Smile Like You Mean It (Charlotte Reynolds Book 1)

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Smile Like You Mean It (Charlotte Reynolds Book 1) Page 11

by Willow Hadley

  I laugh in surprise and shake my head in disbelief.

  Remy’s still frowning when he shrugs. “I didn’t see them walk over until Mike shoved me against the claw machine. They started their same stupid shit as usual, calling me psycho freak. I wasn’t going to say anything until they started messing with Charlotte.”

  Sebastian whips his head up and his eyes darken. “Did they hurt you?”

  I shake my head quickly and mumble, “No, they just made me really angry.”

  Remy sighs. “Mike was hitting on her, saying she should ditch me and he’d show her a good time or some crap. I think he only said it to get a reaction out of me, but it worked. I freaked out after that. If Charlotte hadn’t hit him first, I know I definitely would have.”

  I stop walking and turn around to frown at Remy sternly. “It wasn’t your fault at all! Maybe I did get a little crazy and go overboard, but I wanted to kill them for being so mean to you!”

  Remy’s mouth parts in surprise and he stares at me without saying anything. Just when I’m starting to feel mortified again, for ruining the day and showing the guys how messed up I really am, Elliot barks out a laugh and nudges Remy in the side.

  “I told you she was one of us!” Elliot has the biggest smile on his face I’ve seen yet.

  Chapter Eleven

  The guys keep talking about Mike and Tim while we walk to the ice cream parlor. It’s like they’re trying to make me feel better, and they insist they would have done the same thing if I hadn’t punched Mike first. I don’t know why they’re being so sweet. They don’t really know me, and they certainly don’t owe me anything. It makes me like them so much more.

  I haven’t said a word in the last five minutes. I can’t help feeling like I ruined the day, and that it’s my fault we had to leave the arcade when we did. I know those football guys started it, like Grayson said, but I should have tried to figure out how to walk away with Remy instead of escalating the situation.

  When we reach the ice cream shop, Grayson leans close to my ear before he opens the door. “Listen, it’s totally fine if you feel like being quiet. We like you and still want to hang out regardless. But please don’t stop talking just because of what happened at the arcade, or because you think we’re judging you.”

  When I look into his springtime eyes and see him anxiously playing with his lip ring, my heart melts into a puddle. It’s like it finally clicks in my head, what they’ve been saying to me. They’re not judging me and they want to be friends with me just as much as I do with them. It’s like Evelyn told me in the first place. I have more in common with these guys than I ever could have guessed. Elliot said the same thing a few minutes ago. That I’m one of them. I don’t know how it’s possible that I’ve found not one kindred spirit, but five, but I really think I have.

  I quickly hug Grayson tightly and say quietly, “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  He hugs me back and laughs before opening the door. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  Elliot shoves me into the shop with a silly grin on his face. “Come on! Girls love ice cream, right? It’ll make you feel better!”

  Liam comes in behind Elliot, Grayson and me, scoffing jokingly. “Everyone likes ice cream, you idiot.” He smiles at me sweetly. “Get whatever you want. I’m paying.”

  I widen my eyes at him in alarm. “Liam, you already paid for the arcade! You don’t need to do that.”

  He waves me off, smiling with a light blush on his cheeks. “Seriously, don’t worry about it.”

  Before I can argue any further, Elliot and Grayson pull me towards the glass case where the ice cream is kept. They stare eagerly at all of the choices, looking freaking adorable, and Grayson’s holding my hand.

  Elliot says, “Liam always pays for stuff like this for all of us. You’ll get used to it eventually.”

  Grayson nods and squeezes my hand without looking at me. “Yeah, his parents are crazy rich. He lives in a mansion and everything.”

  I turn to look at Liam, still feeling unsure about letting him pay for me, even if he is rich. I don’t want him to think I’m expecting it. But he’s smiling and laughing with Remy and Sebastian. When they catch me looking, they grin broadly at me. It makes me feel better, so I turn back around to look at the ice cream options with Grayson and Elliot.

