Cross the Line

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Cross the Line Page 3

by Becca Steele

  He headed inside the garage with long purposeful strides, swinging the baseball bat from his fingertips. Not pausing in his stride, he reached out and slammed his hand over a button on the wall and the door rolled back into place as the overhead lights automatically flickered on.

  I stared around me. This place was like a car showroom. Gleaming metal machines sat in neat rows. There had to be at least twenty cars in here, all the same shade of polished silver.

  I raised a brow. Weird, but whatever.

  A loud crash echoed through the cavernous space, and I watched in horror as Kian swung the bat right at the centre of the windshield of the car in front of him. The car alarm began blaring as he struck it again and again, spiderwebs spreading across the glass. He then turned his attention to the hood, bringing the bat down with a shout of rage.

  I finally took action, running up to him and ripping the bat from his grip. “What the fuck, man? What the actual fuck?”

  His body shook as I grappled with him, both of us more or less matched in strength. I kept talking to him, willing him to snap out of whatever it was he was going through. “Kian. Talk to me.”

  Abruptly his struggles stopped. “If I do this, they might come home.”


  Those eight words, spoken with so much despair, told me everything I needed to know for now.

  I squeezed his shoulders, before releasing him. The alarm still blared around us as I left Kian slumped against the car and strode to the side of the garage, where a thick, heavy chain lock hung on the wall above a motorcycle. Lifting it from its hook, I tested the weight in my palm, running my thumb across the attached padlock, before a slow smile spread across my face. I crossed the garage back to Kian at a run, jumping up onto the hood of the car and swinging the chain with all my might, smashing it down on top of the roof.

  My whole focus narrowed to the swing of the chain, and the thunk as it hit the car roof over and over, marring and denting the metal, until I became aware of Kian, up on the hood of the car with me. He reached out, gripping my arms and stopping my movements. “We need to leave. Someone will have called the police by now.”

  I allowed him to take the chain from my hands and tug me down to the floor, the adrenaline leaving my body in a sudden rush. On autopilot, I stepped towards the garage door, but he pulled me in the opposite direction, to an interior door with a panel next to it.

  As we came to a stop in front of the door and Kian placed his right hand on the fingerprint sensor, I realised his other hand was holding mine.

  The door clicked open and he dropped my hand, pushing me into what looked like a utility room. I turned back in time to see him face the blinking security camera in the garage. He pushed his mask up on top of his head and flipped off the camera, then spun around and slammed the door to the garage shut behind him.

  “We’ll go out the back.” He took a step towards me. Then another. Reaching out, he pushed up my mask, his eyes seeking out mine. The corners of his lips lifted into a crooked grin, and I felt my own answering smile tugging at my lips. “How did it feel? Breaking the rules?”

  “With you?” My smile widened. “I think I like it.”

  He leaned his head forwards, just the tiniest bit, but it was enough to make his nose brush against my own. His breath hit my lips as his words came out in a husky rasp.

  “I think I like corrupting you, Golden Boy.”


  “We never uploaded our prank.” Kian threw the words out casually as we made our way down the winding cliff pathway that led down to the cove.

  “Wait.” Stopping dead, I gripped his bicep. “The whole Halloween pranks contest was your idea, wasn’t it?”

  He scuffed the dirt path with his toe. “Yeah—mine and Carter’s. But it’s not important. Not anymore.” His raven hair, ruffled by the sea breeze, fell across his forehead as he turned and smirked at me. “I might’ve taken one or two photos of you going all Rambo on my dad’s Bentley. Maybe I’ll upload one as my entry.”

  I gave him a warning look. “Don’t even think about it.” Shoving his shoulder playfully as I moved past him to continue down the path, I added, “If anything, it’d be my entry since I’m the one in the photo.”

  He didn’t reply because by now we’d reached the bottom of the cliff and he was being carried away from me into the crowds of people. Someone thrust a beer into my hand, and I popped the top, lifting it to my mouth.

