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Metanoia Page 45

by Young

  “What makes you think that?” P expressed.

  “As our erudite professor pointed out, homosexual practices have been around since the beginning of man. Even though we are driven underground or hidden from view, people like us don’t disappear.” Amm answered.

  He re-commenced, “As you are aware, one of the greatest Arab poets of all time, Abu Nuwas, was famous for his homoerotic poems. He praised and rued the charms of boys and described his homosexual encounters unambiguously.”

  Tad remarked, “Didn’t Abu Nuwas live during the period when the Islamic world was ruled by an openly gay ruler, Caliph Al-Amin? Stories of his male harem abound.”

  “That’s correct,” Curt confirmed.

  The prince stated, “For centuries, Islamic societies from Morocco to China had sexual landscapes as diverse as the lands they were built on. Multiple sexual behaviors have existed as long as Islam itself.”

  Count Mario who had remained a silent listener, commented, “The idea that sex should only occur between two married heterosexuals is a relatively recent norm and one that came about during the Westernization process in the late nineteenth century.”

  “When ‘homosexuality’ first appeared as a medical term in the late eighteen hundred, it was appropriate to speak of homoeroticism in Islamic societies. This topic was not considered taboo. Homoeroticism and homoerotic behavior were found everywhere from the ostentatious caliph’s court to the humblest Sufi lodge,” the doctor affirmed.

  “Why is it prohibited and banned in Islamic societies now?” I questioned.

  Rash explicated, “Generally, Muslims and non-Muslims who claim that the Quran condemns homosexuality have relied on the story of ‘Lot’s folk’ as their foundation for homophobia. However, the Quranic narrative can be interpreted in different ways. Even though many exegetes claim that the ‘deed of Lot’s folk’ was homosexual behavior, there are no verses in the Quran that give a legal punishment for either homoerotic inclinations or behaviors. Some Muslims have argued that the condemned action is rape rather than homosexuality. Yet, there are those of our faith who ascertain verses of the Quran as carrying homoerotic allusions, such as those describing Allah’s Paradise.”

  Amm irradiated, “There are non-Quranic Islamic scriptures that speak of a group of men in the Prophet Muhammad’s city, Medina, known as the mukhannaths. These men have been labeled differently; from homosexuals, transgender women, intersex individuals, bisexuals, and hermaphrodites. But the actual identities of the mukhannaths remain unclear. What is evident is that mukhannaths have no sexual desires for women. In Medinan society, they were allowed access to women’s private spaces. This gave them the social power to act as matchmakers.”

  “The mukhannaths are said to have lived in the Prophet’s city during his lifetime and after. As far as I know, they remained a staple of Islamic society well into the Abbasid period; two hundred years after the Prophet’s death. It was during this era when the creators of Islamic scripture began to document polemical and condemnatory commentaries against the mukhannaths as an attempt to regulate public sexuality. The fact that the exegetes and jurists made an effort to do this implies the vast diversity of sexual life in medieval Islamic societies,” Tad averred.

  My Valet, curious of the Ajman brothers consanguinity, probed, “Is incestuous relationship permitted in Islam?”

  Amm detected my chaperone’s cognition. He explained, “Andy, you’ll be surprised by what I’m to tell you. In Islam, there is a religious rule that is taught and upheld by prominent Islamic scholars that incest is approved within its theology.”

  The Ajman’s proclamation came as an eye-opener for the non-Arabs in our party.

  Fahrib divulged, “In accordance to the authentic teaching of Islam, a Muslim man is permitted to marry and consummate the marriage with his biological daughter if she was conceived illegitimately.

  “Surah 25:54 states: It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power over all things.”

  “Wait, let me analyze this Islamic rule carefully. You are saying that in accordance to the authentic teachings of Islamic scholars and the teachings of Islam, a daughter born under wedlock is not considered the daughter of the man? Consequently, it is permissible for him to marry her? As a result, the daughter is regarded as an unrelated woman, and Islam permits the marriage between the father and his biological daughter conceived through fornication and/or adultery? What type of reasoning and justification is that?” Eberhardt questioned.

