Stay With Me, Julia

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Stay With Me, Julia Page 8

by Elle Linder

  “Thirty-eight. How old are you?” In truth, her age didn’t matter to him. Nobody had ever captured his attention like Julia, so her age wasn’t an issue for him.

  “Twenty-seven.” She lifted off his chest to sit upright on the loveseat. Her eyes bounced from him to the fire, then to the picture window, and back to him as she processed.

  His heart raced when her body language changed. Trepidation filled the air. It struck panic in him. “Do you want me to leave?”

  She stared at him and shook her head.

  His galloping heart slowed. “Okay. What are you thinking?”

  “Our age difference doesn’t bother you?”

  “No, but it seems to bother you.”

  “Well, I’m surprised. You look younger, and I thought you were maybe early thirties. Kids and a wife were nowhere on my radar.”

  “Ex-wife,” he corrected. “I know it’s a lot.”

  “Yeah, it is. I don’t want to sound presumptuous, but do you think we should even start anything if I’m leaving and you have a family?” She paused a few beats. “I mean, I’m very attracted to you, but how would I fit into your life and how would you fit into mine?”

  “Those are some very thoughtful questions, and I don’t have answers. But what I do know is that I’m very attracted to you too. I want to see where this goes. Even if you do leave, it’s not like you live on the other side of the world. L.A. is only a plane ride away.”

  “But what about your kids and your ex-wife? This will sound petty and probably immature, but I’ve had to share my man before while he cheated on me. I know the difference with your kids, but your ex…I won’t share with her.” Her assertive tone made him smile.

  “I don’t think it sounds petty or immature at all. What woman wants to share with another woman? But my kids aren’t going away, and that means their mother will always be in my life because of them.” He watched her press the tips of her fingers to her temple. “Let’s give us a try, Julia. Let’s see if we can make us work?”

  She looked up at him. The warmth flowing from her eyes squeezed his heart. “Okay, I’m willing to see what happens, but I’m not promising you anything. Looking at the big picture, if I fall in love with you and want to be with you, that means accepting your kids and ex-wife too. I’m sure people do it all the time, so maybe they aren’t the be-all end-all in your life. Maybe you have room for one more?”

  He pulled her close, pressing his lips to her temple. “I’ve been divorced for three years, and Renee, my ex, has her own life. We don’t even live in the same state. It will only be you and me,” he assured her. “It’ll all be okay.”

  They stayed on the loveseat kissing and talking until he pulled himself away from her well after midnight.

  On the other side of the lake, Luke took a cold shower once he got home. The next couple of weeks would be the most prolonged, most torturous of his life. But he was more than grateful to have been given a chance with Julia.


  Oh, The Torture!

  If there was a time in a woman’s life when she believed “This is the best night of my life,” last night had started that way for Julia. Then it had soured with the unexpected addition of kids and an ex-wife.

  At her desk, she typed out an email to a vendor at top speed. When she’d woken this morning, the incredible evening she’d had with Luke had been on her mind. Followed by his ex-wife and kids.

  Luke had turned out to be a lot more than she’d imagined. The strong and oh-so-commanding man had showed her his tender and respectful side. But her, attracted to a commanding man? It put her feminist sensibilities on high alert.

  Wouldn’t they clash?

  When Julia was young, Becky had taught her to be her own person and not answer to anyone other than herself, especially a man. Then had entered Luke Elliot Hamill, with his confident presence, which gained him respect from every person who crossed his path, and she had fallen hard for him.

  Out of nowhere, the foundation of her romantic sensibilities had been rocked. Luke was older, a former Marine who could be called back to active duty, a father of two—and divorced. If time could have stopped during their dance at The Peak, it would have been the best night of her life.

  “How are you doing in here?” Erika asked, peeking her head into Julia’s office.

  “Good, and you?” She forced a smile.

