*Paraprosdokians – is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part; often used for amusing effect.
This is James’s self-described ‘little rant about would-be messiahs and observations about human foibles’.
Saturday 22 September 2012 4 pm
A Love Song
Emma Hall
feel the cold
hard butt of the pistol deep inside me
close my eyes and sink into
delirious oblivion (or oblivious delirium)
And I sink willingly
not because of the reasons I should have
– fear
– horror
– sheer heart-wrenching panic for that tiny flickering flame that seems already overdue for extinction
(my falsely flavoured life)
is finally and
horribly and
painfully over in an explosion through flesh and muscle.
straight through.
even as hatred creeps through my forced stupor
Love overcomes it
they told me it would
I hate myself
I hate myself for loving the glorious building of tension until
mountain crumble and
fireworks explode
and the sun sinks into the sea.
he looks at me
he knows
I know he knows.
A second split in two.
The First:
It can’t be She can’t be
What the …?
never happened before FUCK
that’s just so
The Second:
He laughs – laughs at me –
takes pleasure in this reflection of sickness and perversion
takes pleasure in the discovery of
a kindred spirit
a likeness
a fellow outcast from the realms of accepted ‘normal’ human emotion.
we are different
we are the same
feel the cold
Sunday 23 September 2012 8 am
narratorAUSTRALIA Volume One Page 57