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Tash Page 7

by ML Guida

  “She’s purring. Cat’s purr when they’re content.”

  “Never heard anything like that.”

  She smiled. “It’s calming, isn’t it?”

  “I guess.” But he did notice his bunched up muscles had lessened. Not much–but noticeable. “Back to your vision…”

  Her smile vanished and she lowered her gaze. “What about it?”

  “Have you ever been able to do what you just did before?”

  “I told you.” Her grated voice warned him that he was badgering her.

  “I realize that, but…”

  She lifted her head. “To answer your question––no.”

  “Did you see the Gog, or did you just hear the word?”

  She sat on his bed and hugged the cat tighter. “I…I saw it.”

  “Hairy beast with a single orange eye?”

  She nodded. “Yes. The Gog opened its mouth. I’ve never seen such sharp teeth and its breath stank of rotting meat.” She rubbed her arms. “I thought it was going to eat me.”

  “Not to scare you, but it did.” Chills ripped down his spine and he shivered. “The Gogs are flesh-eating aliens.” His voice trailed off as the nightmares slammed into him, hammering his chest and mashing his guilt into his heart.

  He turned his head, trying to block out the terror and failing miserably.

  Someone gently clasped his hand. He turned and stared into Scarlett’s sparkling blue eyes.

  “You feel like you should have stopped what happened?” She brushed her thumb over the top of his hand.

  “I’m the Captain. I’m responsible for what happens to my crew.” His voice was harsh, but each time, she rubbed his hand, he shed of sliver of anger.

  She put his hand over her heart. “You’re the Captain, but you can’t control the evil in the universe. Just like you can’t control the good. Do you feel my heart beat?”

  Thump-thump-thump pulsed beneath his palm. Her eyes drew in him into two deep blue lakes. His mouth went dry. Her breast was soft and curvy and it took all of his honor not to massage it, wanting to feel her nipple bud in his hand.

  He frowned and beads of sweat broke out beneath his brow. “Yes.” He barely could get the word out. Her heartbeat sent desire rolling through him like wildfire, turning his anger to ash.

  “You need to release this guilt and your sadness. If you don’t, these emotions will create doubt and harm your ability to command. You have to concentrate on those you have saved. Not the dead. My heartbeat represents all of your people you kept alive. Focus on that, Tash.”

  She drew closer, pressing her breasts against his chest. He couldn’t tear his gaze from hers. She parted her lips; her warmth breath brushed over him. The darkness, haunting him, dissipated. Lightness and good flooded over him.

  And he was lost again.

  He captured her lips and savored her sweetness, crushing her body to his. She locked her hands around his neck and returned his fervor.

  He sought the silkiness of her mouth with his tongue, exploring it thoroughly, wanting to uncover every bit of it, wanting discover what strokes released sweet whimpers. But she turned the tables on him. With each whirl of his tongue, he felt her power cresting right below the surface. She was a smoldering volcano, fighting not to unleash its fury.

  Her fingers stroked the back of his neck, sending tremors through him. Blood surged down between his thighs, turning his cock rock hard. His Bear awakened demanding that he take her now, and it took every bit of energy to shove his bear back into a cage.

  Shades, he wanted her. He probed his tongue deeper, prowling and penetrating into her heat. He moved his hands up and down her warm back, then raked his fingers through her silky hair. Hunger erupted inside him, and his bear growled, demanding more and more. With each swirl of her tongue and each caress of her hands on his back, she slowly unraveled the tension and self-hatred he had carried for months. The guilt was still there, but it was losing power. Desperate not to lose that feeling, he kissed her like a dying Arian claiming his last reward from the Shades.

  The heat between them intensified and he couldn’t help, but shuddered. He was the captain of the Intrepid, a fierce bear, but her passionate kiss was bringing him to his knees. He clasped her buttocks and squeezed, then was a rewarded with a squeal.

  “Tash,” she gasped.

  “You release the beast in me.”

  “I do? Why?”

