Temporary To Tempted (The Bachelor Pact Book 2)

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Temporary To Tempted (The Bachelor Pact Book 2) Page 5

by Jessica Lemmon

  “Yes. That’s fine.”

  “Great.” The woman behind the counter tapped the keys on her keyboard.

  How Gage’s affable mood hadn’t waivered today was beyond Andy’s comprehension. They’d started the morning way too early at the airport and then had gone through the discomforts of traveling—checking the bags and wedging into their tiny airplane seats. She’d fought him a little when he offered to put her bag in the overhead bin, but then realized she was standing her ground on something that shouldn’t matter. If they were dating, he would of course stow her bag for her.

  At the rental car kiosk, he’d insisted on driving and she’d given in on that, too. And now, the room debacle was another compromise she was making. She wasn’t used to being half of a whole, or considering anyone’s needs or wishes other than her own, but Gage made it easier than she’d have suspected to give up her control. It still surprised her that she’d not only let him take care of her, but that it’d also been...nice.

  The woman at the front desk handed over their keycards and pointed out where their room was located, but Andy was listening with half an ear. Reason being, her mother and second eldest sister were approaching, whispering to each other as they came.

  “Andrea,” said Vanessa, her voice lifting in surprise.

  “Hey, Ness.” Andy stepped away from Gage a few inches and his hand fell away. Nervously, she smoothed her skirt with sweaty palms. “Mom.”

  Her mother studied Gage as well, but more dubiously than Vanessa did.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” her mother said, her eyes still on Gage. “Who’s this?”

  “Gage Fleming, this is my sister Vanessa, and my mother, Estelle.”

  “I’ve heard so much about you.” Gage eased into a grin and shook their hands, and Andy felt her spine stiffen. No way would they believe this laid-back, ridiculously handsome, socially comfortable man was dating the Ice Queen.

  “When Andrea RSVP’d with a plus-one, we didn’t know what to think.” Her mom—a beautiful woman—managed a snide smile that was somehow still pretty.

  “You’re the first of your kind,” Vanessa added unhelpfully. “Andrea usually shows up to her sisters’ weddings by herself.”

  “Well, unless one of you opts to remarry,” Gage said as he wrapped an arm around Andy and pulled her closer, “this will be the last one.”

  Oh, he was good.

  “We should go find our room,” Andy announced, dying to run away before she inadvertently blew their cover. She was having the hardest time being comfortable in Gage’s hold, especially with her eagle-eyed family staring them down.

  “You’re staying together?” Estelle’s voice rose along with her slim, plucked eyebrows. Not because Andy’s mother was old-fashioned and believed they should be staying separately but because—

  “Andrea’s not known for her affection.” Estelle narrowed her eyes at her daughter. Andy wanted to sink into the floor. “It’s...interesting to see her as part of a...couple.”

  Nope, her mother did not buy that Gage was with Andy for one second. Andy felt sweat prickle under her arms and opened her mouth to share the story of how they’d met at the bar—minus the part where she offered to hire him, and adjusting the timeline some—when Gage leaned in, his lips to the shell of her ear.

  “Relax, beautiful girl,” he whispered. “Touch my chest and smile like I just said something deliciously dirty to you.”

  He hadn’t said anything dirty to her but her cheeks warmed like he had. She followed his instructions, tickling her fingers over his T-shirt-covered chest and closing her eyes as she pulled her mouth into a smile. It wasn’t hard to do with him so close, his low, sexy voice in her ear.

  He finished by kissing her temple, and when Andy faced her mother and sister, they both looked away like the intimate public display had made them uncomfortable.

  She liked that. A lot.

  Vanessa mentioned “drinks in the bar” in an hour and then she and their mother wandered off in that direction.

  Andy grinned at Gage, barely able to keep her excitement in check when she blurted, “That was amazing!”

  But he wasn’t smiling with her.

  “Are they always that rude?”

  “Who cares! You should’ve let me pay you. You’re worth every penny.”