  “Not as good as you, I’m guessing. You left The Peak early with Luke…”

  “Yes, we had a nice time together.” Julia played indifferent to Erika’s fishing for details and stayed focused on a document on her desk.

  Erika grimaced. “Huh…nice? Not hot or passionate? The way the two of you looked on the dance floor, wow.” She fanned herself. “I’ve never seen two people look so hot for each other, so in love. But it’s good you had a nice time, I guess.” She smiled, unconvinced.

  “Love? No, no, no, we’re just getting to know each other. Besides, I’m leaving in three months. What would be the point of falling in love?”

  “Oh, come on. The two of you looked very in love. Even Tiffani looked bent out of shape over you two. The point is, when you find the right guy, you don’t let him go.”

  “Now that you mention Tiffani, what’s her story with Luke?” she asked, disregarding the topic of love.

  “Story? There is no story. Luke hasn’t given her the time of day since he arrived. I’ll tell you this, she’s plenty jealous of you. She thinks she’s the only one in town who can get any guy she wants. You showed her up… Good for you.”

  “I think she hates me.”

  “She probably does, but don’t let that bother you. She hates most women,” Erika scoffed.

  Julia’s mouth gaped open. “But I don’t want her to hate me. I haven’t done anything to her.”

  “You took the town’s most eligible man off the market in less than a week. That’s something she couldn’t do in three years. Face it, you’re awesome!”

  “I did not take Luke off the market. We’re getting to know each other, and he’s a free man.”

  “You did take me off the market,” Luke interrupted, suddenly standing in the doorway.

  “Oh. Good morning, Luke.” Julia heard the hesitation in her voice and could see he keyed into it. Already, things were weird.

  “I’ll give you two some privacy.” Erika wiggled her eyebrows at Julia. “Morning, Luke.” She smiled as she passed him.

  “Morning, Erika.” He closed the door behind her and went to Julia, kneeling beside her. “Morning.”

  He planted a warm, sensual kiss on her lips. The way his arms wrapped around her protectively melted her like it had last night.

  No question she had fallen for him—and fast. Even his kids seemed to be something she could handle. Being in his arms gave her the strength and drive to want to make them work.

  “Mmm, that’s the best kind of greeting,” she said against his mouth. “I wondered where you’ve been. It’s nearly ten. Was midnight too late for you? After all, you’re staring forty in the face.”

  Their age difference had been on her mind. She’d gone to bed last night feeling like the cards were stacked against them. She had a lot to ponder, even with the delicious kiss that had sent her soaring into the clouds.

  “Not too late at all. I could have been up all night with you.” He winked before sitting down in the chair. “When I got in this morning, I had Calvin take me to The Peak to get my truck. Then we unloaded the lumber. How did you sleep last night?”

  “Good, but I was missing you beside me.” She made a pouty face.

  “That sounds about like my night. I’ll be working on projects all day, so I probably won’t see you until later. How about dinner tonight?”

  “Hmm, seeing me three nights in a row? Be careful, I might think you like me,” she teased.

  He jumped to his feet, rounded the desk, and knelt before her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love a man down on his knees.”

“Let me wipe any doubt out of your mind: I do like you. Now, tell me what else you love?”

  “Your lips on mine.”

  He pulled her close and gave her what she loved. Their tongues played, and they heated up quickly. But nothing could happen with Erika on the other side of the door, so Julia let Luke kiss her for a long time before they stopped.

  “So, dinner?”

  “Well, how many dining choices are in this one-horse town?”

  He laughed. “Just a few.”

  “What if I wanted to stay in tonight—with you?”

  “I could bring us takeout.”

  “I’d be good with a grilled chicken Caesar from The Peak, but no croutons, and dressing on the side.”

  “You got it.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I hope the day goes by fast. I want to be with you.” Julia kissed him, moving over his mouth slowly. Could she melt him into submission? She swiped her tongue along his top lip while gripping the back of his head. “Mmm,” she hummed.

  Luke’s body relaxed into hers, though his hands were not on her body as she wanted. How could he resist her?

