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Insidious Page 13

by Aleatha Romig

  “In three days I’ll be Mrs. Victoria Harrington,” I corrected.

  “In this town, darling, you’ll be Mrs. Stewart Harrington. Get used to it.”

  I inhaled, feeling the muscles in my neck strain as I peered at the traffic outside the tinted windows and tried to change the subject. “Has Travis delivered the money?”

  “Not yet. He’s taking me to my office and you back to the penthouse. After that, he will.”

  “I want to take my advanced biology final tomorrow. I know it sounds juvenile with all that’s happening, but I’ve worked hard for it. If I score the top in my class, I have an automatic scholarship to the University of Miami.”

  Stewart had pulled out his phone and was reading. Without turning he murmured, “Mrs. Stewart Harrington needs neither an advanced biology grade to graduate nor a scholarship to attend college. Your next two days are fully booked. Currently, there are tailors and seamstresses waiting at the apartment to take your measurements.” He briefly turned my direction. “In three days, you’ll not be seen wearing these kinds of clothes, and the work on your wedding dress will commence immediately. There’s also a personal shopper coming later this afternoon to determine your preferences. She’ll get your closet fully stocked. Besides the wedding gown, you’ll need a nicer version of off-the-rack until the custom-made items can be produced.”

  My preferences? “What if my preference is what I’m wearing?”

  Stewart didn’t respond; instead, still looking at his phone he continued, “You also have various appointments scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday with hair stylists, manicurists, and cosmetologists. With facials, highlights, waxing, et cetera, your schedule is full. On Thursday we leave for Belize.”

  “Belize? I don’t have a passport.”

  He looked at me and shook his head. “You will. I’ll call Parker and have one expedited. You may need to squeeze in a visit to the Department of State Passport Agency into your schedule, but it can be done.”

  I wanted to say that I thought it took more than three days to get a passport; however, I knew if I did, I’d hear what I’d been hearing all day. It will happen. Before I could reply, my phone rang. Looking at the screen, I saw MARILYN. “My mother,” I whispered.

  “I’d give you privacy, but there isn’t anywhere for me to go,” Stewart offered, trying to lighten my mood.

  It rang again.

  “Are you going to answer it?” he asked.

  Was I? Was I ready to have this conversation?

  “Hello, Mother,” I said as I hit the speaker button. I didn’t want to repeat the conversation, and besides, I wanted Stewart to hear what I dealt with, firsthand.

  “Victoria,” her voice was uncharacteristically relieved. “Why wouldn’t you return my message? What’s wrong with you? You had to have known that we’ve been worried sick.”

  My eyes met Stewart’s. I was beginning to read his agitation by his clenched jaw and narrowed gaze. “It’s so nice to hear from you too.”

  “Don’t be cute, young lady.”

  The absurdity of her tone made me laugh. I had to cover my mouth to keep my amusement silent. “I don’t think you’ve ever accused me of being cute. What exactly have you been so worried about, Mother? My life? My future? Truly anything about me?”

  “Victoria, don’t be selfish. Randall is right here. We want to know that you didn’t disappoint our family.”

  “Seeing as how I’ve been a disappointment all of my life, I don’t know how you’d think this would be any different.”

  The voice changed; it was now Randall. “Victoria, I’ve tried several times to reach Mr. Harrington. I can’t seem to get past his secretary.”

  I smiled at Stewart, who nodded.

  Thank you, I mouthed. “Why, Randall, why are you telling me this?”

  My mother gasped in the background. Her shrill voice cut through the speaker of my phone. “Don’t tell us that you didn’t go to the meeting we arranged for you yesterday.” Was it really only yesterday? “Don’t tell us that you didn’t discuss an arrangement with Mr. Harrington.”

  “Oh, I went.”

  “Vikki, I know this seems like a big favor we’re asking of you—”

  I cut off Randall’s unfelt words. “A big favor? No, sorry. Please pick something up at the store is a favor. Sell yourself to save my ass is not a favor.”

  “Don’t speak to your father—”

  This time it was Stewart who spoke, interrupting my mother. “Mrs. Sound, from now on, you will not ever speak to your daughter with that tone. Is that understood?”

