Jasper (Cloves County Cowboys Book 2)

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Jasper (Cloves County Cowboys Book 2) Page 21

by Amelia Shea

  Tripp grabbed her arm, pulling her to the center of the seat. “Hell, don’t be crazy and pull some stunt move, jumping from the truck. Jasper will have my ass.”

  “If you take me back there, you won’t have to worry about Jasper because I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Tripp burst out laughing and pulled up to Jasper’s house where he was waiting on the porch. He shot up from the porch steps and rushed to the door. Kellie folded her arms and focused straight out the windshield. She may have to sit here, but she didn’t have to talk to him. She’d had enough of the whole Abby situation. When she had come through his back door, she heard them talking. Abby going on about how much she missed him. There was only so much Kellie could take. She didn’t blame Jasper, and after the night at the bar, she thought it was over. He loved her, she loved him. If it was over between them, why was he giving her the time? Maybe it was irrational, but if he was truly done, then why was he going to talk with her tomorrow?

  The engine was still running, and from her peripheral vision she could see Jasper stop at her door. She closed her eyes and ignored the soft chuckle next to her when Tripp rolled down the window. She refused to look at Jasper. She might have been overreacting, but she didn’t care at this point.

  “Look who I found,” Tripp said.

  “Will you come talk to me?” Jasper’s voice was soft and low.

  The simple phrase alone had her piping mad. She turned to Jasper. “Okay, how about I’ll come over a little before the party, and we can talk then?” She narrowed her glare. “Oh wait, you already have plans.”

  It was immature and childish. A grown woman, pouting and channeling her inner twelve-year-old.

  Jasper stepped forward. “It’s not what you think. Come inside and let me explain.”

  Kellie shook her head. “No, thank you.”

  “Darlin’, I hate to be rude, but you gotta get out. I need to get some sleep, and you sitting in my truck all night just ain’t gonna work.”

  She slowly craned her neck to Tripp. “Then you should have thought about that before making me get in your truck.” Served him right, now all three of them would have to suffer because there was no way she was getting out of this truck. She aimed her attention back to the windshield. Jasper leaned in the window, and without looking directly at him, she could see him rest his arms on the door.

  There was nothing to say. Abby wouldn’t just go away. This was starting to feel like a three-person relationship. Jasper may be done with her, but she wasn’t letting go just yet.

  “Should have known,” she muttered, shaking her head. It wasn’t meant for any else’s ears, only hers.

  Jasper’s head perked up. “Known what?

  She clamped her lips tightly together.

  “Kellie?” he whispered.

  Her tears welled in her eyes. She turned to see Jasper, his eyes soft, his lips set downward in a frown. “Talk to me.” It was a desperate plea.

  A tear slipped past her lid and slowly rolled down her cheek. “Everything you said the other night? I believed you.”

  “It’s true, everything I’ve ever said to you was true, darlin’, I didn’t lie. The only reason I agreed to talk with her is because if I don’t she’ll continue this, coming here, showing up at the bar. She thinks there’s hope when there isn’t any. The only reason I said yes to talking with her is because once she’s said all she’s gotta say, it’s over, Kellie.” He drove his hand through his hair. “You. All I want is you.”

  God, I want to believe him. She wiped her cheeks.

  “Can I say something?” Tripp asked.

  Kellie and Jasper aimed their glares at Tripp, and in unison shouted, “No.”

  Tripp flinched and laughed. “It’s my truck. I think I gotta right.”

  Kellie snorted. Here she was having a heart to heart with the man she loved, and Tripp thought he could bear words of wisdom on them. It was almost too comical to pass up hearing what he’d say.

  “Look, Abby is trying to come between you two, and while I’m not trying to be an asshole, I’m gonna say it. Kellie, you are fucking letting her.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Was he really blaming her for all this?

  “It’s true, darlin’.” He pointed to Jasper. “Abby’s throwing herself at him, calling and showing up where she’s not wanted, but that ain’t on Jasper, and you’re blaming him. Fucking crazy if you ask me.”

