Debauched: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 4)

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Debauched: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 4) Page 14

by Sarah Bailey

  “Oh,” she panted out.

  My face dipped lower, into her perfect breasts as I kissed the skin where they were showing above her dress.


  Her breath stuttered and she gripped my shoulders, abandoning my tie completely.

  “Pull your dress up and bend over my bed.”

  “Ror, we can’t. We don’t have time.”

  “Yes, we fucking can.”

  I slapped her behind hard which made her yelp. I’d make fucking time. I wanted her all over my cock and I wanted it right now.


  “Do what I say, little star, or I’ll make it hurt.”

  Pulling back, I directed her towards the bed. Ash didn’t stop me as I pushed her onto it. In fact, she pulled up her dress so it sat on her waist, showing me her pert little behind clad in black underwear.

  “Pull them down.”

  My hands were at my belt, unbuckling it and tugging open my fly. She reached behind her and tugged her panties down, exposing her beautiful little pussy to me. I held back a groan.

  “Ror, what if someone comes in?”

  “I don’t give a shit, spread yourself for me.”

  She did as I asked, placing her hands on her cheeks and spreading them open. Fuck, she looked so damn sexy. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her as I opened my bedside drawer and pulled out a bottle. Little did my girl know she was about to get so thoroughly fucked, she’d be smelling of sex when we went to the casino. Smelling of me. Just how I wanted her. And if the boys complained, so fucking what.

  I tugged my cock out, which was rock hard and straining. Having her once wasn’t enough. Not any longer. I stood behind her, running my hand over her pert behind. Then I slapped her pussy which made her jolt and whimper.

  “That’s for not doing what I said straight away.” I slapped her again. “That’s for trying to deny me.”

  I ran my thumb along her folds, finding her wet. She was always so fucking wet. I slapped her little pussy one last time.

  “And that’s because I wanted to.”

  Then I slammed my cock up inside her in one brutal thrust which had her jerking forward on the bed and crying out. I grunted, feeling her warmth encase me as her pussy fluttered around my cock, trying to accommodate it.

  “Oh god, Ror.”

  “Don’t hold back, little star. I want to hear you scream as I fuck you.”

  I thrust into her over and over again, loving how she moaned and pleaded with me. How she held herself open and took my brutal pounding. Reaching over, I grabbed the bottle and squirted the lube on her exposed little hole before rubbing it in. She whined when I slid my finger in her, stretching her out for me. One became two and two soon became three. She panted and thrust back against me with each stroke.

  “Such a good little toy. So eager for cock.”

  I pulled out of her pussy. My cock was slick from her arousal, but not quite enough. I applied a generous amount of lube before notching the head of my cock to her puckered hole. Pressing forward, I slid in, choking on my own breath as Ash almost screamed.

  “Jesus, fuck, Ror!”

  I knew she’d had the others here and I wasn’t going to let her get away with not having me too. She was my fucking toy and I’d use her any way I wanted.

  “You’re going to take my fucking cock like a good little fucktoy, do you hear me?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “But… but… you’re so big.”

  That made me smile despite myself. I gripped her hip and sunk deeper, not caring as she wriggled and mewled. She was so fucking tight and hot. Everything I’d imagined her to be. When I was halfway, I pulled out and pressed in again until she started to loosen up for me. Then I stopped holding back.

  “Ror, fuck… fuck, it hurts, please.”

  “I want it to fucking hurt you. You’re a cock tease, little star. Strutting about in t-shirts which barely cover your pussy and making my cock so fucking hard, I can’t think straight.”


  “Shut up and take my fucking cock like you were made to.”

  She whimpered but didn’t make any other sounds as I fucked her tight little arse harder. My hands wrapped around her hips. Keeping her anchored to me. I was aware we didn’t have much time and I was so fucking close, anyway.

  “Touch yourself, little star. You’re going to come for me.”

  She let go of her cheeks and put her hand between her legs. She whined and moaned as she stroked her clit. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back, but the heat of her had me tipping over the edge. I growled as the first wave hit. Then she clenched around my cock, practically screaming into the covers as she came.

  We were both panting heavily when we came down. That’s when I heard movement behind me. I whipped my head back, only finding a figure retreating from my doorway. I had a feeling I knew exactly who it was.

  I pulled out of Ash and helped her up. She was a little wobbly on her feet, but I walked her into the bathroom so she could get cleaned up with me. When we were both presentable again, she knotted my tie and I walked out of the room with her on my arm. She grabbed a little clutch from her bedroom on the way downstairs and doused herself in perfume which made me grin.

  “I smell of sex, Ror. Stop grinning.”


  “Excuse me?”

  “You smell of me. You’re mine.”

  She opened her mouth and closed it again as she tucked her arm back in mine.

  “You’re a bad man,” she muttered as we descended the stairs together.

  “You like that about me.”

  She huffed. “That’s beside the point.”

  I smiled wider.

