Virgin Tribute

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Virgin Tribute Page 11

by James, Delta

  “I’m glad you enjoy having your tits manipulated. Doing so will help encourage your milk to flow for our child.”

  Raegan said nothing but gave herself over the pleasure of having Drake fuck her in a more intoxicating way. She leaned heavily on one arm and brought her hand to the one he had holding her middle and tugged it upward so that he could fondle both of her breasts.

  “I’m not going to try and get away from you. I enjoy taking your cock deep inside me and feeling your barbs lightly scoring my pussy before they dig in as you pump your seed into me.”

  He nibbled her neck and down the tops of her shoulders. He massaged and tugged on her tits, mimicking what she might experience as the children he meant to give her suckled her breasts. He had meant what he had said earlier. The idea of her suckling his child filled him with an incredible lust to breed her repeatedly.

  Drake increased the attention to her nipples as he began to plunge into her depths with increasing fervor. She felt the barbs begin to extend and stiffen, scoring her interior walls more deeply—the precursor to them digging in as Drake reached his climax.

  “Come for me, Raegan,” he whispered as she did so.

  Her pussy spasmed around him pulsing along his length and encouraging the barbs to take hold. The increased speed and strength with which he thrust within her amplified her response to him. As the barbs joined them together, she orgasmed as Drake drove into her and began to spew his hot semen. She could feel the tip of his cock jerking as it bathed the scored walls of her pussy with his seed. Without him saying a word, she stretched her upper body back down so that once more her pelvic region was the highest point of her body.

  “Good girl,” he whispered as he caressed her fevered body.

  He stayed coupled deeply within her until barbs softened and released their hold on her. Drake slipped from her body and she felt the loss.

  “I need you to fix your own breakfast. I need to finish up as quickly as possible.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of feeding myself, although I do like the way you do it. Are you all right?” she asked.

  “I am for now, but not for long. The rut will be upon me shortly. I had planned to scent mark you again this morning. With the way I’m feeling I’m fairly sure that if I did, the rut would begin in earnest and I would not be pried from your side. Or,” he said his voice heavy with lust, “from your pussy. I need you to stay like this for at least fifteen minutes and then relax on your pillow for a half an hour after that. Then you must eat.”

  She laughed. “Are you sure you won’t change your mind about my going outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air?”

  “I’m quite sure. The Needle has never been invaded, nor have I seen other airborne creatures, but your scent, Chosen One, is quite intoxicating.” He parted her legs and examined her. “You are spilling little to no seed. Your vulva is swollen and puffy.”

  “That does not sound inviting.”

  He laughed. “Only because you’re not a male looking to breed. Trust me, I find it quite captivating and encouraging.”

  “I don’t want to stay inside when it’s such a nice day out. You don’t know what the open sky means to me. I’ve spent my whole life until now with only filtered light through imbedded glass squares in the sidewalk above the Sanctuary and artificial light. The feel of the sun and the tang of the air from the sea mean more to me than to you.”

  He took a deep breath and exhaled. “I do understand and my answer is still no. I’d rather not have to spank you again. If I am forced to do so, I will have to conclude that my hand is not enough as you are coming into heat and will take a strap to your backside to welt it.”


  “Yes, Chosen One, women often become quarrelsome as they are coming into estrous and require a firmer hand than normal. If being spanked by hand cannot curb your rebelliousness, I am sure a good strap and several welts will see you put back in the proper, obedient frame of mind.”

  She heard him getting ready to leave. “You welt me, you sonofabitch, and I’ll...”

  He leaned down to kiss her still red bottom. “Will only get wetter than you normally do.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh, because she knew he was probably right.

  “Stay inside, Raegan. Rut or no, I will punish you if you disobey.”

  “Will you at least tell me where you are going?”

  “I want to do a thorough perimeter patrol of the area around the Needle. Several species are in the throes of their own ruts and are breeding almost nonstop. There are others that will try and advance their own territory and needs while others are distracted.”

  “Why don’t those at the Sanctuary experience the rut?”

  “Because they use suppressants to help minimize their need to breed and curtail a woman’s estrous. Your Sanctuary is small and could not be sustained if they were to breed freely.”

  “But the women being considered as tribute?”

  “Are the best of your kind and are taken off the suppressants and allowed to have normal cycles. I’ve never asked, because I didn’t care, but do only the warriors produce offspring?”

  “For the most part. I can’t think of anyone else fathering a child.”

  He nodded in understanding. “That’s probably because they want to produce stronger children more capable of safeguarding and providing for the Sanctuary should I ever withdraw my support.”

  “That’s...” Raegan had no words. “Monstrous. And they call you a beast.”

  He stroked her hair. “There is a part of me that is beast. I have lost a part of my humanity, my soul if you will, to the creature I become when I am not in my human form. Those who control the Sanctuary are trying to keep the old system intact. It’s the reason so many human communities have failed. They have not adapted and dealt with the world as it is. Sometimes I wonder if by providing a cure, I won’t be perpetuating a way of life that led to the disaster in the first place.”

