Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2) Page 6

by Jessica Manson

  “You can have peace once you have joined us. We can give you everything your heart desires Lilith.” The girl on the left of the leader said.

  “I have everything I need already.”

  “Join us now or we will hunt you until you do.” The leader said through gritted teeth.

  “I am not joining you. Hunt me if you must but I will not be a part of your coven.”

  “One day soon, you will join us Lilith. You will see.”

  “Fuck!” I yelled as I was jolted awake. As if I didn’t have enough people chasing me already now, we have to add witches to the mix.

  Catching Tristan off guard when I yelled, he swerved almost hitting a passing car. “Lilith what’s wrong? You scared the shit out of me.”


  “What happened? Are the babies okay?”

  “Yes. They are fine. I have good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?”

  “Good news.”

  “Good news is, Slaaneth isn’t going to bother me again until it is time for me to have the babies.”

  “And the bad news?”

  “Now some witches are after me.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “They came to me in a dream just like Slaaneth does. They tried to get me to join them.”

  “Why do they want you to do that?”

  “I don’t know. But I think it’s time I talked to Parker. He seemed to know a lot about witches. Maybe he can help me.”

  “I don’t think it is safe to contact him,” Tristan said sounding worried.

  “We have to. He may be the only person with answers.” An idea occurred to me, “Do you think it is possible that I can reach out to him the same way Slaaneth and the witches visit me?”

  “I don’t know. Do you know how to do it?”

  “No. But I have learned that if it is quiet enough and I concentrate hard enough I can sometimes do the things I want. Did I ever tell you that I summoned my mom once?”

  “No!” he said excited.

  “The day I was at the house alone waiting for the movers. She is the one that told me how to kill Slaaneth.”

  “If she told you how, then why haven’t you done it yet?”

  “Because she said the answer lies within me. The answer will reveal itself when I am ready to listen. I just haven’t figured it out yet.”

  “So, you need a quiet place with no distractions?”

  “Yes. Any places come to mind?”

  Since leaving Montana, we had already passed through Wyoming and were well into Colorado. “As a matter of fact, one place does come to mind.” He immediately pulled out his phone and called someone. It sounded like he was making reservations. “Everything is set. It is a little off course, but we can be there in less than an hour.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Tristan smiled, “It’s a surprise.”

  “Fine, don’t tell me,” I teased. “I hope this works. It’s the only way to reach him undetected.”

  It felt like we drove more than an hour before we got to our destination. When we stopped, I quickly got out of the car to get a better look at the view. It was breathtaking. Tristan had brought us to a resort that sat next to a red mountain, the Palisade Monolith. It was in close proximity to nothing. “Is this okay for some quiet?” Tristan asked.

  “Are you kidding? This is perfect.”

  “Well come on, let’s get checked in.” After checking in Tristan turned to me and said, “They only had one room with one bed. Is that okay? The rooms here have couches that I can sleep on.”

  “That’s fine. I’m just ready to relax a little.”

  Inside our room was almost as beautiful as the outside. Everything in the room was done in earth tones. The walls were a soft sage green with soft yellow curtains. The furniture a dark wood. Everything here seems so earthy. I sat on the bed to feel it’s softness and it made me miss Odin’s bed. His bed was so soft and fluffy it was like sleeping on clouds. If I am ever able to stay in one place long enough, I would have to get me one like his.

  Laying on the bed my stomach was yelling at me. I had forgotten to eat today. “Hungry?” Tristan asked with a raised eyebrow. I nodded, and he walked toward me holding out his hand. “There is a restaurant downstairs.”

  The restaurant was just as beautiful as everything else in the resort. The lighting was dim giving off an intimate feel. The walls were a golden yellow and chandeliers hung over every table. Everything was elegant, and it looked pricy. I felt underdressed in my jeans and t-shirt, which brought back memories of the first-time Odin took me out to eat; the first time we had a real conversation. He took me to a fancy restaurant where there to I was way underdressed.

  Even the menu was elegant. Nothing jumped out to my taste buds, so I decided to get the Dry Aged Bison Rib Eye while Tristan settled on the Broken Arrow Ranch Venison Oscar. Hopefully the food didn’t taste as bad as the names sounded.

  When the food came out, I was surprised at how wonderful it looked. The plates were elegantly designed. And the taste was insane. The name did no justice for how the food tasted. I was expecting something I wouldn’t like but it was exquisite. When I was done with my meal, I decided on getting the Chocolate and Hazelnut Mousse Cake. By the time I was done eating, I was stuffed; my hunger fully satisfied.

  “That was amazing,” I said more to myself. “How did you know about this place?”

  “It is my secret hideaway. I come here when I need time to myself.”

  “Well are you ready to go see if I can reach out to Parker?” We headed back to the room and got comfortable on the bed. “Wait Tristan, this is a stupid idea. What if Parker isn’t asleep? I won’t be able to reach him if he is awake.”

  “This isn’t stupid, and you will never know if you don’t try.”

  With his words, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. I focused on what I needed to do. I searched for Parkers subconscious. I got nothing. I opened my eyes frustrated and sighed. “This isn’t working.”

