Montana Promises

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Montana Promises Page 24

by Law, Kim

  When he remained silent, she went on. “So, I’m going to work on winning my own approval now. I’m going to find my own path. Figure out what makes me happy. And when I do, I’d love to have your support no matter what it is.”

  When he opened his mouth to speak, she held up her hand.

  “And by having your support, that means that I don’t have to explain why I chose what I did. That if I want to do something drastic like start over in school, then you’ll merely say ‘go get ’em’ and not ‘why don’t you use the education you already have.’ And having your support also means that I never again have to beg to see you. Because I won’t, Dad. I’ll let you know where I am, and if you’ll do the same, then I’ll make sure to visit you on occasion, too. But I won’t be made to feel like I’m not enough anymore. Because I am.”

  It took a couple seconds of silence, but she could finally see that she was getting through to him. She didn’t know if her siblings saw him on any regular basis, nor if they wanted to. And she didn’t care what any of their relationships might be. But she needed a relationship with her father. She either needed one or she needed him to quit pretending and get out of her life for good. And at this point, she’d take either.

  “I was lonely,” he said, and sadness filled his eyes. “After your mother and I divorced. I was lonely, and I was hurt. So, I traveled more. I pushed myself more. But my doing that only hurt you. It only made you as lonely as me. And I think I’ve avoided you for that reason. Because I didn’t want to see how I hurt my girl.”

  Tears sat in Megan’s eyes.

  “And for that, I’ll regret my actions for as long as I live,” he added. “I’ll regret not only causing you pain, but also not being there for you when you needed me. For not letting you know that I needed you, too.”

  His last sentence had her blinking, and that had the wetness spilling over onto her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry,” he whispered. “Not for me.” He shook his head. “Never for me. But I promise you that I have missed you. That I’ve needed you, too. I just didn’t know how to fix it.”

  They left the café shortly after that and climbed back into his rental, and they didn’t talk much as she directed him to Brooke’s house. But when she opened the passenger door to go to her car, her dad stopped her.

  “Can I give you a hug, Meg?”

  She looked across the seat. “You can always give me a hug, Dad.”

  He nodded. “Then that’s what I want to do.”

  He got out of the car before she could lean toward him and waited for her in front of the hood, and when she reached him, his arms held her tighter than she could ever remember them holding her. Only . . . that wasn’t true.

  They’d also held her that tight the day he’d left their home for good. When she’d been ten and had begged him to take her with him. He’d hurt along with her, and she’d never known.

  “I love you, Dad,” she whispered into his chest.

  “And I love you, Megan. So much more than I deserve to.”

  When the hug ended, he took her hands in his. “Tell me about Nate,” he said. “You really love him?”

  She laughed at his question. That’s the last thing she’d expected to hear.

  Then she nodded. “I do really love him, Dad. More than I even knew was possible. His family doesn’t know we’re dating yet, though. We’d planned to tell them together today.”

  His brow lifted at that. “Then I think you’d better get out there.” He squeezed her fingers in his. “And good luck, Meggie. I hope it goes well. Will you call me later and let me know how it went?”

  She couldn’t remember him asking before for her to call and catch him up on something. “I’d love to.”

  “Thank you.” He cupped her cheek in his hand. “I’ll do better, Meggie. I’ll come see you more often, and I’ll stay longer when I do.”

  She smiled against the touch of his palm. “That would be nice. And I’ll do better, too.”

  “No. You’re perfect as you are. You always have been. But I’ll do better.” He nodded. “And someday, maybe I’ll even make up for some of my past absence a little. I don’t expect my sins to be forgiven easily or quickly, but I’ll work hard to get there all the same.”

  He pulled her back in for another hug then, and that time she held on as tightly as him.

  “Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I love you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Nate sat by the fireplace on a straight-backed chair that had been pulled from the kitchen, his family the only people remaining from the party, and couldn’t help but worry about Megan. Her dad would have needed to leave a short while ago in order to get back to the airport to catch his flight, yet Nate still hadn’t heard anything from her. And that made him wonder if things with her father had gone even worse than he’d feared.

  He’d hated to leave her on her own earlier, but at the same time, he’d also felt the two of them needed their time alone—what little time the man had been willing to give, anyway. But now, with several hours of silence ticking between them, he was regretting his decision. He should have stayed. Stood by her.

  He should have made sure the man made her feel as special as she was.

  He should go to her now in case she was so upset she hadn’t felt like coming on over to the house.

  Decision made, he stood at the precise moment a knock sounded from the front door, and Gloria jerked around at the sound.

  “Well, who could that be?” She headed up the hallway, and Nate lowered back to the chair. Surely it would be Megan.

  The party had been low-key, with only a handful of guests outside of the immediate family, but their dad had worn himself out. He’d excused himself thirty minutes earlier, needing a few minutes to recharge, while the rest of them were waiting. Gabe had mentioned that he and Erica had a special Father’s Day present they’d like everyone to stick around for, then Nick and Harper had said something similar. It made Nate wonder if he’d missed out on a family memo. He had no idea what kind of special gift two of his brothers might have picked up.

