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Strength Page 8

by Daws, Amy

  I tuck the phone back into my pocket and step closer to her. My eyes lock on her chest as she backs up against the aged, brown brick building beside her door. I love that her self-possessed poise drops when I am closer. I love witnessing the effect I have on her.

  She looks taken aback. “What are you doing?” she asks, her eyes dancing around my face nervously. A spark of excitement glimmers in her baby blues.

  “Things between us are about to get very heavy, Vi,” I start, flicking my eyes back and forth between hers. “And before all of that happens—before I drag you down the rabbit hole with me—I have something very serious I’d like to do.”

  “What?” she croaks, her voice husky and trembling.

  “Tonight I just want to be a man who walks a gorgeous woman to her doorstep and kisses her senseless.”

  She nods her permission slowly, her eyes sparkling with shocked excitement. Without pause, I drop my jacket on the ground and slip my hands around her face. I stare down at her luscious, peach lips. She grips my dress shirt just above my hips, and I devilishly grin at the tickling sensation of her tiny hands on my sides.

  “I haven’t kissed a woman in a while. I want to be sure I do this properly,” I say, my voice gravellier than I intended it to be.

  She nods slowly and lifts her chin. I pause a mere centimetre away from her lips and change course to her cheek. I drop a feather-light kiss on that cheek, breathing in her blissful womanly scent. What is it that makes women smell so incredibly divine? And Vi better than any other I’ve ever smelled before? It’s like a combination of expensive shampoo and sweet, sugary fruit. I quickly move over and kiss her other cheek, allowing my lips to trickle down to the curve of her jaw and to her chin. I flick my tongue out on her chin and trail it slowly upward, grazing the tip of her lower lip. Her mouth drops with a throaty gasp, inviting me in. But I hold back. I am savouring every delicious second of this. I won’t be rushed. I press my lips to her forehead before placing another soft drop on her perfect button nose. Finally, I pull back to appreciate her sexy awed expression.

  “Is that all—” she starts, but I crush my mouth to hers before she can finish her smartarse remark.

  Swallowing the sweet taste of her sugary lips sends shivers up the back of my neck. I plunge my tongue in, desperate for a more satisfying sample. Her tongue responds to my request, pulsing and kneading in a perfect rhythm of ecstasy.

  Fuck, she tastes as good as she smells. If that cupcake earlier is the afterlife, then Vi’s lips are eternity. Her grip tightens on the belt of my trousers and she pulls my hips flush against hers. If she didn’t know how much this kiss was affecting me, she sure does now. I press her up against the wall with my groin and she moans into my mouth.

  Blast it all.

  Her hands roam up my sides to my shoulders. Then they slide down to my triceps, to my forearms, to—

  I pull back, jerking my cuff-covered wrists from her grasp. She’s panting heavily. Her mouth looks raw and swollen. Her hair is mussed and wild, doing nothing to tamper my needful desire for her.

  In short, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in my entire life.

  I bend over and pick my jacket up off the ground, covering the evidence of our encounter. “Thank you,” I say and turn on my heel, striding down the dark alley and cursing myself a thousand times over for every moment that lead up to that one.

  “I’M NOT KIDDING, BRUCE. YOU should have seen his face. He looked like I slapped him. I have no bloody clue what I did wrong, or what he was thinking. Maybe I’m a crap kisser?” I groan and cover my face with my thin afghan as I stretch my legs out to prop on the top rail of my balcony.

  After a fitful night’s sleep and thinking about Hayden Clarke the entire time, it’s a new day at last. Bruce and I have been out for our morning stroll, stopped over to the dog shop for a new chew, and now we’re lounging on the balcony, soaking up some rare London sunlight. Anything I could think of to keep myself busy. Brick Lane Market is noisy and bustling with Saturday morning shoppers, street vendors, and traffic. It was a good distraction while it lasted.

  Bruce pauses on his chew and licks his lips, looking at me curiously. “Do you think I’m a crap kisser, Bruce?” I drop down off my patio lounger and grab his wet muzzle to kiss him right on his nose.

