Slade: A Stone Society Novella (The Stone Society)

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Slade: A Stone Society Novella (The Stone Society) Page 3

by Faith Gibson

  Instead, he padded out onto the patio and leaned his forearms on the railing, clasping his hands together. The moon was high in the sky, calling to Slade with a pull as strong as the mate bond. Slade closed his eyes and asked the gods for strength.

  “I’m gonna get a soda. You want anything?” Matt asked.

  You or a bottle of tequila. “I’ll take a beer, please.” Matt never asked if he could have alcohol whenever Slade was drinking. Slade didn’t ask why, because he figured it had something to do with Matt’s former brother-in-law. Slade hadn’t been around when things went down between Abbi and Troy Quinn, but what Matt hadn’t told him, Slade had gotten out of Jasper. If Trevor hadn’t shot Troy, Slade would’ve taken out the bastard himself.

  “Here you go.” Matt handed Slade his beer, already opened, and set a bag of chips between them on the small patio table. When Matt took a seat, he put his bare feet on the railing and smiled. “Thank you for this.”

  Slade took the other chair, smiling back. “You’re welcome.”

  They sat listening to the waves rolling in for a few minutes. It was one of the most peaceful sounds Slade had encountered in two hundred years. If it wasn’t for the rustling of the chip bag every so often, he would’ve thought Matt had fallen asleep. The teen rarely sat still, and more often than not, he was filling the silence with talk about random things that popped in his head. He remained quieter than Slade thought possible until Matt asked, “Why the Keys?”

  Slade swallowed the last of his beer. “It’s one of the areas least affected by the apocalypse, and the people here are like us.”

  “Gargoyles? No, you said us, and I’m but a mere mortal.”

  “Gay,” Slade explained.

  Matthew’s mood changed immediately. He went from surprised to pissed. “Yeah, that makes sense. I’m gonna…” Matthew rose to his feet and headed inside. “It’s been a long day. I’m gonna get some sleep.”

  “Matt, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just tired. See you in the morning.”

  Slade stood to follow, but Matthew retreated to his bedroom and shut the door. Why would their being gay bother Matt? Had Slade read the teen wrong? Did Matt not realize he was gay? Or worse yet, what if Matt’s reactions in times past had nothing to do with Slade? After tossing his empty bottle in the recycle bin, he grabbed the last of the six pack out of the fridge. Now he really wished he’d brought some tequila.

  Matthew was going to throw up. Of course Slade wanted to go somewhere he could hook up. Matthew was no longer filled with excitement. Less than a minute ago, Matthew was thinking how magical the Keys were. He had been looking forward to seeing the sand and waves in the daylight. Now he just wanted to be home.

  He stripped out of his clothes and took a shower. A quick one without the normal fantasy of him and Slade getting slick and soapy together. No hard-on begging for attention. Matthew’s dick hung limp and sad, just like he felt.

  He flopped down on the bed, begging for sleep to take him. Sleep was a fickle bitch, and tonight, she was nowhere to be found. The room was too quiet. Matthew could hear every noise Slade made. When he looked at the clock for the tenth time, it was a little after three. The door to the suite opened and closed. Matthew jumped out of bed and ran into the main room. Had Slade gone out for a hookup already? “Fuck!” He ran his hands through his hair, pulling on the ends. If this was how their vacation was going to be, Matt wished he would have told Slade he wasn’t interested. He should have checked into going on to college.

  He strode to the mini fridge in search of a beer. He never drank. Had never touched even one beer because he saw what alcohol could do to someone. Troy had been proof of the negative effects. But if there was ever a time to drink, he figured now was it. It wouldn’t take much to knock him out and help him forget about where Slade was and what he was doing. When he opened the fridge and found it empty of anything except soda, he slammed the door shut. Damnit. Slade drank them all. Matthew went around the room opening all the cabinets searching for something stronger. Slade hadn’t bought liquor when they stopped, and Matt doubted the maids would leave alcohol when cleaning, but he could hope.