  “No one asked you, Tripp.” She lunged forward slightly. He was pissing her off. Tripp held up his hand.

  “What I’m saying is, I’m assuming you heard something from Abby you didn’t like, and then took off. You’re giving her all this power, and treating Jas like he’s done wrong.”

  “He’s right.” Jasper leaned back from the window, scowling at her. “You’re so hellbent on thinking me and you can’t work, it’s almost like you’re sabotaging us.”

  “I am not.”

  “You are. Why didn’t you come into the room when you heard her in there? Or why not wait for me?” Jasper shook his head and spread his arms out in front of himself. “Tell me what I gotta do, darlin’, just tell me how I can prove you are it for me, you are the one I want to be with. Hell, I’ll do it, just tell me.”

  Kellie stared back at him, seeing a desperate ache in his stare. He was pleading with her to tell him how to show her how much he loved her. This was more proof than she even needed. She inhaled a deep breath in hopes of calming her racing heart. It was no use; she was about to fall apart. He was right, everything he said was true. She was sabotaging this relationship because of her own insecurities.

  The tears streamed down her cheeks, and she didn’t bother wiping them away. His tense jaw relaxed, and the corner of his mouth lifted. Jasper opened the door when the unlock button clicked. He reached for Kellie’s hand, and she slid out of the truck.

  “Thanks, Tripp,” Jasper said and slammed the door. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, tugging her close to his chest.

  “See you tomorrow.”

  They entered his house and he led them up the stairs to his bedroom. Just say sorry.

  He placed her near the bed and sat down beside her.

  “Talk to me, Kellie.”

  “I feel like an idiot.” She sniffled. “Again.” She wiped her eyes with her sleeve, peeking over at Jasper. “I heard you guys and her saying how much she missed you. I guess I just freaked out. I mean, how would you feel if someone else was saying those things to me?”

  Jasper narrowed his eyes. “I’d be pissed off to hell. I understand why you’re upset darlin’ and I’m not faulting you for how you feel. But there’s nothing she can say or do that would have me changing how I feel. I love you and only you. I need you to trust in that.”

  “I do.”

  His eyes slanted, and his lip curved.

  “Okay, I’m trying to.”

  His lips spread into a smile. “Did you hear what I said to her?”

  “Yeah, but then she talked about coming over before the party…” She dragged her hand across her face. This was becoming a mortifying confessional for her insecurities.

  “What?” Jasper took her hand, clasping it with his.

  She sighed. “I don’t know. I guess I figured since you were willing to talk to her more, there was something inside you that wanted to hear what she had to say. And with her being at the party, I don’t know.” She shrugged. “It’s just that I was really excited about coming over to the barbecue and being with your family and…” She covered her face with her hands. “I don’t know, coming here as your girlfriend.”

  “Darlin’, none of that has changed.”

  She sighed. “Yes, it has. Abby will be here. I’ll be here. Be honest, Jasper. If they could choose, they’d probably pick Abby for you.”

  “What?” Jasper shouted in shock. She jerked her head, dropping her hands from her face to see his eyes bulging in disbelief. Jasper burst out laughing, which set Kellie back on the bed. “Oh darlin’, you have no idea who
my parents are, or what the type of people, but you will.” He shook his head, grinning. “While they’d never admit it, because God doesn’t allow for hatred, my mom and dad hate Abby for what she did to me. The only reason she’s coming tomorrow is because her parents are donors to the charity. She’s merely tagging along for her own agenda.”

  “And contrary to what you may think, they are looking forward to having you here tomorrow.” Jasper sighed and clasped her hands. “They see me, how I’ve been since you came along. They like it, Kell, they wanna know the girl who’s got their son twisted in knots, smiling more than I have in the past few years. It’s all you, darlin’.”

  “They had to have heard about my reputation, Jasper. Your mom has to know.”

