Debauched: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 4)

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Debauched: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 4) Page 18

by Sarah Bailey

  I almost laughed.

  “They’ll know we destroyed Frank, something they’re all too fucking cowardly to do. They won’t give a shit if Il Diavolo retires. Let them squabble amongst themselves for all I care.”

  The only plan we had was to keep the Syndicate. We’d run our casino and our online businesses. We didn’t need anything else. Those endeavours supported our lifestyle. We had more money than we ever needed so I didn’t give a shit about hoarding more.

  All we really needed was each other at the end of the day. The five of us. Our quintet. The only thing which mattered to me.

  No one spoke for a long moment. Viktor took a sip of his coffee before placing it back down on the coffee table.

  “I agree with Quinn,” he said quietly. “Russo must die. I will not allow him to hurt my daughter. I’m sure you understand why I cannot be directly involved, however, if you require anything of me, you will have it.” He looked up at me. “I trust you to take care of Ash. All of you.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was him giving his blessing to us or not, but I took it as that. Knowing we had his support didn’t stop our mission being dangerous. It would always be a huge gamble for us to take out Russo.

  My eyes fell on Ash and she was looking at the father with no small amount of happiness. Then she was up and out of Rory’s lap, skirting by Isabella and seating herself next to Viktor. He let her take his hand.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “You have no idea what it means to me to have a father who actually gives a shit about me… who respects me.”

  He reached up and brushed her hair behind her ear.

  “You are an adult, kotik, I will always respect your wishes. I have no desire to control you, only to support you.”

  I watched Isabella’s expression. Her eyes clouded over as she took in the affection between her daughter and Viktor. She could’ve given Ash this a long time ago. Could’ve allowed her to know the truth about who her father really was. Isabella could’ve given Ash a life away from Russo. But then… we wouldn’t be here today. We wouldn’t have Ash and that didn’t even bear thinking about. Rory, Xav, Eric and I all needed Ash in our lives. We needed her to complete us. She’d been the missing part and now we were together, I couldn’t imagine life without her. Without this perfectly imperfect girl.


  She turned to Isabella, letting go of Viktor’s hand.

  “I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through. I’m just so, so sorry.”

  Ash stared at her for a long moment before her bottom lip trembled. Then she barrelled her way into Isabella’s arms, holding her tight. None of us did a thing whilst they hugged it out until Ash pulled back and gave her a sad smile.

  “We’re going to take him down, Mum. For good.”

  Isabella stroked her daughter’s face.

  “We will, darling, we will.”

  Then they both turned to me. I put my hand out.

  “If we’re all agreed, then I suggest we form a plan. Russo has to die. No matter what it takes.”

  The grim determination settling over everyone in the room gave me a little hope we could come out of this alive. That we could make sure we had a future together. Ash had her family in Viktor and Isabella and her home in me, Rory, Xav and Eric.

  We were one

  And we were going to fucking stay that way.

  No matter what.

  Chapter 30

  I got out of the car and walked around, finding her standing with her eyes fixed on the woods ahead of us. Ash looked over at me when I approached, her blue eyes wide with her arms wrapped around her chest. I reached out and brushed a hand along her shoulder. She leant into my touch.

  Quinn was going to kill us for leaving the house, but I didn’t care. Nothing mattered but me and her. Nothing but this moment where I let go of everything and became the hunter I’d always wanted to be. The one who sought his prey. Her. My most beautiful girl.

  It’d been two days since we’d made a plan to take down Russo. I decided it was worth taking the risk to do this with her. We couldn’t predict the outcome and now more than ever I needed to take control of my fucking life. Stop living in fear and be open. If it all went to shit, then at least I wouldn’t regret anything. I’d never regret her. Never regret us.

  This was our moment. And I was fucking taking it.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” she whispered.

  “That should be my question to you.”

  She stepped closer, staring up at me.

  “Don’t you know I’d do anything for you, Ror?”