  He takes this as an invitation to “Bruce Hug” me. Bruce Hugs consist of him walking into me until I’m forced to lie down. Then he flops his entire body on top of me. He’s heavy as hell and he’ll Bruce Hug me for ages if I let him. I think lying on top of me gives him a sense of security by enabling him to keep me right where he can see me.

  “All right, Bruce, off you go. I have to get a move on. Leslie is expecting me.” He sneezes in protest.

  A bit later, I step out of my flat, freshly showered and wearing a pair of denim skinny shorts, brown braided leather flats, and a jewelled print crop top. It’s a beautiful day outside and Leslie’s flat is only a ten-minute walk, so I’m able to enjoy my stroll through our neighbourhood. My father wanted me to have a vehicle, but with a Tube stop just around the corner, I talked him out of it. It really doesn’t make sense when there’s only street parking here and my office is so close.

  I arrive at the large warehouse that houses Theo’s custom furniture on the lower level and his and Leslie’s flat up above. There are large windows looking into his workshop, and I press my face against the glass to get a good look. It’s filled with various elements of his process and some partially completed projects. Around the corner is a window that looks into a small showroom with an attached office. Leslie has said it’s an appointment only type of studio, and I immediately see why. From everything I can see, his work is exquisite. He has somehow captured the beauty of a rustic country style with a fresh and modern design. I imagine his work is coveted and high-priced.

  I enter the side door by the garage that Leslie told me would be open. I’m greeted by steps to the left and the shop entrance straight ahead. She said the steps would lead right up to their flat door, so I reach the top and knock, shifting a gift bag in my hand as I wait.

  When the door opens, my face is eye level with the most adorable red-haired baby I’ve ever seen. I presume the masculine blond-dusted forearms wrapped around her are Theo’s until I catch sight of familiar brown leather cuffs. I’m stunned when my gaze lifts to find Hayden’s grey eyes peering down at me.

  “Hayden!” I exclaim in surprise.

  “Vi…What are you doing here?” His face appears just as confused as mine.

  I look around for a moment like I’m in the wrong place. “I’m here to meet Marisa.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming around. You never mentioned.”

  “I didn’t know you were visiting as well,” I state, grabbing my hair, twisting it around my hand, and releasing it nervously.

  He adjusts Marisa, who’s facing out in his arms, and she makes an adorable growly sound. She grabs hold of Hayden’s leather wrist cuff with her chubby digits and awkwardly tries to get it to her mouth.

  “I’m not visiting. I live here.”

  This shocks me. “Since when? I thought this was Leslie and Theo’s flat.”

  “It is. I, erm, live with them.” He looks rather embarrassed.

  “Oh.” I glance back down at Marisa and touch her hand. She instantly wraps her fingers around mine and tries to pull them to her mouth. “Had I known, I wouldn’t have—”

  “Wouldn’t have come?” he asks, a peculiar frown marring his face.

  I stare up at his fallen expression. “No, I just mean. I don’t know what I mean.” My cheeks heat. I know exactly what I mean, but I don’t have the nerve to say it. This feels awkward, especially given that all I care about right now are the reasons for his abrupt exit last night.

  “Vi!” Leslie sings from inside the flat and rushes over to greet me. She moves past Hayden and brings me in for a hug. She’s dressed in yellow and black polka dot leggings with a long, billowy, green tank. She makes mummyh
ood look fun and fashionable with her ever-present eclectic style. She beams proudly. “You made it! I’m so pumped. This is Marisa, as you can tell. And your timing is perfect. She’s actually having a great morning, isn’t she, Hayden?”

  He nods in agreement as Leslie drags me from the steps and into their flat. It’s all wide open with super high ceilings and tons of natural light pouring in from the sweeping industrial windows. It’s very modern and bright with white walls and several familiar-looking grey wooden furniture pieces taking place of pride throughout the flat. An open staircase leads up to what looks like a loft bedroom. At the same time I peruse, Theo bounds down the steps in joggers and a white T-shirt, putting his glasses on and looking a bit groggy.

