Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature
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still lake on cloudless night, 242
sun, 54
thieves masquerading as friends, 63–64
two sticks leaning on each other, 170
two-pointed needle, sewing with, 76
volcano, 54
water drop in ocean, 131–32
weary traveler, 242
woodcutter, 243
See also nine similes for buddha nature
analysis, 58, 102–3, 108, 207, 208, 220, 243, 244
Ānanda, 67–68, 117, 118, 188–89, 270
anger, 64
abandonment of, 125
antidote to, 115
arising of, 107
auxiliary afflictions of, 92, 93–94
depression and, 102
destruction of roots of virtue by, 131–32
feelings accompanying, 109
fetter of, 98
as grasping to inherent existence, 161–62
identifying, 113, 114
innate and acquired, 124
karma and, 48, 54
manifest and seeds of, 127–28
nonvirtue of, 68
objects and forms of, 69–70
as obscuration to buddha nature, 304, 308
physical and mental feelings and, 50–51
physical sensations and, 106, 113
questioning logic of, 65
repressed, 128
righteous, 113
strength of, 100
subtle, 75
twelve links and, 197
underlying tendency of, 89, 91, 345n31
See also animosity
animal realm, 45, 46, 47, 166, 187, 189, 257, 307, 344n20
animal sacrifice, 82, 184
animosity, 27
arising of, 105
hell realm and, 47
immunity to, 247
motivation of, 164
as obstruction to buddha nature, 305, 308
as root affliction, 11, 74, 88, 155–56, 259
See also anger
antidotes, 280, 281
cessation and, 15, 16
forgetting to apply, 197
habitual afflictions and, 107
skillful application of, 116
for specific afflictions, 114–15
in weakening underlying tendencies, 89–90
wisdom realizing selflessness as, 35
anti-gods (asuras), 45, 344n19
anxiety, 50, 101–2, 115, 136, 241
apasmāra (forgetful makers), 46
in bardo, 199
conceptual, 180, 289
dependent arising of, 212
dualistic, 259, 260, 265
as illusions, 206, 207
of inherent existence, 130, 259–60, 265, 278, 346n43
snang ba, translation as, 259, 346n43
vividness of, 250
apprehended object, 78, 349–50n77
Approaching the Buddhist Path, xiii, xiv, 319
arhats, 260, 349n74
consciousness of, 168
craving and clinging, lack of, 182, 185
feelings of, 178
fetters and, 87
ignorance, lack of, 161
karma of, 255–56
mental bodies of, 250, 257, 265, 306, 351n84
nirvāṇa of, 9, 264, 272–73, 349nn71–72
peculiar behaviors of, 130, 260–61
rebirth of, 43, 44
true cessation of, 31
arhatship, 16
afflictions eradicated at, 125, 248–49
attaining, 91, 247
of Buddha, 223
desire for, 68, 69
emotions at, 118
karmic seeds at, 130
preventing, 97
in Vaibhāṣika and Sautrāntika systems, 293
arising, abiding, ceasing, 21–22, 133
arrogance, 61, 66, 341
abandonment of, 125
acquired, 124
as antidote to itself, 117
antidotes to, 115
fetter of, 97, 98
haughtiness and, 96
order of arising of, 104, 105
and self-confidence, distinctions between, 73
types of, 71–72, 95, 346n36
underlying tendency of, 89
as virtuous, 68
ārya bodhisattvas, 17
afflictive obscurations of, 307
mental bodies of, 250, 257, 351n84
rebirth of, 43–44, 199, 257
stages of, 257–58
suffering, lack of, 249
ārya path, 250–51, 254–56, 262, 272, 292, 294, 349n74
Āryadeva, 23, 47–48, 49
Āryaratnakara Sūtra, 207, 211
āryas, 5
four qualities of disposition of, 292
in Fundamental Vehicle, 306
ignorance of, 161
karma of, 249, 351n84
as lacking inherent existence, 207–8
minds of, 274
qualities of, 300
realization of, 236
rebirth of, 43, 199
seed of afflictions of, 303, 307
śrāvaka and bodhisattva, differences between, 17
Asaṅga, 293, 296
on asuras, 45
on causal dependence, 211–12
commentary to Sublime Continuum, 302, 315
on first-link ignorance, 159–60
on twelve links, 173, 196–97
See also Compendium of Knowledge (Abhidharmasamuccaya); Śrāvaka Grounds (Śrāvakabhūmi)
asceticism, 35, 60, 82, 83, 97, 184
aspiration, 52, 257
and attachment, differences between, 66–67, 68
for awakening, 57–59, 67
for liberation, xvii, 39–40, 52, 57–59, 67, 189, 218, 288
worldly, 166
astronomy, 143, 148
Aśvajit, 233
attachment, 11, 60, 64, 66, 88, 246
abandonment of, 125
acquired, 124
and anger, relationship of, 70
antidotes to, 114–15
arising of, 107
auxiliary afflictions of, 92, 93–94, 101–2
bodily sensations and, 106
to cherished belief, 85–86
clinging and, 183
craving and, 179
to emotions as mine, 102–3
fear of relinquishing, 117–19
feelings accompanying, 109
fetter of, 98
