Five Midnight Moments: New Year Bae-Solutions

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Five Midnight Moments: New Year Bae-Solutions Page 5

by Lister, Sheryl

  Dwight leaned back in the chair and studied her. “Not many people are able tell us apart. Actually, no one usually does, except our mother. Yet, after one day, you can. How?”

  Before she could answer, Dwayne came in. Valencia’s heart fluttered in a way that it hadn’t with his brother.

  Dwayne gave her a quick kiss. “Hi, baby. Are you ready to leave?”


  Dwight stood. “Seems like Valencia doesn’t have a problem telling us apart.”

  “Really? I’ve been trying to get my mom to share her secret for years, and she won’t.”

  She nodded. “Yep. And I’m not telling, either.”

  Dwayne folded his arms and a sexy grin spread across his lips. “Hmm, I think I may be able to persuade you to give up the goods.”

  Valencia divided a quick glance between the brothers and felt her face warm in embarrassment. “Um…I can just wait for you in the hall.” Dwight’s expression never changed and he had yet to crack a smile, so she had no idea what he was thinking.

  He chuckled and walked over to his desk. “You don’t need to leave.” After powering off his computer, he locked everything and turned to Dwight. “How late are you staying?”

  “I’m leaving right behind you.”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.”

  Dwight nodded. “You two have a good evening.”

  “You, too,” Valencia said. As soon as she and Dwayne got into his car, she said, “I don’t think your brother likes me.”

  Dwayne laughed as he pulled out onto the road. “Quite the opposite. Yesterday, he told me I was lucky we’re brothers, otherwise, he’d make a play for you.”

  Her head whipped around. “What?”

  “Apparently, he was pretty impressed with the way you handled Shawna, not to mention, the fact that you didn’t back down when he thought you were the culprit.”

  She waved a hand. “That’s…I mean how? He barely even talks to me.”

  “That’s because he’s more of an introvert. He barely talks to anyone, so don’t take it personal. If he didn’t like you, you’d know. Trust me.”

  “If you say so,” she said, staring out the window and rubbing her hands together. The early evening temperatures hovered around fifty degrees and she longed for the warm, sunny weather in Mexico.

  Dwayne must have noticed her shivering because he said, “The heat will be up in a minute.” They rode in companionable silence for a few minutes, then he spoke again. “I went out at lunch and got a new battery for your car.”

  “Aw, you’re so sweet. Thank you, baby.”

  He smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  After a couple more miles, she realized they weren’t going in the direction of either of their homes. “Where are we going?”

  “I thought we’d go out for dinner.” He slanted her a quick glance. “In town.”

  She didn’t know what to say. Over the past few days, he’d made a point of focusing on the things she wanted in a relationship. This would be the first time they’d be seen in public together. “Where are we going? With it being New Year’s Eve, we might have problems getting a table.”

  “Not if we already have reservations.”

  For the past three nights, he’d been showing her in every way how much he cared about her. And when he said he loved her after they made love the last time, she’d felt it. Tonight would be her turn to tell him how much she loved him, too. The upscale steakhouse with its low lighting provided the perfect backdrop for lovers, but all she wanted at the moment was him. Preferably naked and buried deep inside her.

  “You need to stop looking at me like that or we aren’t going to be able to finish dinner.”

  Valencia gave him a sultry smile. “We could always take it to go.”

  Desire lit his eyes. “We could, but I have plans for us tonight, so eat your food and quit tempting me.”

  She slipped off her pump and slid her foot up his leg. “I have a few plans, too.”

  Dwayne choked on his wine. “Behave.”

  Giving him a mock pout, she said, “You’re no fun.”

  “I’ll give you all the fun you can stand later and that’s a promise.”

  “Oh, alright.” Dwayne made a point of whispering just what that fun entailed throughout the meal and the heat between them steadily rose. By the time he escorted her to the car, she was ready to straddle him right there in the back seat. With all the people milling around, she figured it wouldn’t be a good idea, so she stifled the urge.

