by Rob Harper
5. SHD-B5/3-30:30th March.
6. SHD-B5/125-6:25th-26th August.
7. SHD-B5/5-47: 18th June.
8. SHD-B5/5-50:20th June.
9. SHD-B5/4-81:27th May; SHD-B5/5-20:7th June.
10. SHD-B5/15-7:5th June.
11. C.H.Carrier, Correspondence of Jean-Baptiste Carrier, (London:1920), pp.102-4.
12. A.Soboul, Dictionnaire historique de la révolution francaise (Paris:1989), p.490.
13. R.Bittard-des-Portes, Charette et la Guerre de la Vendée 1763-1796, (Paris:1902), p.71.
14. This can cause confusion: the 8th Hussars became the 9th Hussars (February 1793), being renamed the 8th (June 1793). The 9th Hussars had been the 10th (March-June 1793) then renamed the 9th. The 7th Hussars served under Labarolière.
15. Le Général Beysser et le 15e Chasseurs: Carnet de la Sabertache (1896), pp.637-41.
16. For useful detail on the légions: Didier Davin, Corps Francs, Légions et Compagnies Franches de la Revolution 1792-4.
17. C.L.Chassin, La Vendée Patriote, Vol.V1, pp.493-5, and V.2, p.53 (hereafter the volumes by C.L.Chassin entitled La Vendée Patriote are referred to as Vol.V1 to V4).
18. Ibid. p.495.
19. Ibid. p.492.
20. SHD-B5/5-100:15th July; SHD-B5/6-29:19th August.
21. SHD-B5/6-60:10th September.
22. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V2, p.179 and p.183.
23. SHD-B5/6-98:27th September.
24. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.497.
25. SHD-B5/4-22:7th May.
26. SHD-B5/5-62:25th June.
27. S.Calvert, Cambronne: La Legende de Waterloo, (Vendémiarie:2016), p.54.
28. SHD-B5/3-67:19th April.
29. SHD-B 5/14-44:6th July.
30. Sent to Tours late April, with Hussards d’Égalité (SHD-B5/3-72).
31. SHD-B5/4-9:6th May.
32. C.H.Carrier, op-cit. p.110.
Chapter 3: ‘For God and the King’: The Catholic and Royal Armies
1. A.Billaud and J.d’Herbauges, 1793 La Guerre au Bocage Vendéen (Choletais:1993), pp.171-4.
2. J.J.Savary, Guerres des Vendéens et des Chouans contre le République Française. Vol.4, (1827), pp.77-92.
3. R.Blanchez, Bonchamps et l’Insurrection Vendéene 1760-1793, (Paris:1902), pp.180-1.
4. P.Gréau, La Virée de Galerne, (Cholet:2012), p.65.
5. RSV:No.225 Dec.2003. Le Journal du Capitaine de Fay.
6. RSV:No.231. Article by Michel Chatry.
7. J.M.Crosefinte, Les Guerres de l’Ouest 1793-1796. Le Costume du Combattants Vendéen (Niort:1986), p.291.
8. R.Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.159.
9. Ibid. p.168.
10. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.3, p.172.
11. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, pp.438-9.
12. R.Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.151.
13. P.Dore-Graslin, Journal de la Guerre de Géants 1793-1801 (Cholet:1992), p.35
14. L. de la Championnière, Mémoires d’un Officer Vendéen 1793-1796 (Reprint Cholet:1994), p.37.
15. Collinet, Manuscrit de, 1778-1804. Les Sables et la Guerre de Vendée (La Roche-sur-Yon:2003), p.110.
16. J.M.Crosfinte, op-cit. (1986), p.38.
17. Ibid. p.77: quoting Boutellier-de-Saint-Andre and Mme-de-la-Bouëre.
18. Ibid. p.290.
19. Ibid. p.291.
20. R.Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. Footnote:p.168.
21. For details of Vendéen dress see J.M.Crosfinte, op-cit. (1986): http://guerre.Vendé
22. A.Perracheau, Jean-Baptiste Joly (Le Circle d’Or:1986), p.147.
23. R.Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. pp.152-3.
24. SHD-B5/7-77:15th December.
25. J.M.Crosefinte, op-cit. (1986), p.65.
26. J.M.Crosefinte, Les Guerres de L’Ouest 1793-1796. Les Drapeaux Vendéens (Niort:1988).
27. Ibid. p.79.
28. General Turreau, Mémoires pour server a l’histoire de la guerre de la Vendée (Paris:1824), p.29.
29. SHD-1.M-489: Général Damas, Copie d’un journal de d’Obenheim, officier du genie.
30. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol 2. p.341.