  “Try Bristol.”

  “Okay, but I don’t think it will work.”

  “Of course, it won’t if you don’t believe.”

  “What are you a Disney movie now?” I asked joking.

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny.”

  “Okay, silence.” I closed my eyes again and focused on Bristol this time. I called out her name with my mind. I was about to give up when I zoned in on her subconscious. It felt as if I was inside my own mind walking around. Like an out of body experience. I could see myself walking toward her. She stood in a field of wildflowers smiling up toward the sky. I felt bad for interrupting her dream. “Bristol,” I called out to her.

  She turned to face me, “Lilith? What are you doing in my dream? How did you get here?”

  “Oh, my God Bristol.” I ran up to her and threw my arms around her neck. I was overjoyed that I had actually done it. “I am so glad I found you.”

  “What are you doing here?” she asked again confused.

  “I need to get in touch with Parker, but this is the only way. It is too dangerous to contact him by phone. Odin may have bugged him.”

  “We heard you left Odin. What happened? He came to us looking for you.”

  “He did? What happened?”

  “Odin, Ambi, Latham, Brant, Cal and Gunner showed up at our house and demanded for us to let them search for you. We told them we haven’t heard from you, but they didn’t believe us. They tore our house apart looking for you Lilith. What happened?”

  “Odin killed my parents. I couldn’t stay with him after finding out the truth and I knew Odin wouldn’t just let me walk away. So, Tristan and I ran. Bristol, I have to get in touch with Parker. If I tell you where we are can you and Parker meet us there?”

  “Of course.”

  “It is very important that you be discreet. No one can know about this. If they find us, they will kill Tristan and me.”

“I understand,” she said with reassurance.

  I told her where they could find us, and she said they would leave immediately. With having their own private jet, they would be there in the next few hours. “Bristol,” I called out before returning to myself. “Thank you.” She nodded as I was zapped back into the room with Tristan.

  “Did it work?” he asked impatient.

  “They will be here in a few hours.”

  “You actually did it? That’s amazing. It is so impressive how strong your powers are becoming. All you have to do is want a power to work and it does.”

  “It doesn’t terrify you?” I asked remembering how Odin told me once that the powers I had inside of me scared him.

  “Not at all. Just the opposite. I think what you can do is amazing.” He seemed to have a new joy within him and it warmed my soul. He was so cute when he was excited. He jumped up and walked over to me, pulled me into his arms and spun me around. “You are simply amazing.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his playfulness. He placed my feet on the floor slowly causing me to slide down his body. His closeness made my breath catch. Our eyes met and lingered on each other. He leaned in and kissed me gently on the cheek. When he tried to pull away, I pressed my lips to his lightly. His tongue grazed my lip causing me to deepen the kiss until our tongues met.

  He pulled my body closer to his wrapping his hands around my waist. His hands slid up the back of my shirt and I started to lose myself in his touch. I ran my hands up his arms and slid them into the sleeves of his shirt. I reached around him to feel his back. I removed my hands and pulled his shirt over his head. His lean body spoke to mine and called for me touch him. I ran my fingers from his chest to his belly button feeling every muscle.

  He pulled my shirt off and picked me up in his arms. He sat me gently on the bed and climbed on top of me. “Lilith.” He called my name so softly it sent butterflies through my body making me kiss him. I reached down and unbuttoned his pants letting him know what I wanted. What I needed. My body has longed for his for far too long. I was tired of waiting. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  “Never been surer of anything in my life.” He kissed me again before taking my pants off and standing to remove his own. He climbed back on top of me. He kissed me from my stomach up to my neck until he found my lips again. He sat me up and unclasped my bra then slowly removed my panties.

  He rested on top of me kissing me and I opened myself up to him. He entered me slowly. He moved at a slow pace while never leaving my lips. Our bodies never unwrapping from each other. His touch was so gentle it made me crave more of him. Sex with Odin was filled with passion and our hunger for one another. It was aggressive. But sex with Tristan wasn’t any of that. It was gentle. Every caress, touch, glance was filled with pure love. It was more than just two people having sex with each other. It was our trust and commitment to one another. It was our hopes, our dreams and a promise to make it through whatever the future may throw at us.

  Tristan was able to satisfy something inside of me in a way Odin hadn’t been able to in a long time. Odin satisfied my physical lust, but Tristan was able to satisfy the trust I needed to feel. He was able to fill a void I hadn’t realized was there. We made love to each other with every part of our bodies. Love radiated from us. It was in our breath, our touch, our heart beat. We stayed tangled in each other for hours before our bodies gave out from exhaustion. I rested my head on Tristan’s chest letting sleep take me away.

  Chapter Nine

  When I woke up Tristan was still asleep. I quietly slipped out of the bed and went into the bathroom. I turned the water on as hot as I could stand it and once the water was hot enough, I stepped in. A smile formed on my lips as I thought about making love to Tristan. What we did was beyond what I thought was possible for two people. It lasted hours and was the best sex I had ever had even though I have only had one other lover before him. We reached a connection so deep it was like we could feel each other’s souls.

