Hunted by His Alpha

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Hunted by His Alpha Page 2

by Marie Medina

  Gregor could do nothing but stare at him, at first. “You’ll forgive me if I’m confused. You’ve had lovers before, and just a couple of hours ago, you had yourself literally wrapped around me, rubbing that cute little ass against my cock. Seemed pretty damn excited about coming to my bed.”

  Jared pulled his robe tighter around his body and crossed his arms over his chest, his stance rigid and his expression unyielding. “That was just going to be fucking. No one said one damn thing about mating.”

  “Well, then, I guess I’ll say it now.” Despite the defensive body language, Gregor reached out to touch Jared’s cheek, glad when the other man didn’t pull away. “You’re my mate. I scented you in the gardens. And when I found you, I was dumbstruck by how perfect you are. The beauty of a fae and the grace of a wolf. And I now see you also have the fire and passion of a wolf. That’s fitting for an Alpha’s mate. While you’ll submit to me, no other will dominate you. Ever.”

  Jared’s eyes flickered, as if he meant to step forward and melt into Gregor’s arms as he had earlier. But instead, he stepped back. “I’m attracted to you, but it’s no different from the attraction I’ve felt to others. How do I know you’re telling the truth?”


  “Excuse me?”

  Gregor stepped forward and tangled his fingers in Jared’s hair. “I said, bullshit.” He tugged on Jared’s hair to make Jared look up into his eyes, enjoying the man’s gasp. “You feel the same pull I feel. You came rushing here wearing nothing but a thin robe. You trembled when I pinned you, and your cock grew hard. You know you’re mine. Feel it deep down. You might be angry I didn’t talk to you first, but it’s pretty damn obvious part of your fantasy is being forced into submission.” He tightened his grip on Jared’s hair and kissed him, never breaking the embrace as he backed the smaller man against the wall.


  Jared cursed himself as a moan of pleasure came up his throat. His aching body betrayed him, his cock hardening and jutting out to press against the man who now had him pinned to the wall. He fought the kiss, at first, but soon enough, he was returning it, passionately. Never had he been so hungry for another, but he couldn’t yield like this.

  Not yet.

  He pushed against Gregor, unwilling to forget his purpose. He tore his mouth from the kiss and turned his head away, panting. “Do you want a mate or a whore?” he said angrily.

  Gregor went completely still and stepped back, freeing Jared and letting go of his hair. “What did you say?” Gregor asked, sounding both hurt and angry.

  Jared looked up at him. “I asked what you wanted. A mate. Or a whore.” He straightened his robe, but then he stopped, letting it fall open. His hard cock curled upward, the tip wet. He stroked it as Gregor watched. “My body wants you, but I’m not a bargaining chip. A piece of chattel. I won’t be treated like an object, and I won’t call lust love.” He closed the robe again. “I’m angry and hurt. I still want you, but not like this. Not when you think so little of me. Until you can respect my feelings and talk to me as if I’m more than something you want to stick your dick in, I have no desire to see you.”

  Gregor came closer but didn’t touch him. “I can see you truly know nothing about wolves. There’s been a misunderstanding here. More than one.” He took another step. “We can talk about this now. After I’ve seen to your needs.”

  “Once you’ve had me, we both know there won’t be any talking.” He moved away from Gregor. “It will settle nothing and give you the victory.”

  Gregor reached out and grabbed him by the wrist. “Letting me claim you will show you that you’re my mate. Once I’m inside you, you’ll know. I’ll knot you, and you’ll feel what I’m feeling.”

  “Knot me? I’m fae. You can’t get me pregnant.”

  “Knotting is about the bond between mates as well.”

  Jared drew his wrist from Gregor’s hand. He touched the wall and opened a portal back to his own room. “You want me, Alpha? Then you woo me.”

  “Stay, and I will. You’ll see how easily a mate can tame any wolf.”

