Smile Like You Mean It (Charlotte Reynolds Book 1)

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Smile Like You Mean It (Charlotte Reynolds Book 1) Page 21

by Willow Hadley

  Tim shakes his head at her in bewilderment. “Olivia, this is the chick who beat the shit out of Mike last week! You shouldn’t be hanging out with her.”

  Olivia and Zack turn to stare at me in absolute shock, and Elliot’s practically trembling in anger against me now. Even though Mike definitely deserved to be punched after the way he treated Remy, I can’t help but feel ashamed, and I’ve lost my voice again.

  Ethan surprises me by wrapping his arms more protectively around Olivia, and he glares furiously at Tim. “Don’t be telling my girl what she can and can’t do, bro. Besides, Mike said that Remy Oliver was the one who attacked him. So, what are we supposed to believe?”

  It only takes a split second for my vision to go red after hearing that, and I snarl viciously at Mike. “Remy never touched you, you fucking liar!”

  I don’t realize that I’ve lunged forward while holding onto a fork in a threatening manner until Elliot pulls me back against his chest. He chuckles softly into my ear and lightly wraps his hand around my wrist until I let the fork drop onto the table with a clatter. My heart is still pounding and I’m definitely still angry, but I’m calm enough now to feel embarrassed about my behavior.

  Elliot gives me the most heartwarming smile and drops my wrist to brush a strand of my hair behind my ear. “That’s my girl. You ready to get out of here, gorgeous?”

  I nod silently and wait for Elliot to get up from our booth first. He keeps his eyes on me as he shoves Mike back, leaving enough room for me to get up without worrying about being too close to Mike or Tim. Before we walk away, I force myself to look at Olivia, Zack, and Ethan They’d all been so nice to me at first, but I’m sure they think I’m a huge freak now.

  Zack and Ethan look sad, but Olivia looks livid. I clear my throat and quietly tell them, “It really was nice to meet you guys.”

  Olivia gives me a small smile in return, but the anger never leaves her eyes. “I’ll see you around, Charlotte.”

  Elliot waves to them before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me to the front of the restaurant. We pay our bill at the register, and he doesn’t fuss over paying for my dinner again. Once we’re outside on the sidewalk, I wait until we’ve walked further down the street to say anything.

  “I’m sorry, Elliot. I always ruin everything.”

  Elliot stops walking and lowers his arm so he’s holding me around my waist instead. With a sweet smile and soft expression, he says, “You didn’t ruin anything. I had so much fun with you, and I’m excited to go to the movies.”

  “I just...” I look away from him when it becomes too difficult to meet his eyes any longer. “I hate myself when I lose control and get so angry like that. And I know I embarrassed you in front of your teammates and Liam’s sister.”

  “You didn’t embarrass me!” Elliot laughs and strokes his fingers softly over my cheek until I look up into his gray-blue eyes. His smile is bright and so different than how he normally looks at me, and the butterflies in my stomach start going crazy again. “You’re interesting and beautiful, and you’re such a fucking badass! I’m proud to call you my best friend.”

  All I can do is give him the biggest, cheesiest smile in return. I am literally swooning at his words right now, and I’m secretly glad he’s holding me up the way he is. Oh god, if we were on a date right now and I didn’t have the other guys to think about...

  After a long, heated moment where we stare into each other’s eyes, I clear my throat and force myself to start walking down the street. Elliot doesn’t say anything, but he keeps up with me effortlessly and grabs my hand once more. We don’t say anything until we reach the theater, but it’s not awkward at all, which I’m glad for.

  It’s not until we’re sitting in a dark, mostly empty theater with a bucket of popcorn between us that I tell him what I’m thinking about. “Olivia seemed nice, and she’s so pretty. Liam told me they’re not super close, but I was still excited to meet her.”

  Elliot grins and shoves a handful of popcorn into his mouth. At least he finishes chewing before he replies. “I think she liked you a lot, honestly. She’s normally the meanest person ever, but she was pretty quick to jump to your defense.”

  I raise my eyebrows thoughtfully and mull that over. It’s hard to imagine that she might have liked me after the scene I caused, but Elliot knows her better than I do. That gets me thinking too. I had no idea Liam even had a sister until a couple of days ago. “Do you have any siblings?”