  Being with her made me feel things I’d long since thought I wasn’t capable of. This girl had done things to me which no one else had managed. I craved her touch. Needed her body next to mine. I itched to have her at my mercy.


  She closed the distance leaving little room between us.

  “Anything, I want to be what you need.”

  I couldn’t stop myself reaching for her, tugging her against me and tangling my hand in her beautiful blonde locks.

  “You already are.”

  I gripped her hair tighter until she winced. I leant down and ran my nose up her neck, breathing in her delicious scent.

  Not yet. Soon. First, I’m the hunter and she’ll be my prey.

  “Run and don’t look back, my little star.”

  She shivered and let out a little pant.

  “You’re really going to chase me?”

  I grinned.

  “I’m going to hunt you down and when I catch you, you’ll wish you ran harder.”

  I released her and stepped back. Ash’s pupils were dilated. Her chest rose and fell as her hands fisted at her sides. Fear pumped through her veins. She knew what her role was in this game but as to what would happen when I caught up to her, well, she’d have to wait and see.

  “Run, Ash, run as fast and hard as you can.”

  She started to back away from me towards the woods.

  “The safe word is devil.”

  My smile widened and I nodded once. I remembered. If she wanted me to stop, I would, but Ash had never used it. This time would be different. She’d see me unleashed completely. Whilst she told me she wanted to do this, I still questioned how far Ash would really go for me. Would she even enjoy this?

  “You get a head start, but make no mistake, I’m coming for you, little star.”

  She gave me one last look before she turned and ran towards the woods. I bit my lip as my blood pounded in my ears, adrenaline flooding my veins. Seeing her run made me want to give chase, but not yet. I didn’t want this to be easy. She needed to feel the fear so when I did catch her, she’d fight me. And fuck did I want her to fight hard. It would make this so much sweeter.

  I wondered what Quinn would think if we told him our safe word was down to his idiotic nickname. Didn’t matter since I was never telling the boys this is what Ash and I got up to when we were alone. Hell, none of them even knew we’d gone.

  It hadn’t taken me long to plan this, finding somewhere secluded where we wouldn’t be interrupted. Where we couldn’t be found easily. It would be hard to explain away what I was doing to her if anyone saw us. I’d left our phones in the car because I knew once they realised we were gone, no doubt Quinn would be on my case. We could deal with it when we got back.

  It’s time.

  She’d had five minutes. I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to hunt my prey. Catch her and make her take everything I had. She’d be thoroughly used by the time I was done.

  “I hope you’re ready for me, little star,” I whispered into the cool, still night air.

  I took off after her, my feet pounding on the hard ground. When I hit the treeline, I stopped, my eyes searching for any traces of her. The leaves to my right had been disturbed. I walked in that direction, listening hard for any sounds which might tell me where she’d gone.

  As my eyes
adjusted to the low light, I could see a little snapped branch ahead of me.

  You’re not going to get away.

  She’d probably be scared out of her mind by now, looking back to see if I was behind her. The thought of her blood pounding in her veins, her breathing erratic and her blue eyes wild with fear made my dick hard. When I caught up to her, I would use her tight little holes until she begged me to stop.

  I resisted the urge to palm my cock as I moved faster. My steps were light. The wind blew and an owl hooted above me. Then I heard it, the faint sound of footfall ahead of me.

  Little star.

  My steps turned into a light jog. I could call out to her, let her know I was on her tail, but where would be the fun in that? She’d hear me soon enough and then she’d really run. She’d run until her legs burnt and her chest heaved. That’s exactly how I wanted her. Afraid of the monster coming after her. Afraid of what he’d do.

  As I got closer, I could hear the rustling of the undergrowth as her feet disturbed the ground. Then I saw her, a flash of blonde hair darting between the trees thirty feet in front of me.

  Time to catch my prey.

  I gave chase then. I knew the moment she heard me because she looked back over her shoulder. She couldn’t see me but she knew I was there. Her legs pumped harder as she dashed between the trees. The forest grew denser, making it harder for her to navigate. She let out a moan of fear as her head turned again.

