His Private Fix

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His Private Fix Page 6

by Sofia Grey

  He pressed a tiny kiss on my hair. “I’m sorry. I don’t know you well enough to...to...”

  “To be honest with me?”

  He hesitated. “Yes.” Irrational as it was, that stung. “I’ve fucked up. Do you want me to go?”

  Did I? I wouldn’t bare my soul to a complete stranger, either. I was behaving like a brat. A fresh wave of hail rattled the windows, and I made one of my split-second decisions. “Just...don’t lie to me, okay? I can’t handle being lied to. If I ask something that you don’t want to answer, just say so.” There was one question I had to ask, one that burned at me. “I need to know if you have a girl already.”

  His arms tightened around me. “No, I don’t.”

  I knew it would lead to trouble further down the line. I knew it would be a huge mistake, but I lifted his hand to my mouth and kissed the knuckles. “You don’t have to go just yet.”

  “Turn around.”

  He relaxed his arms enough for me to shuffle around, and I buried my face in his bare chest, unable to meet his eyes. How would I cope when he left? The longer he stayed, the more painful it would be. I’ve known you for two days, but they have been the most intense I can ever remember.

  “C’mere.” He cupped both hands under my bum and lifted me easily to perch on the counter, legs dangling. “Better.” He stroked my cheeks with his knuckles and nuzzled at my chin, dropping tiny kisses across my face. He would be leaving soon anyway. I wanted to stockpile as many memories as I could. He slid his hands inside my bathrobe, then tugged at the knot to open the front. “Mmm, you are so hot in this.”

  “Huh?” I laughed. “This ancient thing?”

  “Oh yeah.” When he pressed my breasts together and leaned forward to lick a slow path over them, I gave up caring. With all the time in the world, he took one nipple into his mouth and sucked it like a lollipop. I gasped and dropped my head back. It felt as though I’d stuck my finger into an electric circuit, with little shocks and sparks flashing all over my body. My pussy had become hotwired to his touch, and I squirmed on the counter, hungry for him. He released my swollen nipple and blew across it, cool air where his hot mouth had been. My hips jerked forward, and he chuckled and then slowly licked the other nipple. He teased back and forth and drove me into a frenzy. I was in danger of sliding off the counter, and I dug my hands into his hair and moaned his name, my belly clenching with need.

  “Now, Jonah. I need you.” The words had only just left my mouth when he nudged my thighs apart and slipped one long finger inside me. I hissed with pleasure, a thousand nerve endings springing to life. What was it about guitarists and their talented fingers? He played me as expertly as his guitar, pumping another finger to join the first while brushing my clit with his thumb. Little cries fell from my mouth as he pushed me headlong toward another climax. Moments later, as I teetered on the edge, spiraling higher, he pressed a burning, openmouthed kiss over my clit, and I howled as I came. I clung to him, my body trembling, and knew I wanted more. I wanted everything.

  He must have read my mind. “What do you want, Cass?” His whisper reverberated through me, and there was only one answer.

  “I want you to fuck me.” I’d never said those words to anyone. I’d never wanted anyone so badly.

  Chapter Ten – Leaving

  “With pleasure.” Jonah lifted me from the counter and turned to position me on the edge of the kitchen table. Rain beat against the long windows and obscured the beach, but I didn’t care if anyone saw us. I’d never do this again. He covered my face with kisses, increasingly urgent, and I groped at his shorts, trying to find the zipper. He beat me to it. Pulling a condom from his pocket with one hand, he unzipped with the other and shoved his shorts down. I closed my hands around his dick, and he moaned.

  Things suddenly became urgent. He covered himself, and I spread my legs wide, feeling another slick of moisture between my thighs. This was going to be so good. I ached to have him inside me, and I clutched at his shoulders, wanting to hold onto something.

  Jonah nudged at my pussy lips and then pushed hard, filling me in one smooth thrust. My gasp was covered by his groan. “Sweet Jesus,” he whispered. “So tight, baby.” He eased back a little and then pistoned in again. I felt on a knife-edge already, desperate and needy, wanting only what he could deliver. I’d never had sex like this before, never known this longing and rampant lust. Jonah pumped into me, and I bent my legs around his waist, needing the anchor, the connection. His hands shifted to hold my hips, and he thrust hard and fast, driving into me, not letting me move. I was his to take as he pleased, and it had never felt better. Perspiration slicked his shoulders and broke out across his forehead, dampening his hair. I pulled him close, and we kissed, his tongue plunging in and out, matching the rhythm of his dick.