31. Ibid. p.340.
32. SHD-B5/3-89:28th April.
33. SHD-B5/15-29:22nd September.
34. H.Baguenier-Desormeaux, Kléber en Vendée 1793-1794 (Paris:1907), pp.477-84.
Chapter 4: ‘Running like a Trail of Gunpowder’: The Rising Takes Hold
1. F.Deniau, Histoire de la Guerre de la Vendée.Vol.1, (1878. Reprint Cholet:2004), p.407.
2. Ibid. pp.403-5.
3. Ibid. p.424.
4. Ibid. p.423.
5. L.Rostu, Histoire extérieure et maritime des Guerres de Vendée, (Le Circle d’Or:1987), p.27.
6. J.Bourgeon and P.Hammon(eds), L’insurrection de Mars 1793 en Loire-Inferieure (Association Nantes Histoire 1993), pp.64-5 and p.81.
7. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.68.
8. Ibid. p.69.
9. F.Deniau, Histoire de la Guerre de la Vendée.Vol.1, p.423.
10. F.Deniau suggests 4,000 (probably an exaggeration). Ibid. p.429.
11. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.69.
12. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.442, 100 to Chalonnes; detachments to May and St-Macaire.
13. E.Gabory, op-cit. p.102.
14. F.Deniau op-cit. Vol.1. p.443.
15. E.Gabory, op-cit. footnote:p.103. F.Deniau, Ibid. p.444, suggests 2,000. Sources vary wildly.
16. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.70. States 3 culverins.
17. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol 1, p.445.
18. E.Gabory, op-cit. p.103.
19. C.Coubard, La Guerre de la Vendée: Cholet 1793-4 (Choletais: 1992), pp.27-8, indicates 8-900 National Guards, 100 from 19th Dragoons, 4 light guns.
20. P.Doré-Graslin, Journal de la Guerre des Géants 1793-1801 (Cholet: 1992), p.51, indicates 15-18,000.
21. E.Gabory, op-cit. p.104. The Royalists exaggerated their strength at 30,000.
22. C.Coubard, op-cit. p.30.
23. E.Gabory, op-cit. p.105.
24. Ibid. p.115. Nearly all National Guards plus 66 cavalry.
25. F.Deniau, op-cit. p.480.
26. Ibid. p.481.
27. J.J.Savary, op-cit. pp.89-90.
28. Ibid. pp.89-90.
29. Ibid. pp.99-100.
30. J.Bourgeon and P.Hammon(eds), op-cit. p.67. Those from Clisson enduring ‘a 12 hour march and 9 combats’.
31. F.Deniau, op-cit. p.517.
32. Ibid. p.516.
33. Ibid. p.512.
34. Ibid. pp.534-535.
35. Doré-Graslin, op-cit. p.53.
36. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P3, p.468.
37. H.Coutau-Bégarie and C.Doré-Graslin(eds), op-cit. p.180: The leaders were Royrand; Royrand’s brother; Sapinaud-de-la-Verrie, Sapinaud-de-la-Rairie; Gabriel Baudry d’Asson; Amédée and Auguste Béjarry; Jacques-Louis Verteuil, Mathieu Verteuil, William Bulkeley and De Chouppes.
38. See C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P3. pp.454-522.
39. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.117.
40. A.Billaud and J.d’Herbauges, 1793 La Guerre au Bocage Vendéen (Cholet:1993), pp.101-2.
41. 800 National Guards from Rochefort and La Rochelle formed part of this flank.
42. A.Billaud and J.d’Herbauges, op-cit. p.103.
43. Ibid. p.103.
44. Ibid. p.104.
45. P.Doré-Graslin, op-cit. p.49.
46. J.Bourgeon and P.Hammon(eds), op-cit. p.93-94.
47. R.Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. Footnote:p.15.
48. Ibid. p.18, indicates a quarter were armed.
49. Ibid. p.19, and J.Bourgeon/P.Hammon(eds), op-cit. p.97.
50. Collinet, op-cit. pp.94-104 for build-up of troops; F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1. p.562 suggests 1,500 were defending Les Sables so perhaps others dispersed? They comprised 3,000 infantry, 300 sailors and 200 cavalry.
51. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.6.
52. C
ollinet, op-cit. p.104.
53. Ibid. p.107.
54. Ibid. p.108. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1. p.17 suggests 8-9,000 rebels.
55. Collinet, op-cit. p.104.
56. Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.16.
57. Collinet, op-cit. p.109.
58. Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.16.