  I struck then. She barely had time to scream as I slammed into her back and sent both of us flying into the dirt. Ash sucked in a choked breath, her body going tense underneath me. I pinned her hands down, using my body weight to keep her in place.

  “I’ve got you, little star. If you scream, I’ll hurt you worse,” I hissed in her ear.

  She bucked then, trying to dislodge me.

  “No,” she moaned. “Please.”

  “Pleading won’t work. You thought you could run and escape me. I’m going to ruin you.”

  Her hands strained against mine as her body bucked again.

  “No, get off me!”

  I bit down on her earlobe, making her cry out in surprise. Her attempts to get free intensified. I let her have a little leverage because I could. Her hands slipped free and she pressed them against the ground.

  “Stop, please. I don’t want this.”

  I chuckled.

  “Too fucking bad. You’re going to do everything I tell you.”

  My cock strained hard against the zipper of my jeans, making it difficult to think about anything but ripping her clothes off and plunging inside her. I was high off the thrill of chasing her down. I ground against her behind, the friction ripping a groan from my lips.

  She rose up on her hands and knees, throwing me off her. She was only getting away because I allowed it. Barely having a chance to get up before I grabbed hold of her leg and ripped her off her feet again, she slammed into the ground, letting out a yelp. I was on her the next moment, sitting on her legs so she couldn’t kick out at me. Her hands came up, clawing me as she fought against my hold. I grabbed both her hands and locked them against her chest.

  “You’re going to regret that.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” she spat at me.

  A swell of pride rose up inside my chest. My girl was magnificent. Her blue eyes were wild with fire and fear. Her blonde hair splayed out behind her like a halo. So goddamn beautiful.

  “Trust me when I tell you the only person who’s going to get fucked right now is you. You’re going to scream, cry and beg me to stop, but I know you want this.”

  She shook her head fervently, bucking against me yet again.

  “Let go of me.”

  “Never, little star. Never.”

  “I don’t want you.”

  I moved her hands up above her head, keeping both her wrists together. Using my free hand, I tugged her t-shirt up, exposing her luminous skin to the air. Ripping her bra cup down, I pinched her nipple hard. She yelped, pressing her hips upwards.

  Mmm, little star, you want me really. You want every part of this.

  “Yes, you do.” I twisted her nipple. “You want me to fuck your dirty little mouth and make you gag on my cock.”

  “No. No. Stop, that hurts.”

  I twisted harder, making her yelp. She squeezed her eyes shut, swallowing hard.

  “You like pain. You like it when it hurts, don’t you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m going to make it hurt so bad. You’re going to wish you never let me catch you.”

  “I didn’t let you.”

  I chuckled again.

  “Oh, yes you did. You let me catch up so I could fuck you in the ways you’ve been craving.”

  “No. No. No!”

  If I touched her pussy now, I knew she’d be drenched. She couldn’t hide the way she rubbed herself against me. She wanted my cock inside her tight little hole, filling her up.


  I released her nipple, my hand going to my jeans. Her eyes flew open and she watched me, letting out a quiet moan as I freed myself.

  “You see this, little star? So fucking hard for you. Only for you. I’m going to make you mine. All fucking mine.”

  She shook her head again but her eyes told a different story. Desire flickered in those damning blue depths.

  “No, I’m not yours.”

  “See that’s where you’re mistaken. You’re my little fucktoy to use and abuse as I see fit.” I paused, cocking my head to the side as I looked down at my hard dick in my hand and her hips undulating. “Just look at you, your body is crying out for me. Begging for it. You want my cock so bad, it hurts. You want it in every part of you.”

  “No, I don’t, I don’t want you,” she whimpered, but her body arched up, negating her words.

  I shifted higher up onto her chest.

  “Open your dirty little mouth for me.”

  She kept it closed.