  There’s nobody behind the counter, but there’s one of those old-fashioned bells sitting in front of the register. Elliot starts slamming his hand down on it repeatedly so it dings over and over obnoxiously.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, we’re coming!” someone shouts before a very angry looking girl comes out of the back.

  She’s tall and skinny with long purple-red hair, piercings in her nose and eyebrow, and a lot of dark eye makeup. She’s wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a bright pink tee shirt with the shop’s name on it, and a matching visor.

  Grayson snickers as soon as he sees her, and Elliot grins wolfishly. “Hey, Emily!”

  Elliot’s still ringing the bell, and the girl walks over and slams her hand down on top of his. “I swear to god, I’m going to shove this up your ass—"

  “Emily, please!” A guy comes out of the back, staring at her in exasperation. “If my aunt hears you talking to customers like that, she’s going to fire both of us!”

  Emily doesn’t say anything as she rips the bell out of Elliot’s hands. I’m biting my tongue to keep myself from laughing. Obviously, they know this girl from school. The guy loo’s close to our age too. He’s wearing the same matching uniform shirt and visor as Emily, and he’s got a similar style as she does. His hair is dyed dark green and long on one side, and he has a nose and lip piercing.

  He smiles nervously at us. “What can we get for you guys?”

  Elliot orders first. “Can I get two scoops of bubblegum in a waffle cone, please?”

  I can’t hold it any longer and I start giggling hysterically. When he raises his eyebrows, I ask, “Are you serious right now?”

  Grayson snorts. “Unfortunately, yeah, he is.”

  Elliot fake glares at me and wraps his arm around my neck while he ruffles up my hair. Even though I’m squealing and giggling, Sebastian steps forward and punches him in the arm. “Stop messing up her hair like that!”

  When Elliot lets go of me, I look up to smile at the guy behind the counter. He smiles back, looking a little confused. A moment later, he asks, “You don’t go to school with us, do you?”

  “This is Charlotte. She just moved here, so she’ll be starting school with us in the fall.” Grayson gestures towards the guy and Emily behind the counter. “This is Benji and his friend Emily. They’re in our grade, so you might have some classes with them.”

  Emily hands Elliot his ridiculous cone of ice cream and gives me a bored look. “What do you want, Barbie?”

  I blink at her and smile slowly. I sort of like her, even though she’s a little mean. She’s so unapologetic and real. I can’t help admiring that. I look down at the case again and say, “Can I get a scoop of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone, please?”

  Elliot snickers, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh, come on! How can you make fun of me when you picked like the most basic ice cream ever?”

  “What? How is that basic?” I laugh.

  Emily hands me my ice cream while the other boys order. Since I’m still carrying the stuffed lion Remy gave me, I have to let go of Grayson’s hand to eat my ice cream. When Liam walks over to the register to pay, I make sure to thank him sincerely.

  He smiles at me. “I told you, don’t worry about it.” He hands his credit card to Benji and asks the rest of the guys, “Where are we going after this?”

  Sebastian settles his mismatched eyes on me. “Where do you want to go, Charlotte? I mean, I guess that’s a stupid question since you don’t really know the area yet. But, um, what do you like to do?”

  I lick my ice cream and shrug without answering. I really don’t care where we go. I had so much fun at the arcade with them, and I’m
positive I’ll have fun no matter what we end up doing.

  Sebastian frowns and brushes his hand through his hair. “Seriously, we dragged you to the arcade with us. We can do something you’ll like, even if it’s girly or whatever.”

  Remy comes up on my side and nudges me lightly with his elbow. He smiles down at me with both dimples showing, but he addresses the guys when he speaks. “I have an idea, but I’ll just text it to you guys so it’ll be a surprise for her.”

  Just before we leave the ice cream parlor, Elliot turns around and grins at the teens behind the counter. “By the way, Emily, that is a great color on you.”

  Benji bursts out laughing and Emily flips Elliot off.