  She turned to look at him, at least as much as she could turn without moving out of position. “You didn’t do anything wrong. What you were trying to do was noble and good. It backfired on you in a way you could never have imagined. And you’ve spent a long time trying to fix it.”

  “Thank you for that. I’m not sure it’s accurate, but at least you don’t think me some kind of fiend.”

  “A sonofabitch, but not a fiend.”

  He laughed. “I’ll settle for that.”

  * * *

  Drake took to the skies and circled what had once been a great city... a shining jewel in the Pacific Northwest. Now, like every other great city it had fallen into disrepair and ruin. Drake banked between the buildings close to the now abandoned streets before ascending up above structures of what had existed before. He flew out over Elliott Bay and Puget Sound and across various islands—Vashon, Bainbridge, and the like. There was plenty of movement, but most of the inhabitants below seem to either be engaged in their normal activities of hunting and foraging or in the throes of their mating season.

  Finally, he flew a large circle covering what he considered to be his territory’s boundary and then made smaller and smaller circles until he ended up back at the Needle. He landed on the deck and was glad that he could neither see nor scent her recent presence there. As he shifted back to his human form he walked past the bench where he had bred her yesterday and smiled. His cock began to stiffen. He inhaled deeply; he could still smell her distinct aroma mixed with his own as well as the fresh air.

  Taking the elevator down to their living area, his cock became completely engorged and throbbed painfully. Drake knew he was entering the rut. When the doors opened, he smiled; Raegan had come into estrous while he was gone. Given that she had been willingly anticipating the rut, he was fairly sure she’d be in as much need as he.

  “Drake?” she called as she came into sight.

  And she was a sight to behold. She was completely naked, her breasts on full view as were her beaded nipples and the patch
of hair at the juncture of her legs. He sniffed the air and smiled again. She approached him with no fear and the confidence of a woman who had come into her own. She smiled seductively and stopped less than three feet away from him. Gracefully she turned away from him and sank to her knees.

  He watched as she stretched herself, arching her back and moaning before stretching down into position and spreading her legs. Gods, she was magnificent. Her needy vulva pulsing and beyond it her glorious pussy offering a wet, dewy invitation for him to mount and breed her.

  “So, the Chosen One has come into heat?” He knew from her scent that she was entering estrous but within the next day she would be completely within its thrall and desperate to be rutted.

  “Is that what you call this? I’m on fire. I need you to fuck me and fuck me hard. This morning was lovely, but it won’t get the job done.”

  He laughed. “No, Chosen One, it won’t. I took you gently this morning so that you’d be inclined to remember I’m not always a beast caught in the clutches of the rut.”

  He walked around her and growled appreciatively at her submissive posture, knowing that it was not a true representation of who or what she was. He reached down and fisted her hair, causing her to gasp at the unexpected gesture.

  “I don’t want to fuck you on the floor. We have a bed that will be soft for both of us. Take advantage of it, Raegan, it will be the only soft thing I have to offer.”

  He strode toward their bedroom and turned down the covers. He brought the pillow he always made her lie on after he’d bred her out and put it close at hand.

  “Now, Chosen One, offer yourself to me as my tribute and concubine.”

  * * *

  Raegan crawled up onto the bed and once more stretched herself down with her legs spread and her pussy exposed not only for his view, but for his use.

  Drake mounted her in one swift, strong move. She felt his pelvis slam into her ass as he leaned forward, grasping the nape of her neck in his teeth. Her response was as primitive as it was powerful; she cried out his name as she orgasmed. He pistoned his hips so that his cock began to hammer her pussy. He hadn’t been this rough before, but she surprised herself by welcoming it. She yowled as he pumped his hips, which seemed only to inflame his lust. If the man behind her had become the beast he feared, then she was his mate as she too wished only to fuck.

  Raegan felt his cock swell and the barbs becoming stiffer. His hold on her neck tightened as he thrust more deeply within her. He fucked her through two more climaxes as his barbs stiffened and scraped deeper furrows in her sheath. The feelings of passion and being possessed were intense and she gave up the need to do anything other than respond. Over and over he stroked her cunt with a fierce and overwhelming need to not only breed her but claim her as well. The barbs caught hold, locking him to her as he began to pump his seed deep into her cunt.

  He remained tight against her ass with her neck in his mouth until the barbs began to soften and he was able to simply remain inside her. Finally, he withdrew and rubbed the opening to her pussy.

  “Good girl, Raegan. It seems your pussy is greedy and wishes to retain all my seed.”

  He crawled around to her side and began brutally fisting his cock. He tilted her head back and she obeyed his unspoken command and opened her mouth. He entered her mouth and she closed her lips around him as she began to use her tongue to bring him more fully to an erect status. She could feel his cock swelling and becoming hard again. He began to fuck her mouth and she thought he meant to shoot his semen down her throat. As she could taste the pre-cum, he withdrew and went behind her again.

  Drake’s hand went between her legs and gathered additional lubrication for his cock. She hadn’t anticipated that he would have her bottom hole again. Before she could process the thought and decide how she felt about it, the head of his cock began to breach her tightly puckered entrance as he surged forward. He stretched her dark cavity with his cock, grunting and groaning as he did. The initial burn and sting from his mounting quickly gave way to a far more delicious feeling of servicing his need. Grasping her hips, he arched his back so that he could thrust into her bottom more deeply. He called her name as his cock began to spurt his seed in her ass and she climaxed with him.