  When we reached the hallway, Eric and Xav had their heads together by the door whilst Quinn had his arms crossed over his chest.

  “You two took your time.”

  I gave him a look which had him averting his eyes. He definitely saw us. As to how long he was standing there, I had no idea, but I’d been too busy inside Ash to really care.

  “I was helping Ror with his tie,” Ash said.

  “Hmm, yes, I suppose that had to involve your knickers around your thighs, did it?”

  “Quinn! Oh my god, did you see?”

  I glanced at Ash whose face had gone bright red. Quinn shrugged and dropped his arms, striding towards the door. Ash had spent last night with him. This morning whilst he’d been stressing, he seemed less tense so clearly, she’d given him a little relief.

  “Let’s go or we’ll be late.”

  Xav gave the two of us a wink and Eric shoved his arm.

  “Leave them alone,” he hissed.

  “What? Rory’s allowed to fuck Ash into next week if he wants. In fact, I congratulate him on it.”

  Ash’s flush deepened, covering her chest in the most delightful way.

  “Jesus, you really have no shame.”

  “Zero. Now, let’s go before Quinn kills us.”

  Eric shook his head as the two of them walked outside.

  “We can’t do anything in this house without someone finding out about it,” Ash muttered as I directed her towards the front door.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “I guess not. I still can’t believe Quinn saw. I thought that would’ve bothered you.”

  I shrugged. If it’d been anyone else, it might have, but Quinn was like a brother to me. Besides, I’d just come inside my girl. Nothing was going to bring me crashing down.

  Ash looked up at me.



  “Will you tell me how you got your scars one day?”

  I almost stiffened. That was not a question I’d been expecting her to ask.


  She gave me a sad smile and tugged me out of the house. Quinn was waiting to lock up. His eyes drifted over us for a moment before we descended the steps. Why would Ash want to know about
those stories? They weren’t exactly pleasant. Then again, I should tell her what happened to me. She knew so little and that didn’t seem right any longer. If Ash was going to be mine forever, she deserved the truth even if the truth wasn’t pretty.

  Perhaps after we’d got through this evening, I might find a way to tell her everything even if I only managed it in pieces. Perhaps telling her would help set me free.

  I stared down at Ash as she walked with me to the car. My little star wasn’t going to judge me or make me feel like a victim. She’d be compassionate and understanding. So I decided I was going to take that leap of faith finally. In order to bring us closer together, I had to let go of my walls. Let them fall down for her. Then I might be able to tell her my real feelings.

  I love you, Ash. I love you to the stars and back. Forever.

  Chapter 23

  The risk we were taking this evening could backfire on us spectacularly. So I wasn’t entirely impressed with Ash and Rory for indulging themselves before we left. Ash needed to be on top form tonight. All of us fucking well did. It wasn’t that I cared about them fucking, it was more that I needed Ash not to have distractions. Not that I could say anything since I’d been deep inside her this morning after tying her to the headboard and clamping her nipples. She’d been thoroughly punished for her outburst the night before and left with an unfulfilled wet pussy she’d been banned from touching. Something she’d complained vehemently about until I told her to be quiet or she’d be spanked further.

  Ash was currently sat between Rory and me in the back of the car whilst Xav drove. He kept putting his hand on Eric’s thigh as if staking a claim. It was admittedly nice to see them finally open about their feelings. They hadn’t been overly affectionate with each other since they’d got together.

  Ash leant over to me, her hand running up my chest and adjusting my tie a little.

  “How much did you see?” she asked, her voice low.


  More than I wanted. And confessing to myself that I didn’t like the way he spoke to her made me feel shit. I might like to push Ash to her limits but I never degraded her or treated her with anything but respect during sex. So yes, it bothered me and I wasn’t going to say anything to either of them. Wasn’t my place to interfere if it wasn’t an issue for her.


  “What, little girl?”

  Her blue eyes went wide and I realised my tone was laced with irritation.

  “Are you upset with me?”


  Her hand curled around my neck, nails scraping through the short hair at the back of my head.

  “You don’t look happy.”

  “We’re going to deal with this fucking mess, of course, I’m not happy.”

  Her face fell and her hand tightened.

  “I’m sorry.” She laid her head on my shoulder. “It’ll be okay. We have each other if all else fails.”

  Sadly having each other wouldn’t do us much good if all out war came to our doorstep.

  “I don’t think you’re unhappy about that though, Quinn… tell me what’s really wrong.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Don’t shut me out.”

  My heart burnt at her words. My little girl was the source of my solace in every aspect of my life. She’d been there for me when I couldn’t handle the shit piling on us any longer.

  “I’m not,” I gritted out.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Lie to me.”

  I almost spluttered. Since when had Ash learnt to read me so well?

  Since you let her in.

  “And don’t even think about denying it.”

