Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3)

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Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3) Page 25

by J. O Mantel

“Of course it does. I already told you, no matter what the results are, I’ll always be there for you and the twins.”

  “Lukas, that’s not what I meant. I hate that you keep trying to avoid the subject of-”

  “Marriage?” he cut in.

  “Yes. I don’t know how many times you and I have discussed it Lukas, but it’s still a thought that constantly comes to mind. Do you even want to marry me?”

  “Sienna, you know that I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “But you don’t want to marry me, is that it?”

  “Of course not.”

  “What then?” she asked.

  Lukas took a deep breath. He hated seeing her upset.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for marriage,” he said.

  “What kind of an answer is that?” Sienna asked.

  “An honest one. Babe, you mean more to me than you’ll ever know. We’ve been together for two wonderful years and yeah, we’ve had our fair share of problems and arguments, but do you really think marriage is going to change any of that?”

  “I’m not saying I want any of it to change, Lukas. I know we’re not the perfect couple and I knew when we first started dating, that it was never going to be an easy journey. Is it too much to ask that all I want, is to be Mrs. Lukas Dark?”

  “No it’s not too much to ask. I just don’t know if I’m the one who can give you all that.”

  “All what, Lukas?” she asked.

  “If I marry you, you’ll never be able to live a normal life, you know that. All the paparazzi, the tabloids, the touring, the late night sessions in the studio. If I turn out to be the father, then yes, I will put my career on hold, but it’s not forever Sienna. What’s going to happen after a year when I go back to work? Are you ready for all of that?”

  Sienna could feel herself tearing up, all she wanted was to be Lukas’s wife. “I just love you so much and I want to be your wife. Ever since you came onto the scene I’ve been following your music and your career. Every girl has a dream, a fantasy to be with a famous celebrity. I got that chance Lukas.”

  “So then why do you need a ring to seal the deal?”

  “I don’t know Lukas, call me old fashioned. I know you’re going to throw this back in my face again, but I haven’t even met your mom and dad. Every time I mention them, there’s always some excuse or some reason for you not wanting me to meet them. What’s the big secret? Are you afraid that your parents won’t approve of me as your wife? Is that the real reason why I haven’t met them?”

  “No! I’ve already told you about my parents.”

  “Keeping them out of the media and protecting their privacy doesn’t really cut it for me Lukas. Surely your mother and father are proud of you and everything you’ve achieved. Why would they be worried about a little bit of publicity?”

  Lukas continued to look at her, he raised his hand and brushed it against her cheek gently.

  “You’re incredible, you know that? I’ve never met a woman as demanding and feisty as you before. And that’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with you.” As he leaned forward he kissed her again. “I know how much this means to you, and I’ll say the same thing that I’ve always told you, I don’t want to screw things up. As for my parents, it’s been really difficult lately. It’s not just about the media and the paparazzi, I don’t want their lives to change because their only son is a celebrity. I don’t want people knocking on their doors, or calling them at all hours of the night, asking for an interview. When I made the decision to become a rock star, I promised I wouldn’t put them through all that.”

  A tear fell from Sienna’s eye. “What about me Lukas? I know this may sound selfish, but what about what I want?”

  “No, it’s not selfish at all. I only hope that I can give you everything that you want, and more. These past two years have been amazing, and you know there’s nothing more that I want, than to spend the rest of my life with you. We don’t need marriage to ruin it all for us, do we?”

  “You keep saying that, Lukas. Why? Why would marrying you ruin things?”

  “Because I’m a screw-up. I’m better with no strings attached. No strings means no commitment, and no commitment means no promises. No promises means I can’t break your heart, and that’s the last thing I want to do.” As he leaned forward again, he began covering her neck with kisses and slowly making his way down to her breasts.

  “I’ll never break your heart,” he whispered, humming the Backstreet Boys tune. He removed her bra, her breasts had grown, preparing themselves for breastfeeding. He covered them one at a time with his mouth, his touch making Sienna squirm.