floods (ogha) and yokes (yoga) of, 346n37
identifying, 113
immunity to, 247
karma and, 48
and love, distinctions between, 113
manifest and seeds of, 128
as obstruction to buddha nature, 303–4, 305, 308
order of arising of, 104, 105
pleasurable feelings and, 50–51
pollutant of, 99
releasing, 22
and self-grasping ignorance, distinctions between, 75
strength of, 100
types of, 66–68
underlying tendencies of, 89, 90, 91, 345n31
virtuous and nonvirtuous, 68–69
attention, mental factor of, 171–72
Augustine, 135
Autocommentary to the “Supplement” (Candrakīrti), 261
auxiliary afflictions, 65, 87, 88
feelings accompanying, 109–10
in Pāli tradition, 94–96
primary consciousness and, 111
in Sanskrit tradition, 92–94
aversion, 23, 59, 91, 94
Awa Pangchu, 336
awakening, xvi, 3, 162, 274–75
aspiration for, 57–59, 67
attaining, 207–8, 251, 342
of Buddha, 233, 234, 267
conviction in, xvii
creating causes for, 219
mental consciousness at, 333
motivations that impede, 250
in pure lands, 258
in tantra, 288–89, 32
two obscurations at, 259
variant views on, 292–93, 350n79
wrong views and, 86
See also buddhahood
awakening activities, 250, 258, 278, 301, 310, 311, 312, 315, 316, 323
awareness, 93, 173, 298–99. See also inattentive awareness; introspective awareness
bardo (intermediate stage)
birth in, 189, 255
body in, 186
clinging in, 182
karmic appearances in, 199
karmic ripening in, 167, 347n52
renewed existence in, 185, 186
twelve links in, 200
basis of designation, 9, 21, 132, 186
anger and, 70
changing, 112
from craving, 15, 25
examining, 199
habitual, 107
harmful, relinquishing, 67
instinctual, views on, 152–53
nonvirtuous, not abandoning, 88, 94
observing one’s own, 113
bhavaṅga, 175–76, 347n53
Bhāvaviveka, 153, 228–29
Big Bang theory, 8, 142–43, 148, 149
Bimbisāra, King, 155
as beginning of resultant rebirth, 187
eleventh-link, 188–89, 191
four types of, 173, 189
suffering of, 13, 53, 56
black near attainment, 128, 328, 332
blame, 29, 40, 199
bliss, 43
attachment to, 89, 183, 204
craving for, 67
of deva realms, 46
in dhyānas, 91, 110
suppression of, 167
in transcendental dependent origination, 239, 242–43
bodhi, 274–75
Bodhi, Bhikkhu, 347n46
bodhicitta, 1, 59, 288
of arhats, 257
of āryas, 207–8
buddha nature and, 313, 327
causal and immediate motivations for, 164
clinging to self-interest and, 69
five factors that hinder developing, 341–42
generating, 193, 218, 226, 310
merit of, 131
on path of accumulation, 254
in transforming buddha nature, 298
wrong views regarding, 86
See also great resolve
bodhisattva grounds, 125, 128, 258, 298, 299, 307
Bodhisattva Grounds (Bodhisattva Bhūmi, Asaṅga), 296
Bodhisattva Vehicle, 259, 293, 296. See also Mahāyāna
afflictions eradicated by, 125, 128
aspiration of, 59
deeds of, 226, 295, 313
as fields of merit, 251
nirvāṇa sought by, 266
path of, 17, 44, 69, 254, 257, 265, 306, 319, 349n68
rebirth of, 9, 228–29
See also ārya bodhisattvas; pure-ground bodhisattvas
and afflictions, physical sensations of, 106, 112–13
attachment to, relinquishing, 60
as attractive, counteracting notions of, 23–24, 116, 221
in bardo, 186
biology and karma of, relationship between, 153–54
as conditioned by seeds and latencies, 188
development of, 174–75, 177
distorted conception of, 22
ethic neutrality of, 138
in highest yoga tantra, 286
impermanence of, 14
inner elements of, 150
instinct and, 153
of light, 154
mental, 250, 257, 265, 306, 351n84
mind and, 8, 112–13, 144–48, 174–75
mindfulness of, 27
momentariness of, 26
as object of clinging, 170–71
possession of, 208–9
sense of self and, 6
as unsatisfactory by nature, 48–49, 50, 53–54
Brahmā, 24
Brahmins, 24
brain, 106, 278, 286
breath, counterforce of, 115
on aging or death, 190
on arhatship, 248
asceticism of, 35
awakening of, 233, 234, 267
as Bhagawan, 278
on birth, 188–89
on body, possession of, 208–9
on causality and conditionality, 6–7, 144, 156, 232
on condition for craving, 181
on disenchantment, 245–46
divine food from fodder, story of, 178
as doctor, 1
first teaching of, 10
on four truths, 39, 40, 52
on his spiritual journey, 59
homage to, 270
on ignorance, beginninglessness of, 159
on knowledge and vision of liberation, 249
on knowledge and vision of things as they are, 243
on nihilism, 81
on nirvāṇa, 247, 268–69, 272
parinirvāṇa of, 118–19
as proof of buddha nature, 317