  I kept my mouth shut. Now was not the time for us to be talking about this. I felt the heavy weight of her stare for the rest of the journey. When we stopped, I was out of the car and practically dragging her towards the back entrance of the casino. I punched in the door code and ripped it open, not caring if the others were behind me or not. She didn’t stop me when I dragged her into a cleaning cupboard right next to the lift. It was dark but I could feel her as I tugged her small frame against me.

  “I’m not going to interfere in your relationship with Rory, little girl.”

  “I knew you were annoyed about that.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. What exactly upset you?”

  Every part of me rebelled against telling her.

  “I don’t need you distracted.”

  “Quinn!” I felt her grip my lapels and shake me. “Tell me the fucking truth or so help me I will hurt you just as much as you hurt me when you lie to me.”

  I almost told her the only way she could hurt me is if she left me but the very thought of that made my blood turn cold. A world without this vibrant little girl would ruin me.

  “I don’t like how he spoke to you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not fucking repeating what he said.”

  “You mean… Oh… I told you I knew he was dark and fucked up, that’s what I find attractive about him aside from the obvious.”

  She was silent for a beat, her hands uncurling from my lapels and smoothing over them in the dark.

  “Why didn’t you say something to him?”

  “I’m fully aware of the way he treats women during sex. We’ve discussed it on multiple occasions. Why do you think I kept warning you? I didn’t think hearing him call you those things would upset me. I don’t like anyone being disrespectful towards you.”

  Her hand ran up my chest and curled around my face.

  “Quinn… you know he respects me. It isn’t about that. It’s the way he likes to play and I’m okay with it. If I wasn’t, do you think I’d let him say those things and treat me like I’m nothing more than a toy for him to use?”

  I didn’t answer her. How could I? She had become his solace and exactly what he needed.

  “The first time… it was intense and I struggled with what he wanted. What he needs. Even as I enjoyed myself. I told him if he’s going to treat me like that during sex, he has to show me he cares afterwards. He has to look after me. And he did. He does. Please don’t be upset with him. Please understand. He needs this with me. He needs me. And I need him just as much.”

  I wasn’t upset with either of them. Not really. Sometimes this relationship between the five of us was hard to handle. It required a drastic change of mindset. One I struggled with at times even when I wanted to give Ash everything she needed.

  I dropped my head and found hers, pressing my forehead against her.

  “I just love you, little girl, and sometimes this thing between all of us gets to me.”

  Her hand around my chin tightened.

  “It’s okay… it gets to me too. I think it does to all of us. And I love you too, so much. You’re my king, Quinn, you rule my heart and soul.”

  I almost got choked up at her words. She ruled over me too. With her tenacity. Her support. And most of all, her love.

  “Careful, you might make the others jealous.”

  She snorted.

  “Oh shut up. They know I love them just as much… well except Ror, but I don’t want him bolting so I’m waiting until the time is right.”

  “Wise move.”

  Rory needed to be introduced to things at his own pace. Concepts like love were hard for him when he’d never had any love at home. The only reference he had for it was the way me, Xav and Eric cared for him. That wasn’t the same as romantic love so who knew how he’d take it.

  “It’s not a competition, you know. I love you in different ways and for different reasons but you all hold my heart equally.”

  I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “I know, little girl.”

  “Have you stopped throwing a hissy fit now? Can we get back to what we’re meant to be doing?”

sp; I almost laughed.

  “Watch how you speak to me or I’ll take you upstairs and rain down hell on your behind whilst the boys watch.”

  “Oh, I’m so scared. Not like you haven’t done that before.”

  I grinned, finding the door and opening it before tugging her out.

  “You might not like it when I demand they fuck you one after the other whilst you’re tied to the desk.”

  She stared up at me, blue eyes full of shock.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Don’t test me, little girl, and you won’t find out.”

  She bit her lip before falling silent and looking away.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  She held my hand as we waited for the lift. And as we stepped inside, the doors sliding shut, she looked up at me again.

  “Maybe I’d rather feel three of you inside me at once,” she murmured.

  I held back a smile. So Xav was right. She did want to try a foursome. This girl was just as depraved as the rest of us when it came to sex. All it took was opening her eyes to the possibility.

  Dirty girl.

  “That can be arranged.”

  Chapter 14

  Quinn had instructed the staff to set up the meeting in one of the VIP poker rooms. The four of us sat with a drink in hand outside in the lounge area whilst we waited for the attendees to arrive. Ash was in another room since we didn’t want to show our hand quite yet. None of them knew why we wanted to meet.

  The first person to turn up was our usual mafia contact, Vincenzo Villetti. Quinn stood up to greet him as Colum Moran walked in along with a few other members of the families. I recognised Ash’s friend, Fabio, who’d looked after her when we’d tricked Russo into thinking she’d run away, walking in next. His eyes scanned the room and landed on us with a quirked eyebrow as if wondering where Ash was.

  Quinn greeted everyone with an easy smile as if he wasn’t about to drop the bomb of the century on them about who he really was.

  “Why do I have a really bad feeling about this?” Xav murmured to me.

  “Because this could go wrong on an epic level.”


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