Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2) Page 11

by Jessica Manson

  “I don’t want him touching me.”

  “I understand, but I have to get you undressed and you can’t move. It may hurt the babies worse.”


  She called Odin back into the room, “Help me undress her but be careful. She needs to move as little as possible.”

  Odin walked over to me and looked at me for my permission before he started to undress me. “Just do it. But don’t touch me and I mean it.” He sat me up gently and pulled my shirt over my head. He laid me back down and slid my pants off. I was naked in front of the man who killed my parents. He didn’t take his eyes off my body. He stared at me and desire filled his eyes. “Odin,” I called his name. “What is that?”

  “What is what?” he asked.

  “Is that blood on my pants?” Panic started to fill me. This was it; I was losing my babies.

  “Now some blood is normal. Let’s check you out before you panic,” Dr. Johnson said. She rolled over a big machine, “I am going to do an ultrasound on you. This will be cold since I don’t have a warming machine here,” she said as she squirted some cold goo onto my belly. She pressed something to my belly and started moving it around. “I’m not getting a good picture. I will need to use the vaginal wand.”

  “What is that?” I asked scared of her answer.

  “I will do the ultrasound from the inside. I will insert this vaginally, so we can see the babies better.” She laid the bed down flat and had me bend my knees and lay them to the side. “This shouldn’t hurt, but you will feel some pressure.” She didn’t give me time to breathe before inserting that thing inside me. I felt violated, but I knew we needed to make sure the babies were okay.

  Odin placed his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. I pushed his hand away from me. “I said don’t touch me.”

  “I’m just trying to comfort you,” he said.

  “That’s what I have Tristan for,” I snapped.

  “Do you think he is going to take my place? He is not your husband, I am.”

  “He is my husband.”

  “What do you mean he is your husband?”

  “We got married under human law. He is my husband. Remember when I told you yesterday, they would carry his last name? That is because that is my last name now.”

  “You are already married to me. You can’t marry him.”

  “I am only married to you under the coven’s laws Odin. It’s not recognized by human laws so there is no name change. No divorce needed. Technically we aren’t even married. But Tristan and I are. We are legally married.”

  “If you will look here you can see the babies,” Dr. Johnson said interrupting our argument.

  “Are they okay?” I asked.

  “They are fine. But there is a very small tear in the ambilocal sac. You are losing a little bit of fluid. You will need to be on bedrest and monitored at least twice a day for a couple of weeks. You are nine weeks along Mrs. Rose.” The look on Odin’s face when she called me that was priceless. He was pissed, and I thought it was hilarious.

  “Thank you.”

  “Odin, you can help her get dressed then carry her back to bed. The babies can’t handle any stress so no fighting with her.”

  As Odin was dressing me, I asked, “Odin, can I please see Tristan when we get back down there?”

  “No,” he said quickly and flatly.

  “Odin please. I need to see him.”

  “No Lilith. My father would kill me.”

  “Grow some fucking balls Odin. You are a grown ass man. You don’t have to do everything daddy says.”

  “Don’t be like that. You know I can’t let you see him.”

  “Why not? I just need to make sure he is okay.”

  “Come on let’s go. You need to get back to bed.” He lifted me into his arms and carried me back down stairs. I tried to see Tristan in the cells, but I couldn’t. Odin was moving too fast. He took me back to my room and laid me on the bed. “What happened to your hand?”

  “I took the bracelet off.”

  “Here let me heal you.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Yes, but I would have to bite you.”

  “I am not letting you bite me.”

  “Lilith it’s the only way for me to heal you and you are still losing blood from it.”

  “Fine,” I said holding out my hand to him.

  He gently unwrapped the towel from my hand. “Jesus Lilith.”

  “Yeah, yeah I know. Now can we get this over with.” My hand looked disgusting with a large chunk of skin missing from it. He pulled my hand to his lips and sunk his teeth into my palm. I cried out in pain. He drank from me, tasting me. He looked up at me as he drank my blood and our eyes locked. He longed to feel me again. I could see it in his eyes. I looked away from him reassuring him my answer was no.

  He pulled away from me, “There. See healing already. Now do you want to tell me how this happened?”

  “I got the bracelet off.”

  “Why did you take it off?”

  “So, I could get out of here.”

  “Did you try using magic in here?”

  “Yes. But it didn’t work. I got thrown against the wall.”

  “My father used the same metal behind the walls throughout the room that was used for the bracelet. That’s why you were thrown.”

  “Odin, you can’t keep us here. Why would you force me to be your wife?”

  “Because you are my wife. Lilith, I love you and I know you still love me. We were good together.”

  “Your wrong. I don’t love you anymore. My love for you died the day I found out you killed my parents.”

  “I can make you happy, make you rich. I can give you and the babies a life that Tristan can’t.”

  “We have our own money. We don’t need yours. And Tristan already gave me a better life than you. He gave me what you didn’t, a choice.”

  “Well, well. What have we here? Is the happy couple reuniting?” Draven said with a smug smile on his face.

  “What do you want Draven?” I asked with ice in my voice.

