Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 17

by GG Shalton

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I am a slave and serving time.”

  “No one will know. Hence, Abbie is not with us. You will feign an illness and stay within the confides of my room. No one will even notice you are gone, you serve me and if I can serve myself, they will never suspect.”

  Sara groaned. “How would I even get to Merle?”

  Joslyn looked outside one more time to make sure no one rode up beside them. “You will go with one of the convoys. I met a merchant named Marilyn one day when Andre bought me some perfume. She told me she sells to all the dukes’ residences and goes to Merle on occasion. If she comes to Tomko, we could convince her to take you to Merle when she sells her trinkets in the village square. We could pay her. I have jewelry I can give her.”

  Her face paled. “Josie, that is dangerous. What if she tells on us? We will just have to write to our parents. Or even have Marilyn bring us back news.”

  Joslyn shook her head. “I trust no one. If Andre finds a return letter, then he will punish me. The mayor is very tricky and could give us false news. Sara, it must be you. You have to find out about them.”

  “What if we get caught?”

  “We won’t. I will give her enough coin that she will tell no one. Besides, when the duke left us alone for a few moments, she told me how cruel he could be. Can you believe he sold her mother into slavery when she sold one of his guards some lotion that turned his hands red? He couldn’t even prove it came from her wares, but he ordered it anyway. She has no loyalty to him. Please, Sara! I am begging you.”

  Sara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “This is madness, but I will try for you.”

  Joslyn embraced her tightly. “Thank you”

  Chapter 19

  The home was a lot smaller than the residence in Preston—more of a big manor instead of a castle. The guards were respectful but only spoke to her when necessary. She noticed a few servants waiting outside when she arrived. Her introduction was awkward to the household staff. They seemed wary but spoke respectfully to her. The duke had sent a messenger before her arrival with his expectation of the staff.

  “Miss Rhodes, welcome to Tomko. I am Patricia, the head housekeeper.” A small woman stepped closer.

  “I appreciate your welcome,” Joslyn replied, smiling.

  The rest of the introductions were brief, and Joslyn felt the staff was a lot more accommodating than the ones at Castle Preston. Perhaps the duke’s missive was more direct.

  “Please follow me. I will show you to your chambers.”

  Joslyn followed her up the stairs through stone corridors. “His Grace said to put you in his chambers.”

  “Does His Grace stay here often?”

  “This home is used mostly for hunting and an occasional small party when guests wish to hunt. This is the first time he has asked us to host a female friend. We were quite surprised.”

  Joslyn turned and looked at the woman a bit bewildered.

  The woman covered her mouth in apology. “Forgive me if I spoke out of turn.”

  “No apologies needed. I am as surprised as you.”

  The woman smiled as they approached the chamber door. She opened it and Joslyn did a quick assessment.

  “The bed is huge. So many furs.”

  “Yes, His Grace loves this room as you can see he decorates it with many of his hunting trophies.” The housekeeper walked to the mantle on the fireplace. “He has many war trophies as well. The staff displays them on the mantle here and in the great hall. He is a decorated hero and we are all so proud to be part of his staff.”

  Joslyn gave her a weak smile, taking note of the differences in loyalties between the castle in Preston and the manor in Tomko. Many in Preston feared him and found him to be an overindulgent louse, but in Tomko they were filled with admiration for him.

  “I will make sure the servants bring your trunks, so you can bathe. I will leave you to get settled.”

  “Thank you, Patricia. My maid will assist me now.”

  Sara lowered her head to hide her face as Patricia left the room. As soon as the door closed, Sara started giggling.

  Joslyn’s mouth quirked looking at her friend. “What’s so funny?”

  “The housekeeper.” She shook her head as she took her cloak off, putting it on the bed. “We are so proud of him.” Her impersonation of the housekeeper made her laugh sarcastically. “Look at this place, Josie. I highly doubt that the duke hunted all these furs by himself. And giving himself war medals for bravery is ridiculous.”