  She put her finger under Lukas’s chin and raised it so that she could kiss him on the lips, then she slowly made her way down his neck, until her lips met his chest. She covered it with soft kisses, while unbuttoning his shirt and making her way to his nipple, she tickled it with her tongue causing Lukas to moan, then covered it with a soft, seductive kiss. She tore off his shirt and continued to make her way down his chest and onto his stomach, tracing the outside of his belly button.

  She lay him down on the bed, and as she proceeded to go lower, she could see that he was hard, and eagerly waiting for her lips to wrap themselves around his cock. She placed her hand over it, gently stroking it through his pants. She stood up and removed her sweatpants before slowly removing her black, lace panties. She stood at the end of the bed, and began to slowly remove his jeans. She could see his hardness through his black briefs, and without hesitation, Lukas removed them.

  Sienna wrapped her hands around his cock, pulling back on the skin, as Lukas let out another moan. She looked up at him and smiled as she placed her mouth over the tip and allowed his cock to slip into her mouth.

  She wet it with her tongue, making it easier to slide in and out while she bobbed her head up and down. She felt it throbbing inside her, as it made its way down the back of her throat. She picked up the pace and started sucking faster, pushing his cock deeper down her throat.

  She could now feel herself getting wet, she wanted him inside her, but with her belly bulging, it was getting more and more difficult to have sex.

  As she sucked on his cock, she slowly slid one of her fingers into her opening, gasping as she gagged on Lukas’s cock. She now placed her other hand between her legs and slowly started massaging her inner thigh. Lukas grabbed Sienna’s head and he gently ran his fingers through her hair, filling the room with his moans.

  Sienna loved the feeling of his fingers running through her hair. The feeling sent a sensation through her entire body, as she continued worshipping Lukas’s cock. She knew that it wasn’t long now before she came, and she could taste the salt in her mouth, he was about to come too. She slid her finger in and out of her pussy, faster and faster, Lukas continued to moan, wriggling around on the bed and still running his fingers through Sienna’s hair.

  She felt the pressure in her core, and as she pulled her finger out, she came to a satisfying climax. She sat at the end of the bed and looked up at Lukas, he smiled at her as he placed his hand on his cock and started stroking it. Sienna watched as his erect cock gushed all over the sheets.

  Sienna crawled back onto the bed and made her way up to Lukas, he leaned forward and the two of them kissed.

  “Thank you,” Lukas whispered.

  “You’re welcome” Sienna smiled, giggling.

  “I take it lunch isn’t required then?” Lukas asked.

  “Hmm, No. But I could always go for dessert.”

  At her next visit to Dr. Hughes, Sienna was given a thorough check-up, due to her recent fall. Dr. Hughes was pleased with all the results; although he did have some worrying news for her.

  “Is everything going okay?” She asked, nervously tapping her fingers on her knees.

  He looked up at Sienna, “One of the twins is breech,” he said.

  “So what does that mean?” Sienna asked.

  “Well at this late stage of
the pregnancy, there’s not a lot we can do. We can just hope that it’ll turn around in the next couple of weeks, but I think that will be unlikely.”

  “And what if it doesn’t?”

  “Depending on its position, we may have to perform a cesarean.”

  Sienna sat there, a look of concern on her face. “Did my fall have anything to do with this?” She asked.

  “I’ve gone through Dr. Thompson’s notes and I can’t see any complications, although it does say here that you experienced some lower abdominal pain. At this stage of any pregnancy there’s not a lot of room left in the uterus, so a baby will try and maximize its space in there by settling head first. One of yours has had other ideas and looks like it wants to come out feet first.”

  Sienna still looked a little concerned.

  “I can assure you Sienna, there’s nothing to worry about. Cesareans are common for most women in their thirties. And who knows, your baby might decide to cooperate and turn in the next couple of weeks.”

  After finalizing his notes, Dr. Hughes told Sienna that she no longer needed to be bedridden, but she still needed to take it easy. Afterward, she left the hospital and headed home.

