Justice For Sloane

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Justice For Sloane Page 19

by Reina Torres

  His eyes rose up and met her in challenge. “At a time. I don’t think I could handle more than one at a time. I’ll be a big enough mess as it is.” His breaths came shorter as he touched her, their eyes searching each other’s. And when she was sure she was ready to fall into his arms and beg him to give her more, she felt his fingers between her legs.

  Felt him slide a finger between her folds, teasing her with its slow, delicious stroke.

  She edged forward, her legs spreading just the littlest bit wider. “More.”

  He smiled and a second finger joined the first, pushing just a little deeper until she was sure that he’d worked his fingers in to his first knuckle.

  She shook her head. “More, Vicente. I want you inside me.”

  With a smile against her lips, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She gasped and parted her lips to give him whatever access he wanted.

  When his tongue stroked against hers, she felt him sink two fingers deep into her core.

  Her lower back arched and he went deeper as her pointed nipples brushed against his chest.

  “This?” He murmured the question against the corner of her mouth, working his fingers inside of her. “Or something else?”

  She rode his fingers, rocking her hips against him as if she was reaching for something, trying to get just a little closer. “More.”

  He withdrew his fingers and her eyes flew open, her mouth parting on a huff.

  “’Cente, that’s-”

  “Patience, Sloane. Give me a chance and I’ll make it worth the wait.”

  She leaned in and pressed a hard kiss to his lips. “How long?”

  He gripped her hips and lifted her from the counter and set her back on her feet. She narrowed her eyes at him, flashing with a playful warning. “I love it when you need me,” he smiled at her, but she wasn’t quite done with him yet.

  Before she could move, he turned her around. Taking one hand off her hips he took hold of one of her hands and set it on the countertop, palms flat on the granite.

  When she moved her other hand, matching the position of the first he used his hand to rub the firm flesh of her hip. “I think you see what I want here.”

  She gave him a look over her shoulder. “Well, I know what I want.”

  He gave her a questioning look.


  Nodding, he leaned forward and bit the shell of her ear with a playful nip. “Then I think we’re both going to be very happy.” He nudged one of her feet to the side and she repeated the move with the other.

  “Nice to know you can follow instructions.”

  “Ohh…” she shook her head, “you’re going to pay for that later.”

  He winked and leaned forward, flattening one palm against her belly and the other on her lower back. Vicente bent her over the counter using gentle pressure on her body and when he stopped, he leaned into her ear.

  “Quiero sentir tu cuerpo junto al mío,” his voice sent a shiver through her body, and the things that his teeth and tongue were doing to the sensitive length of her neck should be illegal… later.

  “I wish,” she gasped as he placed an open-mouthed kiss on the back of her neck, “that I’d paid more attention in my language class.”

  She heard the tell-tale rip of a foil packet a moment before he spoke again.

  “I doubt they’d teach you that in a class,” before she could turn around to look at him, he set his hands on her hips and bit his fingers into her flesh. “Stay still and I’ll tell you.”

  It took a lot of effort to remain still, but she was dying to know what he’d whispered into her ear. As she stood there, he lifted a hand from her skin and a moment later she felt him press up against her folds.

  Instinct curved her back, giving him room to press forward. And press forward he did. Once the head of his cock slipped into her body she felt his muscled chest against her back and heard the thick rumble of his voice in her ear.

  “I said, ‘I want to feel your body next to mine.’”

  And then he was in, all the way inside her, his hips pressed flush against her backside and his chest against her back.

  She used her hands on the counter and pushed back. “I do love the way you feel against me,” she sighed. “I’ll have to learn that phrase for later.”

  “But now,” he prompted her as he began to withdraw from her body, “all you have to do…”

  She clenched her muscles, trying to hold him inside, but he didn’t stop until he was almost free of her heat. “All I have to do?”

  She would have sworn she could feel him smiling, if that was even possible.

  “All you have to do is hold on.”

  And then there wasn’t time for talking.

  He filled her over and over again, sinking deeper if such a thing was possible.

  As she leaned against the counter, she went down to her elbows, needing the hard, flat surface to brace against, and that’s when she felt the world around her shift.

  His arm around her waist, the other braced beside her elbow, he filled her body with each hard stroke and her soul with his body wrapped around hers, his words filling her ears.

  When his body pushed her over the edge, she fell apart into an untold number of pieces, but it was his tender care and loving concern that put her back together again, stronger than she was before.

  Stronger, because they were together.



  Pilar took the beer that her brother handed her and gave it an absent-minded sip as she took in the gathering around her. Her family, forever an excitable mob, were laughing and dancing. The smaller children playing games in the grass and chasing each other around the clearing.

  She had less than an hour before she was scheduled to go to the airport, but the whole San Antonio Bravo branch of their family tree had been celebrating since mid-morning so she’d gotten her fill and then some.

  Most of her family didn’t understand why she felt the urge to move away. Certainly, they didn’t understand why she choose somewhere as far from home as Center City.

