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Metanoia Page 8

by Young

  When my Master introduced her to our group, I was dumbstruck. She was none other than Ms. Elsa Schiaparelli; the one and only who had collaborated with prominent Surrealist artists, such as Salvador Dali and Jean Cocteau. Never had I imagine I would come face to face with this living fashion legend in a Tunisian dance club.

  She extended her gloved hand for me to kiss before she uttered in French, “Venez vous asseoir avec moi, beau garçon (Come, sit with me handsome lad).”

  I stammered in broken French when her male companion made room for me next to her, “I…, je suis honoré de vous rencontrer, Madame (I…, I’m honored to meet you, Madam).”

  She answered approvingly, “Jeune homme, vous êtes très élégant (Young man, you are very stylish).

  Since my French was tested to its limits, I looked to my Valet for help. Madam iterated in English before Andy could respond on my behalf, “You’re well put together, young man. Are you from England?”

  I was taken aback that she spoke in English. “I…, err…, you are very kind Madame,” I blurted stupidly.

  Amused by my awestricken demeanor, she took my hand and stroked it a couple of times before she announced, complimentarily, “You have beautiful hands, like an artist.”

  I was a nervous wreck. I look to my chaperone for assistance. Andy, the perfect gentleman, extended his hand to mine.

  “Madame, allez-vous l’obligeance de nous excuser. J’aime la danse avec mon compagnon (Madam, will you be so kind as to excuse us. I like to dance with my companion),” he announced politely.

  Before I departed to the dance floor with my guardian, I mumbled to the Grande dame, “Je vous remercie, Madame. C’était un plaisir de parler avec vous (Thank you, ma’am. It was a pleasure to speak with you).”

  On that note, my lover whisked me away and left our entourage in the company of Madame Elsa Schiaparelli.

  The Third Week of June 2014

  Andy’s Email Message to Me


  I received an email from a person named David. Do you know him? He said he had been in communication with you, and you have agreed to discuss and share our E.R.O.S. and Arab Household experiences.

  I wanted to be sure that this stranger is a reliable gentleman and not a scammer who is out to discredit our positive harem experiences.

  Keep me in the loop before I respond to him.

  Hope all is well with you and Walter.

  Your loving Andy,


  Where Angels Fear to Tread (Chapter Eleven)

  “There are thorns everywhere,

  But along the path of vice,

  Roses bloom above them.”

  Marquis De Sade

  End of October 1968

  Aboard Sindbad

  Tad did not return with Curt, Andy or me to the yacht. Instead, the prince, the sheik and he remained at Calypso until the wee hours of the morning; before they retired to Hotel Sindbad Hammamet. Earlier that evening, they had dispatched aids to reserve several luxury suites at this brand new five-star hotel in preparation for their sojourn in the city.

  Since I had tutorials with Professor Eberhardt the following morning, we left the discotheque before the stroke of midnight. When my chaperone and I were alone in our cabin, we had a heart to heart chat. I could hardly believe my ears when my Valet made an extraordinary confession.

  Andy sat half-naked on the bed and waited for me to emerge from the bathroom.

  “I thought about your confession at the beach,” he began.

  I looked at him puzzlingly and wondered what he was getting at.

  He continued, “Young, you do know I love you very much.”

  His query was more a statement than a question.

  “I know, and I love you very much too,” I replied.

  “But not as much as I love and adore you…,” he trailed off as if he was withholding some private information.

  He patted the side of the bed for me to sit. I did as told. He held my hand to his.

  “You know I will not hurt you under any circumstance. Yet, I yearn to possess you,” my lover confessed.

  “I’m already yours,” I stated.

  “You’re not comprehending my proclamation?” he declared.

  I shook my head since I did not understand my guardian’s implication.

  “Do you trust me?” he propagated and kissed me affectionately.

  I nodded and wondered where our conversation was heading. Before I had time to ponder his question, he pushed me onto the bed and tied my wrists to the bedpost and pried my mouth open to receive his swirling tongue.

  Tantalized by my submissiveness, he ripped away my covering to reveal my bobbing hardness while his masculinity palpitated visibly behind his towel. He tore his towel apart to show me his supremacy. He blindfolded me before I had a chance to muse over his prized possession.

  My heart pounded in befuddlement as I mulled over my Valet’s sudden exhilaration. This unfettered perplexity served only to heighten my lubricious carnality. My considerate lover who had never imposed dominance over my person had transformed into a brute. Unexpected slaps thwacked my soft bottom as blows of potent punishment rained down my backside.

  I writhed and squealed in resistance to his erotic onslaught. Yet I coveted his torturous perpetration. My avoidance served only to ignite his haughty desires. He pushed my face onto the bed and spat into my twitching hollow as cogent wallops rained down my reddened tush. Although I welcomed his masterful advances, I clammed up my quivering orifice. He commanded me to yield. When I disobeyed a series of bellowing smacks would rain down my buttocks. Inflamed by my defiance, he pried apart my warmth with his swirling tongue and invaded my sacredness with aplomb. Waves of irrepressible wantonness suffused my desire for his bulbousness.