  Jared scanned the bookshelves in the room, but he didn’t see what he was looking for. He knew he needed to leave quickly before his portal collapsed. If Gregor kissed him again, they’d be rutting on the floor like animals in no time. “The king and I are first cousins, so technically, I’m a prince, despite having a non-fae father. There’s a library here. Learn how to woo a fae prince, and then we can discuss a possible future together.”

  Gregor’s hands clenched into fists as he said, “When I finally claim you, and claim you I will, I’m going to punish you for this.”

  Punish me? Jared fought a shudder because he had a pretty good idea what kind of punishment the Alpha had in mind. He smiled at Gregor, licking his lips. “Be careful. Threats like that might motivate me to make you wait even longer.” He stepped through the portal and quickly closed it before Gregor could say anything else.

  Practically collapsing on the bed, Jared flicked his wrist to be sure his bedroom door and the doors to the outer rooms of his suite were locked. Asmund could still get in, but if the king barged in on him masturbating, that was his problem.

  Jared made quick work of stroking himself to completion. Twice in one day I’ve spilled into my own hand over this man. Jared arched, biting his lip. He’d probably forgive me anything if I went back to him right now, but then he’ll never respect me. His body ached, the hurried release not enough as he thought about Gregor taking him. Knotting him. Spanking him? He smiled, wondering if something like that would be part of his punishment. He cleaned himself up as he imagined it, his hands tied to the bedposts as he knelt on the mattress facedown, his knees spread wide with his ass raised. His body would tremble as he waited for his ass to be reddened … and then taken by the beast of a man who laid claim to him.

  Jared sighed as he cast off his robe and moved to the bed. “Doubt I’ll sleep tonight,” he said to himself, his only comfort the knowledge that Gregor was likely in the same state.

  Chapter Two

  Gregor got out of bed for the tenth time, finally giving up on sleep as the sun began to rise. He dressed hurriedly and went in search of the library he’d been told about. He’d fallen into bed determined not to give in to the game Jared wanted him to play. But spending the night alone in that huge bed, knowing his mate could’ve been there with him, had him reconsidering. He’d been glad his Beta had been preoccupied with patrolling—Gregor didn’t know what he was going to tell Luke if he couldn’t find a solution by tonight. While Luke was one of his most loyal Betas, an Alpha who couldn’t claim his mate was always viewed as weak.

  A servant showed him the room, and Gregor thanked him before entering. For almost a minute, he simply stood there in the doorway, staring at the unending room and the shelves that extended all the way up to the ceiling, which seemed very far away.

  A throat was cleared at his side. “Can I help you, Alpha?”

  Gregor looked down at a young fae man who was barely four feet tall.

  “I would love some help.” He tilted his head. “You know who I am?”

  “Of course. Aside from your size, your power is obvious.”

  “I don’t really have powers. Not the way you do.”

  The man smiled. “Call it your strength then.” He gave a slight bow. “I’m Caden, the librarian. Are you perhaps here for books on our history? Or maybe something to please your betrothed? A surprise perhaps?”

  My betrothed? Word travels fast around here. But he didn’t want to reveal too much. “I am here because of Jared. A pack is very different from a kingdom. I don’t know much about”—he sighed, hating to say the words—“courting a prince.” He tried to smile. “I want to please him.”

  “Ah, I see!” Caden said. He turned and flicked his wrist. Dozens of books came flying from the shelves and settled in little piles on a nearby table. He walked over to the table and beckoned Gregor over. “These will be a start. Etiquette books,
mostly.” He grabbed a red one. “But you might find this one interesting, if you wish to impress Jared with something special.”

  Gregor looked at the title. “The Great Union.”

  “Yes. Most humans don’t realize that the word fae—no matter how you spell it—is kind of a catch-all phrase that applies to dozens of different magical beings. The fae race, as it is today, is actually a blending of two races—elves and sprites.” He pointed to his ear. “That’s where the pointy ears come from, the elven side. The short stature and petite frame came from the sprites, a graceful and quite lovely race. Both races were dying out, until elven men started bedding female sprites. This happened thousands of years ago, so some things in the book will probably seem odd to you, but it might help you to see how the two races adapted to one another.”

