by Steve Szalai
The Trials
Better one witch lives
to corrupt one hundred,
or ten true consigned to God?
Parson Samuel Cotton
13 October 1693
Two hours later, on stage in the high school gymnasium, the four gallows have just completed their automatic, three minute, setup. They are the latest models: self-propelled, eighty percent aluminum and structural plastic.
The two police officers, Moreno, and Selma are seated with the school principal on the left of the stage. In front of them, Tommy, Ben, and Mo. Each has a California Child Protection Agency worker seated next to him. The gallows take up the right three quarters of the stage.
Student and staff attendance is mandatory.
Principal Sand walks to the lectern and leads the prayers then addresses the students. "Life is good in America. We have the world's lowest crime and unemployment rates and the world's highest Church attendance rate. And we owe it all to our founders who built on the great success of the Salem trials. Some people get bogged down in arguments about whether witches are real or not. Most intelligent people, including me, believe they are. But those arguments miss the point. It is faith in God, fundamental justice, and morality, which frame our Constitution."
She continues, "Justice delayed is justice denied. The guilty are swiftly punished and the innocent rewarded with Heaven's rapture."
Sand wraps up, "There has been a serious matter raised, involving four of our students. Today we are going to see justice served. Not in a courtroom filled with legalistic trickery, taking months or years, with often unbelievable decisions. Justice in front of the people affected — you — young Americans soon to venture out into the real world." She turns to her right. "Detectives Abel Stockton and Ross Hansard of the Greater Los Angeles Police Department, Morality Investigation Unit."
Stockton nods. Hansard rises and walks to the lectern. "I'm Detective Hansard." He reads from the official script. "In accordance with the Constitution of the United States and laws depending therefrom, and with the eyes of God upon us, I, Detective Ross Hansard, hereby open the trial of Thomas Brokka, Benjamin Swank, Mo Crofter, and Selma Gibson."
He addresses "Selma Gibson. Do you, with God's eyes upon you, swear that Thomas Brokka, Benjamin Swank, and Mo Crofter, seated with you, raped and, or, sexually molested you?"
"I do. God bless me." She looks uncomfortable.
Two uniformed officers escort Tommy Brokka to the closest gallows and walk him to the platform. They tighten the noose around his neck and stick the sensor across his forehead. The sensor looks like a band aid, and transmits to Hansard's phone.
Tommy winces and complains that the noose pinches his neck. The officers ignore him.
Hansard, annoyed, tells the officers, "It should not pinch him. And he's standing on his toes. Lower the noose so he can stand properly."
Hansard asks, "Thomas Brokka. Naked in the eyes of God, did you rape or otherwise sexually molest Selma Gibson?"
"No." Terror is obvious in his eyes. "I've known Selma for years. I wouldn't hurt her."
Again reading from his script. "Thomas Brokka. You have denied guilt. If guilty, and Satan spares you his wrath, your head will be shaved and forehead branded. With God's mercy you will find rapture." He releases the trap door.
Tommy's body, still jerking, hangs in plain view beneath the platform. The children are torn between tears and cheers.
The procedure and results are the same for Ben and Mo. Each hanging brings more cheers. Mo was at least as well liked as Tommy, but the horror lessens with repetition.
Detective Hansard checks his phone and pronounces, "Thomas Brokka. Guilt unknown. God's rapture, or Satan's wrath, is his." He pauses for a few seconds until his phone notifies him of Ben's death. "Benjamin Swank. Guilt unknown. God's rapture, or Satan's wrath, is his."
Hansard waits. The children become restless. "Quiet!" The procedures are very clear. He must wait until his phone informs him Mo has neither heartbeat, nor brain activity. These waits are hard on Hansard — on any cop — but it goes with the job.
He has to quiet the children again.
Almost a minute after Ben died, his phone notifies him of Mo's death. "Mo Crofter. Guilt unknown. God's rapture, or Satan's wrath, is his."
Hansard pauses then announces, "The possible innocence of the accused casts suspicion upon Selma Gibson."
She is escorted to the fourth gallows. She is stoic. The noose is placed, the height adjusted.
"Naked in the eyes of God, do you retract and repent your accusations against Thomas Brokka, Benjamin Swank, and Mo Crofter?"
The penalty, upon retraction and contrition, is summary execution.
Selma, monotone, says, "God's will be done." I hope He'll take me, but He probably won't. There can't be a Hell. God wouldn't let Satan do that to people. Not even people like me.
Reading from his script, Hansard says, "Selma Gibson. You may have falsely accused three innocent boys of rape. If innocent, receive God's rapture. If guilty, and Satan spares you his wrath, your head will be shaved and forehead branded." He releases the trap door.
Moments later he announces, "Selma Gibson. Guilt unknown. God's rapture, or Satan's wrath, is hers." Most of the children cheer for justice served and seen to be served.
As Hansard and Stockton walk to their car, Stockton asks, "What do you think? Suicide by cop?"
"I don't think about it. I leave that to God and Satan."
Whom did I serve?
Death by hanging.
Parson Samuel Cotton
9 September 1652 — 2 November 1693
The first and last words from a self-signed
warrant on his desk, near his hung body.
The Author
Steve has been writing science fiction and fantasy since 2002. In 2007 he joined the Canadian Authors Association. For most of his life he was a computer guy, working as an MVS Systems Programmer and then a Unix System Administrator. He's spent far too much time and money rebuilding his Alfa Romeo Spider sports car. He doesn't have a TV.
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