by Young
The dog pricks up her ears.
Sherlock growled when Andy reached to pat her.
“Sherlock, stop snarling, be respectful to our guest,” her owner reprimanded as if he knew the reason to the German Shepherd’s unsettling behavior.
The botanist enquired, “Andy, do you believe in fairies and preternatural entities?”
My guardian replied, “Even though I’m open to their actuality, I’m a skeptic unless their existence is scientifically proven.”
“Andy, many things are empirical and cannot be scientifically proven,” the professor remarked cautiously. “Faith is an excellent example. The dictionary defines Faith as having the confidence or trust in a person or thing; or the observance of an obligation from loyalty, and fidelity to a promise or engagement.”
Frederick continued, “James W. Fowler, the American theologian proposed a series of faith-development or spiritual development stages throughout the human life-span.”
“What are the stages?” my Valet asked.
“Fowler’s theory relates closely to that of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg in regards to aspects of human psychological developments. Fowler defines faith as an activity of trusting, committing, and relating to the world based on a set of assumptions of how a person relates to others and the world around him or her.”
“What are you getting at, sir?” Andy interjected before the professor could continue.
Thomason resumed, “Andy, I’m not trying to dissuade you from your belief system. I am merely providing you with another perspective to the power of faith.”
“Please carry on,” I opined.
Stages of Faith
The botanist resumed, “A child goes through a stage of confusion and impressionability through stories and rituals during his/her pre-school period. Psychologists call it Intuitive-Projective.
“The child is provided adequate information that conforms with social norms when he/she goes through the School-going phase. This duration is termed as Mythic-Literal.
“Throughout his/her adolescence, Synthetic-Conventional comes into play. Whereby the acquired faith is concreted in the child’s belief system. It is during this phase when he/she forewent his/her personification and replaced it with individuals or groups authority that represent his/her beliefs.”
“Are these theories methodically proven?” my chaperone questioned.
“Although no hard-and-fast rule requires faith pursuing individuals to go through all six stages. There is a high probability for individuals to be anchored in a particular stage throughout his/her life; especially between stages two to five,” Thomason explicated.
“What are the rest of the stages, professor?” I queried.
The scholar resumed, “Very often, young adults analyze their critically adopted and accepted faith to other belief systems. At this Individuative-Reflective stage, the strengthening or disillusionment of their taken faith are frequently based on individual needs, experiences and paradoxes.
“During mid-life Conjunctive faith sets in. This happens when the individual realizes his/her logical limitations when faced with life’s paradoxes and transcendence. This is when the individual accepts the ‘mystery of life.’ Oft-times, he/she will return to the sacred stories and symbols of their pre-acquired or re-adopted faith.”
Thomason paused to observe Andy’s expression before he continued, “The final stage of an individual’s ‘enlightenment’ phase is when the individual transcends from all existing belief systems, to live the universal principles of compassion, love, and uplifting services to others with self-confidence. This is termed as Universalizing faith.”
“Can everyone attain Universalizing faith?” my guardian inquired.
“This summit of faith is seldom attainable, except for superlative sages. The individual has to be void of all ingrained or preconceived notions, and be in Oneness with the universe,” the savant counseled. “Boys, many mysteries are beyond methodical understanding and faith is often more potent than science. The preternatural realm is one such heuristic mystery. It is faith in the knowledge that supernatural beings exist. It is through faith, the believer will enter the secret realms of the veiled.”
Early November 1968
Parc du Belvédère (Belvédère Park), Tunis, Tunisia
Penny, the beautiful teenage American model, was a free-spirited bohemian. She was discovered by Bruce Cooper, Wilhelmina’s husband from the newly formed New York Wilhelmina Models. After a couple of modeling assignments in the Big Apple, this stunning beauty was dispatched to Milan by her agency to gain international exposure. Entranced by her nonconformist and independent attitude, Count Mario enticed her to join us for our North African segment of his photographic project – Sacred Sex in Sacred Places. She agreed.
It didn’t take long for my friendship with the five feet eleven inches’ powerhouse to solidify. Penny’s intrepid sprightliness and my audacious inquisitiveness bonded our affinity to perfection. Ours was a kind of brother and sister relationship. I was curious to learn of her origins; from a destitute orphan to a sought-after model, while clueless about her parent’s existence. She, on the other hand, was eager to learn about my upbringing without the company of a sister but surrounded by female relatives. We became the best of friends.
Tad suggested we rest our tired feet at the opulent Casino du Belvédère after a busy morning perusing the souks of Tunis. This proposed location was situated within the tranquil Parc du Belvédère.
While we waited for our Arab contingent to while away the afternoon at the betting tables, those who did not gamble sipped and nibbled Turkish and French delights at the veranda café.
When Siegfried, Andy, and Kalf were in conversation at one end of the table, I enquired of Penny, “Doesn’t your boyfriend mind you being away for such a long time?”
The female burst out in laughter.
“What makes you think I have a boyfriend?” she queried.
My teacher commented, “Surely, there must be a lot of handsome beaus after a pretty girl like you.”