  Hard, hot, and fast, he set the pace, and my climax drew nearer. I tried to hold back, tried to prolong this madness, but he was relentless. I came with a series of shocks that racked my body and clenched around him, and it was enough to finish him. “Cass,” he whispered, his cock pulsing deep inside me as he came. I gasped for breath and found Jonah panting, too, his breaths harsh and uneven. I could only rest my head on his damp shoulder; any other movement was beyond me. A distant part of my brain squealed in delight. I’d asked him to fuck me. He’d delivered in spades.

  When my legs finally obeyed my command to stand up straight, I staggered across the kitchen to the bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. “You’ve broken me.” I laughed. “My legs don’t work anymore.” He sauntered in behind me, stark naked and wearing a satisfied grin.

  “Really?” Sitting on the bed, he stroked my calf and picked up my foot, dropping a kiss on the arch. He tickled the underside and smirked when I tried to tug it free. “Looks okay.”

  “You’ll be the death of me.” I rolled to my side and grinned up at him. “You’ll see the headlines in the local news. English woman killed by too much sex.”

  “Hmm.” He didn’t look worried. “You hungry? Should I cook?”

  I let my head drop back to the pillow and stretched my arms. “You cook as well? Dear God. I’m dreaming. I’ll wake up in a minute.”

  Jonah leaned over and kissed my stomach, then blew a raspberry on it, sending me into a fit of giggles. He made me feel like a teenager again. “Go and shower. Food in fifteen minutes.”

  I watched him strolling back into the kitchen and wondered if he’d put his shorts back on before he cooked. His ass looked too grabable otherwise. I’d never be able to keep my hands off him. Somehow, I hauled myself into the shower and leaned back against the sea-colored tiles, water cascading over my head. I shouldn’t have been surprised when he joined me. It was a small bathroom, and the shower cubicle was only designed for one, but I didn’t mind sharing.

  “Hey,” he murmured and slipped an arm around my waist before kissing me. This would be another first for me. Another sultry memory to lock away and reminisce over later. His dick bumped into my thigh, and I marveled at his energy. Hard again already? I wasn’t used to this.

  It seemed he didn’t plan to make love to me again just yet. With a delicate touch, he washed my hair and rinsed it clean, running his fingers through it over and over. I wanted to touch him, but he was in the driving seat again. He pushed my hands by my sides. “Keep them there.” Using my sponge, he washed me all over, from my face down to my feet, even between my toes. Every stroke made me want him more. Every kiss he pressed against my skin made me burn for him, and still he chided me if I tried to touch him.

  “Bully,” I whispered, thrilled at the attention, but he just chuckled in reply.

  Finally, he let me wash him but pulled away when I tried to stroke shampoo through his hair. I saw again the flash of scar tissue over one ear. “It’s nothing,” he muttered and diverted my hands farther down. His hard-on nudged me again. “This needs some help.”

  “I bet. It’s a bit of a handful.” I loved the way he smirked at my comment. He didn’t expect me to drop to my knees,
and the smirk rapidly disappeared.

  “Cass,” he whispered. I smiled innocently and took his dick in one hand, palming his heavy balls with the other.

  “Yes?” I scratched the edge of one nail across the underside of his balls and watched as his eyes rolled back in his head. Yep, he likes that. Slowly, making him wait, I licked the slit and lapped up the drops of precum. He gulped, and I felt his knees tremble. “Brace yourself, baby.” My turn to tease. He hesitated and then leaned back against the wall, hands dropping to rest lightly on my head. It was all the invitation I needed. I closed my mouth around the head and eased him farther in, taking his cock as deep as I could. His groan of pleasure encouraged me, and I began to move, sucking and licking, and all the while, keeping a firm grasp on the root. I looked up to see him staring down at me, his eyes glazed and hair plastered to his face. I felt his fingers pushing my wet hair back, stroking my cheeks. The shower splashed down on us, clouds of steam rising to fill the little cubicle, and I inhaled deeply. His balls tightened, and I knew he was trying to hold back. I wanted to see him out of control. I hooked one arm around his warm, wet hips and pulled him tight into me, angling myself to take him even farther.