  At first he thought she was teasing, but the sincerity in her eyes told another story. Was it possible that she didn’t know how beautiful she was? How it took every ounce of will he possessed not to toss her on the bed and do what he pleased?

  He picked up a silky strand of her hair. Her lips were bruised where he’d been kissing her as if she were the very air he breathed. “You don’t think you’re a beauty, do you?”

  Pain flashed in her eyes, and she lowered her gaze. “I know I’m not.”

  He lifted her trembling chin. “Why do you think this?”

  “Because people look at me like I’m a freak with my white hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. In high school, they called me Scarlett-the-Living-Dead. People used to say I died and no one told me.”

  He growled. “Who said that?”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “Actually, my sister started that. She’s the exact opposite of me. She always reminded me of Snow White.”

  He dropped the silky strand and kissed her lightly on pouting lips. “Then, she must be ugly.”

  She laughed bitterly. “Hardly. She was Homecoming Queen. While I was voted Most-Likely to work end up in a psych ward.”

  He thought of Vaughn and pain throbbed in the back of his throat. Vaughn had never betrayed him, even during Tash’s vicious verbal attacks and rejection. “I don’t understand. Your sister should have been standing by your side.”

  “Not in my family. She’s actually my half-sister. My real mom dumped me on my dad’s doorstep when I was three years old. I barely remember her.”

  “Why would she do this?”

  “According to my dad, even back then, I had visions and I freaked her out.” Tears fell down her cheeks. “I’ve been a burdened to my family. Not even my own mother wanted me.”

  He took her in his arms. “You’re not a burden.” He kissed the top of her head. Anger burned in his heart. How could a mother abandon her child? His mother had adored each of her sons and loved each one of them unconditionally. He glanced at the red quilt draped on his bed that his mother had made for him. She made one for each of them except Vaughn’s was blue and Rye’s was green.

  “Yes, I am.” She balled her fists into his shirt and buried her face.

  He stroked her the back of her hand. “Let it out.” Wetness slowly soaked into his skin.

  “I’m sorry.” She lifted her head and wiped her cheeks. “I got your shirt all wet.”

  He glanced down and grinned. “I never liked this shirt anyway.”

  He shrugged. “True. I do have other shirts.” He tore off his shirt and headed toward the closet.

  She gasped.

  His heart stopped and he whirled around. “What?”

  Her cheeks were red, and he thought saw desire in her eyes. She pressed her hand against her chest, her fingers spread wide, then cleared her throat. “I knew you had a muscles, but Jeez, you’re…God…you’re magnificent.” The redness ran down her throat and he bet it went all the way down to her toes.

  Her admiration sent warmth tingling through him. He winked. “Thank you.” He returned to the closet and pulled out another shirt.

  “You don’t always wear your uniform?” She studied his clothes.

  He pulled the shirt over his head and wiggled his arms through the long sleeves. “No. Not always.”

  “I’d bet you’d look great in blue jeans and cowboy boots.”

  He picked up her hand and kissed the green star on her wrist. “Maybe I’ll wear that for you sometime.” He felt her shiver and thought he could get used to having her in his arm

  Her eyes widened. “You would?”

  “I’d do anything to make you smile and see that desire in your eyes.”

  The corners of her mouth swiveled up into a smile that lit up her face. “No one has ever complimented or wanted to make me happy like you do.”

  He slid his hand through her hair and cupped her neck, pulling her toward him. She sighed and parted her bruised lips. He kissed her thoroughly, wanting her to know how much he desired her. He plundered his lips down the length of her slender throat from her ear to her shoulder. She was hot to touch. Her husky groan sent his fingertips slipping underneath her shirt and caressing her satiny skin.

  She arched her back as he molded his hand over her full breast.

  “What binds your breasts?”

  “What?” She panted. “You mean my bra? Don’t your women wear a device to hold up their boobs?”

  He frowned. “No. What is it?”

  She laughed and moved her hands to her back. She skimmed underneath her shirt then whipped out something that was white and lacy. “This is a bra. Now, the girls are free.”