  She kissed him with all the fervor that should lead to the next level, knowing full well it wouldn’t. Him and his damn willful ideas. Despite his honor and dignity, she decided to torture him with her titillating tongue and faint moans.

  Finally, when his hands came into play, she abruptly stopped.

  Two can play this game.

  “Holy shit, baby, I can’t leave after that.”

  She snickered. “Sorry, handsome. You better run along so you can hurry back for more.”

  At six o’clock, Julia went to her suite and changed into her favorite lounging clothes: yoga pants and a loose-fitting sweater that hung off one shoulder. She didn’t usually wear a bra with it and wouldn’t this time…just in case Luke couldn’t resist her. It would make the removal of her clothes a lot easier.

  Plus, despite its casual nature, the outfit was sexy as hell. And she wanted to turn him on more than anything.

  She craved him like a decadent, gooey brownie. So much so, it made her edgy to not indulge in him. The next two weeks would challenge her in ways she’d never experienced. How could he restrain himself from going further? He amazed her.

  Her phone buzzed at the worst possible time.

  “Hi, Lauren,” she answered as if she was up to nothing.

  “Hey, babe. How’s it going?”

  Julia looked at the clock. Luke would arrive any second. She needed to make this a short call. “Good, what about you?”

  “I’m good, just missing my best friend.”

  “Aww, I know. I miss you too. No plans tonight?”

  “No, I’m in for the night. I assume you are too?”

  A knock at the door made her jump. Luke. She opened the door to let him in and shushed him so Lauren wouldn’t know he was there. But he kissed her anyway.

  “Are you there? Did I lose you?” Lauren’s voice raised in pitch.

  Julia pulled back hard. Luke flashed her a mischievous grin. “Sorry! I’m here. Just a little distracted is all.” She scrunched her nose at Luke.

  “Are you watching Scandal while we’re on the phone?”

  “No…yes...I’ve paused it.” She mouthed “this is Lauren” so he would know who was on the phone. Julia wasn’t ready for Lauren to find out about her lumberjack, yet.

  “I think I need a man. Do you think I need a man? You probably need a man too.”

  “I think you should have a man.” Julia played along.

  Luke turned toward her with a furrowed brow as he placed a bag on the table near the fireplace.

  Her eyes widened. Then she shrugged.

  “What about you? Do you need a man?” Lauren asked.

  “I definitely need a man.” She blew a kiss to Luke. “What kind of man do you think I should find?” Now she would play with him.

  He sat on the loveseat and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Hmm, well, you’re in the woods. Not many choices up there, I’m guessing.”

  “You guessed correctly. Only lumberjacks up here. You know, men who like the outdoors. I could drive to a bigger town to throw my net out in a larger pond.”

  Luke threw his head back in a frustrated manner.

  Julia went and straddled him.

  His head popped up with a look that said, two can play this game. He lowered his mouth to her collarbone and nibbled and sucked on her skin, kissing a trail up her neck. His hands glided over her thighs, feeling their way to her hips. His mouth and hands were magnificent at revving her up; she couldn’t help but wiggle against him.

  “Definitely, go to a bigger town,” Lauren continued. “Hey, still nothing on the angry mountain man?”

  Julia giggled. “That angry mountain man isn’t so angry anymore. In fact, I think he might like me. Do you think a man like him could ever like me?” Luke ignored her, working her skin with his tongue. Tingles zipped up and down her body while his hands crept under the back of her shirt. The look on his face was priceless when he discovered she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  His brows shot up, and he pulled his hands out but went back to kissing her.

  Julia smirked at him.

  “Oh, I’m sure he would like you. Just look at you; it would be like he won the lottery.”

  “I’m like winning the lottery? Wow, thanks, doll. But I don’t think I’m his type.”

  He stopped kissing on her and pinched his brow together.

  “I mean, he hasn’t made a move on me.”

  “That’s strange. Maybe he’s gay?”