  Jonah made a strangled noise. His hands fisted in my hair, and I began squeezing his cock in time with sucking it. “Cass, oh God, Cass.” Hot spurts filled my mouth and poured down my throat while he chanted my name. Seconds later, he slid down the wall to sit beside me, kissing me as though I was his reason for breathing. I would swear I’d never been kissed so intensely before, but then, I’d never been with Jonah before.


  True to his word, he cooked breakfast. To my disappointment, he got dressed to do it and insisted I put on some clothes, too. We feasted on scrambled eggs on toast and hand-squeezed juice from oranges that he found in the larder.

  “Fancy a walk later?”

  I gazed at the rain still hammering the windows. “In this?”

  He shrugged and smiled at me. “It’s only rain.”

  Shaking my head, I laughed. “You’re crazy.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “We’ll get wet!”

  “I like you wet.” There was the cocky smirk again, and I giggled.

  I was trying to decide how to reply when Jonah’s phone beeped. He dug it out of his pocket, read the message, and scowled. My heart lurched. “Is everything okay?”

  “Greg’s going home early.” I automatically looked at the kitchen clock. It was almost two in the afternoon. He can’t go yet.

  “How early is early?” I got up and stood with my back to the counter, gripping the edge with both hands. I’d known this was coming; I had to put a brave face on things. Chin up, Cass.

  His gaze darted around the kitchen coming to rest on me. “Soon. I need to go.”

  “Okay.” My fake smile was glued back into place. Let him go. Confusion flashed across his face, and my stomach churned. My mouth was as devoid of moisture as the Sahara. I couldn’t have said any more, even if I’d known what to say.

  Jonah took a step toward me, the half smile appearing on his face. He held out a hand. “Cass?”

  Is he asking for a good-bye kiss? Would I be able to let him go? I wasn’t a good enough actress to do that without breaking down.

  The window suddenly held my attention. “Mm-hmm?” Pushing away from the counter, I walked on unsteady legs to the wall cupboards. I opened the doors and pretended to peer inside. “Damn. I’m nearly out of coffee. I need to go to the shops this afternoon.”

  He moved behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Cass.” His tone was gentle. I shrugged him off and sidestepped. If he held me, I would fall apart.

  “Just go, Jonah.” I sucked in a quick breath. “I had fun, it was good. But, you know...” I ran out of words. My heart pounded so hard, I’m surprised it didn’t echo in the silent kitchen. I made a slicing gesture with my hand. “Go,” I whispered. Before I’m tempted to ask you to stay.

  I heard his harsh intake of breath. “Cass, look at me.” If I look at you, I’ll make an idiot of myself. I shook my head. “Cass.” He placed a hand on my shoulder, skimmed it down my arm, and I flinched. I was holding myself together so tightly that the slightest touch might tear me in two. He sighed. His warm breath flashed across my neck and I trembled. “Can I see you again?” I froze. Wasn’t this what I wanted?

  Taking a deep breath, I blinked back the tears that threatened and then slowly turned to look at him. A worried frown marred his forehead, but when I met his gaze it eased. My smile was shaky, but it crept out anyway. “I’d like that,” I managed. His delighted grin swept away any reservations.

  “Good. Me, too.” He dragged his knuckles down my cheek and stared deep into my eyes, eating me up. “Next weekend? Here?” I nodded. Relief coursed through me. He wants to see me again. I couldn’t prevent a tear from leaking out though and I hastily tried to scrub it away. It made Jonah’s frown return. “I can’t promise anything,” his voice wrapped around me, slow and husky, “but I want more than one night.”

  He stood so close and I couldn’t resist the last opportunity to touch him. I nestled into his arms with a happy sigh and breathed in his fragrance. Even overlaid with my shower gel, he still smelled like summer. If I could capture his fragrance and bottle it, I could relive this moment whenever I wanted to. His hands shifted to fumble with his necklace and I looked up to see him sliding it over his head. “Wear this for me?” He slipped the paua pendant around my neck and then pressed a finger over the shell, where it lay on my chest. “I have to come back now.” I felt absurdly pleased. Tears welled again but I swallowed them down and claimed his lips for one final, hungry kiss before he pulled back.