  “Megan,” Gloria said from down the hall. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

  “I’m sorry I’m late. I wanted to be here earlier, but I—”

  “No worries,” Gloria cut her off, then the two of them appeared in the hallway. “Let me get you a chair,” Gloria offered and disappeared back down the way she’d come, while Nate couldn’t take his eyes off Megan.

  She’d said she loved him earlier.

  He’d never heard those words from anyone before.

  “Here you go, dear.” Gloria reappeared, pushing a rolling desk chair, and Gabe hopped to his feet.

  “Here. Let me do that for you.”

  Gloria waved him off. “I’ve got it. You sit back down. You boys did all the grilling for everyone today, so you take a rest. I’m perfectly capable of getting a chair.” She then shouldered Gabe out of the way when he continued to try to take the chair from her and kept on her mission. Her mission being to park the seat to Nate’s immediate left. “The perfect spot,” she hummed out. Then she patted Meg’s shoulder.

  He caught the older woman’s gaze as she took a step back and gave her a thankful smile. She did know what was going on. He’d known it. And he appreciated the help.

  “Did I hear Meg come in?” His dad’s voice carried from the renovated bedroom, and once again Gabe jumped to his feet. Cord followed.

  “Sit down, boys,” their dad said as he made his way up the hall. “I’m broken, but I’m not out.”

  They all made a path for him to get back to his recliner. He’d come out on crutches instead of using his chair. Then the voices in the room picked back up.

  As everyone else talked, Nate cast a glance toward Megan.

  Everything okay? he tried to ask with a look.

  She replied with a small smile and a quick nod.

  Good. I missed you.

  He didn’t know if she understood his last message, but he had misse
d her today. Terribly. It didn’t feel right to be in the middle of everyone else like this any longer without her.

  He wanted to reach over and take her hand, but he held off. Now that she was here, they’d tell his family about their relationship. Then soon, they could head back to her place, and they could talk about what she’d said earlier today.

  She loved him.

  Had she really meant that?

  He was almost too afraid to hope.

  “So, Erica and I have an announcement to make,” Gabe said, and the noise in the room ceased. He looked over and took his wife’s hand, and Nate suddenly understood what the announcement would be. “We were saving this to share today for Father’s Day, Dad, so I hope it makes you happy. We’re pregnant,” Gabe added. “Due sometime around the third week of December.”

  “I’m going to be a big sister!” Jenna announced. Her grin showed one missing tooth and one that was halfway in and slightly crooked. “I held the secret all day.” She was so proud of herself, as was everyone else in the room.

  Haley jabbed the little girl in the side, and both of them snickered as if they were aware that Jenna hadn’t held that secret from everyone all day, and congratulations for the baby to come went around the room. It was also stated—to his father’s disappointment—that the sex of the baby wasn’t yet known. Then Nick cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention once again.

  He held up a hand. “Us, too,” he confirmed, and Gloria gasped.

  “Seriously?” Erica asked at the same time that Gloria said, “Two babies?”

  Harper smiled, her face practically beaming. “Seriously. And actually, it’ll be three babies. I seem to be pregnant with twins.”

  More gasping echoed around the room, and Nate watched as Jenna’s and Haley’s mouths dropped open, and their eyes went wide. He was getting a kick out of those two, and for the first time in his life, he wondered what a kid of his own would be like. And what they’d look like.

  He glanced over at Megan at the same time she looked at him, and he wanted to know what she was thinking.

  “And when are you due?” Nate’s father asked.

  Nick and Harper both smiled and spoke at the same time. “The third week of December.”

  This time it was his father and Gloria whose eyes went round. Then everyone howled with laughter.

  “And before you ask,” Nick tacked on once the room was again under control, “no. We don’t know the sex yet either. And we were actually thinking about not finding out. Kind of wanting it to be a big surprise for everyone at Christmastime.”

  “Meaning, that if you are giving me a grandson, you want to make me wait to find out?”

  Harper grinned, and Nick nodded. “Exactly, Dad. We figured that since we’re giving you two chances for a grandson, then it only seems fitting to make you wait to find out.”

  “I really like that idea,” Erica announced. She looked over at Gabe. “I think we should do the same thing. It’ll be a race to not only see who delivers first, but also when—or if—a boy comes out.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Gabe added. Their dad groaned.

  “Then, I guess we can do the same as well,” Dani said, and everyone’s gazes swiveled to her. They all looked questioningly at her, though, as if not completely clueing in to what she’d just said. Seven-month-old Mia sat, babbling happily, on her lap. “Yeah.” Dani nodded. “Ben and I are pregnant again. It wasn’t exactly planned, but it looks like Haley and Mia are going to have a baby brother or sister of their own soon. And it looks like soon will be . . . sometime around the third week of December.”

  Instead of more laughter, everyone simply looked dumbfounded. Then they all looked expectantly at Arsula.

  She held up both hands. “Not me! We’re not even married yet. Nor are we planning a wedding yet. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  “Yeah,” Jaden agreed. “We’ll just play with their kids for now.”

  “Four babies,” Nate’s dad murmured, and Nate could see the utter shock on his face.

  “And all at the same time,” Gloria added.