  “Hiya, Vi. How are you?” he asks, coming in and dropping a friendly kiss on my cheek. Then he strides over to Hayden and takes Marisa in his arms. He kisses her over and over on the side of her chubby cheek, and she makes a cute gurgled squeal. “Morning, beautiful. You miss me?”

  “Theo was up most of the night with her,” Leslie explains. “She wouldn’t sleep. Hayden kept him company for a good bit of it.”

  Hayden looks at me sheepishly, like he’s uncomfortable that I’m learning so much about his life in one meeting.

  “Well, she’s gorgeous, Leslie. I’m only sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Can I hold her?”

  “Yes, but don’t feel bad if she starts crying,” Leslie adds. “She hates everybody.”

  “Not me,” Hayden grumbles.

  “Yes, Hayden, you’re special. Marisa loves Uncle Hayden,” Leslie says in a cooing tone.

  “She loves Daddy, too.” Theo gives Marisa one final smooch before he passes her off to me. He turns to approach Leslie for a hug while murmuring good mornings to her next. I hear Leslie make a smart remark about how she’s number two now, and the two of them playfully quarrel while I cradle Marisa in the crook of my arm. She instantly starts fussing and I struggle to find the right way to hold her so she relaxes.

  “Try facing her out,” Hayden helpfully offers, his grey eyes watching me thoughtfully.

  I turn her around so she’s facing Hayden and he smiles proudly as she settles.

  “You know her rather well,” I say, mildly impressed.

  He shrugs. “Comes with the territory. It was sort of survival one-o’-one to live here.”

  “Where do you sleep?”

  “There’s a guestroom down that hall.” He points behind himself toward an area just off the sunken living room. “I’d ask if you want to sit, but that’s when the fussing usually commences.”

  “I’m fine standing,” I say. “So how are you?”

  His eyes turn a cold grey as he nods dismissively. “Just fine, thanks. You?”

  Well that told me absolutely nothing. “Good.”

  “Vi! Oh my God, I completely forgot!” Leslie exclaims, snapping mine and Hayden’s pensive eyeballing away from each other. She rushes over to the large dining room table covered in several floral centrepieces and other various items left over from last night’s event. She searches around for a moment before she finds what she’s looking for and turns to me. “You won!”

  She’s holding the trinket box I bid on last night.

  My eyes alight. “Seriously?”

  Leslie smiles broadly. “I know, you lucky duck. You get to go on an amazing holiday!”

  “What?” I ask, confused.

  “The holiday you bid on. It’s a weekend in Barcelona. I’m so jealous I’m not even happy for you.”

  I frown. “Oh, crap. I didn’t even realise. I was just bidding on the box.”

  “What do you mean?” Theo asks, eyeing me sternly as Leslie resumes her position in his arms.

  I shift Marisa in my grasp before replying, “I really only wanted the box. I have a gift idea in mind for my dad and the box…I don’t know. It called to me. Do you guys know where they came from? I’m hoping to find four more.”

  They all stare at me, completely gobsmacked. Leslie speaks first, “Vi, you bid six hundred pounds for a box?”

  I immediately flush with embarrassment. “I just saw it as a donation,” I reply meekly. Christ, Leslie, did you have to blurt it out like that?

  Hayden’s stare is piercing through me so hard I can barely look at anyone else.

  Leslie laughs. “Vi, you do know that Hay—”

  “Congratulations,” Hayden interrupts her. “I hope you enjoy the trip, regardless. It is donated and paid in full already.”

  Theo adds, “We can find you more boxes, I’m sure.” He and Hayden exchange a look like they are having a silent conversation, making me feel more confused than ever.

  Leslie eventually ushers me into the kitchen area to make us some tea. Hayden and Theo respectfully retreat to the living room and turn on the telly. We chat for over an hour about work drama, China nonsense, and all things baby. We have a good laugh at Benji’s expense I’m afraid. When you get pissed out of your mind and kiss Hayden on the lips, you’re setting yourself up to be laughed at. Beyond all that, I give her the little outfit I picked up for Marisa from a street vendor near our office. It’s very colourful, just like Leslie. I miss having that colour of hers with me at work every day.

