Constable Trent brought me a cup of tea. She’s only a young woman and very well presented. She said I would be charged with assault and that unless I had someone who could vouch for me I’d have to stay in the station until the morning round for the court. I asked Constable Trent who that might be and she said a friend, a family member, a professional.
Later in the evening Constable Trent said they bring around blankets and well you just have to make the best of it. There wasn’t much to make the best of. A thin bed hung on the wall, a washbasin and toilet and that was about it. Apparently I wasn’t a self harm risk and so they let me keep my belt, but they took my watch, earrings and just about everything else. She said domestic violence was taken very seriously these days. I could see what she was thinking.
There are two sides to every story Constable Trent, I said and sat down on my bed. The policeman who did the night shift was much nicer. He gave me another blanket and asked if I was comfortable. It didn’t quieten down till the wee hours in there. Drunks came in, yelling and carrying on. Then they put a woman in with me saying they didn’t have enough cells. She was very drunk. She called me Sweety the whole time.
Sweety do ya have a ciggie? Sweety can you give me that blanket? I tried to be nice but she just burped and rolled over and went to sleep.
John will sort it all out I said in the morning to the sergeant who took my details for the umpteenth time. I gave them our home number and his mobile but when they rang there was no answer. Probably on the way over already I said to the policeman. Right on the ball my John.
narratorAUSTRALIA Volume One Page 45