  His mouth flinched like he wanted to smile, which seemed to be his default expression. She pulled her hand off his chest, having forgotten she’d left it there this whole time. “Sorry about that.”

  He cupped her cheek and tipped her face up to his. She was lost, admiring his handsome face for one stunned moment. “Stop acting like we’re acting. You have to immerse yourself in this role, Andy. We’re always being watched.”

  She stole a look around the room, and sure enough, another group of family members was heading their way. “Oh. Right.”

  “Right. Do we need to say hi to them, too?”

  “I don’t feel like it.”

  “Okay, then, let’s not.” Gage lifted their bags as she shouldered her purse.

  Her cousins approached, wearing matching shocked expressions, one of them going as far as to say, “Andrea. You have a date.”

  “One who’s been itching to get her alone since this morning,” Gage said. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s test out that bed.”

  Leaving them gaping in her wake, Andy followed, wanting to punch the air in triumph. Damn, it felt good not to be alone for once. To have someone have her back—hired or no.

  Maybe her fears and worries about pretending with Gage were truly unfounded. What was the harm in immersing herself in this role the same way he had?

  He wasn’t expecting more from her, and he’d already overdelivered on her expectations. She didn’t see a reason not to return the affection Gage so easily offered. Especially when they both knew this attraction was pretend.

  He walked down the long corridor toward their room and she bit her lip as she watched him carry her bags. He looked strong and sure hefting her luggage. Plus he had a great ass.

  She watched his butt, satisfied that she could without worrying what anyone might say if they noticed.

  Mostly pretend attraction, she thought to herself.


  “My sister’s husbands are nice guys for the most part,” Andy was saying as she walked back and forth in the hotel room.

  Ever since Gage had placed their bags on the floor in their suite, she’d been a flurry of activity from changing her clothes to touching up her makeup to fixing her hair.

  “Kelli and Boyd are the snobby country-club type, but Alec, Kenny and Garrett are okay. I mean, I guess. I don’t really know Garrett.” She huffed as she tried again to latch a necklace around her neck and Gage stepped in to help.

  “Which one’s Garrett? Lift your hair.” She did and he easily clasped the delicate chain at the back of her neck, smiling at a cute smattering of freckles at her nape.

  “Garrett’s the groom.” She turned, her eyes on his, her high heels bringing them almost nose to nose. “Gwen’s fiancé.”

  She looked away quickly, like maintaining eye contact was hard for her. When she backed away, he crooked a finger, beckoning her to him. She visibly squirmed but came as requested. Sort of.

  “Closer, Andy.”

  One more tentative step brought her to the spot where she’d been standing a second ago.

  He smoothed her hair off her neck. “You and I have been dating for eight months, right?” he asked, reminding her of their agreed-upon pretend history.


  “You’re going to have to learn how to be near me without flinching. Am I that unattractive?”

  “No. Not at all.” She looked genuinely stricken. “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way.”

  He had to smile. This take-charge, in-charge woman who blew into a room like a
frosty chill and froze everyone around her into submission wasn’t as cold as she pretended to be.


  “What?” Now she looked just plain hurt. “This isn’t going to work, is it?”

  “Yes. It’s going to work.” He trailed his fingers down her arm and grasped her hand, brushing her knuckles with his thumb and placing his other hand on her hip. She touched his chest like she had in the lobby, and he heard her breath hitch. “How can I make you more comfortable around me?”

  “I’m not comfortable?” she seemed to ask herself. “I thought I was doing better.”

  So she’d been trying. Interesting.

  “We should kiss,” she said with a curt nod. “Get it over with.”

  Now he did chuckle. “Get it over with? It’s not going to be like a dental appointment, Andy. I promise.” He gestured to his mouth. “I know what I’m doing with this.”

  Her tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip as she stared at him almost in wonder. He felt the charge in the air—the sexual tension radiating between their bodies. He couldn’t get past the idea that she was a live wire, even if she was contented to play the role of the “Ice Queen.”