  Joslyn laughed out loud. “It is ridiculous. But not surprising. No wonder the Duke of Norton makes fun of him.”

  Sara’s smile disappeared at the mention of the duke. “That is the first time you have talked about him.”

  “It’s better I don’t.” She quickly looked away and took in her surroundings.

  “Do you like him?”

  Joslyn looked out the window, thinking about Maxwell. “It matters not how I feel about him. I doubt I will ever see him again.”

  The next few days went by slowly, and Sara and Joslyn kept mostly to themselves. Sara made a show of coughing and the kitchen maid Marisa asked after her welfare, but Joslyn remained evasive.

  Sara faked coughed most of the day until later that night in Joslyn’s chambers. “Josie, my stomach hurts because of my coughing all day.”

  She giggled. “You did a wonderful job. The staff wants to be nowhere near you.”

  “Stop laughing. That makes my stomach hurt too.” Sara held her stomach with a frown.

  Trying to suppress her giggles, she spoke in a loud whisper, “Sorry. Stay in my chamber tomorrow and I will bring you soup. Marisa may be a problem as she seems genuinely concerned for your welfare.”

  “I know. I may have to take a trip to the healers to remain out of sight.”

  Joslyn gasped. “That is a great idea. As soon as Marilyn arrives, I will tell Marisa that she is taking you to a healer and you will return when you are better.”

  A few days later, Marilyn arrived with a few other merchants. Joslyn went by herself to welcome them into the great hall. “Marilyn?” she whispered.

  “Miss Rhodes, it’s good to see you again. Will you be purchasing any lotions?”

  Joslyn eyed the selection and picked out some rose and lavender smelling soaps. She then ordered seven bottles of the lotion. Marilyn smiled at her purchases as she took the coins and hid them in her skirt. “You are turning into one of my favorite customers.”

  Joslyn bit her bottom lip. “I have another way you can make some coin and score a diamond bracelet.” She lifted her sleeve, showing Marilyn one of the pieces Andre had bought for her.

  “Nice!” Her eyes soaked in the piece before Joslyn covered it again with her sleeve. “What do I have to do?”

  Looking over her shoulder, Joslyn moved her head to the side, trying to motion to the end of the table. Marilyn gathered her meaning and slowly took a few steps behind some hanging dresses, so they could talk more privately.

  “I want you to escort my friend Sara to Merle. It’s only a day or two away depending upon the weather.”

  She cocked her brow. “Escort her? What do you have in mind?”

  “Have her help you as an assistant and you will not have to pay her. I will give you five gold coins and the bracelet. I need you to wait two days, and then escort her back. When you return, I will give you another five coins and a broach that I have.”

  Marilyn assessed her openly before speaking. “All I have to do is escort your friend to Merle with my caravan, and then wait two days, and escort her back?”

  Joslyn nodded her head. “Yes, and keep it a secret.”

  She tilted her head skeptically. “Secret? Why can’t you tell anyone?”

  “I have my reasons. All I need from you is an answer if you can do this.”
/>   She hesitated then nodded. “I will accept your terms and your payment.” Reaching out, she took the coins in Joslyn’s hand. Joslyn unhooked the bracelet and dropped it into her palm. “Meet me at the side of the stable in a half hour. Sara will be ready. Please call her Judith for the journey. No one must know her real name.”

  Thirty minutes later, Sara arrived wearing a head covering and older work clothes, along with a heavy cloak. Joslyn tried to disguise her as much as possible.

  Sara complained the whole way to the stable, but upon approaching the line of carts, she was completely silent. Joslyn took her to the side to meet Marilyn.

  “Marilyn, this is my dearest friend, Sara. After this moment, she will be known as Judith.”

  Sara gave her a guarded smile. “Are you sure you can return me within a few days?”

  Marilyn mulled over Sara’s question and cracked a smile. “For the right amount of coins, I will carry you back myself.” A rumble of laughter escaped her lips. “Now come with me, you can ride in the cart. We will camp tonight and should arrive in Merle by tomorrow evening.”