  “Got to give my family a little more credit, sweetheart. You think they believe half the things floating around the county? Hell, you ever hear talk about the Fords? My dad is not as well liked as you think. People like to talk, you know that.”

  She had heard talk here and there. Edward Fords had a shrewd business reputation. Everyone respected him, but there were a few who didn’t like him.

  “Remember you promised me, my heart was safe with you?”

  Kellie nodded.

  “Yeah, well yours is safe with me, too.”

  He reached around her, pulling her breasts tightly against his chest, and fell back on the bed, taking her with him. Snuggled into his arms, she sighed.

  They lay in silence for a bit before Jasper turned her on her back, caging her in with his elbows. “You never asked me why I agreed to let Abby come over tomorrow to talk, but I’m going to tell you anyway.” Jasper leaned down, taking her lips, and then pulled away an inch. “That day I walked in on her with another man, I cut off everything with her. Never spoke to her again until she showed up at the ranch. For me, it ended years ago. There was nothing to say, there still isn’t, at least not on my end.” His brows furrowed. “Look, I got an idea what she’s gonna say and if listening to her is what it takes to finally rid her of our lives, I’m willing to do it.”

  She had little faith that Abby would back off, even after their little talk. But she had to trust him, and he knew Abby better than most people, she assumed. Maybe this would be the end of Abby’s aggressive pursuit of getting him back.

  Doubt it.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jasper was sipping his coffee when Kellie strolled in and cocked her hip out.

  “How do I look?”

  Jasper smiled, taking in every inch of her. She had a knee-length white dress with a brown belt and matching cowboy boots. Her hair flowed down her back. Just looking at her hair, his fingers tingled remembering how soft it was.


  Jasper chuckled. “I’m trying to come up with better words than beautiful, perfect, gorgeous, sweet, and sexy.”

  She blushed and sauntered over to him, wrapping her hands around his waist and looking up at him. “I love you.”

  Jasper clasped his hands over her jaw and leaned down, pressing his lips to hers.

  “I love you, too.”

  She smiled and pulled away, giving him a wink. “You better.”

  “Where you off to?”

  “I’m gonna help Britt with some last-minute things. Get some brownie points with your mom and dad.”

  “No need, darlin’, they’re gonna love you.”

  She bit her lip and whispered, “You think so?”

  Jasper pushed off the counter and grabbed her hands, bringing them up to his lips and kissing her knuckles. He knew she was nervous. “I know so.”

  She gave him a smile, but from her eyes, he could tell she still had her reservations. She sighed and widened her eyes. “So, when is Abby coming over?”

  “Any minute now, I guess.”

  “Well, then I’ll head out.” She backed up a step, and Jasper went with her.

  “You can stay, Kellie. You don’t gotta go.”

  “This is between you and Abby. Everything you said last night, I get it.” Her lips tightened in a line. “The way I reacted was immature and irrational. You need to do this with her, so it all ends for good. And I trust you, I really do.” Her eyes peeked up at him through her lashes. “And more importantly, I believe in us, Jas.”

  Her words did something to his heart. She reached up on her toes and threw her arms over his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. Her lips were so soft and sweet, his tongue poked out, gliding over them. She moaned softly, and he could feel the tightening in his pants. He’d never be able to get enough of her. He moved his hips in line with her core, grinding against her.

  She jerked her head, breaking the kiss. “You need to behave.”

  He leaned into her neck, sliding his nose across her collarbone. “I think we’ve got time.”

  Kellie burst out laughing. Jasper grinned at her, and she gave him a quick kiss before bolting under his arm and toward the back door.

  “See ya in a bit.” She winked and walked out the door.

  The doorbell rang the same time his back door closed.

  He ambled to the door with hesitation. He gripped the knob and opened the door to find Abby standing on his porch. Her pink flowered dress flowed past her knee, and her hands twisted at her waist. It had been a long time since he’d spent any real time with her, but he remembered from when they were younger. It was a nervous tick for Abby.