  As I drank, I stared around me curiously. We were in a small, sandy cove, accessed by a tiny cliff path. Over to my left I could see the outline of what appeared to be a large cave entrance in the rocky cliff face, and beyond that there was a natural archway where the cliff had eroded, leading through to what I guessed might be another beach. People were grouped around a huge bonfire, music and talking mingling with the sound of the waves lapping at the shore. Colourful glowsticks littered the beach and decorated people’s bodies, most (other than the guys who had been a part of our Fright Night plans) clad in costumes, in true Halloween style.

  “Want some company?” Anastasia Egerton, one of the hottest and most popular girls in Alstone High, stood in front of me, dressed in some kind of leather catsuit, glowsticks looped around her blonde head like a halo. Giving me a suggestive smile, she pressed her body against mine, sliding her hand up my chest.

  Oh, man. “Sorry.” I placed my hand over hers and lifted it away from my body. “I’m, uh, gay.”

  Her mouth fell into an O. “I had no idea.”

  “Yeah, well…” I shrugged. “I haven’t broadcast it. Being the new guy and all.”

  She nodded. “You don’t have to explain. I won’t say anything, despite what you might think of me. I wouldn’t share something like that.”

  I took in her earnest gaze. I was well aware of her reputation for being bitchy and spreading rumours, but I trusted my instincts, and I was sure she was telling the truth right now.

  “I think…I think I’m ready for people to know.” It was time for me to be brave. My reasons I’d had for keeping it a secret suddenly didn’t seem so important.

  “In that case…” A devious smile spread across her face. “Come and meet the boys.”

  What boys?

  She led me over to a small group of guys and girls, all in costume, sitting on blankets on the sand, and pointed everyone out to me. “Tom, Louis, Bilal, Emma, Claire. Everyone, this is Preston Montgomery III.” I didn’t recognise any of them, and I was just about to ask her if they attended Alstone High, when she turned back to me. “We all know each other from our polo club.”

  “Water polo?”

  “No.” She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Polo. With horses. You know?”

  Ah, that polo. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Anyway, Tom and Louis are both single, studying for degrees in architecture so, you know…you get brains as well as beauty.” They both eyed me curiously as I stood next to her. “And I happen to know that Louis is very good with his tongue,” she purred.

  “Oh, bloody hell, Ana. Please stop.” The guy dressed as Thor—going by the red cape and the hammer lying in the sand next to him—pulled a face, his cheeks flushing slightly as he looked up at me. “Ignore her, I beg you.”

  I collapsed onto the blanket next to him as the others fell back into conversation, and he stared down at his beer bottle, picking at the label. “Louis. Good to meet you, Preston. I take it from your accent that you’re not from around here?”

  “Good to meet you, too. And nope.” After placing my own bottle on the sand, I stretched my legs out in front of me and leaned back on my elbows. “US born and bred. Moved over here during the summer.”

  His eyes raked over me appreciatively, and I took the chance to study him. Soft, wavy chestnut hair, warm brown eyes, and a long, lithe body; he might have been my type, once upon a time. Before tonight had happened.

  Before Kian.

  “How are you finding the UK so far? If you’re free this weekend, I could take you to see some of
the sights? There’s a ruined castle up on the cliffs that could be fun to explore. Plenty of hidden nooks to get up close and personal.”

  My attention was temporarily diverted by someone’s gaze boring holes into the side of my skull. Turning my head, my eyes met a pair of pale green ones that were darkening with anger as he stared at me sitting with Louis.

  Raising a challenging brow, I cocked my head at him. He glared at me before dropping his gaze to the sand.

  I suppressed the disappointment rising in me as I returned my attention to Louis. “I’m not interested in dating anyone right now. But if you wanna hang out as friends, I’m all for it.”

  “If friends is all you’re offering, I’ll take it. Shame, though,” he murmured. His voice dropped and he leaned closer to me. “I could’ve shown you my legendary tongue skills.”