59. Collinet, op-cit. p.104.
60. Ibid. p.104-5.
61. RSV:No.267, p.22.
62. Collinet, op-cit. p.107 and 110.
63. Ibid. p.110.
64. Ibid. p.111.
65. RSV:No.267, p.23.
66. Collinet, op-cit. p.113.
67. Ibid. p.113.
68. Ibid. p.114.
69. Ibid. p.115.
Chapter 5: ‘In Less than a Month the Troubles in the Vendée will be at an End’
1. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.593.
2. Ibid. p.594.
3. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, pp.100-101.
4. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.661.
5. Ibid. p.608.
6. Ibid. p.610.
7. J.Crétineau-Joly, Histoire de la Vendée Militaire.Vol.1. (1895, Reprinted Cholet:1994), pp.69-70.
8. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.632.
9. A. Gérard & T.Heckmann, Les oubliés de la guerre de Vendée, (Société d’Emulation de la Vendée:1992), pp.214-5.
10. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.633.
11. Ibid. p.633.
12. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.162.
13. Madame de la Rochejaquelein, Mémoires (Edition of 1877, Cholet:1994), p.117 (hereafter Mme Rochejaquelein).
14. C.Coubard, op-cit. p.14.
15. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.647 suggests half this figure as many peasants returned home after initial conflicts.
16. Ibid. p.647.
17. Ibid. p.648.
18. T.Muret, Vie Populaire de Cathelineau, (Paris:1845), p.17.
19. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.104.
20. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.656.
21. Ibid. Vol.1, p.657.
22. Ibid. Vol.1, p. 655, reporting on meeting of the Convention 27th April.
23. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, pp.186-8.
24. Ibid. pp. 186-8.
25. Ibid. pp.188-9.
26. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.662.
27. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.177.
28. Collinet, op-cit. p.118.
29. Ibid. p. 118-9.
30. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.177.
31. Ibid. p.219.
32. Ibid. p.219.
33. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.666.
34. R.Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.31.
35. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.219.
36. Ibid. p.178.
37. Ibid. p.178, suggests this was the 9th.
38. Ibid. pp.180-1.
39. Ibid. pp.178-9. Niou had put these ships at Boulard’s disposal to assist with recapturing Noirmoutier.
40. Ibid. p.220.
41. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.32.
42. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.190.
43. Ibid. p.220.
44. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.668.
45. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.190.
46. Ibid. p.220.
47. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.669.
48. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.34.
49. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.220.
50. Ibid. p.220 and Collinet, op-cit. p.122.
51. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.670.
52. Ibid. p.671.
53. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.220.
54. Ibid. p.191.
55. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. pp.36-7 and L.Dumarcet, Charette, Une Histoire Veritable (Paris:1997), p.198.
56. Ibid. (L.Dumarcet, p.200).
57. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.192 and p.221.
58. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.38.
59. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P1, p.198.
60. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.39.
61. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.673.
62. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.P.I, pp.214-218.
63. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.172.
64. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.227: 4th Line (200 men), Volunteers Charente and Loire-Inférieure (400 men) and some grenadiers.
65. Ibid. Vol.V1, p.227.
66. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.43.
67. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, pp.228-229.
68. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.43.
69. J.J.Savary op-cit. Vol.1, p173.
70. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.681.
71. Ibid. p.682.
72. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.48; H.Coutau-Bégarie and C.Doré-Graslin(eds), op-cit. p.212: Chantreau places this event after 30th April with Charette back in Legé 5th May.
73. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.229.
74. J.J.Savary op-cit. Vol.1, p.176.
75. Ibid. p.177.
76. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, p.686. A number of his men were dispersed garrisoning the area.
77. L.Rostu, op-cit. p.46.
78. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.231 and R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.51.
79. F.Deniau, op-cit. pp.692-3.
80. R. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.52.
81. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.1, Footnote:p.693.
82. Ibid. pp.692-3
83. Ibid. pp.692-3.
Chapter 6: The Rise of the Grand Army
1. C.L.Chassin op-cit. Vol.V1, p.255.
2. Ibid. p.256.
3. SHD-B5/4-8.
4. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.257.
5. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.2, p.9.
6. Ibid. p.10.
7. Ibid. p.12.
8. Ibid. p.13.
9. J.J.Savary, op.cit. Vol.1, pp.206-7.
10. These troops played little part in the fighting.
11. Deniau op-cit. Vol.2, p.30.
12. H.Coutau-Bégarie and C.Doré-Graslin(eds), op-cit. p.240.
13. J.J.Savary op.cit. Vol.1, p.219.
14. SHD-B5/4-45.
15. A.Billard and J.d’Herbauges, op-cit. pp.156-7.
16. SHD-B5/4-45.
17. Poirier-de-Beauvais, op-cit. p.46: Indicates 200 dead, 300 prisoners.
18. F.Deniau, op-cit. Vol.2, p.60.
19. A.Billard and J.d’Herbauges, op-cit. pp.156-7.
20. Mme.Rochejacquelein, op-cit. pp.153-4.
21. J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.219.
22. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1 , pp.322-323.