  “Abby.” Jasper nodded, which seemed to put her at ease. Abby needed this conversation, not him. It didn’t seem right to hold onto any anger. It would just carry over to what he had with Kellie, and he didn’t want that. When he gestured her inside, she walked past him closely, her arm rubbing against his chest. She may have done it purposefully, but it didn’t matter. Any feelings he had for Abby were in the past. It surprised him, after all the time they had been together, all the love he’d once felt for her, he felt none of that anymore. No inkling of a spark between them. Well, not on his end.

  Abby walked into the living room, peering over her shoulder and scanning the room.

  “Where’s Kellie?”

  Jasper walked forward, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Helping at my parents.”

  Abby nodded and inched to the fireplace, staring at the pictures on the mantle.

  “Abby, I said I would talk, but this isn’t exactly the best day for it, I’ve got a million things to do. Whatever ya gotta say, just say it.”

  Her body stilled, and it seemed like forever until she turned to face him. Tears welled up in her eyes.

  “I made a lot of mistakes, Jasper. So many I can barely recognize who I’ve become. But out of all of them, hurting you and throwing away what we had was the worst.”

  Jasper sighed.

  “You know, all I ever wanted was the future we had planned as kids. When I got to school, everything was so different, the people, the places. I had all this freedom. I didn’t even realize how sheltered I had been until I left Cloves County. My need to fit in and be like everyone else changed me.”

  Yes, it had.

  She wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks. “What I did was unforgivable. You must hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you, Abby.”

  She laughed without humor. “You should.”

  There was a time when he despised her, had so much anger at the thought of her, but never once did he hate her. How could he? For a long while, she had been his everything. The heart didn’t shut down when it had been broken.

  “I just want to say I’m sorry for everything, but especially for breaking your heart. No one has ever loved me the way you do.”

  Did. He wasn’t going to correct her in this fragile state, but his love for her was past tense.

  She twisted her hands at her waist again and peered up through her lashes. “You and Kellie, huh? You seem to be spending a lot of time together.”

  He was not discussing his relationship with her. It was none of her business. He nodded in hopes of shutting it down.

  “Is it serious?”r />
  He stared at her from across the room.


  “I wouldn’t have pictured you two together.”

  He would not take the bait.

  “Look, I have no right to ask this, or even suggest it, but is there even a slight chance for us, Jasper? An inkling of hope for us?”

  “There is no us, Abby. And I’ll clarify this, so there’s no doubt in your mind. Even if I wasn’t in love with Kellie, there would still be no you and me.”

  She gasped and stepped back on wobbly feet. It was a reality check for her, but he was going to make it clear.

  “You and I ended a long time ago, and while I don’t hate you, and I can forgive you, there’s no chance I’d take you back.”

  “I’ve changed…”

  Jasper held up his hand, and she immediately clamped her mouth closed. “So have I, Abby. Who I was six years ago and how I saw things, it’s all changed. I’m not the same man. You broke my heart, but it led me to exactly where I should be.”

  She snorted. “With Kellie?” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “What you’re feeling isn’t love, Jasper.”

  His body tensed, and a slow burn filtered through his body. Who the hell did she think she was, coming here and telling him what he was feeling? He was set on keeping this civil, but Abby was making it difficult.

  “You don’t know how I feel.”

  She raised her brow. “You really think you’re in love with her?”

  “No.” His brows cocked down. “I know I’m in love with her. Never felt the way I do about anyone, including you.”

  Abby flinched as though she had been struck. It was a hard truth but needed to be said. Her chin jutted out as her lips pressed together.

  “I should go.” She walked toward the door, this time not coming close to him. She was double stepping to get out the door. Jasper followed behind. This needed to be the end of it.


  She glanced over her shoulder, tears welling in the rims.

  “No more calls or coming here. You wanted to talk, and I gave you that, but it ends now.”

  She swiped her eyes. “What’s the matter, Kellie doesn’t let you have friends?”


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