  “Bring her Odin. It’s time she sees what their punishments are.”

  “She can’t. The doctor said the babies can’t handle any stress.”

  “Do not disobey me. Bring her now,” Draven said.

  “I’m sorry Lilith. We have to go,” Odin said. Odin lifted me into his arms again and carried me back out into the opened area where the cells were. They were still empty.

  “Where are they?” I asked Odin.

  “You will see them soon enough.” We walked over to a door under the stairs. I hadn’t even noticed it was there. Draven pushed the door open and stepped aside for us to enter. My heart fell at the sight of Tristan, Bristol and Parker.

  Tristan was on his knees chained to the wall. Bristol was strapped to a metal table naked. And Parker was tied to a chair. They were all covered in dirt and blood. They looked like they had been down here for weeks instead of just a day.

  “I think it is time we get started,” Draven said walking around the room. “Who shall go first?”

  “Leave them alone.” Tristan finally raised his head at the sound of my voice. Tears filled my eyes as I watched blood pour from his nose and mouth.

  “I think I will start with her. She is a pretty little doll isn’t she.” I watched as Draven climbed on top of Bristol and unbuttoned his pants. He forced himself inside of her and she let out a scream.

  Anger boiled inside of me and I forced myself out of Odin’s arms. Draven was so focused he didn’t realize I had snapped my fingers freeing Tristan from his chains. I snapped my fingers a second time and freed Parker from his chair. I walked closer to Draven and flicked my wrist throwing him against the wall. With one snap of my fingers the chains wrapped around his wrist holding him captive just as they did Tristan.

  “Odin do something. Get me out of here,” Draven yelled.

  Before O
din could grab me, I threw him into the chair that held Parker. I lifted my hands into the air and without touching them, I moved Parker, Bristol and Tristan outside the door and shut it, locking me in with our kidnappers.

  It was my turn to have a little fun.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I walked over and looked Draven in the eyes before back handing him the same way he did me. “That was for yesterday.”

  “Do you think you scare me?” he said with a smile across his face.

  “I am going to kill you and take your place as the next head Luminary.”

  His smile turned into a loud laugh. “You think you will be a Luminary? You are a girl. Women don’t serve as a Luminary.”

  “They will after today. I plan on making you pay for all the hurt you caused me and Tristan. When I am done, there will be nothing left of you.”

  “Let me ask you something Lilith. Do you know why there were two mates chosen for you?”

  “I think I do, but why don’t you enlighten me?”

  “Odin was never chosen for you. Parker was your only chosen mate.”

  “What are you talking about?” Odin asked looking at his father for answers.

  “He is saying he lied and forced the Luminaries to lie too. He wanted my power.”

  “See, I needed you on our side. We needed the power. I made a sacrifice. My son for you.”

  “You are a shitty father.”

  “I did what I had to do. Eighteen years ago, when I found out your mother was pregnant with you, I knew you would be different. I made the choice then to have two mates chosen for you. Parker was your original mate. But the only way I could have you in my family was to give you Odin as well. I had a witch cast a spell on Odin so the first time you lay eyes on him you wouldn’t be able to resist him. You should have been drawn to Parker, but the spell worked. Odin of course had to do all of the work. The spell was only to make him irresistible. Odin had to put in the effort to win your heart.”

  “You mean she isn’t mine?” Odin said with sadness in his voice.

  “No, she never was,” Draven said with no regret.

  “Why did you need my powers? There are no wars upon you. No one to fight off.”

  “The Luminaries had decided once you were on our side, we would start a war of our own. We wanted power. We craved it. The coven’s all around the world would bow to us.”

  “You were going to use me to win a war for you?”

  “Yes. You are very powerful child. We weren’t expecting you to find out about your parents. We also weren’t expecting you to run off.”

  “Why did you make him do it?”

  “Make who do what dear?”

  “Why did you make Odin kill my parents?”

  “We needed to get you away from their protection. We knew as long as you were living with them, we would never get to you.”

  I looked over at Odin. He was heartbroken at the realization at what he had been tricked into doing. Even though my heart was hard toward him, I couldn’t stand to see him like that. I opened the door and with a flick of my wrist he flew out of the room still strapped to the chair. I shut the door behind him not letting anyone in.

  Draven rose from his knees and walked toward me as far as the chains would let him. “I will kill you and your babies once I am free.”

  Without hesitation, I kicked him in the knee popping it backwards. He fell to the floor screaming in pain. “You won’t get the chance.” I kicked him in the face as hard as I could. Banging started at the door. Everyone was yelling for me to let them in. I guess the group had arrived. “Seems we have visitors. Too bad they won’t be able to save you.”

  Just as the words left me, the door flew open. Brant charged toward me, but I stopped him in his tracks with a snap of my fingers. Ambi was next to enter the room followed by Dex, Gunner and Cal. I tried to stop them but was unsuccessful. They dragged me back to my room. Before shutting the door on me Ambi said, “You will die for this bitch.”

  “Fuck you,” I spit at her. I was locked up once again. I should have killed Draven when I had the chance. Now he was going to kill everyone I love. Tristan, Parker and Bristol would pay for my fighting back.