  She had been splitting her time between her place and Lukas’s apartment. Both Lukas and Jake were rarely home, being busy rehearsing for the Mother’s Day concert on the weekend. Both bands singles and albums still remained in the top five on the billboards charts, a month after their release.

  As she lay awake in her bed, she suddenly heard the front door open and close.

  “Sienna?” She heard Jake call.

  She got out of bed and walked into the living room.

  “Jake?” She replied with a smile.

  “Lukas told me to give these to you.”

  He handed her an envelope.

  “What is it?” She asked, tearing it open.

  “Front row tickets for you, Dick, Ivy, her parents, Carl and Margaret.”

  “Why didn’t he drop them off himself?”

  “He said something about having a meeting out of town and he would call you when he got back.”

  “Oh, right. Thanks,” she smiled, giving him a hug and kiss before returning to her bedroom.

  Jake’s mom and dad were due to arrive tomorrow with Chris and Emily. Carl and Margaret had arrived the night before, but insisted on spending the night in town, as they had arrived with the entire family. Lukas was busy preparing for the concert, he had barely spent any time with Sienna, but the two of them were going to spend the night at his apartment. Lightning Ridge and Dark Falkon had been rehearsing their solo gigs individually, and on Friday night, the two bands were going to be rehearsing, together, for the first time before their concert on Saturday.

  As Sienna sat on the sofa, she heard a knock. She got up off the sofa and opened the door.

  “Tom? Olivia? What a nice surprise. What are you doing here? Jake and I weren’t expecting you until tomorrow.”

  “We caught an earlier flight,” Olivia said, kissing Sienna on the cheek. “It’s good to see you,” Tom said, also greeting her with a kiss.

  “Where’s Jake?” Olivia asked.

  “Oh, he’s rehearsing with the band. If he had known that you were coming early, I’m sure he would have been here.”

  “That’s okay. Actually, Olivia and I wanted to come over and see how you were doing.”

  They stepped inside and made their way over to the sofa, while Sienna prepared them all some drinks.

  “So how’s everything going with the pregnancy? I bet you can’t wait to get them out of you and hold them in your arms,” Olivia said.

  “There’s a chance I might need to have a cesarean section, one of the twins is breech.”


  “Yeah. Dr. Hughes says it’s nothing to worry about, other than that, my pregnancy is going fine.”

  “Jake and Emily were both cesarean.”

  “Really? Sienna asked.

  “Yeah. I had trouble breathing with Jake and he was pushing against my spine, if they didn’t get him out, he could have caused serious damage to my back during the birth. After that, I had a lot of back issues; I couldn’t deliver naturally, so Emily had to be a c section also. It’s not uncommon Sienna.”

  “I know. I was just hoping for a natural birth, that’s all. But he did say that the baby may still turn around in the next couple of weeks, so maybe there’s a chance I could still deliver naturally.”

  They sat there talking for a couple more hours, then Tom and Olivia decided it was time that they headed for the hotel.

  “We better head off, it’s getting late and we have a few things we’d like to do before Saturday.”

  “Please, let me drive you to your hotel,” Sienna said.

  “You will do no such thing. I will call a cab,” Tom said, dialing the number to the cab company.

  A few minutes later, there was a honk outside. Sienna hugged and kissed them both goodbye.

  “See you at the concert,” Sienna said, and watched as they stepped into the cab. With a final wave the cab drove off and Sienna headed inside.

  The following evening Sienna and Lukas spent most of their time in his apartment. Lukas refused to let Sienna leave the house, he even made sure that he escorted her to the bathroom, and although she loved being pampered, she did find it a little awkward having him wait outside the bathroom door.

  After dinner she really wasn’t in the mood to do anything, all she wanted was to have an early night in bed and spend whatever time she could with Lukas. He undressed and crawled into bed beside her, placing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her in closer.

  “You’re thinking about Jake aren’t you?”


  “You’ve barely spoken to me since we arrived. I know you can’t stop thinking about him.”

  “Am I really that obvious?” She asked.