  Since sleep wasn’t going to happen, Matthew went back to his room and grabbed the gaming system he’d brought. When packing it, he thought he and Slade might want to play if it was raining outside. He never imagined he’d be using it to take his mind off things. He’d just gotten into the first game when the door opened, and Slade walked in carrying two cases of beer.

  Slade pulled up short when he noticed Matt sitting there. “Why are you up? Did I wake you?”

  Huh. Slade hadn’t gone out for a hookup. That didn’t mean he wasn’t planning on it another night, though. “No, just couldn’t sleep.”

  “Yeah, me neither.” Slade put as many beers in the mini fridge as it would hold and tucked the others in a small closet. He grabbed one, opened it, and sat down next to Matthew, leaving less space than usual. Matt handed him a controller, because playing video games was better than silence. Or the questions he didn’t want answers to.

  “We need to talk,” Slade said.

  “I have other games if you’d rather play something different.” Matt didn’t want to talk.

  “No, this one’s fine.” Slade downed half his beer, placed the bottle between his legs, and gripped the controller with both hands. Matthew eyed the bottle, wishing…

  After a few minutes, they got into their rhythm of playing and trash-talking. Sleep tried to take hold, but Matthew wasn’t giving in. Not as long as Slade was willing to play.

  They had been going a few hours when Slade paused the game. “Come with me,” he said, holding his hand out. Matthew stared at it several seconds before taking it, allowing Slade to pull him to his feet and lead him outside. Slade situated Matthew against the rail and stood at his back.

  “Watch,” Slade whispered against his ear. Matthew couldn’t help the full-body shiver.

  It was dark, but Matt knew what he was waiting for. When the sun poked its head above the horizon, the sky went from black to orange to brilliant yellow in the span of a few minutes. He’d seen the sun rise before, but never over the water. Never with a Gargoyle at his back, pressing against him.

  Slade muttered, “Stunning,” and then pressed his lips to Matthew’s neck.


  Matthew didn’t know what was going on. Slade had never crossed the friends-only line. Slade enclosed his arms around Matthew, trapping Matt’s arms against his sides. His lips moved from Matthew’s neck to his jaw to his cheek. He turned Matthew around, and Slade slid his hands down Matthew’s arms to his hands, linking their fingers together. Matthew glanced at Slade’s lips; he was too close not to, and Slade did what Matt had been dreaming about ever since Slade started watching over him.

  Slade kissed Matt.

  It was tentative at first. Just a ghosting of lips. Several whisper-like caresses until Matthew coaxed Slade’s mouth open with his tongue. Slade cupped the back of Matthew’s head and angled their heads more before taking the kiss further. It was a learning experience. Finding the best angle. The firmness of tongues. The place to hold on with their hands. Where to stand so their bodies aligned just right. How their erections fitted perfectly together. When Matt realized Slade was hard too, he moaned into the Goyle’s mouth.

  Slade pulled away. His lips were puffy, and his eyes were bright. “Matt.”


  “Matty. Matthew!”

  “Huh?” Matthew opened his eyes. Damnit, he’d been dreaming. The sun hadn’t come up yet, and Slade hadn’t kissed him.

  “Let’s get some shuteye. When we get up, we’ll find something fun to do.”

  Matthew sat up and looked around. He must have slept a while, because the television was off, and the controllers were stashed on the console. And he’d slept hard enough to dream. Well, damn. Matthew didn’t say goodnight because it was technically morning. He stumbled blearily to h
is room and fell onto the bed. When he awoke the next time, the sun was up, and Slade was milling around in the other room. Matt got up and took a quick shower. He wasn’t as excited about his vacation as he had been, but since he was at the beach, he was going to make the best of it. Slade had been kind enough to bring him, so he’d suck it up if the Goyle did decide he wanted to hook up while there.

  Maybe Matthew would do the same thing. He was eighteen, so what was stopping him from finding someone to spend time with? Problem was, he didn’t want anyone else. He wanted the one he couldn’t have. After drying off, Matt slathered sunscreen all over before pulling on his swim trunks and a tee. Padding barefoot into the living area, Matt’s heart stuttered when Slade turned and smiled at him.