  “What do your parents usually do on New Year’s Eve?” Dwayne asked as he drove.

  Valencia rolled her head in his direction. The question was so out of the blue, it caught her by surprise. “Um…the same thing they do every year—sit in front of the television waiting for the ball to drop in Times Square. Why?”

  “I think it’s time I met them. See if they’re up for a visit.”

  She felt her eyes widen. “Now? You want to meet my parents tonight?”

  Dwayne gave her that patented grin that make her weak and tossed her a bold wink. “Yep. So go ahead and make the call…unless there’s some reason you don’t want me to meet them.”

  “I…ah…no, there’s no reason.” Still staring at him and trying to figure out what he was up to, she pulled out her phone and hit the call button next to her mother’s name. She hadn’t even told her parents anything about him other than they’d gone out a few times.

  “Hey, baby girl,” her father said when he picked up.

  Valencia smiled. “Hi, Dad. Are you guys busy tonight?”

  “Of course not. I hope this means you’re coming by for a visit.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Wonderful. We’ll see you when you get here.”

  “I’m, um, bringing someone with me.”

  “Oh? A young man?”

  She glanced Dwayne’s way and he mouthed, “I’m not that young.”

  She playfully punched him. “Yes, Dad. We’ll see you soon.” Valencia ended the call and didn’t know why she suddenly had a case of nerves. She told herself that this was the next natural step in their relationship and there was nothing to be nervous about. She was a thirty-three year-old woman, not a teenager. She gave Dwayne directions and when they arrived twenty minutes later, the butterflies continued to dance in her belly. She’d only introduced two guys to her parents and her father hadn’t liked either of them. Dwayne kissed her temple, drawing her out of her musings.

  “You’d think you’re the one meeting my parents with the way you’ve been fidgeting,” he teased. “If you’re this nervous now, how are you going to be when I take you to meet my family tomorrow?”

  Valencia eyed him. “Tomorrow?”

  “They have a get-together every year on New Year’s Day and it’ll be the perfect time for you to meet everyone.” Dwayne got out of the car and came around to help her out. He slung an arm around her shoulder and they started up the walkway. “Relax, sweetheart.”

  Evidently, her father had told her mother to expect them because the door opened before they got there. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hi, honey,” she said, barely sparing her a glance. “And who’s this handsome young man?”

  “This is Dwayne Albright. Dwayne, my mom, Norma Townsend.”

  Dwayne turned his megawatt smile on her mother. “Mrs. Townsend, it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you.”

  “Please, come in.” As they entered, her mother whispered to Valencia, “He’s a cutie.”

  Valencia rolled her eyes at her mother giggling like a teenager. She had never seen her mother behave like this with the other guys she brought home, but then again, neither of them had been anywhere near as charming as Dwayne. Her father stood when they rounded the corner to the family room. “Hey, Dad.” He engulfed her in a hug. “Dad, I’d like you to meet Dwayne Albright. Dwayne, this is my father, Raymond Townsend.”

  “It’s good to meet you, Dwayne,” her father said, shaking Dwayne’s outstretched

  “The pleasure is mine, sir.”

  “You two have a seat.”

  They took seats on the sofa, while her parents reclaimed their favorite recliners.

  “So, how long have you been dating and where did you meet?” her mother asked.

  “We’ve been dating for four months and…we work at the same firm.” Valencia hoped they wouldn’t question further, but her mother’s expression—the mama interrogation one—said otherwise.

  “That’s nice. How long have you worked there, Dwayne?”

  “Eighteen years. I started right out of high school working summers and came on full-time after graduating college,” Dwayne answered, seemingly unbothered by the scrutiny.

  Her father peered over his glasses. “Are you in computer security, too, or finance?”

  “Finance. Actually, I took over as CEO at the start of the year when my father retired.”

  Her mother gasped. “You’re her boss.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Valencia’s parents shared a speaking glance that wasn’t lost on her.