  He knew this was pretend—they both did—but he couldn’t help wanting to pull warm, responsive Andy from her recesses. He’d started out thinking she was a challenge, but he had the distinct impression that succeeding would be an even bigger win for her.

  “I’m all for kissing you. I’ll let you come to me, though. I want you to be ready. Once you touch your lips to mine, I’m going to give as good as you do,” he promised. “I’ll match you stroke for stroke.”

  “Okay.” She rolled her shoulders, readying herself. “I can do this.”

  He banked his smile as she seemed to steel herself. She closed her eyes, pulled in a deep breath and blew it out. If he hadn’t already worked with her for almost two weeks and knew what a goal-oriented achiever she was, he might’ve been insulted. Andy did whatever it took to win, and evidently winning included kissing him.

  Her eyes popped open, determination brewing in their depths. She palmed the back of his neck and slanted her face. He leaned in, mirroring her movements. A fraction away from his lips, she whispered, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  “God, yes.”

  As soon as he said the words, she pressed her mouth to his. It was more of a lengthy pucker than making out, but he gripped her waist to encourage her to stay close. He wanted her to take what she needed from him.

  When her lips softened, he teased them open with his tongue. She slid her tongue into his mouth and that was when that live wire jolted him. She tasted like mint and smelled faintly of cinnamon. From her hair stuff or her perfume, he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t noticed it in the lobby, but now it infused every inch of his immediate vicinity.

  He’d expected kissing Andy to affect her, and he’d expected to enjoy it. What he hadn’t expected was to be towed in by her so thoroughly. The connection—the spark—that had resulted from their fusing didn’t stop at their mouths.

  She held onto him—her palm gripping the back of his neck, her smallish breasts against his chest—like she never wanted to let go. He tightened his hands on her hips and aligned them with his own. She was an absolutely perfect fit. He allowed instinct to drive him as he took the kiss deeper. What had lit between them was a hell of a lot more than he’d bargained for, but he had zero interest in stopping. Unfortunately, she did.

  Andy tugged her lips from his, her delicate throat moving as she swallowed.

  Gage was still leaning forward, his lips parted, completely dazed by that kiss. Here he thought he’d be the one walking her through the lesson. He’d expected to be the one guiding her. Instead, she’d taken him hostage with her mouth and her skill. He hadn’t minded at all.

  Take me, honey.

  “So.” She cleared her throat. “I guess that’s not going to be a problem.”

  “No,” he agreed with a grin. “I guess not.”

  “Ready to go meet the family?” She smoothed his T-shirt that she’d wrinkled in one fist while they’d kissed.

  “Sure. Let’s do it,” he answered automatically, and then on his way down the corridor realized that the last time he’d agreed to such an invitation it’d been when Laura asked him to meet her parents.

  * * *

  Gage had met Andy’s sisters at the bar last night—they’d been there with their husbands, who huddled together and talked like they were comfortable with each other. Rather than mingle with them, Gage had chosen to stay by Andy’s side.

  He was still trying to figure out the dynamic between her and her four sisters. The mother, Estelle, was stern and unfriendly, yet as gorgeous as the rest of the women. They were all tall or tallish, long-limbed and attractive, with varying shades of red or blond hair. Estelle has passed down her high cheekbones and bright blue eyes to most of her daughters.

  Andy was reserved and distant, where the other sisters were mostly cozy with each other. Gage wondered if it was because she’d moved away and they’d remained in Ohio. He’d asked her as much when they returned to the room last night, but she’d only shrugged and said, “They’ve always been like that.”

  He wasn’t sure if it was her sisters who’d ousted Andy or Andy who’d ousted herself. It appeared to Gage that Andy was the one keeping her distance. Although after that run-in with her mother and Ness at the front desk, who could blame her?

  But Andy had come alive when Kelli asked her about work, citing her recent successes without an ounce of gravitas. Andy didn’t have to overstate her accomplishments. He knew from the experience with her at Monarch—Andy was just that good.