  Tad blazoned, “I’d long ago realized that the religion I’m born into is absurd. Islam’s logic is like saying - it is a crime to drive recklessly and injure someone if you possess a valid driving license. But if you do not own a valid driving license and drive dangerously and hurt someone, then it becomes a crime. Likewise, not having a legal marital status (marriage license) justifies the father to have sex with his illegitimate daughter. To me, these religious dogmas are a bunch of baloney. They are created by fanatical zealots to free men from their crimes and to have their way with women.”

  He continues to vociferate vexedly, “How can an illegal act, adultery, make another unlawful act, incest, lawful? How can the sin of adultery nullify the crime of incest and make it an acceptable action? I’m afraid two wrongs do not make a right. How does having a daughter from an adulterous relationship make her sexually permissible for the father when she is his flesh and blood? In my books, she is his biological child and should be sexually off-limits to her old man. This violation of the divine standard of morality is beyond my comprehension.”

  Amm declared, “But there are no rules for brothers, sisters, mothers and sons, mothers and daughters to have intimate relationships. This is mind-boggling to me.”

  The Ajman turned to Andy and said mischievously, “Since there are no religious rules for or against two brothers being intimate; Rash and I are free to be lovers.”

  Rash remarked roguishly. “Even if the secular world considers our love sacrilegious, we keep our intimacy confidential. Present company excluded.”

  I chimed, “No wonder you find Paris liberating. We love Paris and Paris loves us. We can be ourselves no matter what our sexual inclination.”

  As if it was our last supper, we dipped into our cuisine with one of Amm’s hand resting on my thigh and Andy’s palm on my other.

  The Anatomy of Unconditional Love (Chapter Seventy-Three)

  “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”

  Ferdinand Foch

  Early April 2015

  Andy’s Private Message to Me


  Sorry to hear of David’s passing. I sent Jacob an email and condolence card. If he requires guidance and help, I’ll be there for him too.

  Today, I received unanticipated news from my physician. Do you recall that some time ago, I mentioned to you about my bladder problems? After several Cat-Scans, blood and urine tests; Doctor Phillip told me I have CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). Although there are treatments to slow the progression of this infection, it is an incurable disease. Eventually, I will require dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive.

  After my regular rowing and workout exercises, I often feel dizzy, dyspnea and tired. I thought I was overworking my body. With the onslaught of this malice, I have to be more assiduous with my diet. I have to control the amount of protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus intake. If my kidney worsens, I’ll need to limit some other nutrients as well. I am determined to overcome this virulence even though this piece of information has cast a shadow over me.

  I like to know what you’ve been up to lately rather than dwell on this scathing issue? It is always a pleasure to read your sanguine stories of lust, love and more. ?? It diverts my attention to those halcyon days we shared oh-so-long-ago.

  I look forward to your correspondence.




  June 1969r />
  At Daltonbury Hall, England

  The months flew by after our return from The City of Romance. Paris had given the Junior and the Freshman a taste of Eudaimonia they envisaged my Valet, and I lived. Although there was a lot to be said for the world we inhabited, it was a demanding world where the survival of the fittest maneuvered through as if with ease and grace. Little were the uninitiated aware of the astuteness, dexterity, and sagacity that went on behind the scenes. As Shakespeare wrote so eloquently:

  All the world’s a stage,

  And all the men and women merely players;

  They have their exits and their entrances,

  And one man in his time plays many parts….

  That was precisely what transpired that evening at Le Train Bleu. Besides being a guardian and chaperone to Samuel and Helius, I had to disport the flirtatious Ajman gentlemen without appearing standoffish. Atop that, Andy’s tacit covetousness of moi kept me on my toes. Not just for that evening but for the final months before our separation.

  By and large, the Count and our Arabian patriarchs took heed of my Valet’s counsel and kept their hands off the adolescents. Helius, the natural flirt had the men in sexual teeters; especially Rash, who lusted after both the Freshman and his doting boyfriend.