  His face drops, and I want to kick myself. Obviously, something awful happened that I have no idea about. It was clear when he froze up earlier when I first mentioned this place. I totally forgot about that, and I can’t help looking around the theater in horror now. I’ve never seen somebody look so positively heartbroken before, and I hate myself for making him look like that. I never should have forced him to come here in the first place.

  I grab his hand and whisper frantically, “Oh god, I’m sorry! Please forget I asked, alright? You don’t need to tell me anything.”

  He squeezes my hand and clears his throat. In a deep, throaty voice he says, “It’s okay. I promise.” He clears his throat again and looks down at our intertwined fingers, and a tiny smile forms on his face. “I have a younger brother and sister. Sophia is ten and Connor is twelve. They live with my mom, that’s all.”

  I can’t help but feel confused. I figured his parents were divorced when I learned he has a step-mom, but he looks so devastated, and I can’t figure out why. Maybe he just misses his brother and sister a lot? There’s no way I’m going to ask. I quietly mumble, “Oh...”

  Elliot raises his eyes to mine, and he lets his carefree mask slip away. He’s quiet before he begins to whisper, and I lean closer to hear him better. “My dad, he’s a huge asshole, right? Like, he’s just always been that way. I can’t stand being around him because he’s so...I mean, he’s not abusive. Like, he’s never hit me before, but he knows the best fucking way to get under your skin and make you feel like shit in any situation, and he’s super controlling. I fucking kill myself working hard at football even though I hate it, and I keep my grades up even though school shit doesn’t come very easily to me. Just to make him happy. But it’s never enough. And my step-mom Victoria, she’s fucking terrible too. I have no clue what she sees in my dad, but she worships the ground he walks on and she absolutely loathes me.”

  I nod so he knows I’m listening. I know he’s mostly ranting, but my heart hurts so much for him. I already hate his dad and Victoria, and Elliot hasn’t said all that much to me yet.

  He takes a breath and stares into my eyes silently before he continues. “My mom, well, obviously she wasn’t happy. I remember her always crying and telling me and my siblings not to make noise or bother my dad when he was home. Now that I’m older, I can imagine the sort of shit he used to say and do to her. And no one should have to deal with that. One day she just up and left. She packed up her stuff, along with my brother’s and sister’s, left a note for my dad, and just fucking left. She didn’t even tell me they were leaving, or say goodbye, or anything. I was only eight, and she just fucking left me behind with that asshole. I don’t even know where they’re living now.”

  A few tears have formed in the corner of his eyes. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder, offering him what little comfort I can. There’s nothing in the world I could say to make him feel better, but I hope he knows I’m here for him. He hugs me and buries his face in my hair, breathing heavily.

  We hold each other like that until the dim lights in the theater turn off completely, signaling that the movie is getting ready to start. Elliot lifts his head and offers me a small smile. “I used to come here a lot when I was a kid. That’s why I freaked out at you earlier, but I forgot how much I used to love it. I’m really glad I’m here with you.”

  I bite my lip, feeling unsure. “I don’t want you to feel sad or uncomfortable. Your parents...I’m so sorry. You’re one of the most amazin
g people I’ve ever met and you don’t deserve that.”

  He shakes his head and softly strokes his hand over my hair. “I feel a lot better now, after telling you that.”

  I’m hesitant to ask any more questions, but I can’t help myself. “Have you heard from your mom or siblings at all since then?”

  Elliot snorts and shrugs his shoulders like he’s making a joke, even though none of this is funny at all. “Yeah, my mom sent me a postcard from the Grand Canyon for my birthday a few years ago. No return address, of course.”

  I breathe angrily out of my nose and look at the empty seats in front of us. I wonder if anyone would notice if I punched it. I really need to punch something right now.

  I’m so angry and worked up that I don’t notice Elliot leaning closer to me until he kisses my cheek close to my ear. I jump in surprise, which makes him chuckle. Feeling his breath so close to my ear gives me goosebumps, and I feel warm all over.

  “Thanks for listening to me.”