Forlornness brushed over the model. She was silent. When she finally spoke, dejection fell over her otherwise chirpy demeanor.
“It’s not easy for me to have a relationship with a boy.”
“Are you a lesbian?” I blurted.
She broke into mirth. “I wish it were that simple,” she replied.
My professor inquired, “What is it then?”
A hint of reluctance overshadowed her desire to reveal her disquietude.
I declared, “We’re good at keeping secrets.”
She broke into hilarity again. “The truth is, neither my doctor nor I know how to treat my problem.”
This partial disclosure kindled me to prob. “Are you not well?”
She answered, “Let’s take a walk. I need some fresh air.”
Penny’s Avowal
Within the English-style garden, designed by Joseph Lafacade, the then chief gardener of the city of Paris; Penny, Curt and I meandered. The female remained silent throughout the stroll.
When we sat under the shade of a large tree, the model muttered, “My doctor uses the word ‘Intersex’ to describe my condition.”
“Is it the same as hermaphrodites?” my teacher enquired.
“Not quite,” she answered.
We looked to her for further clarification.
She resumed after a brief silence, “I…, I don’t have a vaginal opening.”
I blurted thoughtlessly, “How do you pee?”
She suppressed a laugh when Professor Eberhardt stared at me abhorrently. I went silent.
“My doctor says my clitoris is abnormally large, but she can’t provide a conclusive rationale to this phenomenon.”
Eberhardt probed, “What kind of treatment is your doctor prescribing you?”
“She advises me to go for surgery, but I don’t feel the need to,” Penny said disenchantingly.
“Have you consulted other physicians?” Curt enquired.<
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A thought flashed through my mind. “Perhaps Dr. Sheik Fahrib can help? He’s a learned physician who is knowledgeable in women’s issues,” I chirped.
“Now you are talking, lad. That is indeed a viable suggestion. It’s a good idea to get another opinion,” the sports trainer seconded.
Penny looked away. She was lost in thoughts. There was sadness in her voice when she finally spoke, “Do you think the sheik will examine my condition?”
“There’s no harm in asking. Fahrib is a compassionate and solicitous physician. I can ask him privately and see what he says. That is if you agree,” I entreated.
“What an excellent idea. After all, you are the doctor’s confidant. He’ll listen to you,” my tutor advocated.
“Have faith, Penny. I am sure Dr. Fahrib will consult with you,” I assured the despondent female.
The Right Moment (Chapter Sixteen)
“Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.”
Paulo Coelho
Early November 1968
Al-Zaytuna Mosque, Tunis, Tunisia
Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco’s architectural beauty, together with its liberal Islamic stances sparked Mario’s creativity to continue his “Sacred Sex in Sacred Places” photo shoot. Like the Orientalist painters before him, he was charmed by the invariant customs and traditions that were and still are entrenched within these cities’ confines.
Through Sheik Fahrib, Prince P, Tad, and their numerous affluent Middle Eastern contacts, the Count and Aziz secured privacy to work their artistic magic, that would otherwise be prohibited in these sanctified houses of worship. Even though the French legions had left North Africa many moons ago, their influences continue to imbue these Arabian communities to this day.
The Italian, never one to forgo an opportunity, packed his photographic equipment and models to the first historical monument in this vibrant metropolis; the capital’s oldest Islamic house of worship, the Ez-Zitouna, also known as the Mosque of Olive. This massive building covers five thousand meters, approximately, one point two acres of land with nine separate entrances, and a hundred and sixty columns transported from the ancient city of Carthage. This monumental structure also hosts one of the first and greatest Islamic university. Many Muslim scholars, from Ibn ‘Arafa (one of the greatest erudite Islamic scholars), Iman Maziri (the notable traditionalist and jurist), to the infamous Tunisian poet, About-Qacem Echebbi, had passed through this old establishment.
As is the case, money can buy many a forbidden fruit. By making a significant donation to this preeminent musjid, Mario, and his princely associates were able to consummate their erotic photography passion.
Aziz, together with Señor Triqueros, and his three attractive E.R.O.S. students - Emily, Joshua, and Leon, from the Assalamu Alaikum household were hastily dispatched to Tunis to partake in this on-going provocative undertaking.
Counsel with Prince P and Sheik Fahrib
Under the directorial supervisions of the two photographers; Penny, Emily, and Professor Curt’s ménage à trois performance was a sight to behold. The opportunity to speak with my ex-household patriarchs; Prince P and Sheik Fahrib arrived when they observed the shoot from the fringe.
“Your Eminences, may I speak with you?” I muttered.
“Of course, my boy, I’ll always have time to speak with you. I’m sure P will find time for you too,” the doctor expressed.
“Can we talk in private?” I asked.
“Let’s go to the inner sanctum,” Fahrib replied.
We proceeded into a veiled antechamber.
As soon as we sat cross-legged on the carpet, the sheik enquired, “What do you require, Young?”
I related my conversation with Penny and Curt to the Arabs.
Before I had a chance to ask the doctor to examine the female model, Fahrib declared, “Intersex is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the typical definitions of female or male.”
“I believe that’s the case with Penny,” I uttered.