  “Girls? You mean your breasts?”

  “Yes. A joke women make.”

  “I like your jokes.” He grinned wickedly and snuck his hands up her shirt, eager to touch her. “Maybe they’d like to come out to play?”

  “Oh, yes.” She stepped closer and clasped his neck.

  He brushed his thumbs over her nipples and she gasped. She leaned her head back, allowing him to fondle her breasts.

  “I want to see you.” She didn’t protest as he moved her shirt up so he could gaze on her breasts with budding pink nipples.

  He took one in his mouth and suckled. Each time she gasped, he tugged gently on her sensitive peak or when he moaned, he licked her until she quivered in his arms. She clawed her fingers through his hair. He could feel her passion brewing inside her.

  He was trembling with need, but denied his own pleasure. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed, wanting to erase her pain and bring her joy.

  Scarlett’s heart was beating wildly. She couldn’t believe she was going to have sex with an alien––an incredible sexy alien. She hadn’t planned on giving into her desire, but deep down into her bones, she knew it was the right thing to do. Her breasts ached for his wet mouth to worship them again and she wanted to glide her hands over his naked skin.

  Tash carefully lowered her onto the bed and his weight sunk the mattress next to her.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” He threaded his fingers through her hair. “Once this is done, it can’t be undone.”

  “Don’t you want to do this?”

  He laughed. “The first time I saw you, I dreamed of having you in my bed.”

  She smiled. “Did I tell you that I had a vision and saw your ship first?”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, then I saw you walking toward my home. Once we do this, we’re mated?”

  “Yes. Forever. I would belong to you and only you. And you would belong to me.”

  She stared into his green eyes. He was a man haunted by demons, but his faith in her had touched her soul. No one…No one had ever looked at her visions as being a gift rather than a curse.

  She clapped her hands over his stubbled cheeks. “No regrets.”

  He kissed her hard, leaving her dazed and so near to fainting that a giddy rush flooded over her. His hands roamed over her silkiness.

  This time she was the one that slipped her hands underneath his shirt and admired the strength beneath her fingers. She’d only had a couple of lovers and none of their physiques compared to his.

  Tash bunched up her shirt. Cool air rushed over her skin and she shivered. His wet mouth returned to suckling her breast. She made a harsh, broken sound in her throat and arched her back, allowing him to take more of her into his greedy mouth. He rewarded her with a spike pleasure that sent her shivering. She panted hard and clawed her fingers through his thick hair. He fanned a bonfire of desire that nearly consumed her.

  She sucked in her breath as his fingers unbuttoned her jeans. He slid his hands underneath her panties and stroked her hidden curls. Raw, wild need pulsed between her thighs.

  He looked up at her with passion in his eyes. “I want to taste you.”

  Her heart thudded against her ribs. “First, I want you to take off your shirt.” Her voice shook with lust.

  “I would never deny you anything.” He whipped off his shirt to reveal those magnificent abs that men would die for and women would swoon to touch.

  And he was hers.

  He carefully removed her tennis shoes and tossed them on the floor. He tugged on her jeans, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Take off your shirt.”

  She did as he requested and he licked his lips like a hungry animal. Wait a minute. He was an animal. A bear to be exact.

  He removed her shirt inch-by-inch, the back of his knuckles, brushing over her heated skin. Her breath quickened and her mouth and throat ran dry. She sucked in her tummy. She was eager to feel his hands and mouth on her shivering body.

  He didn’t disappoint her. He skimmed his hands up her quivering legs. His mouth found her silky curls and his hot mouth kissed and licked her until she was a melting mess. He tormented her with his rough tongue, licking and delving into her deepest secrets. His hands gripped her hips, holding her in place. She thrashed back and forth on the bed, her hair flying across her face. She clutched the comforter to hang on as shattering sensations crested over the surface. Blood fired down to the juncture between her legs. Sweet, shuddering spasms swished through her body.

