Catching Fire (The Fire Duet Book 2)

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Catching Fire (The Fire Duet Book 2) Page 10

by Billie Lustig

He pushes his finger in farther, then starts moving it back and forth, making me unwind under his ministrations. His thumb starts brushing my clit, teasing me, making me want for more when I feel my pussy become wetter and wetter. When he finally takes his finger out, he holds it up, coated with my wetness before he puts it in his mouth, licking the cream off his skin.

  He shoots me a sweet smile before he presses a kiss to my hair, then takes off his boxers.

  Keeping his eyes concentrated on me, he crawls on top of me, effectively separating my legs with his muscular body.

  “I’ll take this real slow, okay?” His hand cups my cheek while he presses his forehead against mine. He pushes the tip of his hard shaft against my entrance, holding it there patiently while pressing delicate kisses against my lips until all the tension leaves my face. When I finally give him a coy smile, he takes it as his cue, then bit by bit, he nudges his cock farther inside me, giving my body time to adjust to his hardness.

  I swallow hard when he’s fully immersed in my pussy, closing my eyes to remind myself that this isn’t some dirtbag with a lot of money. This isn’t a psychopath like my brother.

  This is Reign.

  As if he can hear my thoughts, he brushes my cheek with his thumb.

  “I’m here, Angel. I’m here.”

  Hearing the comforting sound of his voice close to me gives me the final nudge to relax as he starts thrusting inside me. He moves at a slow pace, keeping his eyes directed on mine. The first thrusts feel rough and uncomfortable, but soon enough, I feel the passion melting us together. The warmth of his skin against mine, branding his mark into my soul while a tingling pleasure floods my body, making me wetter by the second. He dips his chin before he licks the seam of my mouth, demanding me to meet his tongue. My hands move under his arms to claw my nails into his back while our tongues twirl in desire.

  “Fuck, Angel,” he growls in delight. “You okay?”

  He slows his pace, waiting for my reaction.

  “Yes, keep going.” My hands move to his ass, pulling him deeper inside me, feeling safe enough to close my eyes. I wait for my horrifying memory to reappear, thinking it will make me sink again, jerking me out of the high I’m about to reach.

  When nothing happens, I release an internal smile, completely letting go of any restraint remaining before I open my eyes again. I gratefully lay my hand on his neck, making his face snap towards mine.

  “You feel good, Reign,” I pant against his face, shooting him a lazy look while I bite my lip.

  “You feel great, Angel.” He smiles.

  He keeps thrusting inside me, his pelvis grinding against my clit, making me climb higher and higher. The heat that radiates off our bodies mixes our scents together, creating a potent mix. An essence of lust, desire, and sweat that I’m instantly hooked on, wanting to wallow in it for days. His body moves with mine in a perfect harmony, applying just enough pressure to my throbbing nub.

  I reach a peak of awareness that I haven’t felt before, realizing that this is exactly how sex is supposed to be. Being with Reign, feeling him inside me, penetrating both my body and soul, makes everyone before him disappear.

  They don’t matter.

  They never mattered.

  All that matters is us.

  I let out a desperate sob when his thrusts start to become more demanding, and I feel the wave of ecstasy become bigger and bigger.

  “Don’t stop,” I cry out, urging him to keep going.

  His nose brushes against mine, never deviating from his pace.

  “I can’t stop, Angel.”


  Finally, I feel my orgasm reach its peak, and I throw my head back as I shatter like fireworks.

  “Fuck yes!” I scream loudly while digging my nails into his ass, wanting to stretch out this moment as long as possible.

  I whimper softly while I ride out my flood of euphoria as he picks up the pace to chase his own release. I wrap my legs around his waist to give him as much access as he needs, enjoying the rough feeling of his cock plowing into my pussy with urgency. I know he’s close when the muscles in his face tighten, and he lets out a ferocious howl.

  A pleased grin appears on my face when he explodes inside me, giving a few final pumps.

  “Jesus, Angel. That was … fuck,” he gasps before his face softens. “How are you?”