  Julia giggled at Luke, who looked more than a little frustrated with the line of questioning he could hear through the phone.

  “No, seriously, most of the time it’s the guys we’d never think are gay who are,” Lauren said, babbling on.

  “Stop, I can’t take this anymore. I’m sure he’s not gay.” She giggled some more.

  Luke surprised her by standing up with her in his arms. He carried her to the bed and laid her down. Then he covered her with his body, nibbled on her ear, and licked his way down her neck.

  She swallowed hard as her mouth watered. Now he wasn’t playing fair. Why had she answered the phone?

  “Okay, if you say so.” Lauren didn’t sound as if she cared one way or the other.

  “Hey, doll,” Julia said in a calm, even-toned voice to hide her arousal. “I need to go.”

  Luke lifted her sweater up to her belly button and pressed his mouth to her stomach, and she gasped. Amidst the suction and tongue movements, Julia almost dropped the phone.

  “Okay, call me later.”

  “I’ll try…bye.” She ended the call, dropping the phone onto the bed. She pulled Luke up, and her mouth crashed into his. She shifted beneath him, wrapped a leg over his thigh, and melted into him. They kissed hard and fast, until he stopped.

  “It’s about fucking time that call ended,” he growled against her mouth. “And if you ever say you don’t know if I like you again, I’ll call every one of your family members and personally tell them I think you’re the most beautiful, smartest, and fucking sexiest woman I know.” He came down on her mouth again. His hand went under her sweater to her breast, and he ran his thumb across her nipple.

  Julia gasped, gripping his shoulder.

  Luke froze, and she knew it was because of the erection against her pelvis. “Shit, we can’t do this.” He pulled back.

  “No, don’t stop,” she whined. “You’re killing me… I need you.” He took her hand and helped her up from the bed.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have teased you like that.” He hugged her, his lips pressed to her forehead. “Let’s eat and watch your show.”


  “Whatever it is. Let’s watch it together.”

  She pursed her lips; they felt full and tingling, like the rest of her. Luke’s determination to “get to know her better” oozed old-fashioned charm. But did
he have to be so damn irresistible? How could she hold out for two painfully long weeks? She released a heavy sigh. “You’ll really watch Scandal?”

  “Yeah, baby. I’ll watch anything that makes you happy.”

  “Okay, fine.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Just so you know, sweet gestures like this make me want you even more.”

  “I like hearing that. Now, queue up the show and I’ll get the food.” He turned her around and swatted her ass.

  “You’re not playing fair, Luke.” She giggled.

  “Neither were you.” He winked.


  Sweet & Hot Cravings

  February, the month of love, had arrived. To do right by the romantic month for lovers, Julia had created a promo for the resort: Sweethearts Retreat. And every weekend was booked solid.

  “I can’t believe it. February is usually the slowest month!” Becky shrieked. “Every suite is really booked? That’s twenty rooms.”

  “Yes, and fifty thousand for the month. I looked back over your last three years; you didn’t make that much combined.”

  “Honey, I’m so impressed. You’re doing a fantastic job running the resort. And your weekly reports have kept me in the loop as if I’m right there with you. Thank you so much for all you’re doing while I recover. Your mom and Aunt Diane are bugging the heck out of me. Bossing me around left and right.”

  “I bet you’re wishing you had stayed up here.”

  “Nah, I would have just been in the way.” Becky paused a couple of beats. “So, this is your fourth week. Any new developments?”

  “New developments…as in?”

  “As in Luke. Let’s not beat around the bush. You’re living in my town, and I’m good friends with Louise. I know about the dance, and I know you’ve been seen around town together.”

  “Is that right? Well, the dance was two weeks ago, and you haven’t said anything. Did you just find out?”

  “Are you kidding? Louise called that night. She calls me every time she sees you two together, which is apparently a lot. I’ve been waiting for you to come clean, but now I’m tired of waiting. Spill it, chickie.”


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