  “You’re just as I thought you’d be. Hot and passionate.”

  She wanted to answer him, but he quickly removed his pants. Her eyes widened at the biggest cock she’d ever seen.

  She got on the back of her elbows. “Oh, my God. You’re huge!”

  He smiled. “Better to pleasure you my dear.”

  The hair on the back of her neck and arms stood straight up. She clenched her thighs together. “I’m not a virgin, but I don’t know.”

  “I promise you I will only bring you a bliss that you can’t even imagine.”

  He put his hands on her trembling hands as if he had a right to be there. He parted her legs. “Trust me.”

  Her heart hesitated and she had her hands on his chest, not sure she could handle him. “Tash––”

  He bit her trembling lip gently. “I believe in you. Believe in me.”

  She nodded wordlessly, hoping she’d be able to walk afterward.

  “Put your arms around my neck.”

  She dutifully put her shaking arms around his neck and widened her legs. She gasped.

  Breathe, breathe, breathe.

  Black dots fluttered in front of her eyes, and she thought she’d pass out.

  “Scarlett, look at me.” His commanding voice ground her and instead of black dots, she stared into his intense green eyes.

  “I…I am.”

  “I’ll bring you pleasure.” He caressed the side of her curves with the tips of fingers. Chills rippled through her and she couldn’t move or talk. He brushed his thumbs over her nipples that budded. Raw need built up inside her.

  “You’re wet. Trust me.” He rubbed her clit, easing her tension, replacing it with an aching need. He squared his hips between her trembling thighs.

  The tip of his cock was on the edge of her core. He kissed her and she dug her nails into his shoulder, as she stilled waiting for the pain that would split her apart.

  But instead of ripping her, he edged his cock deep insider, allowing her stretch to accommodate his large size.

  “Move with me,” he muttered.

  She didn’t answer, but locked her gaze with him. When he moved his hips, she moved hers. Heat unleashed in her gut. Her muscles relaxed. The friction between them moved slow and steady, and rather than pain, pleasure pulsed through her.

  She was the one that quickened his p
ace, wanting to take him deeper inside her. His cock stimulated her muscles, drawing out every sensitivity, making her hotter and hotter. Her heart beat fiercer and blood surged through her. Chests flapped against chests. Hips thrust against hips until the intensity increased to a power that nearly blew her mind.

  Pleasure erupted inside her and another orgasm exploded like stars. Not just any stars. Green stars.

  She shook her head. “Am…I…seeing sparkles?”

  “The Shades….” He was shuddering and panting as fierce as she was. He cried out.

  His warm seed burst inside her. And her orgasm stole her breath.

  The hair on the back of her neck tingled. Tremors rippled through her.

  Then the vision came.

  She was in a dark room with no signs of doors or windows, but she didn’t know where. Two people were inside. They were taller and muscular then any human on Earth.

  “Don’t worry. Finbar will die soon. No one will know the truth.”

  “Scarlett, Scarlett. Talk to me.” Tash’s hands were on her cheeks.

  “Tash.” She could barely get his name out. “Your Dad’s name is Finbar?”

  The worry in his eyes were replaced with a seriousness that made her heart still.

  “What? What did you see?”

  “I was in a dark room. I couldn’t say where. Two people were planning to murder him to hide a secret.”

  “Who? What secret?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know who or what secret. But I’ll never forget that grating, nasal voice.”

  She shuddered. His evil voice had sent chills that ricocheted off her bones.

  But what was even stranger, this was the first time she hadn’t gone into convulsions.


  Tash looked down at Scarlett. His mind was still trying to process what she’d just said. Iciness spread from his chest to core and his skin constricted. What secret?

  Her white hair was spread across the pillow. Tash’s heart went numb. Scarlett’s tiny muscles were still cocooned around his pulsing cock, but his pleasure slowly died.

  He stared in her wide eyes that were laced with fear. Beads of sweat formed around her hairline. She was panting hard as if she couldn’t fill her lungs with air.


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