  In our brief time together, I had never heard such command and authority in Stewart’s voice.

  It was Randall who next spoke. “Er, Mr. Harrington, can we assume that this means our arrangement is complete?”

  “Dr. Sound, I’m waiting to hear your wife’s answer to my question.”

  Oh my God. Listening as Randall’s voice wavered and my mother was being called out for the bitch she truly was made my body tense with excitement.

  “Mr. Harrington,” my mother began, “I understand. Thank you.”

  An apology to me. How hard would that be?

  Stewart watched my expression as I listened. As if he read my mind, he said, “Mrs. Sound, Victoria is waiting to hear an apology, not only for your outburst, but for the situation in which you and Dr. Sound have placed her.”

  “Umm, yes, of course. Vikki dear, we’re both sorry.”

  I shook my head and squared my shoulders as the car came to rest.

  “We’re at my office,” Stewart whispered.

  “Mom and Randall, I need to go. I obviously went to meet Stewart. He and I have an agreement. Where that leaves the two of you has yet to be determined. Don’t bother me: I won’t bother you. In the meantime, Randall, look both ways before you cross the street. Goodbye.”

  My mother’s gasp was the last sound we heard as I hit the red END CALL button.

  Though Travis had the door open and the hot, humid Miami air filled the interior of the car, Stewart sat unmoving. “I’m not sure I should leave you right now.”

  “I’m fine. As you said, I have many appointments.”

  “What about Randall and the money? I promised you I’d pay it. Do you still want that?”

  I touched his cheek. “Please, I do. Send Travis to pay it, but as for Randall and Marilyn, I think they can sweat about it for a little while.”

  His blue eyes crinkled with small lines as his cheeks rose. “Tonight, Tori. Tonight, I’ll make you forget about all of this, I promise.”

  Tori. I smiled. “We’ll see, Mr. Harrington.”

  “Yes, we will.”

  WHEN SUSAN, MY new personal shopper, finally left the apartment, I collapsed against the sofa and stared out at the ocean. Though the sun was still high, shadows from the tall buildings hid the beach below. It was there, so close, yet out of sight. Out toward the horizon, the late afternoon sunlight shimmered on the waves, creating prisms of color in the distance. The stunning view was hypnotizing. Without realizing it, I found myself lost in the wonder of the glistening hues. How had my life changed so drastically in a mere twenty-four hours?

  I recalled my conversation earlier this afternoon with Val. Not surprisingly, she was shocked.

  “What the hell, Vik?” Her voice came through my phone, loud and clear.

  “I’m getting married Thursday. I know it sounds sudden.” Due to the nondisclosure, I was limited on what I could share.

  “Sudden? Oh my God! You went from I have a job offer and I’m staying at some fine-assed hotel to I’m engaged and marrying some old, rich guy.”

  “He’s not that old,” I replied defensively.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Listen, I can’t say anything to make it make sense. But it’s true, and I want you to be part of it. Will you?”

  Val’s voice lost some of its edge. “What do you mean?”

  We went on to talk for almost an hour. I had people waiting. I
knew I did, but Val was my sister, my connection throughout my life. I needed her to understand. I let her know that this was to be a very small, private wedding; therefore, neither Mom nor Randall was invited to attend. Funny, with all the craziness, the thing that seemed to bother her most was that I wouldn’t be taking my advanced biology final. She more than anyone knew how hard I had studied, how much time and energy I’d devoted to it.

  It was one of my top concerns too. Convincing her that it didn’t matter anymore was one of the most difficult lies I’d ever told. Mostly because it did matter: it mattered to me. Closing my eyes, I sighed. I truly was to be Mrs. Stewart Harrington, not Mrs. Victoria Harrington. Victoria would take her exam. The realization increased the tension in my neck, twisting the muscles until I rolled my shoulders for relief.

  I was in over my head, and though I wasn’t the one who put me there, ultimately I was the one who signed the contract. Yet while I sat on the white leather sofa, I knew the blame went beyond me. For that reason, I held no regret for not informing Randall or my mother of my decision. I knew Randall’s life was no longer in danger. Could I say the same about mine? What did I truly know about Stewart Harrington?