  There was silence for a beat, and then we both started laughing at the same time.


  I stopped mid-laugh, bolting upright to see Kian towering over me. His face was a carefully blank mask, but his eyes…I could see the turmoil in them.

  “What do you want, Kian?” I played it casual.

  “Can I speak to you?”

  “Sounds like you already are.” Staring up at him, I couldn’t help taunting him with my words.

  “Fucking forget it,” he muttered. Turning on his heel, he stalked away in the direction of the cliff face.

  “Awkward.” Louis fake-coughed from next to me.

  For fuck’s sake. “I’d better go after him.” Climbing to my feet, I addressed the group. “Great meeting you guys. Catch you later.” They gave me friendly nods and waves, and I smiled before heading towards the cliffs.

  Up ahead, I saw Kian slip through the rock arch and disappear from sight. I increased my pace, not wanting to lose him out here on this darkened stretch of beach.

  “Kian,” I called out as I ducked through the archway and onto the small sliver of beach on the other side. “Kian?”

  A dark shadow materialised from the rock face, and then I was pushed back against the cliff, and Kian’s lips descended on mine, hard and hungry.


  Preston froze in shock for a second but recovered almost instantly. His smoothly shaven skin grazed against my own rough stubble as our mouths collided, his lips confidently stroking over mine, firm and sure.

  From the first taste, I wanted more.

  I attacked him with aggressive need, my lust for him out of control now I’d stopped fighting against it. My cock was like steel against his rigid length as we ground our bodies against one another.

  “Fuck.” I tore my mouth away, my heart pounding. “Preston.”

  “You want to stop?” He stared at me, doubt entering his hypnotic blue eyes.

  “Fuck, no.”

  “Good. Because I want to do this.” He gripped my jaw and brought my face to his. Sparks of heat shot straight to my dick as he dragged his tongue over my lip piercing, then took my bottom lip between his teeth.

  “I’ve been wondering how that lip ring would feel against my cock.”

  The low timbre of his voice sent a shudder of lust through me, and I stifled a groan. Everything he was saying and doing was driving me completely fucking insane.

  “I want you.” I pressed my body into his, my mouth on his neck, sucking hard enough to break the skin and leave my mark there. It wasn’t enough. My hands fumbled at the buckle of his belt as I released my mouth from his neck, panting against him as his hand slid under my clothes, raking his fingers over the ridges of my abs.

  “Kian…fuck.” His tortured moan as I undid his jeans gave me confidence.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m gonna try my hardest to make you feel so fucking good.” I pushed his jeans down and gripped his cock through his boxers.

  He hissed, sinking his teeth into my neck, his control slipping as I gave his cock an experimental stroke. It was kind of weird touching a dick from this angle, but I went with what I knew I liked, figuring he’d tell me if I did anything wrong. Easing down his boxers, I took his cock in my hand again. His hands went to my jeans, but I shook my head. “I want to concentrate. If you touch me, I’m gonna blow my load.”

  He groaned, his head falling back against the rock behind him, and I latched onto his neck again, sucking and licking over his skin as I stroked him up and down, slow and sure. “I’ve never touched another guy’s dick before.”

  A low rumble of laughter escaped him, before he groaned again. “Don’t stop. Damn, Kian. You drive me crazy.”

  “The feeling’s mutual.” Bringing someone else pleasure never felt so good. He thrust up into my hand, and I increased the pace a little. I felt him stiffen, and then he came with a roar, hot jets of cum covering my hand and soaking my hoodie.

  “Shit, sorry.” Breathing heavily, he stared down between us.

  “No big deal.” I shrugged, stepping back from him and tugging my hoodie off. “Use it to clean up if you want.”

  “You’re so sexy.” His eyes trailed down my body, and my cock pounded against my jeans. “Can I touch you?”

  “You’re asking for my permission now, after you not only pinned me up against the wall, twice, but came all over my hand?” I raised a brow, and he gave me a lopsided grin as he buttoned up his jeans.