  Joslyn’s stomach clenched as she squeezed Sara’s hand. She whispered, “Thank you, Sara. I will never forget what you are doing for me.”

  Sara’s eyes glistened, but she kept her tears at bay. “You have sacrificed enough, Josie. I will be back soon.”

  The women left Joslyn standing there looking after them. Taking a moment to compose herself, she brushed her tears away and walked back to the manor. She had to announce to the staff that Sara was at the healers and would return when she was well.

  The first few days after Sara left went by quietly. Joslyn tried to busy herself keeping the maids at bay. She kept to herself occupied with weaving and reading to help pass the time. Her thoughts were always on her family and what their reaction would be to see Sara. Hopefully, the caravan encountered no problems on the way to Merle. Joslyn imagined they were already there by now and Sara would return in a few days.

  Chapter 20

  Joslyn looked outside the window again. It had been a few weeks since Sara had left, and she had not heard a word from her or anyone. Nervousness invaded her thoughts as she awaited news regarding her parents or Sara’s fate. Most of her days were spent looking out the window, hoping to see a messenger or the caravan returning. Marisa had asked about Sara a few times, but most of the staff did not ask about her absence.

  After a few more days, Joslyn noticed royal guards approaching the castle gates. They were dressed in finery with huge white horses. Knowing it must be news from Andre, she quickly went to the great hall to receive the men.

  Upon entering the hall, the men turned to her, bowing. One stood in front of her, speaking up for the rest. “Miss Rhodes?”

  “Yes, sir. I am Miss Rhodes.”

  “His Grace has sent for you at once. Have your maid collect your belongings and meet us back in the great hall within the hour. We will provide you escort to Preston.”

  Joslyn’s heart pounded upon hearing the news. Trying to mask her nervousness, her voice cracked slightly, “Of course, please give me a few moments.”

  She rushed up the stairs as her mind raced with thoughts of her deception. How would she explain Sara’s absence? She could trust no one, yet she found herself unable to handle this ruse by herself. Taking a deep breath, she summoned the kitchen maid Marisa for assistance.

  As she was packing, Joslyn heard a knock and saw Marisa standing in the doorway, twisting her apron in her hand. “Misses, you wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, please come in.”

  Marisa walked through the door and looked around the room. “Was the food not to your liking? I have never been summoned to the bedchambers before.”

  “I apologize for the timing. I must be packed in a hurry. I wanted to ask you a favor.”

  Marisa drew her brow in surprise. “A favor? Of course, Misses.”

  “I sent a message to the healer and my maid Sara should be back any day. I found the healer through one of the caravans. If by chance, a woman named Marilyn comes, can you ask her about Sara?”

  “I would be happy to.”

  “Thank you. If you could send a message to the castle in Preston with news, I would appreciate it. But I don’t want to upset Andre, he likes my maid and would be worried if he knew she was ill. If you could send me a recipe as a sign of good or bad news, I would know without upsetting Andre. A potato soup recipe means that Sara is good. A bean salad recipe means Sara has not returned or is not good.”

  Marisa slowly nodded her head, a little hesitantly. “I think I understand.”

  “Great.” She handed her a gold coin. “This is for your trouble.”

  Marisa’s mouth dropped open. “Thank you, Misses!”

  “You’re welcome. I hope to hear from you soon. Now I won’t take up any more of your time. I know the soldiers will want to eat before our trip to Preston.”

  Chapter 21

  Joslyn returned to Preston the following evening. She couldn’t sleep the entire way there because of her nerves. Andre’s mood swings kept her on edge, and she was hoping he didn’t ask about Sara’s whereabouts. News was scarce at the manor and she wanted to know the fate of Mallard. Was the king still alive? No one seemed to know.

  Pulling up to the gates, she was greeted by a few guards who escorted her to the great hall. Andre was in his solar, and he gave orders for her to freshen up before meeting him within the hour. She dressed with Abbie’s help and rushed to meet Andre afterwards.