  I know it’s a genuine question, but I can’t resist a snarky comment.


  His face falls until he sees the smile emerge on my face, and he shakes his head.

  “You’re awful, Angel.”

  “Nah, you love me.” The words are out of my mouth before I know it, and immediately, I hate myself for having such a big mouth. Suddenly, I’m very much aware of the fact that he’s still inside me, giving me no chance to escape from this situation.

  I didn’t mean it like that.

  Okay, maybe I did.

  He softly chuckles when he notices the panic creep into my eyes.

  “True,” he states while I give him a surprised look. “I do love you.”

  “You do?!” I blurt out.

  “Angel, I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you.”

  I let out a relieved sigh before I press my lips against his. I give him loving kisses until my gaze finds his hypnotizing eyes, and I open my mouth.

  “I love you too, Reign Delaney.”



  Present Day

  I walk behind her up the creaky stairs, feeling the paint chips of the blue wall flake under my fingers as I brush my hand against it.

  Her sexy legs are showing enough to make my dick twitch, and I sigh in frustration.

  I feel bummed that she’s not wearing jeans, because I’m dying to see that perfect ass walk up the stairs in front of me.

  We reach her floor, and she pulls the keys out of her bra, making me let out another growl.

  She just rolls her eyes at me before she unlocks, then walks through the door.

  I stay at the threshold, looking around the room.

  What a fucking shithole.

  The walls are as chipped as the hallway that leads up to this floor, and the kitchen, which I assume was once white, is now a rusty brown. The wooden floor sticks out, well, basically everywhere, and the window shutters look like they are going to come crashing down any minute now.

  “You lived in this hellhole?” I murmur in irritation while she grabs a duffel bag out of the small kitchen closet.

  She stops suddenly, throwing the duffel across the room next to the couch before slamming the door shut.

  “What’s with the fucking small talk?” Her eyes are filled with fire, and I do my best to suppress the grin that is itching to tilt the corners of my mouth.

  I forgot how entertaining she is when she’s pissed.

  I narrow my eyes at her in a scowl before I cross my arms in front of my body and lean against the doorpost.

  “What? You’d rather I beat the shit out of you for betraying me?”

  “Whatever, asshole,” she huffs. “Do your worst.”

  She moves towards the couch to retrieve her bag, and before she reaches out to pick it up, I throw a knife right next to it, making her flinch.

  She turns around; her face covered with a furious scowl. Her eyes widen, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is preparing to attempt to kill me, because she looks like her body just lost all reason.

  Good. Now she knows how that feels.

  “What the fuck do you want, Kane?” she roars.

  I violently slam the door behind me and stalk towards her, done with her fucking tantrum. My anger is reaching a new high, like a wick burning its last inch.

  “Don’t you dare fucking touch me, asshole.” She dodges away from me, then runs back to the kitchen before she strategically places the dining table between us. I follow her, determined to shut her up, when she reaches in one of the kitchen drawers and pulls out a gun.

  Oh, for fuck’s s

  “Don’t. Fucking. Come. Near. Me,” she commands, the gun aimed at my head.

  For the first time, I can see fatigue washing her face, so I keep my distance to make sure she doesn’t make any hasty decisions.

  “Why?” she demands while her desperate eyes remain pinned to mine.

  She and I, we had this unspoken language. I didn’t need a lot of words from her, but I still knew exactly what she meant. She read my face and knew exactly what kind of mood I was in. But somewhere between leaving the yacht and this moment right here, something got lost in translation. Like she and I started speaking a different language.

  Because I don’t understand what the fuck she’s saying.

  “Why what, Callie?” I snarl, my voice throaty as fuck as I frustratedly slam my palm on the table. The loud sound makes her jump up a little, even though she’s holding my intense gaze. Hate is seeping through her eyes, heavy with frustration, just like mine surely are. I’m not leaving this room until I know exactly which category I need to put her in.

  Friend or enemy.

  Enemy or lover.