  Chapter Four

  Instead of lying down, Slade went to the living area and looked over the packet of information which had been left in the room. He chose the things he thought they would both enjoy and searched the internet for places and times, making reservations where needed. When Matt got up from his nap, Slade would be ready to show him a wonderful day in sunny Florida. At least, he hoped it would be wonderful. The night hadn’t gone quite as well as Slade hoped after their conversation on the patio. He thought back over the discussion and when Matt’s mood had changed. It was right after he mentioned being gay.

  He couldn’t figure out why that bothered Matt. But something about it did. When Matt retreated to his bedroom, Slade had gone out for more beer. He knew he wouldn’t get any sleep, so he decided to drink and enjoy the sounds of the ocean while sitting on the patio. When he returned from the store, he was surprised to find Matt up and playing a video game. He was glad Matt had brought the gaming system with him, because it was something they both enjoyed.

  Slade tried talking to Matt about what was bothering him, but his mate didn’t want to have a talk. Slade let it go for the time being and took the offered controller. They spent a few hours getting lost in the competitiveness as they always did. Matthew yawned several times, and when Slade paused the game to get another beer, Matthew had fallen asleep. He eased Matthew down on the sofa and took the beer outside. After about an hour, Matthew started mumbling, and by the sound of it, he was having a good dream. Slade hated to wake him, but he didn’t want Matt to be embarrassed if he was having the type of dream Slade thought he was.

  Now Slade wanted to go wake Matt up so he wouldn’t sleep the day away. He prayed his mate was in a better mood. When he heard the shower turn on, Slade went to his room and changed into a pair of board shorts. Matt came into the living area and stood there, looking delicious in his own swim trunks and tee.

  “I thought we’d go grab some breakfast and then hit the beach. I looked at some of the outings they have available and made a list.” Slade handed the paper to Matt.

  His mate didn’t seem as excited as he’d hoped, but he handed the paper back and said, “How about jet skis?”

  “Perfect. Did you remember to grab sunscreen?”

  “Already put some on,” Matt muttered.

  Damn. Slade had to find something to put Matthew in a better mood. Hopefully getting his belly full of food and his soul full of sun and sea air would do the trick.

  “Then let’s get going. I’ve already reserved a couple jet skis, so after we eat, they’ll be waiting.”

  “You were so sure that’s what I would choose?”

  “No. I reserved several outings I knew we would both like. I gave them my credit card number to reserve spots all day.”

  Matthew stared at him for a beat before nodding. “Yeah, okay.”

  Slade swallowed down a sigh and grabbed the room key.

  Matthew knew his attitude sucked, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to think about Slade hooking up with anyone while on their vacation. At breakfast, Slade made small talk about all the things there were to do on the island, and Matthew tried his best to get excited.

  After eating, they walked along the beach to get to the jet ski stand. Slade was being attentive, making this trip about what Matthew wanted. Maybe Matt had gotten the wrong idea about Slade wanting to find someone else. At least he hoped so. He had gotten so used to being with the Goyle that he never let himself think about Slade’s personal life. It was nice to be able to once again spend time with the male. The two weeks apart had been hell.

  As they followed the signs to the jet skis, Matthew let himself pretend they were a couple on a romantic getaway. He imagined holding Slade’s hand as they strolled along the surf’s edge. With college starting soon, he knew he wouldn’t get another chance at a trip like this anytime soon, even if he were to find someone to date.

  Matt had kept his sexual orientation to himself in high school. He had been bullied enough by Troy, and he didn’t want Abbi to have to worry about him more than she did. The only ones other than his family who knew he preferred men were Trevor and Jasper. He confided in Trevor he wasn’t going to date until after college. Being a gay athlete wasn’t unheard of, but he planned on focusing on getting good grades and playing well.

  When they reached the stand, a guy about Matthew’s age gave Matt a big smile and asked, “Hey there. How can I help you?”

  Slade scowled and stepped between Matt and the guy. “I have reservations for two jet skis. Slade Ransom.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure. If you’ll just sign this waiver.” The guy handed Slade a clipboard, but he kept his eyes on Matthew. “So, are you and your brother here on vacation?”