  He’d slept like crap last night since the sofa bed was about as comfortable as a pile of cotton balls and wire hangers, but he’d lied and told his pretend girlfriend that he was fine sleeping on it. She’d tried to offer him the bed and said she’d take the sofa, and then he’d had to wonder what kind of dopes she’d been dating.

  Whatever ease had come as a result of the explosive kiss last night was gone by this morning. Part of him was relieved, since he’d been thrown so off-kilter by their abundant physical attraction. Andy didn’t seem the type to embark on a temporary physical affair. But most of him still wanted to kiss her again and damn the consequences, if not to slake the thirst he’d developed for the confusing redhead over the last couple of weeks.

  This morning’s activity, according to his itinerary, was brunch with Andy’s immediate family. She stalked ahead of him across the green grass, her straight spine evidence that she was back to her no-nonsense self.

  The small, catered affair was for the wedding party and close family. Andy fell into both categories since she was a sister and a bridesmaid.

  After a quick greeting to a few people he’d yet to meet, they lined up at the buffet packed to the edges with mini quiches, fried potatoes, fruit and every imaginable breakfast meat there was, including prosciutto-wrapped figs.

  He picked up two plates and handed Andy hers.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’m not accustomed to anyone fetching my plate for me.”

  “What cavemen have you been dating, Andy? This is boyfriend 101.” Gage didn’t realize anyone was paying attention to them until a bulky guy on the opposite side of the buffet table spoke.

  “I was one of ’em, wasn’t I, Snowflake?”

  Andy bristled, her back going even straighter—Gage hadn’t thought it possible. She introduced him, her voice cool and robotic. “Matthew Higgins, this is my date, Gage Fleming.” Her tone softened some when she turned to Gage and said, “Matthew and I dated about seven or eight years ago.”

  “Oh, right. You mentioned him. The one with the protruding brow and big head.” Gage kept his smile easy.

  “Very funny.” Matthew really did have a caveman vibe about him. He snapped his attention back t
o Andy. “Nice to know we regard each other with similar admiration, Snowflake.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Do you prefer Elsa?” To Gage he said, “Frozen wasn’t out when we dated, so I had to make up my own ice-queen nickname for her.”

  That was what Snowflake was about?

  “Freeze you out, did she?” Gage set their plates aside and pulled Andy close. His lips to her ear, he whispered, “You want a repeat of that kiss from last night, now would be a good time.”

  Her mouth curled into a smile of uncertainty—like maybe she thought she’d heard him wrong.

  “I’m game if you are,” he announced, happy to have shut out her asshole ex-boyfriend and thrilled that Andy’s attention was on Gage instead. Thrilled further when Andy draped one arm over his shoulder and leaned in for a demure kiss. Not a tangle like last night, but the kiss didn’t last as long as Gage would’ve liked.

  She lowered to her heels and accepted her plate from Gage, who sent Matthew a smug smile. “She’s nothing but gooey with me, big guy.” He enjoyed Matthew’s deep frown almost as much as him leaving pissed off.

  “Thanks for that,” Andy muttered as she piled her plate full of fruit. She picked through the croissants while Gage put another spoonful of scrambled eggs on his plate.

  “When in doubt, make out.”

  Her laugh was genuine and he liked it a hell of a lot. He might have first agreed to come here in exchange for her help at Monarch, but he found he also liked protecting her from the vultures circling.

  “You’re not intimidated by difficult people,” she pointed out. “Did you learn that at work, or is your family also challenging?”

  “Sorry, can’t claim dysfunction. The Flemings are scarily normal. My sister, Drew, and I are close and our parents are supportive. Although they still do weird parent stuff that embarrasses the hell out of us.”

  “Your sister’s named Drew.” Andy smiled. “What’s she like?”

  “She has bad taste in men, a big heart and a lot of spunk.”

  “Sounds like me except for the big heart. It’s always been assumed that mine is missing.” She sent a derisive glance in Matthew’s direction.


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