  As I wrestled with my thoughts, Lisa broke my trance. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Miss Conway. I wanted to inquire as to what you’d like for dinner.”

  “Will Stewart be home?” Damn, I sounded like some lonely housewife.

  “Yes, miss, he will. I just thought if you had a preference…”

  Preference? Susan used that word; so had Stewart. Was anything truly my preference?

  “Lisa, I honestly can’t even think about food. I’m exhausted, which is funny, because I don’t think I’ve done anything all day.”

  “That’s not true.”

  I tilted my head with a grin. “You’ve done more for me today than anyone ever has, and then there was Susan, Fritz, and all the other people. I can’t even imagine what tomorrow will entail.”

  “Miss, I think you’re overwhelmed. There’s been a lot of change in a short amount of time.”

  “I was just thinking,” I said wistfully, “I came here about twenty-four hours ago. I didn’t even know Stewart’s name. Now, we’re getting married. I keep thinking this isn’t real.”

  “It’s real, but you need to unwind. I suggest you go to your room and take a nice bath. Mr. Harrington won’t be here for another hour. I’ll discuss dinner with him after he’s home.”

  I remembered the large tub in the bathroom off my room. “I think I’d like that.”

  She patted my knee. “Then it’s settled. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll let Mr. Harrington know where you are.”

  Wearily I stood. “You know what?” I asked rhetorically. “This morning when Stewart said I would be busy all day, I didn’t believe him.”

  “Oh, miss, if there’s any advice I can share with you…” Lisa looked down.

  “What? Please share.”

  “I shouldn’t offer. If you ask, I’ll answer, but it isn’t my place to offer.”

  I reached for Lisa’s hand. “You’ve been wonderful to me. I’m asking. Please offer me advice, anytime you feel the need.”

  With a smile, she said, “Don’t doubt Mr. Harrington. He’s too busy of a man to not be straightforward. If he told you that you would be busy, you will be busy.”

  “Thank you, Lisa. I believe I’ll take that bath now.”

  “Do you need me to draw it for you?”

  “No, thank you,” I said with a smirk. I’d always imagined someone sketching a picture when I’d heard that phrase. “I think I can manage.”

  Wearily, I made my way to my room. My room? When had I started to think of it that way? It wasn’t really my room. Once we were married I’d be staying in Stewart’s room. He’d said that the first afternoon, and if I were to believe Lisa, I shouldn’t doubt that he meant it. Hell, I hadn’t even seen his room, but then again, yesterday morning I hadn’t seen him.

  As the scent of jasmine bath salts filled the bathroom’s sultry air, I stood nude before the large mirror. With my long hair piled on my head, I wondered how I would continue to change. Tomorrow I had appointments with cosmetologists, estheticians, and manicurists. I already knew my wardrobe was changing. Truly, Susan had taken my preferences and molded them into the most incredible fashions. Would these beauticians do the same? Would my desires be taken into consideration? My hand slipped down toward my trimmed sex. I’d never thought about waxing. I’d heard about it, but the idea seemed too intrusive: I never wanted to be that exposed to anyone. Yet, when Stewart mentioned it—in the grand scheme of my situation—it seemed insignificant. Now, the idea added tension to my already taut nerves.

  Easing myself into the hot, silky bath, I closed my eyes with an appreciative sigh. The warm water soothed my sore muscles and the remnants of bath salts coated my skin. Unconsciously, I caressed my arms, enjoying the smooth texture. My thighs and calves ached from hours spent standing in heels higher than I was accustomed. Between the measurements for my wedding gown and future wardrobe, I’d been tugged and pulled in every direction. Massaging my calves, my hands unconsciously moved upward.

  My thoughts turned to Stewart: last night on the patio, with the sea breeze on my skin and his fingers inside of me. I remembered his voice as he spoke to Marilyn and Randall. Why didn’t it bother me that he’d interrupted my conversation? Perhaps, because, by using the speaker phone, I’d essentially invited him to participate. Nevertheless, it wasn’t that he’d intruded: it was how. His voice held more than enough power and authority to stop Marilyn Sound in her proverbial tracks. With merely a few words, he’d given me more support than I’d ever known.