  On the one hand, Andy and I had to tread with caution not to ruffle the libertines. We had to protect our charges’ dignities; at least until they are ripe for the picking – i.e., after the boys’ acceptance into the Enlightened Royal Oracle Society and the completion of their three months Bahriji erotic training. Only then were they ready for harem services. Until that time, they were off limits to the Arabian courtiers. Except for the Italian playboy, Mario, who did not fall under the E.R.O.S. jurisdiction. While in the City of love, this philanderer took the opportunity to solicit a photoshoot with the adolescents.

  The Junior and Freshman were flattered by the photographer’s proposition and agreed to pose for Mario’s Sacred Sex in Sacred Places erotic project. Andy and I shepherded the adolescents to the shoot since we were featured in this endeavor. Although the boys had no idea that my Valet and I were scrutinizing their conduct to add to their E.R.O.S. acceptance prospects, their artful eroticism won us over.

  Needless to say, in the Fall of 1969, the clandestine organization warranted both boys acceptance into the Enlightened Royal Oracle Society. They were overjoyed by the fraternity’s proclamation and were eager to start their new term at the elite Bahriji (Oasis) Academy.

  Since my Valet and I had steered the once rascally Samuel back on track, I was officially entrusted Big Brothership duties to assist both Helius and Samuel through their Bahriji training. Although Dean Dawson Higgins (Daltonbury Hall’s headmaster) and several E.R.O.S. professors implored Andy to stay and be Samuel’s Valet, they were well aware that he was to leave for New Zealand to pursue his graduate studies. Hence, Marcus, an able E.R.O.S. Big-Brother was assigned the task as Sam’s chaperone.

  The few months before Andy and my separation, our relationship fluctuated from conflagrations to pacifications. Our lovemaking was fiercely impassioned when ardencies took flight, but discordance abounded when ambivalence seized the day. Like untamed forest fires, our sanguinities would scorch and charred our sanity beyond recognition. During those trying times, promises that we would visit each other during semester breaks kept us lucid. Although these pledges were made in good faith, they did not materialize. Breaking up was indeed hard to do even if done amicably.

  Aboard the Ship

  Andy and I had numerous conversations during those final months, but I recall this particular dialogue that transpired on the first day of our 1969 Daltonbury Hall summer holidays. We were aboard the Ship (Sheik Fahrib’s private jet) that flew both my ex-tutors, Monsieur Alain Dubois, Senor Victor Angel Triqueros, and my ex-Valet Zac, together with Andy and me to Amsterdam to Jabril Zev Saliba (Sheik Fahrib’s private secretary) and Kifah bint Mustapha Khan’s (Sheik Fahrib’s second wife, Roya’s lady-in-waiting) lavish wedding.

  Lust and Love

  “I wonder if Jabril is genuinely in love with Kifah or is he marrying her to fulfill his filial duties to his parents?” Zac inquired.

  Dubois remarked, “I think he is marrying her out of lust. After all, he got her pregnant, and to legitimize their illegal union he has to be a gentleman and marry the girl.”

  “The way I view it; the man is killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he is fulfilling his family duty, but he is also using the marriage as a facade for his secret tryst. If you ask me, there is more fire than stability,” Victor surmised.

  “You might be right, Angel. Genuine love is about communication and commitment. Both are crucial components of a secure relationship. Although passion is very much a part of the equation, when there are lots of drama, chaos and emotional gut blows than butterflies; it is a lustful situation,” Andy expressed vehemently.

  When I paused to assess my lover and my situation of late, there were indeed a lot of dramas, chaos and emotional gut blows than butterflies.

  I directed my question to Andy. “Does that mean our relationship is built on lust instead of love since we have an abundance of drama, chaos and emotional gut blows than butterflies, lately?”

  “What makes you think that?” Andy responded shockingly.

  The men looked at us bewildered and wondered what had transpired between my lover and me.

  I resumed, “At times you will stare at me and tell me how gorgeous, fabulous and flawless I am; but later you’ll turn on me as if you’re facing a hideous monster.”

  My lover did not respond to my unexpected proclamation. Dubois jumped to his aid.