  “Perhaps. Thank you.” Gregor sat down at the table and opened the book, even though he didn’t think he’d find much of interest in a history book.

  “Just snap your fingers if you need anything.”

  “Thank you,” Gregor said, even though it seemed the man had already left him. He sighed and glanced over the table of contents briefly. His gaze flitted up to the piles of books before him.

  It’s going to be a long day.


  Six Hours Later

  Gregor paced outside the king’s private rooms as he waited for permission to enter. The door flung open, and the servant who’d brought him there came back out.

  “My apologies, sir. I only needed to make sure His Majesty was prepared to receive you.” He gestured to the door. “Please enter.”

  “Thank you. No apology needed.” He felt bad, as his agitation must’ve been perceived as impatience. He strode in and closed the door, spying the king standing out on the balcony.

  Asmund smiled at him from his place by the stone railing. “Things must’ve gone well last night. Neither one of you showed up for breakfast. Or lunch.”

  Gregor frowned, wondering why Jared might not have shown up for those meals. Was he hiding? And if so, from Gregor or the king? “We both slept alone last night.”

  Asmund’s face fell. “What? Did you two talk at all?”

  “We talked. And I was given an ultimatum.”

  “Oh, dear.” Asmund sighed. “This is one of the reasons I wanted more contact with the wolves. Jared’s so different from us in many ways. I’ve never known anyone as stubborn as he is.” He leaned on the railing. “What did he say?”

  “He said I’d have to woo him. Properly. He practically climbed me like a tree within minutes of meeting me, but last night his exact words were no wedding, no wedding night.”

  Asmund went pale, worry plain in his eyes. “Perhaps I can talk to him again.”

  “I have another idea.” He braced one hand on the railing and leaned over to look the king in the face. “Tell me about The Hunt.”

  Asmund looked confused for a moment, but then his eyebrows went up. “The Hunt? How did you learn about that?”

  “The library. Caden helped me, though I don’t think he intended for me to find that.”

  “If you read about it, you know all there is to know, really. As the elves became less fertile, and females more scarce, elven men turned to a race that had the opposite problem—too many females and nowhere near enough males.”

  “But those females made them work for it. The way Jared is trying to.”

  “You could put it that way, but remember, he is only half shifter. It’s partly my fault. I assumed, from what you said, that he felt the pull as well. I really should’ve summoned him. He was pretty angry when I talked to him.”

  “You’re his king. He should obey.”

  Asmund smiled. “Kings and Alphas are different. I could use my power to make him obey me, but I love him too much to make him hate me.”

  “He wouldn’t hate you. He feels the pull, too, no matter what he says. He’s angry he wasn’t consulted. Once we’re mated, he won’t care.”

  “So what do you propose? I’m not sure I understand.”

  “According to what I read, at first, the sprites were mischievous. They’d make the elves chase them. Hunt them down. But then it changed, it seems.”

  “Yes. Once the races had begun to blend, some sprites would call for a hunt to find the most worthy male. That’s when they began referring to it as The Hunt. It was for sport as much as anything. A sort of sexual game.”

  Gregor nodded. “And there was another option as well.”

  Asmund frowned. “Another option? After a few hundred years, it all stopped. No one has declared a hunt for well over a thousand years. I don’t know what you mean.”

  “What I mean is there was another form. It wasn’t always the women initiating things. When a man declared for a woman but was denied, he could invoke The Hunt if no other suitors came forward. She had twenty-four hours. If he caught her, she had to yield.”

  Asmund narrowed his eyes. “Yes, well, today I believe we call that rape, no matter what those old texts say about it.”

  “I agree. But it gave me an idea. Hear me out. I want to propose something altogether new. I come from a race of hunters, so to speak. Jared sent me to the library to punish me for what I did. But trust me, he wants me. He’s going to give in, but on his terms. The wolf in him, though? It wants to be claimed by its Alpha. He’ll jump at this idea if we present it the right way.”