  She sat up on the bed and Lukas adjusted himself to be more comfortable.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t apologize. I can see how much he means to you. You’ve been friends since forever. I know this concert is a big break for him, and it’s a really big deal.”

  “I don’t know who’s more nervous, me or him. Did I mention how my appointment with Dr. Hughes went?”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Well, there’s a chance I might have to have a cesarean section.”

  “What? Why?” Lukas asked. ”I thought everything was going smoothly.”

  “One of the twins is breech, if it doesn’t turn around in the next couple of weeks, he’ll need to perform a cesarean” Sienna replied.

  “I was a cesarean.”

  “You were?”

  “Yeah. Mom had some complications with her pregnancy, apparently I had a big head and I was coming out butt first.”

  Sienna couldn’t help but giggle. “You never told me that.”

  “I didn’t think it was anything worth mentioning until now.”

  “Well, I think your head is the perfect size now” she said, kissing him.

  It wasn’t long before Sienna settled down and covered herself with the sheets. Lukas ran his fingers through her hair, it felt soft and smooth. He massaged the top of her head, making her eyelids heavy and they slowly closed. It was the last night they were going to spend together in the penthouse, for a while.

  After Joseph drove Sienna back to her place, Lukas headed to the studio for a final rehearsal with the band.

  When she arrived home there was no sign of Jake, and Sienna was slightly disappointed. She wanted to spend a little time with him before the concert.

  With her whole family now in New York for Mother’s Day and the concert, she was overwhelmed with emotions. She was thrilled to have her family here. There was something about having your mom around; it was a feeling Sienna hadn’t noticed until she fell pregnant.

  Sienna’s parents and the rest of her family were meeting her at Madison Square Garden. Ivy and Dick we’re pic
king her up at 6. The concert wasn’t starting until 8pm, so they had plenty of time to get settled in before the show.

  After Sienna showered, she heard the front door open and close. She quickly wrapped herself in a towel and entered the living room. She saw Jake standing in the kitchen.

  “Jake?” She called.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were home. I thought you’d be out with Ivy.”

  “She and Dick aren’t picking me up until later. How come you’re home? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the concert?”

  “Yeah, I decided to use a different guitar tonight, so I had to come home to get it.”

  Sienna smiled. “I’ll see you at the concert,” she said, heading back to the bathroom, while Jake went to his room, grabbed the guitar he wanted, before heading back to the venue.

  By the time Jake arrived back at Madison Square Garden, security were already guarding the doors, even though the concert was still hours away. On the inside, organizers were busy making final adjustments to the stage. Jake and the band made their way backstage, where security escorted them to their dressing room, which was located adjacent to Dark Falkon’s dressing room.

  He put his bags down and quickly wandered out into the corridor; he looked around and pressed his head against Dark Falkon’s dressing room door. Suddenly, the door opened and Jake went crashing to the floor.

  “Sorry, dude” Matt said, helping Jake up.

  “All good, totally my fault.” Jake looked around the room, “Lukas not here?”

  “Oh, he’ll be here shortly, he said something about a surprise for Sienna. Sorry man, I got to get ready. Guess I’ll see you on stage.” He hurried past Jake, leaving him staring inside the room. He could see Dave and Tyler getting their gear ready, while Mike spoke on the phone. The three of them acknowledged him with raised eyebrows.

  “Jake?” He heard Stuart call from the corridor. He quickly turned, headed back to his room and started getting ready.

  Sienna, Ivy, and Dick arrived at Madison Square Garden just after six-thirty. The doors to the actual arena area were still closed, so she met up with her family in the foyer area. Once the doors were opened and she was at her seat, Sienna looked around and watched as people slowly started to fill the center. Her brothers and sisters couldn’t stop fussing over her, making sure she was okay from her recent fall. None of them had seen Sienna since she fell pregnant and everyone wanted to rub her belly and hope to catch the twins kicking in action. While her family enjoyed Sienna’s pregnant belly, Sienna couldn’t help but feel nervous.


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