  By the time I get ready to leave, my arms feel like they are about to fall off. I can’t believe how holding a tiny baby can feel like such a workout. Leslie grabs Marisa from me and hands me the keepsake box. Now holding my prized box, I know just how perfect it will be for what I have in mind.

  As she begins to show me out, Hayden hops up from the couch and jogs over. “I’ll walk you home,” he says and Leslie eyes him with a frown.

  “Do help yourself, Hayden,” she states sarcastically. “Maybe ask Vi if she’d like to be walked home by you first, you cocky bugger.”

  “May I walk you home?” He flashes me a sheepish half-smile and stuffs his hands in his jean pockets.

  This is a different man than the one I saw last night. He’s not moody and defensive. He’s not sexual and prowling. He’s…shy.

  I arch a curious brow. “By all means.”

  I giggle at Leslie’s goofy expression and give her and Marisa a big hug goodbye. Then I wave to Theo before I follow Hayden down the steps.

  We make our way out into the unseasonably warm summer day. We walk wordlessly for a couple of blocks and I force myself to not be the first to break our silence. It’s hard because he’s even hotter in his casual wear. A pair of perfectly fitted jeans with a big brown belt and a short-sleeved, black, V-neck T-shirt. Coupled with his leather cuffs, his layered watch, and leather sandals, he’s got me reliving the kiss we shared in distinct detail despite his multiple personalities.

  “You’re quiet today,” he finally says after a couple of minutes. “That’s…different.”

  “I’m unsure what to think right now,” I state.

  He nods thoughtfully. “I’m sorry. I just got spooked. That kiss was—”

  “Intense?” I blurt out and turn to watch his reaction.

  His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows and licks his lips in agreement. His fiery grey eyes are showing me prowling Hayden again. But it’s as if he’s holding back, like he’s putting that lion in its cage. “I just…I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

  “What wrong idea do you mean?”

  “I’m not in a good enough place to be with anyone right now. I’ve worked my arse off to get here and can’t have anything messing about my recovery.” He pauses as his eyes cloud over. “I also have a very nasty track record of friends with benefits. I won’t go down that road again, Vi.”

  The friends with benefits line was a jab right in my stomach. That’s not once what I ever hoped for between us. To be honest, I’m not sure what I hoped for. And after he said “thank you” and took off last night, I suspected he simply didn’t feel the kiss the same way I did.

  “So I would be a distraction?” I ask, trying to figure him out. He smiles and runs his hands over his messy blonde hair. It’s dis
hevelled in that perfect way that my hands itch to tangle through.

  “Yes, Vi. That is exactly what you’d be. A beautiful, bright, bubbly, blonde distraction.”

  “That’s a lot of B’s.” I grimace at his characterisation of me. Is that really all he sees in me? My heart continues to sink further and further.

  “I know I asked you to help me with my Countdown Challenge, but I think it’s a bad idea,” he says before I have more time to consider what he said about me.

  “What do you mean?” I stop walking and cross my arms over my chest to look him in the eyes.

  He gazes at me like it’s harder to speak now. “After last night…I just…I can’t go through with it. Not with you. I’ll find someone else.”

  “No!” I exclaim, feeling a bit brassed off over his description of me. I’m determined to change his opinion. I’m a great deal more than those B words he used to describe me. “I don’t want you to find anybody else. I want to be the person.”

  He shakes his head and looks away. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “Let me be the judge of that.” I reach for his arm so he looks at me. “Hayden, I’m not some meek little ditz. I may look like it, but I’m not. I was raised by my father and I’m surrounded by four football-playing brothers. They are all bossy, obnoxious men who like to butt their noses in my life whenever the mood strikes them. Believe me when I tell you, if I’m strong enough to handle the lot of them, I’m strong enough to handle this.”

  He looks somewhat intrigued. “Should I be afraid these brothers are going to hunt me down?”

  “Yes.” I nod truthfully. Especially if you never kiss me like that again, I want to say. “Seriously, are you quite strong? You might want to start doing more cardio. Running specifically.”

  His chest rumbles with laughter. “You have to promise me that if it ever gets to be too much, you’ll tell me. We end it, straight away. No hurt feelings. I don’t want to hurt you, Vi.”


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