refusal to answer certain questions, 141, 208
respecting, 2, 342
sensual pleasures of, 222, 223
and sentient beings’ buddha nature, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309–10
skillful teaching of, 340
subtle karmic seeds of, 132
on true duḥkha, 53
on two kinds of happiness, 231
using general I, 333
Wheel of Life image of, 156
buddha activities. See awakening activities
buddha bodies, four, 9, 234
buddha bodies, three, 314
buddha nature and, 293, 296, 311, 312–13
Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā views of, 335
as innate in sentient beings, misunderstanding, 335–36
seed as basis for actualization, 323–24, 327–28, 329–30
subtlest mind-wind and, 302
three stages of, 330
buddha nature/disposition/essence, 222, 293, 350n78
awakening and developing, 313–14
as both object and subject, Seventh Dalai Lama’s presentation on, 322–23
Cittamātrin view of, 293–96
clear light mind and, xvi, 326–27, 328, 341, 351n83
defiled, four types of persons having, 296
denying existence of, 316–17, 342
as dharmakāya, 311–12
difficulties in understanding, 315–16
impeding and stimulating, 295–96
in inanimate phenomena, mistaken notion of, 299
as interpretable teaching, 338–39
in Laṅkavatāra Sūtra, 326
Madhyamaka view of, 296–301
purpose in understanding, 338, 340, 341–42
regarding as special, realization required for, 300
textual sources on, 296
three aspects of, 310–14
See also naturally abiding buddha nature; nine similes for buddha nature; transforming buddha nature
Buddhaghoṣa, 143–44. See also Path of Purification (Visuddhimagga, Buddhaghoṣa)
buddhahood, 335
attachment to, impossibility of, 67
five factors that hinder, 341–42
higher rebirths toward, 166
subtlest clear light mind and, 288–89
two obscurations at, elimination of, 130, 259, 278–79
unpolluted body of, 258
variant views on, 292–93, 296, 350n79
See also awakening
buddhas, 3, 9, 258
acts of, 144
appearance of, 20, 326
“attachment” of, 69
consciousness of, 168
feelings of, 178
as fields of merit, 251
ignorance, lack of, 161
karma, lack of, 250
knowledge of karma of, 150
minds of, 274–75
nonabiding nirv�
�ṇa of, 266
purpose of becoming, 226
sentient beings potential to become, 136, 222, 277, 301
true cessation of, 31
two truths, knowledge of, 260
wheel-turning, 45, 292–93
Buddhism, xv, 63, 240, 254
Candrakīrti, 105, 133
on arhats’ latencies, 261
on having-ceased, 133
on impermanence, 54–55
on karmic seeds and latencies, 134
See also Clear Words; Supplement
caste system, 24, 261
causal dependence, 211–12, 217
causality/causation, 84, 143–46, 158, 232, 297. See also dependent arising
causally concordant results, behavioral and experiential, 130
cause and effect, interrelated systems of, 154, 212
causes and conditions, 142, 244
as beginningless, 212
Buddhist view of, 6–8
as dependent arising, 156
disintegration in, 133
of duḥkha, 26, 30
interconnectedness of, 158, 205–6
for liberation, creating, 236
mistaken appearances of, 207
nirvāṇa’s absence of, 268
for origin of universe, 143–44
of saṃsāra, 232
in three times, 210
celestial bodies, 146
central channel, 288–89
causality and, 143
duḥkha of, 13, 22, 47–48, 50, 51, 56
impermanence of, 54–55
Changkya Rolpai Dorje, 335–36
Chim Jampelyang, 67
Christianity, 135, 142
Cittamātra school
on afflictions, 66
on aggregates at nirvāṇa, 9
on buddha nature, 293–96
on clear light mind, 351n83
on consciousness and objects, 288
on ignorance, 73, 162
on mind and form, 146
on purifying karmic seeds, 132
Reasoning Proponents subschool, 265, 293–94, 296
Scriptural Proponents subschool, 169, 293, 294, 349n72, 350n79
on seeds and latencies, 346n42
on virtues, 138
clairvoyance, 260–61, 303, 305
clear light mind, xvi, 274, 324
adventitious defilements and, 279–80
as basis for excellent qualities, 282
as buddha nature, xvi, 326–27, 328, 341, 351n83
causal, 330, 332
example and actual, 289
primordial, 283–84
stability of, 298
subtlest, 275, 325
in Sūtra and Tantra, distinctions between, 328–30, 331
in third turning, 320, 321, 322, 323
variant views on, 284, 349n77, 351n83
See also fundamental innate clear light mind
Clear Words (Candrakīrti), 263–64
to aggregates, 10, 12, 53–54, 343n1
antidotes to, 114–15
four types, 68–69, 183–84
impermanence and, 26
in meditation, 241
to painful feelings, 203
rebirth and, 15
releasing, 50
at time of death, 182, 186