  Slade growled low in his chest. Freaking growled! How sexy was that? Matthew took a step closer to Slade to make sure he knew Matt wasn’t interested in the guy, even if he was cute. “He’s not my brother. He’s my boyfriend.” So much for hooking up with someone.

  The guy looked from Matt to Slade and back. Leaning in closer, he whispered, “Sugar daddy. Nice. I’m Kevin, by the way.”

  Matthew snickered until Slade cut his eyes at him. After the forms were signed, Kevin showed them to their jet skis, gave them a rundown of how they worked, and offered to give them a demo.

  “I think we’ve got it,” Slade said.

  Once they were both seated, Matthew said, “Come on, Daddy. Let’s do this.” Without waiting on Slade’s response, Matt hit the throttle and eased out over the shallow water. Slade pulled up alongside, frowning. “What’s wrong?” Matt asked.

  Slade looked out over the expanse of ocean before answering. “Did that bother you?”

  “That he called you my sugar daddy?”

  “No. That he thought I was your older brother.”

  Matthew shook his head. “No. Did it bother you I told him you were my boyfriend?”

  “No. It’s… Never mind. Let’s ride.”

  Matthew didn’t believe Slade. His smile didn’t reach his eyes. As they glided across the water and jumped waves, Matthew did his best to enjoy the sunshine and have fun, but he couldn’t help but think about their age difference. Well, not the actual difference, but the difference in the age Slade looked. Slade appeared to be in his mid-thirties. Matt was okay with that. He worried about it bothering Slade that Matt looked young. They had already received stares, and if Kevin was any indication, they would be receiving comments as well. Not that it mattered. They were just friends no matter how much Matt wished otherwise.

  When Matthew sighted some dolphins, he let his watercraft idle and sat mesmerized by the creatures. Slade pulled up alongside him, and they both watched the dolphins play. “I wish I could swim with them,” Matthew whispered. With Slade’s Goyle senses, he heard Matt.

  “We can find a dolphin excursion next time.”

  “Next time?” Matt hadn’t thought of any vacations they might go on beyond this one. “I’d like that.” He smiled at Slade before turning his attention back to the creatures.

  “I’m surprised they got that close to us,” Slade said once they could no longer see the animals. “Most creatures sense the beast within and shy away.”

  “Maybe since they’re smarter than most animal
s, they could sense you are harmless.”

  “Harmless?” Slade cocked a sexy eyebrow.

  Matt chuckled. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do. Come on, let’s get some lunch. I can hear your stomach.”

  “I would hope so with your superpowers,” Matt teased.

  When they turned their jet skis back in, Kevin wasn’t there. He’d been replaced by a young woman. Where Kevin had flirted with Matt, the female couldn’t take her eyes off Slade. Matt couldn’t blame her. The Goyle was over six feet, tanned, and ripped. Matt wanted to lick the sharp V that disappeared into Slade’s bright blue board shorts. From the way the woman was eyeing Slade, she had the same idea.

  Slade laced his fingers with Matt’s as he thanked the woman, but instead of replying, she stared at where their hands were joined and frowned, muttering under her breath about all the hot ones being gay.

  Matthew was overjoyed that Slade was comfortable enough to hold his hand, but he also didn’t miss the looks they received. They walked along the water’s edge as they headed back toward the hotel. After a few minutes, Slade squeezed his hand before letting go.

  “That was fun. I can’t believe we saw dolphins. That couldn’t have been any cooler unless they’d been whales. Have you ever seen whales up close?”

  “No, but I’d like to. Maybe we can take an Alaskan cruise and do some whale watching.”

  “Seriously?” Matt had never thought about going on a cruise. He’d spent most of his teen years worrying about Abbi and getting her away from Troy. Until Frey came along, they’d never been able to go anywhere special.

  “Seriously. Once you graduate, we can go anywhere you want.”

  That got Matthew thinking. Why was Slade planning future vacations? He glanced over at the Goyle and tripped when his foot hit a dip in the sand. Slade reached out and caught Matt before he could faceplant. Slade gripped Matt’s biceps, and they were closer than he was comfortable with. Not that he opposed being chest to chest, but it did things to his body he didn’t want happening in public.


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