  We walked onto the deck with our arms around each other, unwilling to separate until absolutely necessary. Greg and the others were already loading up his car amidst shouts and cheerful insult slinging and I hung back. Jonah must have sensed my reluctance because he didn’t drag me along with him, but there, in front of his brother and friends, he kissed me softly on the lips. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, but I stood my ground and waved him off. He would be back next week.

  Chapter Eleven - Searching

  I should have been exhausted and in need of sleep, but instead, I was restless, fired up with nervous energy. My conscience had already started nagging, but so far, I was able to ignore her. I contemplated a long walk, but the continuous rain put me off. A shower? It would remind me of Jonah. I fingered the piece of shell around my neck. Everything would remind me of Jonah. I decided to work off some emotions in my rapidly developing erotic novel.

  Joseph couldn’t shift the image from his brain; it was burned onto his retinas. Tami in her wet, see-through tank top, breasts not only visible but so clearly defined that she might have been naked. He groaned, palmed his aching hard-on again and tried to will his dick to go down. Not a chance. She’s Daniel’s girl, you ass. You don’t poach your mate’s chick.

  Coming here this weekend had been a mistake of colossal proportions. Why had he bothered? Oh yeah, it was a chance to spend time with her. When had he become so pussy whipped that he’d settle for just a few crumbs? Yeah, he got to chat with her, see her smile and know that she was happy. But on the flipside, he had to watch Daniel pawing her, Digger eyeing her like fresh meat at the market, and worst of all, hear them fucking. God. If there was one sound he wanted to drive out of his head it was that one. Daniel’s frickin’ wallbanging. His nonstop chatter. Joseph swallowed and closed his eyes. Hearing Tami cry Daniel’s name hurt on so many levels that he couldn’t begin to process it.

  He needed relief. Fast. Joseph headed for the shower as soon as it was free.

  With the door locked and cool water cascading over his body, Joseph finally gave in to the fantasy that had enticed him all morning. Tami, in the shower. Blonde hair plastered to her back and her face turned up to the catch the water streaming down. She’d be rinsing the soap from her face, her eyes closed. Her gorgeous breasts wo
uld jiggle with every movement. He played out the fantasy in his head. He’d step into the cubicle with her. The catch would click softly and she’d open her eyes and see him. She’d smile. “Joseph,” she’d whisper, her voice husky.

  He had to press the mental pause button while he drew breath into lungs that seemed to have forgotten their basic function. That voice. It made him hard every time Tami spoke to him. He grasped his dick with one hand and began to work it: squeeze, pull, squeeze, slide his thumb over the head, squeeze again. He gulped in some of the steam filled air and closed his eyes, better to imagine Tami.

  He’d stroke her breasts, trace around the nipples and then tongue them while she moaned his name. His hand sped up and he planted his feet wider, ass pressing against the wall. The way his balls were aching, he wouldn’t last long. Tami would touch him, lick him, and then beg him to fuck her. She’d turn to face the taps and bend over. He’d run his hands across her pert little butt and finger her pussy. She’d be hot. Drenched. Hungry for him.

  Joseph had to pause again. He wasn’t ready to finish just yet. Dragging back a hint of control, he visualized sinking into her, feeling her tighten around his cock, crying his name as he plunged in and out. Jesus. He felt like he’d explode. He’d run a hand up her spine, sliding over every bone, and then hold her firmly around the hips. He pumped harder with his hand, on the brink of coming. “Joseph,” she’d scream. She’d come hard, her knees trembling, only able to stand up because he held her. “I love you, Joseph. Only you.”

  His breath hitched and time stood still for a second, then he shot his load and cum spurted wildly over his hand. Fu-uck. He was pussy whipped for sure.

  I went to bed deliberately late on Sunday to make sure I’d be able to sleep, and I did, but my dreams were filled with Jonah. I woke on Monday feeling energized and alert, full of naughty thoughts and scenarios to write about. The weather remained wet and cool, a southerly wind carrying hints of autumn, and I raced to hammer out my new piece of writing. My dashing detective doctor remained in the wings. The spicy romance between Daniel, Tami and Joseph took center stage and every time I turned to my laptop, it was to work on their story.


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