  She keeps her mouth shut while she examines my face. My impatience is boiling up in my body, and it’s taking everything inside me to wait and let her find the words, trying to prevent a situation where I choke them out of her. I told Liam I would hear her out first, make sure she really isn’t a Reyes, that she didn’t fuck us over for a few diamonds. But I already know she didn’t. Feeling her lips on mine thirty minutes ago, feeling her melt in my hands, seeing the frustration mixed with the inferno on her face right now ... My angry gut tells me there is another reason for her leaving like she did, and I’m going to find out what it was.

  Even if I have to beat it out of her.

  I clench my jaw, my mouth a small slit as I breathe out loudly through my nose.

  “Answer the damn question, Callie. Or I swear to God, I w—”

  “You’re going to do what?” she yells before I can finish my sentence. “Kill me?” The corner of her mouth raises in a mocking grin, and I swear to God, any second from now I’m going to slam her against the wall and force the obedience out of this girl.

  “Fuck!” I slam my palms on the table again, keeping myself from doing worse to her. I can feel all the muscles in my body tense, my hands aching to be wrapped around her neck, slowly squeezing her kissable neck until she finally gives me the answer that I want.

  “Fuck, woman, do you have a death wish? Liam is out there, waiting until I give him a reason to put a bullet through your head.” I shout with rage, an eruption coming from my chest while I point to the balcony. “Start fucking talking, or I will fucking do it myself.”

  “Then. Do. It,” she whispers with gritted teeth. Although she tries to hide it, I can see defeat in her eyes, making my own fury simmer down just a little. “Fucking, do it. Because I’m done with this.”

  She storms my way, not stopping until she’s right in front of me. She smashes the gun against the wooden surface before her eyes move up to look me straight in the eye. Her teal eyes are beaming with anger, and she looks ten feet tall even though I have to dip my chin to meet her gaze.

  “Kill me, Kane. Just get it fucking over with,” she scowls from under her lashes.

  I examine her face, mesmerized by the fire in this tiny body even though it shouldn’t surprise me anymore. I hold her powerful gaze until she frustratedly grabs the gun and pushes it against my chest.

  “Fucking do it. It’s what you’ve been wanting to do, right? DO. IT. KILL. ME.” Her eyes start to water because of her impotence, and it kills me to see her like this.

  But it doesn’t make my anger disappear. I’m not a man with a lot of patience, and she lost any credit she got when she fucking bailed on me. I don’t even know why I’m giving her more right now when I should grab her shit, throw her in the car, and get her to the safe house where I will take my sweet time getting all the answers I want.

  But my stupid heart, the one that’s supposed to be cold and indifferent, didn’t get the fucking memo.

  “What the fuck are you waiting for? You just killed a man! Put on a fucking show to make sure that I understand what a ruthless killer you are. To show me how you can torture me without any fucking mercy. So what’s the holdup? Aim the fucking gun, and pull the trigger, Kane,” she roars at my face, clearly losing it a little more with every heartbeat.

  When the first tear falls down her cheek, she takes the gun and places it under her chin.

  “KILL. ME.” The sight of the gun against her chin makes my heart fall to the floor.

  I quickly grab it out of her hand, tossing it in the sink in one move. My hand reaches up to roughly grab her chin while I push her back and slam her head against the wall.

  She fucking needs to shut up.

  “If I wanted you dead, you would have been dead already,” I whisper dominantly against her lips. My breath mixes with hers, and even though I keep a firm grip on her, pinning her against the wall, I can feel her relax under my touch.

  I keep my eyes locked with hers until I can’t anymore, her scent lingering from her skin replaces my anger with lust bit by bit.


  “Why did you run?” My lips move to the crook of her neck before I softly start to plant a string of kisses on her fair skin, hoping to loosen her up even more. When she doesn’t respond, I pull back and search her hypnotizing eyes. The fire in her eyes has dimmed to a beaten look, and her mouth is set, leaving a bitter expression on her face. I’m sure there are about a dozen snarky comments on her tongue, but before one of them can leave her lips, I press my mouth against hers.