  I turn my head, even though doing so brings our mouths closer together. I smile when our eyes meet and say, “That’s what best friends are for, right? You can always talk to me.”

  Elliot grins and settles comfortably into his seat with his arm around my shoulders. After he’s eaten a few more handfuls of popcorn, he leans in again and asks, “What is this movie even about? I probably should have asked earlier.”

  I giggle loudly enough that somebody a few rows back shushes us. Elliot and I share a conspiring smile, and we sit quietly to enjoy the movie together.


  Remy shoves an entire slice of pizza into his mouth as soon as I set the box on the couch between us. I shake my head and snort at him. “Seriously, dude?”

  He shrugs and answers while he’s still chewing, “I’m fucking starving. It took over an hour for them to deliver!”

  I laugh and pick up my slice, and I grab the remote to turn the TV on. Since Remy’s not into sports, I turn on an episode of Rick and Morty, even though we’ve seen it about a million times. It’s pretty quiet while we eat and watch the show. But when Remy starts messing with his glasses and glancing at me sideways, I know he wants to say something.

  I turn and raise my eyebrows. “What’s up?”

  He shrugs. “Nothing.” When I snort at his obvious lie, he rolls his eyes. “Okay, fine. It’s don’t think Elliot’s going to kiss her, do you?”

  “No!” I shout and drop my pizza. When I realize how defensive I sound, I feel my face flush and start picking my pizza up off the floor. “I mean, they’re just hanging out as friends. I don’t think Elliot likes Charlotte like that.”

  Remy snickers quietly and smirks at me while I continue to clean up the mess I’ve made with my pizza. “Are you sure about that?”

  I give him a nasty glare. “Shut up, of course I’m not sure. She’s just so...she’s so quiet and Elliot’s not. Besides, it’s pretty obvious Sebastian likes her.”

  He stops laughing and slumps back against the couch. “Yeah, he does like her. But Elliot told me the other day that he doesn’t think any of us should try to date her, since that would make it too difficult for us all to stay friends with her. Apparently, he talked to Sebastian too after Arthur made a big deal about Charlotte and him being practically siblings now.”

  As much fun as it is to irritate Sebastian and get him all riled up—like at the gym earlier when I’d pointed out that he and Charlotte share the same last name—I can’t help but feel bad for him. “Well, Elliot’s right, isn’t he?”

  Remy adjusts his glasses and breathes out of his nose before turning to meet my eyes. “I guess, but I can’t help feeling like he just fucking said that to me so he’d get an opportunity to ask her out himself. He didn’t tell any of us he was taking her to the movies tonight, and he fucking knew I was planning on asking her out before.”

  My heart thuds painfully in my chest, and my face feels even warmer than it did when Remy first brought Charlotte up. I knew Seb liked Charlotte, but if Remy and Elliot like her too, then there’s absolutely no way I’ll ever have a chance with her. I freeze up every time she even smiles at me, and I never know what to say around her. She’s so pretty and sweet, it’s impossible to not like her.

  I shake my head and clear my throat when I realize that Remy is still glowering and waiting for me to respond. “I don’t think Elliot would do that, dude. Even if he does like Charlotte, he wouldn’t lie to you like that, or let a girl come between any of us.”

  He widens his eyes at me and sits up. “Fuck. You like her too, don’t you?”

  I scoff and pick up another piece of pizza. “I didn’t say that.”

  He snickers. “You didn’t have to. I should have known when you dropped your pizza the second I even mentioned her name. I’m such an idiot for not noticing before.”

  “It’s cool.” I give him an embarrassed smile. No point in denying it anymore, I guess. “I didn’t notice that you liked her either. Or Elliot, for that matter. Jesus, do you think Grayson likes her too? I know we’ve all been flirting with her—badly on my part, but whatever—but I didn’t think anyone was that serious.”

  “I don’t know.” Remy shrugs. “God, this sucks. I hate the idea of us all fighting over a girl. It sounds so fucking stupid.”

  We’re quiet, lost in our own thoughts. I don’t want to fight over Charlotte either, and I do want us to be friends with her. It’s been really nice having her around, and I still want to get to know her better. It’s not like I really had a chance with her in the first place.