  Looking up from her beer, she saw Sloane making her way over to her side. It still made her laugh from time to time. Her brother, who came from their staunchly blue-collar background, had met and married a woman from the height from San Antonio society.

  And yet it wasn’t as odd as it sounded. Sloane certainly didn’t act like a lot of other people in her position. She never minded getting dirty on clean-up duty or in her everyday life.

  Pilar has seen Sloane dressed to the nines for a fancy event, looking completely amazing standing next to her brother, who managed to wear a tux without making stupid penguin jokes. And Sloane was equally at home in a crazy ragtag group like her family.

  And despite the amazing photos that Pilar had seen of her in the past, Sloane had never looked so beautiful as when they had gathered in her family’s small community church, wearing a simple white gown holding an armful of roses moments before she pledged her life and eternal love as Vicente put his ring on her finger and she in turn put her ring on him.

  Leaving a small group by one of the picnic tables, Pilar opened her arms to her newest sister and gave Sloane a hug.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to take you to the airport?”

  Placing a kiss on Sloane’s cheek, Pilar stepped back just a tad, looking into her soft green eyes.

  “I’m fine. I’ve got a ride coming to pick me up. You two should stay here and enjoy the picnic.”

  Vicente stepped up beside his wife and gently pulled her into his side. He placed a gentle kiss on her temple and whispered something in her ear that made her blush.

  “What’s up with you two?” The secrecy between the two had been evident all day. They were always affectionate with each other, but since they’d arrived at the picnic site to help set up, they’d had these little moments when Pilar could have sworn they were hiding something.

  All it took was one pointed look in her brother’s
direction and she solved the riddle herself.

  “How far along?”

  The two turned their heads in her direction and stared.

  Sloane lifted her hand and set it low on her belly. “About six weeks. We didn’t want to make a big announcement yet.”

  Pilar nodded, the first trimester was a difficult time for some families. “I agree, it’s good to wait for the announcement, especially in this family, you’d never get any peace.”

  Their sister Yolanda had lost two pregnancies in her first trimester, and knowing Sloane the way she did, they were concerned about her reaction.

  “Still, I’m glad I know. I’m so happy for both of you!” She gave them both a hug, gathering each of them close, hoping to remember that very moment in the months to come.

  When they stepped back, she couldn’t help but notice that Vicente’s hand had settled on Sloane’s belly.

  “You’re both going to be the most amazing parents.”

  She turned her gaze to Sloane, wondering how she would take the comment.

  When they’d met, Sloane had had such a tough past with her family, she didn’t want to remind her of her past.

  But again, Sloane surprised her.

  Beaming ear to ear, Sloane leaned her head on Vicente’s shoulder. “We’re going to do everything we can to make sure our baby knows how wanted and loved he is.”

  “He?” The question came from her brother. “How do you know?”

  Sloane smoothed her hand up his forearm and Pilar couldn’t help but see the way her touch soothed him.

  “I just have a feeling.” Sloane shrugged. “Just like I have a feeling that Pilar’s move is going to be a good one. And… she knows that we’re here for her if she needs anything.”

  Pilar lifted a hand in a half-hearted gesture of surrender. “Don’t I know it. I’m sure if I stub my toe and let you know about it you’ll have a whole caravan of cars headed my way straight up through the center of the country.”

  Vicente let a comical expression of shock widen his eyes and smiled. “I do believe she understands how much we can throw ourselves into our work.”

  And it was true, Pilar agreed. While Glen McKinnon rotted in the Federal Penitentiary, convicted of enough crimes to keep him in there for two lifetimes, his entire organization had been dismantled and nearly four dozen men were sent to jail for anywhere from ten years to a lifetime in jail, the Helping Hearts Foundation had continued to be a force of change and a dedicated source of comfort for women and children in need.

  The entire Alphabet soup of local and federal law enforcement in San Antonio were even more involved in their efforts.

  First responders in all areas were volunteering to help those in fear and pain in a more preventative capacity. Citizens all over San Antonio as well as the government at different levels had acknowledged the positive effects of this new partnership.

  “I hope you know that when I get settled in Center City, I’ll be talking with my commanding officers about your programs.”

  Seeing Sloane’s genuine joy filled Pilar with joy herself. “We do our best here, but Center City… it’s several times the size of San Antonio.”

  Pilar nodded. “True, but every big city is comprised of smaller communities and it’s those smaller communities that will need help the most.

  “If we can get even a few of the same programs started, tap into First Responders there as we have here, think of all the good we could do for those that need it. Some, more than most.”

  Sloane stepped forward and pulled Pilar tight into her embrace. Leaning closer, she whispered into her ear. “I love you, Pilar. You’re as much my sister as Kimberly was. If I can do anything to help you get your programs started, just let me know.”

  “And I know,” Pilar squeezed her right back, “that you’ll take care of things here for me. Keep my brother in line, for one.”

  Sloane leaned back and gave Pilar a look of pained exhaustion. “I will do my best, but your brother…” she let out a dramatic sigh and pressed the back of her hand to her forehead with a groan, “he may be beyond my help.”