  When I kissed her in that alley half an hour ago, it was a need I had to fulfill.

  It was feral.

  It was desperate.

  It was a hunger I couldn’t resist now that I had her in the palm of my hand.


  This time it’s different. This time it’s affectionate, even though it’s still spiked with aggravation. Letting all the affection I have for her to seep into her body, telling her with my touch that I need her to fucking listen.

  She moans softly into my mouth, and I fist her hair to pull her head back, deepening the kiss.

  She relaxes some more, victory running through my head until she roughly pushes me back and ducks out of my grasp.

  “Fuck. You! What are you, a fucking psychopath? Do you get off on this shit?”

  She places herself on the other side of the room, glaring at me from a distance.

  Sick of her fucking bullshit, I bare my teeth and give her a vicious glare.

  I gave her patience. I tried to be civil with her, but I’m fucking done. I march forward, my feet ringing out a heavy thud with every step, and her eyes widen as she bounces back against the wall in shock. I can see the fear in her eyes, and for a minute, I realize this is exactly what she has been waiting for.

  Kane, the crime lord.

  My hand violently cups her neck, this time with more force, and I squeeze softly, making sure she takes me seriously this time.

  “Listen up, baby. Whatever dark story you have in your head, spit it out. I asked you to stay on that damn yacht because at that point I would have done anything for you,” I emphasize enraged. “You want me to kill your brother? Done. You want me to kill that Italian Prince? You’ve got it. You want me to protect you like you’re mine? I’m here. You want to die? You want me to kill you? I. Will. Do. It. I am the bad guy. I am the one you should fear. I’ve killed more men in my life than I can count, and I don’t sleep any less. But I am not a fucking liar. I don’t need to fucking lie to get on top because I’m already there. When I asked you to stay, I fucking meant it. I would’ve done anything for you in a goddamn heartbeat. But you ran. You stole from us, proving to Liam exactly what he had been saying about you for weeks. So whatever trust issues you have, they are all on you, baby girl.” I cock my head to look into her teal eyes. “SO FUCKING TALK!” I roar in her face like a lion r
eady to kill his prey while I bring her head closer, only to push it back against the wall.

  She winces before she closes her eyes, and I know exactly what is going to happen. I’ve seen this look on her face more than once, so I know that at this point, there is no stopping it. Before she opens her eyes, I let go of her, pinching the bridge of my nose and taking in a deep breath. I shake my head, taking a step back, wondering if this really is hopeless.

  What is it going to take to get this girl to talk?

  When my eyes find hers again, her lips are forming a small smile, but they don’t match her fearless eyes. Fearless, but still sad as fuck.

  “Just drop the act, Kane. Why are you still pretending? You want me dead. Your brother wants me dead. I’m a currency. Well, the only thing I have left is this.” She glares while raising her hand, showing one of the Russian rings on her finger. “But I’m not taking it off unless I’m dead. So if this is what you want, go ahead. Please your brother, put a bullet in my brain, and take the damn thing. I don’t think there is anything that can break me anymore, anyway.”

  “Is this what this is about? My brother? It has to be, because you know damn well know I don’t give a shit about those fucking stones.” I start pacing the shitty room that seems to feel smaller by the minute. I want to smack her around the room and beat the shit out of her, but I don’t. I can’t fucking hurt this girl.

  My girl.

  “Do you want me to beg, Callie? Because I don’t beg. Just tell me the fucking truth. Did you fuck me over? Was it all a game? Are you like the rest of your family? Are you like Cristina?”

  “Are you like Cristina?” she snarls, returning the question, crossing her arms in front of her body.

  I furrow my brows together at the suggestion.

  “Why the fuck would I be like Cristina?”

  She angrily presses her lips together, shooting me a look of utter disappointment.

  “I heard you and Liam on the deck, two days before we docked.”

  “And?” I bellow impatiently while digging in to my memory, trying to understand what the fuck she means.


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