  We jump when there’s a loud noise from the hallway, followed by a gale of laughter. Since my parents are in Europe right now, it must be my sister.

  Remy raises his eyebrows and checks his phone. “It’s only nine-thirty and Olivia’s home already?”

  I’m surprised too, but I shrug. I’m even more surprised when she walks into the rec room where we’ve been chilling instead of going straight to her bedroom. Ethan Montgomery steps in just behind her. I know they started dating fairly recently, and I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty happy for them. Ethan’s been asking my sister out at least once a week for over a year, and he’s a lot more decent than the guys she usually dates.

  I raise my hand and wave awkwardly. “Hey, what’s up?”

  Ethan waves back and gives us a friendly smile. But Olivia narrows her eyes at Remy and says, “I didn’t realize you had someone over.”

  I force myself not to roll my eyes. She’s never said anything directly against Remy, but I know she feels nervous around him because of the shit kids at school say. Remy gives my sister a small smile and says, “It’s my grandma and her boyfriend’s anniversary today. They’re great and everything, but I want to stay as far away from home as possible tonight.”

  Ethan lets out a loud, booming laugh and even Olivia giggles a little bit. I smirk at Remy and shake my head, and turn to face my sister and her boyfriend. “What are you guys doing home so early?”

  Olivia scoffs, walks around the front of the couch, and picks up a slice of pizza as she gives me her usual haughty expression. “I’m sorry, is it a crime to want a nice quiet evening in with my boyfriend? And like you’re one to talk anyways!”

  I make a point of frowning at the pizza in her hands. “Yeah, just help yourself, Livvy.”

  Remy chuckles quietly and holds the box up at Ethan. “Here, dude. We have plenty.”

  Ethan grins and takes a slice before settling beside my sister on the adjacent couch. “Thanks, bro.”

  Olivia and I never hang out, and I don’t think I’ve ever really talked to Ethan outside of classes at school. So, this is definitely weird. I try to focus on the TV, but I can see Olivia watching me from the corner of her eye while she slowly munches on her stolen piece of pizza.

  When I can’t take anymore suspense, I sigh loudly. “What do you want?”

  She ‘innocently’ brushes her hair back over her shoulder and blinks slowly. “What do you mean? I’m just sitting her

  “Uh huh.” I snort. “Even though you have a TV in your room and there’s nobody in the home theater downstairs where you guys would have a lot more privacy?”

  Ethan snickers and grins at Olivia, but she rolls her eyes at me. “Fine.” There’s another long pause, and she gives me a wide, creepy smile. “I ran into Elliot earlier.”

  Remy and I share a quick glance, and he looks as worried as I do. If Olivia saw Elliot, that means she saw Charlotte too. And knowing the type of people my sister normally hangs out with, I can’t help thinking something bad must have happened.

  I decide to play it cool for now, so I raise my eyebrows at her. “Okay, and?”

  Olivia continues to give me that weird ass smile until Ethan laughs and pulls her close to his side. “You are such a little shit starter, babe.” When she turns to gaze at him coolly, he grins at me and Remy. “He was with this girl named Charlotte, and she said she’s friends with you guys.”

  Olivia lights up and leans forward excitedly. “She is adorable! Most girls are so stupid and catty, but I freaking love her! I only got to talk to her for a few minutes because Mike can’t just mind his own business.”

  Remy lurches forward until he’s barely perched on the edge of the couch. “Mike Everette? What happened? I swear to fucking god if he touched her again—"

  I nudge him roughly when I see the shocked expressions on Olivia’s and Ethan’s faces. But Ethan is pretty quick to recover, and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Again? What the hell did he do? He’s been telling everyone that you attacked him, Remy, but Tim let it slip that it was actually Charlotte who broke his nose and gave him two black eyes.”

  Remy is positively fuming beside me, but I can’t help the grin that forms on my face. “Two black eyes and a broken nose, huh? Holy shit, I need to tell Sebastian and Grayson!”

  Olivia snorts and scoots closer to Ethan, making herself comfortable. “God, you and your friends are so weird. Elliot was, like, creepily proud of her when Charlotte tried to attack Mike with a fork. Not that he didn’t deserve it. He’s always been such an asshole.”


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