  “Fucking do it or I’ll punish you.”

  She knew I would. I’d done it before. She might have acted as if she hated it when I’d taken a hairbrush to her behind, but her pussy had been dripping when I was done.


  Wrong answer.

  Letting go of my cock, I grabbed her jaw and pried her mouth open.

  “You’re going to take it whether you want to or not, you hear me? I’m in control here, not you. You’re mine to do what I want with. All mine.”

  Chapter 31

  I stared up at him. This beautiful man who enraptured me and couldn’t help but wonder what the fuck I’d even let myself in for. Rory had always been the darkest of all of my men, but this was something else. The deadly gleam in his eyes set me on edge.

  When I agreed to this fantasy of his, I had no real clue what I’d signed up for. He’d told me to fight against him as hard as I could. I’m sure most people would question what was happening here if they could see us now. Non-consensual fantasies weren’t exactly top of my kink list, but what I said to Rory was true. I’d do anything for him.

  Having Rory chase me was terrifying. My lungs burnt from running and my legs ached. This felt all too real despite me knowing it was just a game. What I hadn’t honestly expected was how much this would turn me on. Saying no to him. Trying to dislodge him. Telling him I didn’t want him whilst my body cried out for his. My knickers were drenched from my arousal already. Hell, I wanted him to stick his cock in me so badly. To fuck me so hard, I screamed. He’d make it hurt and I’d love every second of it.

  He held my mouth open, his hazel eyes dark. His inner beast was out to play and there was no caging it.

  “If you try anything funny, little star, you won’t like the outcome.”

  His deep voice rumbled through me and I couldn’t help the need to obey. Letting go of my mouth, he shoved his cock in it before I could even think to close it. I almost choked as he pressed it deeper, hitting the back of my mo

  “Suck it like the dirty little bitch you are.”

  I moaned around his length, unable to help myself. My lips sealed around his cock, doing exactly as he ordered whilst he fucked my face. His strokes weren’t gentle. I used my tongue to caress the underside of him.

  “Fuck, little star,” he grunted, his hand tightening around my wrists.

  Rory had never been particularly talkative, but in the bedroom, I couldn’t shut him up. He had one hell of a dirty mouth. Whilst normally anyone calling me derogatory names would piss me, Rory doing it when we had sex was entirely different. It only made my pussy clench harder. I knew he didn’t really think of me like that. It was just what he needed. It’s what turned him on.

  I want you so much. I need you, Ror. You’re the sun in my sky when you’re around me.

  I hadn’t told him how I felt quite yet. With Rory, I had to be careful. He’d likely bolt if I pushed him too hard. It’d been difficult enough getting him to open up to me in the first place. To even agree to be a part of this thing between the five of us.

  “That’s it, suck my cock, fucktoy. Suck it like it’s the tastiest thing you’ve ever had in your dirty little mouth.”

  His thrusts intensified, making me choke as the head of his cock sunk into my throat.

  “You like this, don’t you? Just like you like it when you get fucked by the rest of them.”

  I moaned before gagging a little. Rory’s taunts might sound strange to anyone else, but it was the truth. I loved all my men and especially when I was with more than one of them in bed.

  “Mmm, little star, you’ve got such a hot, wet mouth. Perfect for my cock just like your other holes. I know you want me to fuck you in those too.”

  I hummed in agreement. Although, when he pulled out of me, I’d go back to telling him to stop. Rory would want that. Want me to strain and struggle to free myself. He thrived off it. I could see it in his eyes. He needed me to be his unwilling victim. Even though we both knew I wasn’t an unwilling participant at all.

  He thrust into my mouth a few more times before his cock popped free. I wouldn’t tell the others this, but Rory’s dick… it was fucking huge. Whenever he was inside me, I felt like I was being stretched to my limits. It made me wonder if I would be able to take any of the others at the same time. That’s if Rory ever wanted to. It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if I only ever had one-on-one sex with him given how intense it happened to be between us.


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