Brendan said Wendy was on stress leave. He didn’t elaborate and I didn’t ask. John said he liked Brendan when we were home. He said he was a level headed fellow, someone he could relate too. Brendan rode a motorbike. I wasn’t too sure about Brendan, he seemed a bit too chummy. I’ve found as soon as you get chummy you let your guard down and then it’s a bit of a free for all. John said he felt comfortable and perhaps Brendan could really help. Well I looked John right in the eye as Wendy suggested and said bullshit. We had a row then and John forgot to duck. The glass vase hit him on the shoulder and shattered. There was blood everywhere so I took him to the emergency. I had blood on my hands and they mistakenly ushered me into the doctor. Eventually we got sorted and the doctor on duty said John had to stay in hospital for a bit. For observation they said. I said, well John you got your holiday didn’t you. I went to give him a peck on the cheek and he turned away. Suit yourself I said.
narratorAUSTRALIA Volume One Page 43