  “How about I get us some dessert?” her mother asked, nearly jumping up from the chair. “Valencia, you can help me.”

  Norma Townsend’s soft tone didn’t fool Valencia one bit, and she knew her help wasn’t optional. Dwayne seemed to sense the same thing and gave Valencia’s hand a reassuring squeeze. She, reluctantly, got up and followed her mother into the kitchen. Valencia spoke before her mother could say anything. “Yes, I know I shouldn’t have gotten involved with my boss, but it wasn’t something either of us planned. It just happened.”

  “How long did it take for you two to…stop being professional?”

  “Two weeks,” she mumbled.

  “Hmph. Two weeks?”

  Oh, brother. Here we go. Valencia steeled herself for the lecture she knew was coming.

  A grin played around her mother’s mouth. “I can see why. It might’ve just happened to me, too, if I were in your place. And it would’ve taken me far less than two weeks.”

  Her mouth fell open. That was the last thing she expected her mother to say. “Mom?”

  “What? I wasn’t always this old. Just ask your father,” she added with a sly wink.

  They burst out laughing. Reason number two-hundred and fifty why she loved her mother.

  * * *

  Dwayne had no illusions about the hasty exit Mrs. Townsend made, and the look on her husband’s face confirmed it.

  “Most companies frown on those types of relationships,” Mr. Townsend said.

  No beating around the bush here. Just straight to the point. “True, and mine does, as well. However, your daughter is an amazing woman and as hard as we tried to keep things professional, it didn’t work. I fell for her the first time we talked.”

  “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means I love her and I don’t plan to let any policy dictate our relationship. I know you’re concerned, but I promise that this won’t affect her job in any way. Anyone who has something negative to say will have to go through me.” He’d already started to amend the policy to read that employees may date and develop friendships and relationships with other employees—both inside and outside of the workplace—as long as those relationships don't have a negative impact on their work or the work of others.

  The older man scrutinized Dwayne. “You really care about my daughter.”

  “I want to marry her…with your permission, of course.” Dwayne’s father would be proud of him for remembering the lessons he’d taught Dwayne and Dwight about women and relationships. And he hoped Mr. Townsend didn’t have any objections because he planned to ask Valencia to be his wife, regardless.

  Mr. Townsend leaned forward and clasped his hands. “You’ve been dating Valencia for only four months. You think that’s enough time to decide on marriage?”

  “Absolutely. This is not something I take lightly, Mr. Townsend. As I said before, I love Valencia and I will protect and care for her for as long as I draw breath.”

  He scrutinized Dwayne a long moment, then finally nodded. “Then you have my blessing, son.”

  Dwayne released a deep breath. “Thank you. I plan to propose to her tomorrow at my parent’s house and I would like for you and Mrs. Townsend to be there.”

  He lifted a brow. “So soon?”

  “I want to start the new year off right.”

  “I see. Well, if your parents don’t mind.”

  “They won’t mind at all.” Or at least they wouldn’t once Dwayne called tonight to let them know. His mother was going to be ecstatic, since she’d been trying to marry him and his brother off for the past few years.

  “Then we’ll be there.”

  He gave Mr. Townsend the address and time. “Can you wait until we leave to tell Mrs. Townsend? I want it to be a surprise.”

  “The way my wife is, I’m probably going to wait until I’m pulling up in your parent’s driveway before I say anything. That way, she won’t have time to let anything slip,” Mr. Townsend said with a laugh.

  The two men shared a smile and shook hands. Valencia and her mother returned a moment later with a tray holding slices of pound cake. Dwayne ate his cake and enjoyed getting to know Valencia’s parents. Afterwards, he thanked them and citing wanting to have Valencia home before the New Year’s shooting began, they left.

  “What did my father say to you?” Valencia asked as soon as he got into the car.

  He chuckled. “Relax, Lyn. He just wanted to know the usual Dad info when a guy is dating his daughter.”