23. Ibid. p.346-7.
24. Ibid. p.316 and 347.
25. Ibid. p.350-1.
26. J.Artarit, Fontenay-le-Comte sous la Revolution (CVRH), p. 140; Municipal Register indicates 6,000.
27. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.400.
28. Ibid. p.346.
29. J.J.Savary, op-cit. p.221, possibly including D’Ayat’s troops on his left wing.
30. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p 400.
31. SHD-B5/4-53.
32. S.Hilard, Marigny et mémoire assassinée (Choletais:1998), pp.54-6.
33. J.Crétineau-Joly, op-cit. p.140
34. S.Hilard, op-cit. pp.54-6.
35. Mme.Rochejacquelein, op-cit. pp.154-5.
36. CL.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.400 and SHD-B5/4-53.
37. Mme. Rochejacquelein, op-cit. pp.154-155.
38. SHD-B5/4-61; J.Artarit, op-cit. p.142, Municipal Register indicates 7,400.
39. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.396.
40. Mme Rochejaquelein, op-cit. p.159 suggests 40,000; A.Béjarry, op-cit. p.94-5 states 4,000 from Army of the Centre; S.Hilard, op-cit. pp.56-8 indicated this should be added to at least 20,000 for the Grand Army; C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.400: Principal Agent of Niort indicates 30,000.
41. Figures from J.J.Savary Vol.1, p.227; P.Doré-Graslin p.70; Poirier-de-Beauvais pp.48-50, S.Hilard p.58-60. Most artillery probably 4pdrs.
42. Mercier-de-Rocher in C.L.Chassin, op-cit., Vol.V1, p.398.
43. Ibid. p.398.r />
44. A. de Beauchamps: Histoire de la Guerre de Vendée et des Chouans: Vol.1 (Paris:1807), p.174, suggests the right under Bonchamps, centre Lescure and left La Rochejaquelein.
45. J.Crétineau-Joly, op-cit. p.144.
46. Mme Rochejaquelein, op-cit. p. 160, placed him with the cavalry. (See also P.Dore-Graslin p.70, E.Gabory p.63-4, Poirier-de-Beauvais p.48-50).
47. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, pp.401-2.
48. Ibid., p.398.
49. S.Hilard, op-cit. pp.58-60.
50. Mme Rochejaquelein, op-cit. p.160.
51. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.430.
52. Ibid. pp.400-1.
53. Ibid. p.406.
54. Poirier-de-Beauvais, op-cit. p.49.
55. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.399.
56. Ibid. p.399.
57. Ibid. p.400.
58. Mme Rochejaquelein, op-cit. p.161.
59. Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.408.
60. A.Béjarry, op-cit. pp.94-5.
61. Ibid. pp.94-5.
62. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.400.
63. Ibid. p.408, 412, 435 and 453 (differing sources) states figures of 3,250, 2,800, 4-5,000 and 3,400-3,500; J.Crétineau-Joly, op-cit. p. 150 states 3,000; Mme Rochejaquelein, op-cit. p.15 states 700 killed and 3-4,000 captured, pp.163-4.
64. Mercier-de-Rocher in C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.399.
65. S.Hilard, op-cit. pp.58-60.
66. Mme Rochejaquelein, op-cit. pp.161-2.
67. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vo.V1, p.405.
68. RSV: No.203. June 1998: See article pp.6-21.
69. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. Footnote:p.57.
70. Ibid. p.58.
71. Ibid. p.59.
72. Ibid. pp.63-6.
73. This account from J.J.Savary, op-cit. Vol.1, p.185 and H.Coutau-Bégarie/C. Doré-Graslin(eds), op-cit. pp.213-4.
74. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.62: He led 400 infantry, 50 cavalry and 2 guns.
75. L.Dumarcet, op-cit. p.218 quotes Labory having 300-320 men.
76. Ibid. pp.218-9.
77. H.Coutau-Bégarie and C.Doré-Graslin(eds), op-cit. p.215: Indicates 274 of 72nd Line deserted.
78. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, pp.360-379.
79. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.79.
80. Ibid. p.79.
81. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, p.361.
82. Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.80.
83. Ibid. p.80.
84. Ibid. p.81.
85. C.L.Chassin, op-cit. Vol.V1, pp.361-2.
86. Ibid. pp. 361-2.
87. Collinet, op-cit. p.140; Bittard-des-Portes, op-cit. p.90.
88. Bittards-des-Portes, Footnote:p.84.
89. Collinet, op-cit. p.140.