  I can’t figure out if I am lonely, heartbroken or just desperate to be loved by someone I can trust.

  I loved Odin so deeply and he meant everything to me. I never in my wildest dreams thought about betraying him. I loved Tristan while I loved Odin, but my heart only beat for Odin. Tristan never had a chance with me no matter how I felt about him deep down. But, all of that changed when I found out that Odin killed my parents. The moment I found out, every drop of love I felt for him turned to hate. My heart didn’t beat for him anymore. The weird thing is, is my heart isn’t even broken over him, it is just filled with so much anger and hate toward him.

  Maybe when the hate leaves, my heart will finally bleed. Maybe then I will be able to feel the pain I need to feel.

  I know it is quick and I was trying to wait, but I think I am ready to give myself to Tristan fully. I want to be with him mind, body and soul. Last night proved that to me. He has been beside me through so much. And is willing to stand beside me through so much more. Tristan is the calm to my storm.

  When I was about to turn the water off Tristan stepped into the shower with me. “Hi beautiful,” he whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “Hi.” I leaned into him resting the back of my head on his shoulder.

  He kissed my neck softly as he whispered in my ear, “Last night was amazing.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  Without saying another word, he turned us, so he was under the water. He let the water run over his head and I found it sexy. I washed his hair for him while our eyes stayed locked on each other. Once I rinsed the soap out of his hair, I kissed him gently on the lips before stepping out of the shower.

  As I walked back into the room, I heard a knock at the door. “Just a minute,” I yelled out trying to get dressed as fast as I could. When I opened the door Parker and Bristol stood on the other side. I hugged both of them at the same time catching them off guard. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Nice to see you too,” Bristol said pulling away from me. “You going to let us in or do we have to stay out in the hall?”

  “Sorry. I was just so excited to see you,” I said as I stepped to the side letting them in.

  Parker stopped in front of me looking at me intensely, “How are you holding up? Bristol told me about Odin,” he asked.

  “I’m holding up for now.”

  “I’m here for you Lilith. If you need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Well, I have tons of questions I was hoping you could answer for me.”

  “I can try.”

  Tristan walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. The sight of him made my heart speed up. He looked extra sexy with his hair disheveled and dripping a few water drops that landed on his chest and ran slowly down to his stomach. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from him and Parker couldn’t take his off me. Parker watched me watch Tristan dig in his bag for his clothes. The muscles in his chest and arms twitched as he pushed the clothes from side to side.

  Parker cleared his throat making me remember Tristan and I weren’t alone. Embarrassed, I looked up at Parker who wore an expression I couldn’t read. Tristan laughed as he walked back into the bathroom to get dressed.

  “What questions do you have for me Lilith?” Parker asked.

  “First, I’m hungry. Would the two of you like to join me for breakfast?” Before heading for the restaurant, I knocked on the bathroom door. Tristan opened the door wearing only his jeans that were still undone. My mouth watered at the sight of him and my body longed to fill his against mine again. “We are going for breakfast, care to join us?” I asked.

  He pulled me into the bathroom and closed the door behind us. “I can’t stop thinking about last night,” he said as he pulled me in for a kiss.

  “Me either,” I said as I pulled away from him.

  “How are my babies this morning?” he asked as he rubbed my stomach.

Hungry. Are you coming with us?”

  “Yes. I’ll meet you down there once I’m dressed.” I turned to walk away when he pulled me in for one lighter kiss. “I love you Lilith.”

  “I love you Tristan.” He smiled and finally let me go. When I stepped back into the bedroom Parker and Bristol both, gave me a questioning look. “Let’s go. Tristan will meet us down there,” I said before they could ask any questions.

  When we got to the restaurant it was empty except for the workers. The emptiness made it comfortable for me to ask some of my questions. “So, Parker, is it okay to ask a few questions now or should I wait?”

  “Sure, as long as no one hears us.”

  I didn’t hesitate, “What will happen to me if Odin catches me?”

  “It will be up to him what he wants to do about what you have done. But typically, if a mate leaves it is usually punishable by death.”

  “But what if the Sacrament was performed under false pretenses? I mean it’s not like I didn’t have a good reason for leaving him,” I said trying to defend myself.

  “That is true, but in the coven’s eyes you are the one that betrayed an oath. What Odin did before the Sacrament was performed doesn’t matter in their eyes. You will be the one punished, not Odin.”

  “But that isn’t fair. I shouldn’t have to be with someone just because they say I do.”

  “I agree,” he said in my defense.

  “Could I become the mate of someone that wasn’t chosen for me?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Say for instance, if I wanted to perform the Sacrament with Tristan, could I since he was not chosen to be my mate?”

  “No. The Luminaries chose the mate for you. Odin was chosen for you, so you have to be with him. And let’s say something happens to Odin, like he dies, the Luminaries would choose another mate for you. You don’t get to choose. You have no say whatsoever.”

  “But I got to choose between you and Odin.”

  “That was different. Two mates were chosen for you, so you had no choice but to choose.”


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