over the cooling water left on her skin. The expression on her face was one of pure bliss and I couldn’t resist trying a more sensitive spot. With my free hand, I released the clasp on Rylee’s bra and pulled it down and off along with her blouse. My eyes zeroed in on her plump, round tits and I bit down on my bottom lip.

  Leaning in once more, I pressed the ice cube against her nipple and watched her writhe in pleasure. I didn’t hold it down for too long as I didn’t want it to burn her or become oversensitive. Once the ice was off the skin, I sucked her nipple into my mouth and soothed it with my tongue.

  “How was that, baby?” I asked, grinning like the cat who got the cream.

  “Strange, but good,” Rylee whispered, breathless and squirming. “But if you don’t get inside me soon, I might scream.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll be screaming either way.”



  My whole body flushed at Spencer’s powerful words and I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out and dragging him down on top of me again. I wrapped my bare legs around his hips, my skirt hitched up around my waist. I’d never wanted anyone the way I wanted Spencer. The chemistry between us was unbeatable and unmatched. The only thing that could possibly make it better was knowing that we loved one another and we were going to be spending the rest of our lives together.

  I reached down between our bodies and began to unzip Spencer’s pants. I smiled up at him as I bit into my bottom lip. “It’s been so long since I’ve felt you,” I told him. “I want more, Spencer.”

  My hand slipped past the gap in his pants and under the waistband of his underwear. I could feel his cock there, hard and throbbing for me. It was the biggest turn on seeing how badly Spencer wanted me. I’d always considered myself plain and boring, but right here and now, Spencer was aching for me and it was a heady feeling.

  “Tell me how badly you want me,” I said in a silky voice.

  “I want you so badly, baby,” he replied obediently. “You don’t even know how badly I want you.” He leaned down and began to mouth at my neck again. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I let out a moan of pleasure.

  I was undeterred from what I wanted, however. My fingers slipped around his cock easily and I gently pulled it free from the confines of his underwear, massaging the length in my hand all the while. To me, his cock was huge, but then again, I’d not experienced anyone else’s. Truthfully, it didn’t matter. His cock was the only one I wanted and it was definitely enough to satisfy me.

  “My turn to tease you,” I whispered in his ear before pushing his chest until he rolled over and fell on his back. I swung my legs
over his hips and smirked down at him. He was still fully clothed except for where his cock jutted out through the zipper of his pants. I reached for it then and stroked it with more vigor until Spencer’s eyes closed.

  “Does that feel good?” I asked him. Instead of answering, Spencer just nodded slowly and moaned as I rubbed my thumb over the head of his cock. While his eyes were closed, I knew that was my chance to surprise him. I moved down the bed until my face was level with his crotch and I sucked his cock into my mouth with a moan.

  Spencer let out a loud cry at that then, his eyes shooting open. “Holy shit, Rylee!” he cursed. “Your mouth will be the death of me.”

  Enthused by his response, I slid down his cock and let as much of the length inside my mouth as possible. I didn’t stop until I felt the head press against the back of my throat. I concentrated on breathing through my nose as I attempted to swallow him down even further—something I’d never done before. It was a little difficult and I only managed to take him a little of the way down my throat before I had to pull off, but the response was incredible.

  Spencer was a panting and moaning mess as he dropped his hands to tangle in my hair. “Fuck, Rylee, that was incredible,” he whispered. I couldn’t help but warm at the praise. I really did love making Spencer feel good.

  I continued my ministrations on his cock by laving my tongue around the head and the glans, licking over the most sensitive parts like the very tip. He had a thick vein on the underside of his cock that I made sure to swirl my tongue over and he enjoyed it immensely. Finally, I settled on bobbing my head up and down in a steady rhythm, bring him close to the edge.

  “R-Rylee… I’m gonna…” he warned.

  As soon as I heard him speak, I pulled off and smiled down at him. “It’s not nice to tease people, is it?” I said to him with a smirk.

  His eyes blazed with fire as he reached up and gripped my shoulders. “You’re going to pay, Rylee Bratton,” he growled.

  “Don’t you mean Rylee Reid?” I reminded him in a gentle voice.

  That caught Spencer’s attention. He practically ripped the rest of my clothes off before throwing me back down on the bed on my back. He stood up and undressed himself before climbing on top of me again.

  “I love you, Rylee Bratton or Rylee Reid, I don’t care what your name is as long as I get to make love to you,” he whispered as he gripped his cock in his hand and then slid it inside my warm pussy.

  I could feel the walls pulse and throb as he pushed past them like they were trying to draw him in further. My whole body ached with need and my back arched as his thick, long length finally pushed in totally. I could feel every inch of him pressed deep inside me and I’d never felt so full before.

  “Please, Spencer, I need you,” I begged as I began to roll my hips against his, hoping he would start moving.

  “Tell me you love me, Rylee,” he whispered in my ear before kissing my shoulder, my cheek, my neck—whatever he could reach.

  “I love you, Spencer. I love you with my whole heart,” I told him sincerely.

  “I love you too,” was the last thing he said before he pulled his hips back and thrust inside me, hard and fast.

  That was the last straw then. Spencer relentlessly pounded me in the bed as petals flew up around us and soft music played. His hands moved over my body, exploring every inch of me until he settled on grabbing my breasts and playing with them. My moans were increased as he teased my nipples while his cock nailed my g-spot. The whole world was spinning around me and I was lost to my desire for Spencer.

  When his hand finally moved away from my breasts, it traveled south and he trailed his thumb over my clit. I gasped and my head fell back against the pillows beneath me. “Spencer, if you don’t stop, I’m gonna come!” I cried out as my body instinctively writhed against his in a dance as old as time itself.