  After we’ve finished our ice creams and have been driving for about fifteen minutes, we pull up outside of a large historical looking brick building with a small courtyard with trees and a fountain out front. I can’t tell what it is right away, but it’s beautiful and I’m definitely curious.

  Grayson sighs. “Are you sure this isn’t completely lame, Remy?”

  Remy shrugs and says, “Just trust me. She’ll like it.”

  I think it’s incredibly sweet that they’re trying to do something for me. I have no idea how I’m going to make it up to them for all of their kindness today. Sebastian is quick to hop out and open my door for me.

  I thank him and smooth my skirt down as I stare at the building curiously. I can’t even guess what it is, and the signs are too far away for me to read even with my glasses. Sebastian grabs my hand and we start walking closer. If I wasn’t so excited, I’d want to walk a little slower through the courtyard. There are a few benches and there are so many spots under the trees and by the fountain that look perfect for reading.

  When we reach the fountain, I’m finally able to make out the words etched near the top of the brick building. I stop walking and my lips part in surprise.

  “You guys brought me to the library?”

  Sebastian squeezes my hand and laughs nervously. “Yeah, Remy said you really like to read. I should have known. I’ve seen the books you have in your room.”

  “Anne gave those to me. She’s my social worker.” I shake myself out of my shock and turn around to beam at Sebastian and Remy. “I love you guys! I can’t believe we’re at the library!”

  Elliot and Grayson laugh loudly while the other boys smile back at me. Grayson comes up on my other side and wraps his arm around my neck. “God, you’re such a nerd!”

  I’m so freaking giddy that I’m not even that embarrassed for blurting out that I love them. Even though Grayson keeps his arm around me, Sebastian still doesn’t let go of my hand, so I end up walking with both of them the rest of the way to the building and up the steps to the door of the library. The inside is beautiful, with high ceilings and balconies looking down on the first floor.

  I don’t even know where to start! I used to go to the library at least a few times a week when I lived with my mom, and I’ve gotten so behind on new releases over the last year. I look around, feeling overwhelmed, until my eye catches the main information and check-out desk. The boys stay back near the entrance, talking amongst themselves while I walk over.

  The librarian gives me a tiny smile when I approach. “How can I help you, sweetie?”

  “Um...” My voice comes out quiet, and I completely lose my words. I don’t understand why, because I’ve been talking to the guys all day just fine. But it takes me a moment before I’m even able to say, “I was wondering. I want to um, get a library card?”

  God, I sound like an idiot. But the librarian only smiles a little more warmly. “Certainly, that shouldn’t be an issue. I just need a driver’s license or even a student ID. Something with your name on it, as well as proof of residency for the county.”

  I’m completely devastated and all of my previous excitement vanishes. I don’t have any of that stuff. Not yet anyways. Without thinking about it, I turn my head to look at the boys. I don’t think I’m making a face, but when Sebastian meets my eyes, he rushes over and gently places his hand on my back.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, looking between me and the librarian with concern.

  I feel bad for making him worry and for having the guys bring me here for no reason. Looking into Sebastian’s brown and blue eyes still makes me feel a little better, and I’m able to mumble a response.

  “I can’t get a library card because I don’t have a driver’s license or a school ID, or anything with my name saying I’m a resident here at all yet. I’m sorry.”

  Sebastian widens his eyes and turns to the librarian. “I didn’t realize you needed all that just for a library card.” He starts digging in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. “I think I have one. I haven’t used it in years. Um...”

  A few seconds later, he pulls out a slightly-discolored library card out and holds it up. “She can use mine, right?”

  The librarian takes the card and nods. “That should be fine. Let me make sure your account is active.”

  Less than a minute later, Sebastian shoves the card back in his pocket and grins at me. “Okay, cool. So, whenever you’re ready to go, we can use my card to check out the books you want to get. We can come back after you get signed up for classes and get your school ID so then you can get your own card.”