  “He was smiling when we came back, so I guess it didn’t go too bad.”

  “Not at all. I think your parents are great. And I know my parents are going to love you.”

  “I hope so.”

  They got back to her place a few minutes before midnight.

  “Do you mind if I change clothes?” Valencia asked the moment they hit the door. “I need to get out of this dress and these heels.”

  “Go right ahead.” It would give him time to call his mother. He waited until he heard her close the bathroom door and pulled out his phone. “Hey, Mom,” he said when she picked up.

  “Hi, sweetheart. Happy New Year five minutes early.”

  Dwayne laughed. “Happy New Year to you. Do you mind if I invite a couple of people over tomorrow?”

  “Dwayne, I’ve told you guys every year you can invite your friends. And I hope at least one of those people is a woman.”

  “Yes, one is a woman.”


  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mom.”

  “Bye, son.”

  He shook his head and disconnected. A thought came to him. He scrolled down his favorites list and hit the call button again.


  “Hey, bro. I need a favor.” Dwayne told Dwight what he needed and his brother readily agreed. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Later.”

  He ended the call just before Valencia returned wearing a pair of comfortable sweats and long-sleeved tee.

  “Whew. I feel so much better now.” She dropped down on the sofa next to him and clicked on the TV. They caught the ball in its final minute.

  They counted down together. “Happy New Year, baby.” He kissed her deeply.

  “Same to you.”

  He handed her the box.

  “Exactly how many of these did you buy?” She shook her head, but was smiling. “I don’t know about you.” She opened the box and gasped softly. “Dwayne, this is…”

  “Yes, the key to my heart.” He’d given her a heart key as the final charm.

  She launched herself at him, knocking him backwards on the sofa. “I love you!”

  “I love you, too,” he said, laughing.

  Valencia sat up slightly. “So…about the whole starting the new year as friends thing…I was just playing. I want to start the new year just like this.”

  Her words were music to his ears. “Ditto, baby.”<
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  She started unbuttoning his shirt. “So, about those plans I mentioned during dinner…”

  “I’m all yours.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Dwayne groaned as her tongue made a path across his chest. He agreed. He wanted to start every day of every year in just this way. For the rest of his life.

  Chapter 6

  “What if his family doesn’t like me?” Valencia said as she applied lipstick.

  Leah rolled her eyes. “Girl, they’re going to love you. Quit being so dramatic.”

  She glanced at Leah’s frowning face on her iPad. “I’m just nervous. We went from dating in secret to meet-the-parents in a blink of an eye. I still can’t believe how he charmed my parents.” And she laughed every time she thought about her mother’s response.

  “In my opinion, the guys have a harder time because they have to win over a girl’s father. All you have to do is smile, offer to take a couple of dishes to the table or help clean up and you’re in.”

  Valencia laughed. “Anybody with home training would offer to do that, so I don’t think that’s a good measure.” She picked up the iPad and went back into the bedroom for her shoes. Dwayne had told her to dress casually and, after a good thirty minutes of discarding one outfit after another, she’d settled on a pair of ivory jeans and matching off-the shoulder sweater, and her brown ankle boots.

  “Hey, it can’t hurt. What time is the get-together?”

  “Dwayne made it sound like it’s an all-day kind of thing. He should be here to pick me up in about half an hour.”

  “By the way, I looked him up and Lawd, have mercy! The man is fine, fine, fine. You said he had a brother.”

  “He does. An identical twin brother.”

  Leah’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped. “There are two of them?”

  Valencia smiled and nodded. Her doorbell rang. “Hang on. There’s someone at my door,” she said walking toward the front. “It’s probably my neighbor. She promised me some of her 7-Up cake.”

  “Ooh, the one you let me taste last Christmas?”


  “Girl, you’d better save me a piece.”

  She laughed. “You know I’ve got—” She looked through the peephole and saw Dwayne standing there and quickly opened the door. “Dwayne. You’re early.”


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