  He plunged into my core with unbridled lasciviousness. His rousing spanks together with my frenzied shrieks whipped our libidinous provocations to jolting coitus maximus. My unyielding defiance torched my captor’s aggressiveness to sweltering passion as his plummeting strokes plowed into my inner sanctum with debaucherous devotion. Unable to shun our galvanizing sadomasochism my lover planted raunchy kisses on my mouth as I heartened his lusciousness into my holy of holies. Andy had unwittingly become my cognitive slave while I, his corporeal doyen. Empowered by our recalcitrance, we furrowed our way towards an ambiguous gratification. We forged ahead where angels fear to tread.

  My defenselessness had hypnotized my captor. He probed my core with gustatory depravity. Under his mighty onslaught, I could no longer withhold my seed. Gushes of explosive spills catapulted onto the queen while his molten ecstasies blasted into my yearning hollow. Streams of his potencies contoured around my twitching cavern to provide succulence for his unceasing invasion.

  We were drenched with fervid amorousness when he fired another round of avid cogency into my already overloaded chamber. Yet, I welcomed his deposit with debaucherous tenacity and greeted his dominance with relish. Neither of us desired this ribaldrous game to end.

  We sealed our liaison dangereuses with kisses of raunchy ardencies. We were already drugged by these exhilarating yet perilous mavericks of bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, and sadomasochism.

  End of June 2014

  My Response to Andy’s Private Message


  I appreciate your concerns regarding David. I too had apprehensions before I googled his profile. He is an esteemed New York interior decorator and restaurateur. My appraisal is, he is genuine.

  I c/c you a copy of my response to David. I hope you will participate in our discussion.




  My Message to David and Andy

  Hi, guys,

  Thank you for your E.R.O.S. initiation ceremonial description. During my service at the various Arab households, there were also a couple of Enlightened Royal Oracle Society recruits who went through different inception rituals.

  At my sixth household, a fem
ale recruit, Abbie told of her rites performed in the sky. She, her peer and the initiator were flown above the clouds on their school’s jet. Her ceremonial ritual was conducted with the initiator and her two naked inductees, parachuting from the plane in an intimate circle while reciting short verses by an erudite scholar from their country of origin.

  Joshua, a recruit from my seventh household related his evocation rite being performed within the earth. With their heads exposed above ground, the rest of their naked bodies laid buried in the land. The instigator put a handful of soil atop their heads, while they recited sonnets from a revered philosopher.

  To me, it was evident that our initiation ceremonies were rooted in the five classical elements: earth, fire, water, air, and aether.

  My ex-E.R.O.S. tutor, Professor Curt Eberhardt once explained to me the meaning of aether and the other elements, and I quote:

  “Ancient cultures in Egypt, Babylonia, Japan, Tibet, and India have similar elemental lists. In local languages ‘air’ is referred to as ‘wind’ and the fifth element as ‘void.’

  The Chinese Wu Xing system lists Wood (木 mù), Fire (火 huǒ), Earth (土 tǔ), Metal (金 jīn), and Water (水 shuǐ); though these are described as energies or transitions than as types of material.”

  Eberhardt explained, “In classical thought as proposed by Empedocles; the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire occur frequently. It was Aristotle who added the fifth element – aether (referred to as akasha in India). In Europe, it is known as quintessence.

  “The concept of the five elements also formed an analysis for both Hinduism and Buddhism. In the esoteric context, Hinduism - the four states-of-matter is one of the distinct forms that matter takes shape, with a fifth element that is beyond the material world.

  “Similarly, the four great elements in Buddhism, to which two others are also added, are not viewed as substances, but are deemed categories of sensory experiences.”

  I am intrigued by the denotations of these five elements since the Enlightened Royal Oracle Society employed them in our initiation rites. I did some fieldwork, and these are my discoveries.

  In Hinduism

  The pancha mahabhuta – the “five great elements” of Hinduism established in Vedas, especially Ayurveda, are bhūmi (earth), ap or jala (water), marut, vayu or pavan (air or wind), tejas or agni (fire), and vyom or shunya (space or zero) or akash (aether or void).

  These ascertainments suggest that all creation, including the human body, is composed of these five essential elements. Upon death, the chassis dissolves into these five natural components, thereby balancing the cycle of creation.

  These five elements are also associated with the five senses. They act as the sensations aggregation.

  Earth, the primary element is created from the four and is perceived by all the five senses – sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell.

  Although the higher element Water, has no odor, it can be heard, felt, seen and savored.

  Fire is heard, felt and seen.

  Air is heard and felt.

  In regard to Akasha (aether), this element is beyond the smell, taste, sight, and touch; and is only accessible through sound.

  In Buddhism

  Buddha‘s precepts regarding the four elements are the base of observational sensations rather than philosophy. These four properties are cohesion (water), solidity or inertia (earth), expansion or vibration (air) and heat or energy (fire). He also propagated that mind and matter are composed of eight types of kalapas. The four elements are the primaries, with color, smell, taste, and nutriment, being secondary derivatives to the principals.

  In China

  The Chinese postulate a slightly different series of elements - Fire, Earth, Metal (literal meaning - gold), Water and Wood. These represent different energy fields that continually interact with each other. Unlike the Western elemental concept.