  “Young, anyone who’s been in love can attest that love is unconditional and Andy’s love for you is definitely unconditional,” Alain soothed.

  Triqueros who sensed Andy and my unease, counseled, “Young when you’re in love, you want to share your dreams, fears, goals, past, and your future with your beloved. You’ll confide secrets you’ve never told anyone before. Not only are you sharing minor and significant decisions together, but the issues the both of you are facing also become more profound and personal in nature.”

  Andy reclaimed his equipoise and stated, “As my departure draws closer by the day, my emotions are frazzled. It is difficult to accept the fact that you are not coming with me to New Zealand. It is easy to say that true love has no expectations, but when push comes to shove, parting is extremely hard to do.”

  My pragmatic lover broke down in tears. The compassionate Dubois put his arms around my guardian to comfort his dis-ease. I was also close to tears.

  My guardian uttered through sobs. “It’s not that I don’t have empathy for Young to follow his dreams and make a success of his aspiration in the fashion capitals of the world. I want the best for him. Yet, the thought of life without him propels me into a state of discombobulation. I am mad at myself when I turn unreasonable and lose control of my rationale. I lash out at the person I cherish the most and hurt my beloved when the sense of abandonment hits me. As soon as this negativity subsides, I regret my actions. This emotional roller coaster is taking a toll on me.”

  My heart reached out to my gallant lover. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

  Victor consoled, “Andy, you are too hard on yourself. Don’t forget that love is joy, contentment, and satisfaction and the absence of fear and insecurities. Cherish the beautiful times you have with one another and will share again when you reunite.”

  Alain palliated, “Love doesn’t play the role of a victim or blame others for their decisions. More significantly, love doesn’t think their loved ones are wrong. Love works together for the lovers’ common good. It forgives and allows your beloved’s actions to be his journey.”

  “Andy if you love Young, you must set him free to pursue his life’s path. If he chooses to return to you, the love that the both of you share will be stronger and more resilient. True love does not possess. On the contrary, set the boy free and when
the time is ripe, the universe will bring him back to you.

  “Needing someone is fear based but wanting that person in your life gives him the freedom to leave, and it demonstrates your unconditional love for him,” Zac appeased.

  “Well put, Zac. Love is the highest emotional vibration and science has proven that love and fear have profoundly different vibrational frequencies. Love pulsates extremely fast, whereas fear-based emotions, such as jealousy, possessiveness, hatred, so on and so forth oscillate slowly. Fearlessness happens when you love completely and unconditionally. If you channel and remain focused on love’s heartfelt sentiment, its reverberations will lighten your dis-ease,” Triqueros enjoined.

  “I know these are trying times for you and Young. When pangs of uncertainties seep into both your minds, remember that love is unconditional. And there are no set expectations and limitations to unconditional love.

  “We are all dissimilar. Each person has different experiences and outlooks to what he/she wish to accomplish during his/her lifetime. Andy, if you genuinely love Young, understand and accept his desire to stay in London and Paris to enter the fashion world. Support his aspirations and in turn, Young; you must champion Andy’s engineering goal to be internationally successful wherever he chooses to relocate,” Alain adjured.

  Our discussion was cut short when the air steward announced for us to buckle up for landing at Schiphol.

  The Wedding (Chapter Seventy-Four)

  “Marriage is neither heaven nor hell, it is simply purgatory.”

  Abraham Lincoln

  June 1969

  Kasteel de Haar (De Haar Castel), Utrecht, Netherlands

  In the enchanting month of June 1969, the nuptials of Kifah bint Mustapha Khan, and Jabril Zev Saliba took shape in and out of Kasteel de Haar, the largest castle in the Netherlands. Back then, it was the private residence of the Van Zuylen family. Behind this medieval fortress with its imposing towers, ramparts, moats, gates, drawbridges, colorful gardens, and winsome deer parks were captivating tales of forbidden love, gripping romances, and clandestine affaires de coeur. Coco Chanel, Brigitte Bardot, Maria Callas, Gregory Peck, Yves Saint Laurent, Joan Collins, Roger Moore together with a host of other celebrities had left their marks in its magnificent halls.


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