  “Then come for me, baby,” he whispered as he continued to kiss my neck. His thumb rubbed circles over my clit while his thrusts only grew faster and harder. The sensations were overwhelming and I was being pushed closer and closer to the precipice of my pleasure. I didn’t think I could stop myself even if I wanted to.

  “Spencer!” I cried out in pure ecstasy as I finally came. My whole body shuddered before finally going limp in his arms.

  “Good girl,” he told me as he kissed my forehead and then my lips. A rush of energy went through me with his kiss and I felt alive again but not enough to move again.

  Spencer then kissed me for the rest of it as he got himself off. He wouldn’t leave my lips and my neck alone as he thrust inside me, chasing his own pleasure. I reached up to hold him close, my fingers digging into his back as he drew him as close as possible to me.

  Not long after I’d come, Spencer followed with a grunt and he collapsed on top of me. I held him tight and began to run my fingers through his hair. With a sigh, he pushed himself up and rolled onto his back before pulling me into his arms with my head on his chest.

  “Was that good for you, baby?” he asked me quietly.

  I nodded and began to draw a pattern on his abdominal muscles. Lying in Spencer’s arms was the most content I’d ever felt in my life. There was something unique about being in his arms that always made me feel protected, safe, and loved. In Spencer’s arms, I felt soothed and comforted and I never wanted to leave.

  With a bit of a start, I realized that it wasn’t just his arms I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to leave the peace and serenity I had found here in Hawaii. I knew as soon as we went home, all the complications and troubles would come back. Why couldn’t we just stay in this happy, perfect bubble forever?

  “Spencer,” I whispered into the quiet of the room. “I wish that we never had to go home.”

  Spencer chuckled. “Well then, we can stay here forever if you want. Whatever my lady wants, she gets. You should know that by now.”

  I smiled and snuggled in closer to his side. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

  Without warning, Spencer leaned down and kissed the top of my head before picking a few rose petals out of it. “I really am so grateful, Rylee,” he began in a quiet voice. “Fate brought us back together again because it knew we were made for one another. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Looking back, it all feels so empty and meaningless without you.”

  “If it was really fate that brought us back together, then they took their sweet time doing it!” I complained halfheartedly, smiling up at Spencer as I spoke.

  He laughed. “Well, I have to admit, I’m not all that pleased with the five years we spent apart either.” He paused and groaned. “I would do anything to get that time back. Those years of your life and Jayden’s childhood are so precious to me. I can’t believe I missed them. But at least, we’re back together now and we can start planning for our future. I’m looking forward to all of those years I’m not going to miss out on.”

  I took a deep breath and tried to imagine what our future would be like together. Right now, the path was a little murky and unclear. It was like we were straddling two vastly different worlds and we had to try and find some kind of compromise. “What do you think our future will look like?” I asked him, wondering if he had a better idea than I did.

  “When I look into the future, Rylee, I see you, me, and Jayden together,” Spencer began as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I see a beautiful cattle ranch, perhaps here or back in Idaho, where we can see all the mountains surrounding us and beautiful vistas for miles around.”

  “Wow, that sounds nice,” I told him with a smile. “What else?”

  “Well, I think we’ll raise a big family,” Spencer continued. “We’ll give Jayden lots of brothers and sisters to play with. But most importantly, I’m going to cater to your every need. I’m going to spoil you and prove to you every single day how lucky I am to have you. After all, you’re the most beautiful and wonderful woman I’ve ever met.” Spencer pulled me close then and kissed me fiercely until I was left dizzy and breathless. />
  “And, of course, I’ll never let you go again,” Spencer promised with a sincere look in his eyes as he clasped his hand in mine.

  I felt lightheaded and like I was on cloud nine. I couldn’t believe this perfect life was within my grasp. “That all sounds perfect to me,” I confessed. “Well… except one thing.”

  “What?” Spencer asked, his brows furrowing with concern as he looked down at me.

  “I’m not milking any cows,” I told him with a sly smirk.

  Spencer laughed. “Okay, okay, that’s reasonable,” he replied with a smile on his face. “How about we compromise? I’ll make sure all the milking gets done if you gather the eggs from the chicken coops and cook them up for me. Deal?”

  With a giggle, I lifted one hand and held it out like I was shaking on a business deal. He took my hand and shook it before we both dissolved into a fit of laughter.

  “Okay, okay, I was lying,” Spencer admitted. “I fully plan to have plenty of ranch hands to do all the dirty work, but I wouldn’t mind freshly made omelets in the morning.”

  I let out an indignant puff of air and shoved him playfully. “I’m going to be your wife, not your live-in cook!” I protested as I tried to stifle the smile on my face.

  “You’re right. I do love the sound of that, wife,” he said as he reached out for my hand and kissed my ring once more, exactly how he had done last night. The gesture made me tingle all over, but Spencer wasn’t done yet. He pulled me close then and kissed me until I forgot all about eggs and the omelets and the cows and the chickens. Instead, all I could think about was him.

  Epilogue – Rylee

  Three Months Later

  The sun was just setting over the horizon in front of me as the ocean breeze tousled my hair, making strands of blonde fly in front of my face. As I looked out over the tropical beach, I could see great palm trees sprouting out of the verdant shrubbery and casting long shadows over the white, blemish-free sand of the coast. The turquoise water was rippling against the sand and I could hear a few gulls calling loudly as they flew up above me and I glanced up to watch their spirited flight across the azure sky.


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