  “Oh my god, thank you, seriously!” I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly.

  He hugs me back, and he laughs nervously and brushes his fingers through his hair as soon as he steps away. “You’re welcome.”

  He offers to walk around with me, though he admits he’s not sure where anything is. The other guys don’t really know their way around the library either, as none of them like reading anything other than comic books. Honestly, it makes it that much sweeter they would willingly come to the library, hoping to make me happy even though they aren’t all that interested in being here.

  I tell them I’m completely fine going off on my own if they want to wait by the check-out desk or outside. I know how I can get when I’m reading or around books in general. The rest of the world completely disappears.

  I walk around the library slowly, trying to learn every inch of it. I end up picking up a couple of classics that I want to reread and several newer fantasy and young adult books that I haven’t read before. By the time I feel satisfied, I have twelve books in my hands. They’re leaning precariously in my arms, so I make a mental note to bring a tote bag with me the next time I come.

  God, the fact that I thought about coming here again so casually is terrifying and elating all at once. The guys have made today pretty much the best day of my life, and I’m starting to feel comfortable and excited to call this place my home. I’m even excited to start school again, though it’s only the end of June.

  When I get back downstairs where the check-out desk is, I don’t see Sebastian or any of the other boys. I only spend a minute looking around for them when the librarian starts giggling.

  “I believe the boys are in the children’s section.” She points in the direction of the room she’s indicating.

  I smile at her around my stack of books before making my way there. I’m outside the room of the children’s section when it occurs to me that I probably could have left the books at the desk. Oh well.

  The boys are sitting in bean bag chairs, laughing and goofing around. Elliot looks up first, once again noticing me before the others do. He barks out a laugh and jumps up to come and grab some of the books from me.

  He gives me the cutest smile. It’s somewhere in between his wolfish grin and something softer. “We were starting to get worried about you. We even checked on you a couple of times since you were taking so long.”

  I blink at him and grimace guiltily. “You did? God, I didn’t even notice. How long have we been here?”

  Elliot laughs again and Sebastian takes the rest of the books I’m holding when he and the other guys walk over. Grayson smirks at me. “We’ve been here almost an hour. We actually started making a ga
me of it to see if any of us could get your attention. It was sort of fun actually, even though obviously nobody won.”

  Remy looks at all of the books Elliot and Sebastian are holding, smiling with his eyes crinkled and both his dimples showing. “Is this all you’re getting?”

  I think he’s teasing me since there are so many. But I still run my eyes over every title and seriously consider if I should get one or two more. “Yeah, I think this is good for now.”

  They chuckle and Grayson starts counting them with a wicked grin on his face. Sebastian frowns and steps away from him, shaking his head. “Nope, we’re not counting until she officially checks them out. Just in case she changes her mind or picks something else out at the last minute.”

  I stare at him in bewilderment and furrow my eyebrows. “Um...”

  They don’t explain themselves. They simply grin at me and start walking toward the check-out desk. The librarian smiles warmly at us and scans Sebastian’s library card before scanning each book into the computer.

  Elliot starts counting them out as she scans them, grinning obnoxiously the entire time. When he gets to twelve, Sebastian gives me this intense and determined look. “Are you sure you don’t want to get one more book, Charlotte?”

  Liam punches him in the arm and grins like he’s just won the lottery. “Hell no, dude. That’s cheating!” He waits until the librarian prints out a receipt with the due date for the books, and he surprises the hell out of me by picking me up in a hug and kissing my cheek. “Yes! I freaking won! Thank you!”

  When the other guys groan and start pulling their wallets out of their pockets, I stare at them in alarm. Remy sighs and finally explains, “We made a bet over how many books you would check out.”

  Remy, Grayson, Sebastian, and Elliot each hand Liam a five dollar bill. The librarian bursts into hysterical giggles. When we turn to look at her, she waves her hands. “I’m so sorry. You all totally made my day.” She gives me a pretty smile and hands me the receipt. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again very soon!”


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