The doctor resumed, “Exteriorly, Penny appears to be female, but she may possess atypical male anatomy interiorly.
“I had a premonition that she wasn’t altogether comfortable in her skin when I watched her interaction with Curt and Emily. I plan to ask her to see me after the shoot for an examination.”
Fahrib continued, “A person may be born with mosaic genetics, where some of her cells have XX chromosomes, and some of them have XY; or a boy may have a notably small penis or a scrotum that is divided like a labia.
“In the medical field, we speak of intersex as a condition that doesn’t show at birth. In many cases, a person isn’t found to possess intersex anatomy until she or he reaches puberty, or they find themselves to be infertile. Some may never know they possess dual anatomy.”
The prince questioned, “What sexual anatomy variations are classified as intersex?”
The sheik answered thoughtfully, “P, different physicians will provide different answers to your question because….”
He paused before he resumed, “Intersex isn’t a discreet or natural category.”
P questioned, “What do you mean?”
“Intersex is a socially constructed category that reflects different biological variation. To better explain this phenomenon, I liken the sex spectrum to the color spectrum.
“Nature has different wavelengths that translate into colors we view as red, blue, orange, or yellow. But the decision to distinguish, for example between orange and red-orange is made when we’re asking for a paint color. Sometimes social necessity leads us to make color distinctions that otherwise would seem incorrect or irrational. For instance, when we refer to people as ‘black’ or ‘white,’ when they’re not especially black or white.
“Similarly, nature presents us with a spectrum of sex anatomies. Breasts, penises, clitorises, scrotums, labia, gonads vary in size, shape, and morphology. So are ‘sex’ chromosomes. Our culture often simplifies the sex categories into male, female, and intersex, to maintain orderly social interactions,” the doctor explained.
“If nature doesn’t decide where the ‘male’ or ‘female’ categories end, or the ‘intersex’ category begins; is it humans who decide?” I evinced.
“You are a smart boy,” His Eminence patted my back.
“In our medical profession, doctors have a variety of opinions to what constitutes intersex. Some believe intersex applies to an individual with ‘ambiguous genitalia’; even if his or her interior is of one sex and the exterior another.
“There are others which pertain that the individual’s brain must be exposed to an unusual mix of prenatal hormones to count as intersex; even if he/she is born with atypical genitalia. Unless the person’s brain experienced atypical development, he/she is not intersex.
“Last and but not least, some physicians exhort that intersex is individuals both with ovarian and testicular tissues,” he elucidated.
P remarked, “If there are so many different opinions, how then can the individual know if he or she is intersex?”
The doctor grimaced. “Rather than playing a semantic game that never ends, we at World Intersex Society for Humanity (WISH) take a pragmatic approach to the question of who counts as intersex. We work to build a world free of shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for anyone born with non-standard sexual anatomy.”
He stated, “Some forms of intersex signal underlying metabolic concerns - like a person who thinks she or he might be intersex. He/she should seek a diagnosis to find out if he/she needs professional healthcare.”
“That is why Professor Eberhardt and I asked Penny to consult Your Eminence,” I chirped.
“That’s a wise suggestion,” the solicitous Fahrib announced.
I seized the moment to inquire, “There’s another topic I like to get your advice, sir.”
“We’ll discuss your other topic this evening in
private,” the patriarch articulated before we rejoined our entourage.
Last Week of June 1968
Sharrow Bay, Lake Ullswater, Penrith, Lake District
Andy and I accepted Professor Thomason’s dinner invitation at the elegant Lakeside Restaurant in Sharrow Bay. My lover and I were smitten by this charming boutique hotel and decided to spend a couple of nights in this tranquil sanctuary. Many a visitor had described this stunning location by the shores of Ullswater, as experiencing the ‘Gentle Art of Sharrow,’ and we were no exception to the rule.
The three of us stood admiring the beauty of the setting sun at the restaurant’s veranda before the maître d’hôtel showed us our table.
Frederick propagated, “This mansion was built by the bachelor Anthony Parkin in 1840 before Sharrow Bay became a hotel. Many visitors, including the noted illustrator, Llewellyn Jewitt had professed Shallow Bay as the most glorious and loveliest spot on the banks of this lake. He went on to announce that the pure taste of Mr. Anthony Parkin’s home had surrounded it with every accessory that can render it attractive and filled it with a wealth of Art worthy of such a shrine. He also proclaimed that from this vantage, Ullswater is seen to wondrous advantage where its everchanging beauties can be thoroughly enjoyed.”
I opined, “This is certainly an enchanted spot.”
Both Thomason and Andy nodded in agreement before my lover expressed, “This place is definitely worthy of angels and fairies.”
The faery expert and I were taken aback by the preternatural skeptic’s remark.
My chaperone added, “Did you tell the professor your angelic encounters?”
Caught off guard by my Valet’s unexpected remark. I did not respond.
Thomason broke the silence.
“Really! Why didn’t you mention your angel encounters to me?” he questioned.
“The correct moment hadn’t presented itself until now,” I replied.
“Do share your experiences with me,” our host encouraged.