  She saw him in the doorway as she turned the corner. He came and embraced her. “I missed you,” Burying his face into her neck, he breathed her in and held on to her tightly. “Come let’s take dinner in my room.”

  Joslyn followed him into his chambers. “Is the king well?”

  He let out an agitated huff. “He is alive.” He sat down at the table, Joslyn taking the seat opposite of him, as servants brought in trays of food.

  Taking some lamb, he took a bite and then washed it down with some wine. “I can only stay a few days and then I am sending you back to Tomko. There is a division with the nobles and military action is pressing.”

  Joslyn wrinkled her brow. “I don’t understand, why is there division?”

  He pushed his plate away visibly upset. “There are some on the council opposing my claim to the throne. They are accusing me of causing the accident my uncle suffered from. They say it was attempted murder and that I had the most to gain so am the likely suspect. They mean to put his oldest grandson on the throne!”

  “Can they do that?” Joslyn was shocked, trying to digest what he was telling her.

  “Only if I am found incompetent or a murderer.” He took a moment wiping his hands on a cloth. “But they have no proof.” His contemptuous smile gave Joslyn chills.

  He finished his drink and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “The King of Burra and that blackguard Norton were still in Locket celebrating my cousin’s wedding when I arrived. They sided with the inquisition that my titles be stripped.” He clenched his fist and pounded on the table. “I ordered their immediate removal from Mallard by our army. They have no say on how we conduct our laws in my country. I am in charge and will be recognized as such. The council does not have enough power or votes to remove me. For now, I am the acting king and I demanded all those from Burra to be escorted out of the country. No one insults me without repercussions. An insult to me is an insult against Mallard, and we will no longer offer them hospitality. There will be no peace treaty.”

  Joslyn gasped and covered her mouth. “What will happen? Will there be war?”

  He stood up and went to her side of the table, kneeling in front of her. “Worry not, my beautiful Joslyn. I will lead our armies and secure the borders. They will receive no more of our natural resources and I am taking back the other mines they stole. I will force the oth
er countries to choose sides.”

  He reached up to touch her face. “This is why I must send you back to Tomko. They won’t suspect that you are there, and you will be safe from any sieges or council members who wish to harm you. I will leave a few of my men to guard you.”

  She stared at him, trying to imagine the anger that Maxwell had to feel when he was escorted out of Mallard. Her voice cracked, “What happened when you ordered the Burra dignitaries out of the country?”

  He snorted. “The army knew better than to defy my words. The King of Napery left as well, siding with Burra. My cousin, the princess, begged me to change my mind, but I would not. I am tired of Burra disrespecting me and our lands.”

  He stood up and walked toward the bed. “Come, let’s lay down.” Taking off his tunic, he slid under the covers and waited for Joslyn to join him. She quickly undressed and got under the covers as he pulled her closer. “I have to leave by the end of the week. The King of Burra must have reached his lands a few days ago. I had to stay in Locket after they left to take care of some of the crown business. I sent messengers to the border guards and called on the country of Tamera and Delbert for their support. The King of Delbert is counting on me to marry his daughter when this war is over, and we are the victor.”

  “Marriage?” she whispered.

  “An alliance.” He kissed her on the nose. “It would only be a means to an end and assistance to win a war. No papers have been signed, but an understanding that I would require his army’s help in exchange to marry his daughter.”

  She stilled, dismissing the uneasiness of her mood. Not that she cared if he married but becoming the victor against Burra even with another country’s support was not possible. They were more than twice as big as Mallard and possessed prized trade routes, most of the other countries would not ruin that alliance. Not to mention the military training that the Duke of Norton was famous for. She shivered thinking of the fate of Mallard citizens. Andre’s pompous attitude would cost many lives.

  Andre bent down, kissing her neck slowly when a knock on the door interrupted them. He let out frustrated breath and yelled, “Go away!”


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