  The silky jasmine salts coated my legs as my fingers continued to move to my inner thighs and found the swollen lips of my sex. The sensation wasn’t even close to what I felt with Stewart’s fingers, but it was something: something to relieve the tension of the day, of the last thirty hours.

  I let out a sigh as my fingers plunged inside my core.

  With my eyes gently closed, I imagined Stewart’s handsome face. For a man so much older than I, he was incredibly handsome. His blue eyes could be so intense and yet so understanding. On the patio they’d been filled with lust, yet in the car, empathy and protection. Could I possibly be seeing so much? Or was it my youthful imagination?

  My lips pressed together as the tension from the day found its way to my core. My hand moved faster, my fingers concentrating on the swollen bundle of nerves. My sole desire was to find release, one that I knew was near.


  I jumped as Stewart’s deep, raspy voice shattered my bubble of seclusion. My eyes sprang open and water sloshed about the massive tub.

  “…you’re fucking beautiful.”

  Instinctively, I stopped—stopped everything—moving, breathing, and thinking. Standing in the doorway, with the deep blue eyes from the patio staring down at me was the man I’d agreed to marry, the one in my current fantasy. Bashfully, I looked away from his gaze, only to see the tenting of his custom-made slacks grow before my eyes. Though his jacket and tie were gone he screamed importance. The bulge that continued to grow screamed something totally different.

  “Don’t let me stop you, Tori. Watching you come is quickly becoming my new obsession.”

  “S-Stewart, you startled me,” I said as I reached for a towel.

  A shake of his head stilled my movements.

  Biting my lip, I watched as he removed his shirt and marveled at the hard, massive chest I’d clung to the night before. His voice was velvet soft and yet rough. “When Ms. Madison told me that I’d find you in here, I had no idea what I’d find.” His lips quirked into an approving grin as he scanned my body, totally exposed through the water. “I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner.”

  Stewart knelt beside the tub. His warm, uncovered skin radiated a heat exceeding the hot water around me. Bashfully, I reached again for the towel, but this time, he touched my hand.
“No, Tori, I want to see more of that sexy show.” He gently kissed my fingers and led them back toward my clit. “Give yourself pleasure. I want to watch.”

  Blood flooded my cheeks. “I-I’m not sure I can.” It took all my effort to manage words through my embarrassment.

  “You can.”

  His strong, powerful hand engaged mine, surrounding and dominating it. Soon we were moving together, our rhythm not unlike the one from before. Since removing my hand seemed out of the question, I closed my eyes, leaned my head back and moved as he instructed. My mind concentrated on the man beside me, the rich, woodsy aroma of his cologne, and his controlling touch. When his hand left mine, my eyes opened.

  “Keep going, Tori. Don’t stop. I want to watch you come.”

  There was no anger in his tone. It wasn’t like the one I’d heard in the car, yet it also left no room for debate. I felt compelled to comply, moving my fingers in a tight circle. My breaths came faster as I applied a little more pressure to my ever-quickening caress. The water and Stewart’s eyes no longer mattered as I brought myself higher up the mountain. When the tension settled in my groin, I knew this was going to be more of an orgasm than I’d ever given before myself. It wasn’t the peak that Stewart had reached last night, but without a doubt, in a matter of seconds, I’d be falling to unknown depths.

  As Stewart’s large hands found my breasts and pinched my nipples, sounds unlike I was accustomed to making, escaped my lips. My mouth formed a tight O, and the rigidity in my legs gave way to release.

  Slowly, my reality came back, and I opened my eyes. Before I could look away, Stewart reached for my face and caressed my cheek. “My beautiful Tori, that was incredible.” Reaching for my hand he encouraged me to sit up. “Look at the water. Do you see it?”

  To my horror, I did. There was a faint cloud, floating suspended in the silky water.

  “Do you?” he asked again.


  “Do you know what it is?”


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