  “Well, I just want to know what happened here about three months ago,” Cord said. “Because I want to make damned certain that if it ever happens again, I’m not anywhere near this place.”

  The mood in the room suddenly sobered. “The arctic blast,” their dad said. “It came through in late March.”

  All the expectant parents nodded, and Nate felt Megan’s knee bump against his then stay there. Out of something that had brought his family so much grief and worry, beauty was growing.

  “Then God bless the arctic blast,” Gloria declared.

  “God bless the arctic blast,” Jenna and Haley echoed.

  “Maybe all the babies will wait and come a week late,” his dad suggested, and when the three expectant mothers all gawked at him, he nodded toward Cord. “That way Cord could be home for Christmas, and he could deliver them for you.”

  Cord’s brows went skyward. “I don’t make a habit of delivering babies in my practice, Dad. Nor do I especially want to deliver them for my sisters-in-law”—he shot Dani a droll look—“nor my sister.” He shuddered, and the rest of them laughed, and once again the room turned lighthearted and fun. It was proving to be a really good day.

  So, now it was Nate’s turn, he supposed. And his mouth went dry.

  Holding up a finger in order to gain attention, he silently prayed that this would be seen as a good thing. And when no one noticed his attempt, he finally blurted out, “I have an announcement of my own to make, too.”

  Immediate silence followed, along with surprised looks, and his hand tingled to reach out and take Megan’s.

  “Actually,” he restarted. “Megan and I have—”

  “You’re dating her,” Jaden guessed before Nate could get it out. The words came out flat. “And what? Is she pregnant, too?”

  “What?” Nate said. “No. She’s not pregnant.” At least, he didn’t think so. He looked at Megan.

  “But you are dating her?” Nick asked. “You and Megan?”

  Nate turned back to the room, then he reached for Meg’s hand. “I am dating her. We’re dating each other.”

  “Why?” Jaden asked.

  Nate jolted. “What do you mean why? Why are you dating Arsula? Why does anyone date anybody?” What kind of question was that?

  “I know why I date someone,” Jaden replied. “And I know that I’m in love with Arsula. That we intend to continue growing our relationship and are engaged to be married. So, I’m simply asking, why you two are dating?”

  Nate stared in disbelief. “Are you asking if I intend to marry her?” They’d just started dating a month ago.

  “I’m asking what your intentions are.”

  “Why? Do you think you’re her father or something?”

  Gabe held up a hand. “Guys—”

  “I think I’m her friend,” Jaden answered with vehemence. He looked at Megan then, studied her for a moment before coming back to Nate. And Nate could now see that he’d put on his counselor face. “But I’m also your brother.”

  “Well, my brother can say congrats and move the hell on.”

  Megan scooted to the edge of her chair. “What are you getting at, Jay?”

  Nate could hear her anger building.

  Jaden paused for a moment before answering her and seemed to be considering his words. When he restarted, he rephrased his question. “All I’m asking is if this is a real, want-it-to-go-somewhere relationship? Is it legit?”

  “Of course it’s legit,” she snapped. “What? Do you think you can find someone else super quick, but I can’t?”

  Nate looked over at her, surprised. Clearly it had bothered her, at least a little, that Jaden and Arsula had gotten engaged so quickly. Then Jaden said, “This isn’t actually about you, Meg.” He looked apologetic. “Other than I want to make sure you don’t get hurt. And I’m sorry it currently feels that way.”

  “I don’t need you t
o be—”

  “What is it about, then?” Nate’s question came out cold. Because he was finished with this conversation. And he didn’t like that it was upsetting Megan.

  Jaden stared at him, the look on his face reminding Nate of the handful of times Jaden had brought up a certain subject, and Nate suddenly understood what Jaden’s answer would be before he said it. “It’s about your past. Have you dealt with it yet?”

  “I don’t have anything to deal with, Jay.” His lips barely moved as he spoke.

  “And I’m saying that I think you do.”

  “What past?” Gabe seemed to understand that Jaden felt he had something real to say. At the same time as Gabe spoke, Nick quietly motioned toward Harper.

  “Oh.” She jumped to her feet. “Here.” She reached both hands toward Jenna and Haley. “Come with me, girls. Let’s go outside for a while, okay?”

  “Why?” Jenna asked, but she rose and followed Haley and Harper anyway.

  “The grown-ups need to talk,” Harper said in a rush as she herded the girls toward the back door. Clearly, Nick had filled his wife in on Nate’s past.

  Once the door closed behind the trio, Gabe turned back, and his expression had grown cautious. In fact, everyone in the room now wore expressions of caution. They all remained seated, unmoving, and all gazes bounced from Jaden to Nate.

  “All right.” Gabe addressed Jaden first. “What’s going on. What past are you talking about?”

  “Don’t go there, Jay.”

  Jaden looked at him. “I have to go there. You need to deal with this. It won’t ever be fair to Meg if you don’t.”

  “I don’t need to deal with anything. I’m perfectly fine. We’re perfectly fine.”

  “What’s he talking about, Nate?” Megan’s voice had lost its heat, and her hand now felt small inside of his. “What do you need to deal with?”


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