  Before Pilar could say anything, Vicente swept his wife up into his arms and Sloane wrapped her arms around his neck with a peel of laughter.

  Pilar rolled her eyes. “You better not drop her, brother. Mama will smack you with her slipper.”

  He shrugged and Sloane wrapped her arms tighter around him at the sudden movement. “I’ve managed to live this long. I will survive whatever Mama throws at me.”

  Sloane grew still in his arms and he turned to look at his wife. “What, baby? What’s wrong?”

  Vicente looked at Pilar and she gave him a big wink before waving at him to turn around.

  Standing behind him was half the family, centered around their parents.

  “What’s everyone looking at?”

  Their brother, Alejandro, gave him a smug look. “A dead man walking if Mama thinks you’ve done something bad.”

  To prove his point, their mother, Claudia, folded her arms across her generous bosom and narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Mama?” He shrugged and Sloane laughed again.

  “You’re going to make me sea sick if you don’t stop.”

  “See?” Alejandro gestured at Vicente. “Go get him, Mama.”

  Sloane turned to look back at Pilar. “What is she going to do?”

  Pilar pursed her lips together, trying to smother her smile.

  Alejandro’s smug expression disappeared when his mother gave his arm a pinch. “Mama? What the hell!?”

  That earned him an open-handed smack on his arm.


  Claudia wagged her finger at the youngest of the Bravo’s. “Stop trying to cause trouble for Vicente. You should follow his example and marry a good woman.”

  Alejandro’s complexion soured.

  Yolanda cuffed her brother on his shoulder. “See what happens when you try to get him in trouble? It ends up squarely on you. Give up now before ‘Cente puts you in a headlock.”

  The youngest lifted his chin in defiance. “I can take it.”

  “I know one thing that you won’t be able to ‘take.’” Setting Sloane gently down on the ground, Vicente ambled toward his brother.

  Alejandro stood his ground, his arms straight and stiff at his sides. “You won’t get me this time, Vicente,” even though he shook the littlest bit as their brother neared him, Alejandro stood his ground. “I’m ready for you.”

  Vicente stood before his brother with his whole body loose and easy. Without warning or preamble, he grabbed his brother with both hands on his ribs and tickled.

  As the assembled group started to pick sides in this epic battle between brothers, Pilar’s phone beeped, and she looked at it with a smile. “And that is my cue to leave.”

  Leaning into Sloane, she gave her friend and sister-in-law one last gentle kiss on her cheek. “You better send me pictures of the belly.”

  Sloane kissed her right back. “You know I will. Take care of yourself too. I don’t think the Center City Police Department is ready for you. I’m just glad you’re ready for them, Pilar. You’re destined for good things.”

  Pilar bent down to pick up her carryon bag. “I already have good things. I have the best family in the world.”

  Taking one last look at the chaos surrounding her, Pilar Bravo took the first step in the next part of her life.

  About Reina Torres

  Love - Romance - Books

  Aren't they all the same thing?

  Oh, I sure hope so!

  I've been reading romance books for what seems like forever. When I was a teen, the days that I wasn't in dance class after school I'd go to the mall to wait for my mom to finish work for the day and my haunt of choice... Waldenbooks. (I think I just showed my age there.)

  Whether it was Scottish Lairds, Medieval Knights, Regency Gents, Rough and Tumble Cowboys, or handsome modern Heroes, I loved them all! There was always another hero and heroine t
o follow through page after page of breathless love!

  I really hope that my readers will enjoy some of the same thrills as discover characters to love between the pages of my books.

  Sylvan City Alphas Series

  The Tiger’s Innocent Bride

  The Fighter

  Three Rivers Express Series

  Always, Ransom

  Always, Wyeth

  Always, Ellis

  Orsino Security Series

  Her Unbearable Protector

  His UnBearable Touch

  Their Unbearable Destiny

  St. Raphael, CA Series

  Finding Home

  Playing With Fire

  Healing Hearts

  Taking a Chance

  Shapeshifters of Arcadia

  Beneath the Surface

  Ellingsford, Montana Series

  Stay With Me

  Her Gentle Heart

  Hold Her Close


  Too Much Bear

  Home to Roost

  There are many more books in this fan fiction world than listed here, for an up-to-date list go to www.AcesPress.com

  You can also visit our Amazon page at:


  Special Forces: Operation Alpha World

  Denise Agnew: Dangerous to Hold

  Shauna Allen: Awakening Aubrey

  Shauna Allen: Defending Danielle

  Shauna Allen: Rescuing Rebekah

  Shauna Allen: Saving Scarlett

  Shauna Allen: Saving Grace

  Brynne Asher: Blackburn

  Jennifer Becker: Hiding Catherine

  Julia Bright: Saving Lorelei

  Julia Bright: Rescuing Amy

  Victoria Bright: Surviving Savage

  Victoria Bright: Going Ghost

  Victoria Bright: Jostling Joker

  Cara Carnes: Protecting Mari


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