  “We? I’m not sure I want to be this involved in my cousin’s sex life, if I’m honest.”

  Gregor sighed. “You help me, or we go back to square one with this alliance. We wrote the mating into the contract. No mate, no alliance.”

  The king’s eyes went wide. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. He’s my mate. I don’t expect you to understand. The desire is almost instant, but so is the need to protect. To care for, provide for, fight for. He and I have had two conversations and touched twice, but I would kill for him. I would die for him.”

  The king considered him for a long moment. “Tell him that. He’s stubborn, but deep down, he’s tender-hearted. In a way. Tell him how it feels not to have him at your side. He’ll persist in this if he thinks his denial is only hurting your pride. But show him you’re aching in another way—one that has nothing to do with your cock—and he’ll stop. Open up to you again.”

  Could it work? The idea of Jared feeling bad and trying to make things up to him certainly had its appeal. “And if it doesn’t work?”

  “Let’s try it my way first. All right? If he keeps giving you a hard time, then propose it. If you’re actually right, he’ll jump at it, won’t he?”

  “I think so.”

  “He’s never hesitated to fall into bed with anyone. If he wants you, he won’t hold out much longer.”

  Gregor growled.

  “What?” Asmund said, his eyes widening.

  “I’m a wolf. I don’t like constantly hearing about my mate’s former lovers.”

  “We do have sprite blood—they were a sensual and mischievous race. Add in the wolf part of him? Might explain his behavior. I can’t believe you’ve been celibate all these years.”

  Gregor let his breath out in a huff. “That’s hardly the point.”

  The king laughed. “Then don’t bring up how many lovers he’s had. He’ll make it the point if you start acting jealous.” The king turned to look out across the land. “Do as you wish. I can always back you up and use the alliance as a justification, though the more I think on what he said to me, the more I believe you might be right. He’s not the submissive type, so his anger might be as much at his desire to yield as it is at you and your actions.” He sighed. “Whatever it takes to get you two to settle this.”

  Whatever it takes? My thoughts exactly.


  Jared sat in his receiving room and stared at the door. He’d never been so bored in his life. According to the servants, Gregor had in fact risen very early and gone to the library. No one had yet delivered any news of him leaving. Jared’s m
eals had been brought to him, but he’d only picked at them. He wanted to go find Dane, his best friend, but he didn’t want to run into Asmund. He and his cousin had never argued about anything before. While the king always showed strength when he needed to, his one weakness was how much he hated conflict with individuals. That’s the kind of mate Gregor actually needs. Asmund probably would’ve bent right over the desk for him as soon as the contract was signed.

  Jared frowned at that idea. His cousin had only been teasing him yesterday, trying to prod him to action. And if Jared was Gregor’s mate, the wolf wouldn’t want another anyway.


  The idea of Gregor satisfying his need inside another made Jared feel hot all over. He rose and tried to think of something else as his mind threw up images of Gregor with other men. Resting his hands on the mantelpiece, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  A knock came at the door, and his eyes popped open. He definitely didn’t want to talk to the king, but he felt undecided about Gregor. “Who is it?” he asked.


  He let go of the mantle and stood up straight. Smoothing his clothes, he turned around and said, “Come.”

  The smile on Gregor’s face made him wish he’d said, “Come in,” instead. The way the large man got him hard with just a look both annoyed and fascinated Jared. He cleared his throat and said, “Good afternoon.” He cringed inwardly at how stiff he sounded.

  “I’m hoping it will be. I’ve been doing some reading and hoped we could talk.”

  Jared gestured to the longest couch. “Certainly. Please have a seat.”

  “Thank you.” Gregor sat and patted the cushion beside him. “Will you join me?”

  Jared sat across from him, with a table between them. “What did you want to talk about?”

  Gregor fixed him with an intense gaze. “The way you changed completely once I’d done something to displease you. And what it’s doing to me.”


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