  Although the Chinese word xing means “changing states of being,” “permutations” or “metamorphoses of being,” these energies are frequently translated as an element, even-though sinologists cannot concord on a single translation. The Chinese elements are ever changing and moving. One translation of wu xing is accorded as “the five changes.”

  Wu Xing is an ancient mnemonic device for systems with five stages. The preferred translations are “movements,” “phases” or “steps” to that of elements.

  In the bagua, metal is associated with the divination figure 兌 Duì (☱, the lake or marsh: 澤/泽 zé) and with 乾 Qián (☰, the sky or heavens: 天 tiān). Wood is associated with 巽 Xùn (☴, the wind: 風/风 fēng) and with 震 Zhèn (☳, the arousing/thunder: 雷 léi).

  Given the durability of meteoric iron, metal became associated with aether; that is often conflated with Stoic pneuma. Since both terms referred to air; the former being higher, brighter, more fiery or celestial and the latter being warmer, thereby vital or biogenetic.

  In Taoism, qi functions similarly to pneuma - a prime matter (a fundamental principle of energetic transformation) that are both biological and inanimate phenomena.

  In Chinese philosophy, the universe consists of heaven and earth; together with the five dominant planets associated with and named after the elements: Jupiter 木星 = Wood (木), Mars 火星 = Fire (火), Saturn 土星 = Earth (土), Venus 金星 = Metal (金), and Mercury 水星 = Water (水).

  The Moon represents Yin (陰), and the Sun (太陽) is equivalent to Yang (陽). Yin, Yang, and the five elements are associated with themes in the I Ching - the oldest of Chinese classical texts that describe an ancient system of cosmology and philosophy.

  The five elements also play an important part in Chinese astrology and Chinese geomancy. They are known as Shui.

  The doctrine of five phases describes two cycles of balance, a generating or creation (生, shēng) cycle and an overcoming or destruction (克/剋, kè) succession of interactions between the phases.

  (生, Shēng) - Generating/Creation Cycle

  Wood feeds fire;

  Fire creates earth (ash);

  Earth bears metal;

  Metal collects water;

  Water nourishes wood.

  (克/剋, kè) – Overcoming/Destruction Succession

  Wood parts earth;

  Earth absorbs water;

  Water quenches fire;

  Fire melts metal;

  Metal chops wood.

  Characteristics of the Five Elements

  Wood = Benevolence

  Wood represents the person’s fate - lowliness, nobleness, extractive, luxuriant, brilliant, blooming and flourishing.

  Fire = Propriety

  Fire establishes the person’s attributes, such as strength, consistency, power, influence, bravery, and intensity.

  Metal = Righteousness

  Metal constitutes a person’s lifespan like longevity, termination, dangers, difficulties, and obstructions.

  Water = Wisdom

  Water symbolizes the person’s talent such as aptitude, brightness, agility, and sound of mind.

  Earth = Fidelity/Honesty

  Earth enunciate a person’s status – that of prosperity, poverty, birth, and growth of all things.

  I comprehend the rationale behind our initiation rituals through the representations of these elements. The objectives to our E.R.O.S. elemental initiation ceremonies served as our mission statement and for us to remember that we were the embodiment of the elements - earth, water, air, fire and last but not least, aether.

  David, I will attend to your other questions in my future correspondence. For now, I bid you guys au revoir.

  My friends, be well, stay healthy, wealthy and wise.


  Young ??

  Lethal Temptations (Chapter Twelve)

  “In the realm of human relationships, nothing is as potent as fatal attractions.”

  Bernard Tristan Foong

  Last Week of June 1968

  By Derwentwater, Keswick, North West England

  As we
sat by a lakeside bench, Professor Frederick Thomason began, “Tell me, Young, about your fairy encounters.”

  The botanist listened assiduously as I repeated my fairy dream.

  After I finished my iteration, he spoke.

  “It’s unusual for Ferrisabatwaians to introduce you to their sovereign at the first encounter. That is, if…,” he paused for thoughts. “If, they adjudge you to be of equal esteem,” the professor imparted.

  “The thing I find puzzling is that Plucole and Dame Régence called me, prince human. I’m human but certainly not a prince,” I expressed.

  Frederick resumed, “Some time ago, I had the opportunity to visit Ferrisabatwa. Unlike you, I was shown the cantonments instead of the castle.”

  “You mean the anthills surrounding the bastions?” I questioned.

  “Yes. Cooliure, my ferrish guide didn’t take me to the Regent. Instead, she introduced me to Commandant M’sizi; whom I may add wasn’t the pleasantest of men. He grilled me as if I was a criminal before he commanded a sergeant to demonstrate their Calvary’s defensive drill….”

  He chortled before he continued, “M’sizi thought me a spy because he attested to the punishment they would inflict on deceivers if I weren’t genuine.”

  “In my encounter with General Nkosi Sfiso, he wasn’t personable either. Although he didn’t grill me, he was cautious of my proclamations. Maybe, they are assigned as chieftains because they are sourpusses,” I quipped.


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