  It has been ten days since they locked me back up in this room. I haven’t heard from Draven or Odin since I attacked them. They haven’t even let the doctor see me. The only contact I have had is when Brant and Ambi bring me my food, but they don’t speak to me. They just slid the tray of food in and quickly leave.

  I haven’t been able to reach Tristan with my mind either. I know Parker said my telepathy is both, vampire and witch, but I can’t seem to tap into it just as a vampire. I seem to be more in tune with the witch side of me, but I can’t use it from fear of hurting my babies again. Maybe I can’t access the vampire side because it needs to be fed. I crave the taste of blood every day now. I can smell the human doctor and the fairies all the way down here as they move about upstairs. The desire to feed from them makes my throat burn. I need to taste them.

  I could hear someone moving around outside my door. I walked over to see if I could figure out who it was, but they never spoke, only fumbled around. “Hello. Who’s there?” I asked through the door. “Can you get Odin for me? Please.” Whoever was there never answered me but the moving around stopped.

  I lay on the bed and tears filled my eyes. I missed Tristan so much. I longed to be held in his strong comforting arms. One of his hugs would be nice right now. I miss our conversations. I miss how we used to talk every minute of every day. I miss having our own private conversations with our minds. I wish I was there with him or him here with me. Truth is I just want to be with him anywhere. Missing him is the worst feeling in the world.

  With my body needing to feed it has made me weak. The slightest movement wears me out. And it doesn’t help that my belly seems to grow bigger by the day. None of the clothes they stored for me in here fits. My belly was growing, but my body was becoming weaker by the minute. And with my body so weak it is hard for me to stay awake for more than an hour.

  I was just about to fall asleep when Brant showed up with a tray of food for me. He slid it in and was about to close the door when I called out for him. “Brant, wait.”

  He peeked inside the door. “What?”

  “Don’t worry I don’t have enough strength to hurt you or to run.”

  He stepped inside the door and took one look at me, “What is wrong with you? You look like shit.”

  “I need help Brant. Can you get Odin for me? Please” I begged.

  “I’ll see what I can do, but he refuses to see you.”

  “Please. Just try.”

  “Okay. I’ll try,” he said walking back to the door.

  “Hey Brant,” I called after him one more time.


  “I’m sorry for putting you to sleep back at the hospital and for punching you in the nose.” He nodded before walking out of the room. I walked over to get the tray of food, but my legs gave out causing me to fall to the floor. I tried to lift myself, but it was no use, I didn’t have enough strength. My head started spinning and black dots appeared in my vision. I laid on my back to try to get the room to stop spinning, but that just made it worse. The black dots grew until my vision faded completely and I blacked out.

  In and out of consciousness I could hear voices outside the door. I tried calling for help but it took so much strength it would cause me to black out again. When I finally came to, I peered at the clock and noticed I had been passed out for five hours. I started to feel relieved because I knew it was almost time for Brant to deliver my food. I lay on the floor for fifteen more minutes before Brant showed up. He opened the door and slid the tray in. This time he did something he has never done before, he actually looked inside my room.

  He looked around for me and when his eyes finally landed on me, they grew wide with horror. “Son of a bitch,” he yelled. “Get Odin. Now!” he shouted to someone on
the other side of the door. Brant rushed to my side. “Lilith, are you okay?” I couldn’t speak so I shook my head the best I could. “What happened?” he asked not realizing I couldn’t speak. I started to black out again. My eyes rolled into the back of my head causing Brant to pull my head into his lap. “Stay with me Lilith. Odin is on the way.”

  Tears rolled down my cheeks because I could feel myself slipping away. I knew my time had come. I could feel my body shutting down. Tristan’s face flashed before my eyes and I longed to see his beautiful face one last time. I needed to feel his hands on my cold body, to feel our hearts beat against one another one more time.

  Tears fell harder as I realized that would never happen. I would never see him again. I would never feel his body against mine. I would never hold his hand again. And I would never be able to tell him goodbye. My heart broke for him. He would never see our babies born. He would never hold them in his arms. He would never hear them call him daddy.

  All of the moments we shared together, each and every beautiful memory flooded back to my mind. Hopefully the love we had for each other would be enough to outweigh my death for Tristan. I’m not leaving him because I want to, I’m leaving him because this life has no other plans for me. He was the best part of my existence.

  My breathing and my heart beat slowed. My death was getting closer. My hell was almost over. I looked at Brant and our eyes met. I told him goodbye with my eyes and tears formed in his. He knew as well as I did, it was over. I motioned for him to lean closer to me. I used the last bit of my strength to whisper in his ear, “Tell Tristan I love him and tell Odin I am sorry.” The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.

  “No, you don’t Lilith, don’t you fucking die on me.” He pulled me into his arms and started running with me as death took me under.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I was upstairs when I heard Brant yelling for me. I ran out of my room to see what all of the commotion was about. When I found Brant, I saw Lilith laying in his arms motionless. I ran to his side and tried to take her from him, but he wouldn’t let her go. She wasn’t breathing, and her heart had stopped. She was gone.


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