  As he had done before, he did not deposit all of his seed into her back channel, but pulled out and sprayed the remainder all over her back. He seemed to focus mostly on the small of her back as well as her buttocks. When he had finished, he left their bed and she heard him run water in the basin, presumably to clean himself.

  He rejoined her, placed the pillow beneath her, and said, “Rest, Raegan.”

  She did and was surprised when he began to massage his cum into her skin just above and all over her backside. He parted her legs and examined her. He patted her bottom before grabbing a bottle of water and offering it to her lips. She drank greedily and rubbed her head against his leg before purring in contentment.

  The next seven days were a blur. Drake mounted and bred her repeatedly. If he wasn’t fucking her pussy, he was fucking her mouth or her ass. Within twenty-four hours of their first coupling after he had returned, Raegan had found she was as desperate to be mounted as he was to do the mounting. He had pinched her nipples and clit repeatedly as well as sucked and nipped them. Everything he did seemed to increase her need to be used by him.

  But Drake had lied. While the rutting itself wasn’t gentle, his treatment of her between times was. He made sure she ate and stayed hydrated. He massaged her back and rubbed her clit and pussy as they became sore from his use. At least daily he would spend a part of himself on her, rubbing it into her skin. He had been right... the smell was intoxicating and fueled the rut on both their parts.

  Drake seemed pleased that each time he seeded her womb, she would expel little to nothing regardless of how recently he had filled her. She didn’t experience a regular sleep cycle but napped when she could. Raegan was either on her knees or her hips rested on her pillow. Often, she fell asleep as he massaged her only to be awakened as he pulled her back into position to be bred. She wondered if he slept at all.

  The thought crossed her mind that she probably should resent being bred repeatedly, but she found instead that she gloried in it. Not only did it assuage her own physical need, but there was something deeply satisfying and seductive in offering herself with no boundaries to Drake in the throes of the rut.

  Finally, both her heat cycle and his rut began to break. She had fallen asleep and at some point, he had removed the pillow from beneath her. She was awakened by feeling him roll her onto her back as he kissed her mouth before licking down the column of her throat and down her breastbone. He ran his hand through the cum-matted hair at the juncture of her thighs, spreading her so that he could gently finger her clit. She knew he’d already had his fingers inserted in her cunt because as she went to speak, he offered them to her to lick and suck their combined essence from them. He latched onto her nipple and began to draw heavily. Raegan moaned with pure carnal enjoyment. He swirled his tongue over the point of her nipple before lightly biting it and sucking it again.

  He moved down between her legs. As she made to roll over and offer herself to him again, he shook his head.

  “Not this time, Chosen One. This time I want to seed your womb while I watch your face as I do so.”

  He parted her legs and mounted her with a tenderness and reverence that called forth an intense climax as she called his name and clung to him. His hands reached under her to cup her buttocks as he held her close and began to slowly thrust within her as he kissed her face and captured her mouth in a soul-stealing kiss that left her breathless. She bowed her back to take him deeper and climaxed again as he held himself aloft on his strong muscular arms.

  Raegan wrapped her legs around his hard thighs as he stroked her, drawing back so that just the head of his cock remained inside her before sinking back to the very depths of her sheath. She grasped his forearms as he began to pick up the rhythm and pace. He dr
ove his cock in and out of her faster as her body became flushed and her breathing erratic.

  “Drake,” she cried as another fierce climax caused her body to shudder in response as he surged forward a last time, his barbs hooking her as he found his own release.

  “Who are you?” he said as the last of his seed spilled within her.

  She smiled. “I am Raegan. Well-rutted concubine of the Protector.”

  He smiled and kissed her again. “Well-rutted, but impertinent.”

  He rolled off of her and slid the pillow under her bottom so that once again her pelvis was the highest point of her body.

  “I didn’t feel much leak out when you withdrew.”

  He smiled and brushed the hair from her face. “No, it would seem my concubine wishes to keep all of my seed to herself. Sleep, Raegan. I am going to make a quick patrol and do not wish you to move until I get back.”

  “Aren’t you exhausted?”

  “I am, but happily so. I won’t be gone long. By the time I get back, I should be able to remove the pillow and allow you to sleep.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Raegan managed to stay awake until he had returned. “All is well?” she asked.

  “It is. You were never in danger. The Needle is an impenetrable fortress.”

  She reached up to caress his back as he sat down on his side of the bed before getting in. “It wasn’t me I was worried about.”

  He lay on his back and pulled her to him so that she rested half on and half off his body. His arms encircled her and she rested her head on his chest. She rubbed her cheek against him, closed her eyes, and was fast asleep.

  When they woke, the sun was high in the sky. Drake flipped her over on her belly before pulling her up and into his loins as he drove his turgid cock deep into her pussy. The coupling was fast, furious, and deeply satisfying. As he withdrew, his cock still dripping some of his seed, he patted her bottom affectionately.


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