  “Yeah. Better late than never, huh?”

  Swallowing hard, I stared him straight in the eyes, deadly serious. “I really, really fucking want you to touch me. Show me your skills, Golden Boy.”

  His grin faded. He took the hoodie from my hands, tossing it to the ground. “Get ready to have your mind blown.”

  “I’m hearing a lot of talk, but not seeing any action,” I taunted him, and his eyes darkened as he moved closer. He licked across the metal of my lip ring again, pulling me to him.

  “I can feel how much you want me.” He thrust his hips against mine, both of us breathing hard as he ran his hands down my chest and over my abs, stopping at the top of my jeans. His fingers made quick work of undoing them, and finally, he freed my aching cock, and wrapped his hand around me.

  At his first touch, I groaned, bucking into his hand. “Harder.”

  “How about this instead?” He claimed my mouth with a savage kiss.

  Then, tearing his mouth away from mine, he dropped to his knees in the sand.

  He looked up at me for a moment with a heavy, lustful gaze, before wrapping his lips around my cock. My fingers gripped his short hair as he plunged forwards, taking my entire length into his throat.

  “Oh, fuck.” My balls tightened and I came down his throat, my dick jerking in his mouth as he swallowed everything I gave him.

  He released my cock and straightened up, wiping his mouth as I collapsed back against the rock face on shaking legs. Once I got my breath back, I pulled him to me. “I’ve never…fuck, Preston. I’ve never come so fast in my life. I couldn’t hold out. As soon as you had your mouth on me, it was game over.”

  A slow, satisfied smile spread across his face, and he pressed a kiss to my jaw. “I’ll take it as a compliment. I got you wound up so tightly that you were ready to explode.”

  “Yeah, maybe. Kind of embarrassing, though,” I muttered.

  “Hey, I didn’t last much longer.” His mouth moved to my neck, and he licked across my skin, making me shiver. “That was the best damn hand job I’ve ever had.”


  He raised his head to look at me. “Yeah. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. You drive me crazy, Kian Courtland.” Reaching out his hand, he took mine, and pressed it to the bulge straining against his jeans. “See what you do to me?”

  My own cock stirred as I lightly squeezed him through his jeans, extracting a low moan from his mouth. I leaned closer to him. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, but I don’t want to stop.”

  “Want to come home with me? We’ll have the house to ourselves all night.” He spoke the words against my lips, his voice a suggestive rumble
that had me zipping up my jeans at a record rate and flying over to where my hoodie lay discarded on the sand. I picked it up, shaking the sand off it, and tucked it under my arm. Turning back to Preston, I met his hungry gaze.

  We stared at one another for a long, charged moment.

  “Let’s go.”


  Kian had been silent on the drive back to my house, but when we were standing by my front door, he finally spoke. “I take it you like Halloween?”

  My gaze swept over the front yard—the path lined with pumpkins, the wreath of browns and oranges hanging on the door, and the matching garlands draped across the porch and down the columns on either side.

  “Yeah. This is nothing compared to the decorations we had back home, but we wanted to do something. My mom lives for this stuff; she decorates for all the seasons.” I indicated to the door. “This is her fall wreath. As soon as December comes, she’ll switch it out for the winter wreath. She’s obsessed.” Turning my head, I saw him watching me with an odd expression. “What?”

  He shook his head, huffing out a laugh. “Nothing. Just the way you call autumn ‘fall’ in your sexy accent…it’s really fucking hot.”

  I stared at him. “Says the guy with the hot British accent. There’s nothing special about the way I speak.”

  “Let’s agree to disagree,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me, and I laughed as I turned away from him to unlock the door.

  “Sure. Come on in. You want a drink or anything?” Stepping through the door and into the hallway, I dropped my keys into the bowl and pulled off my hoodie. “Kian?”

  Strong arms came around me from behind, and Kian’s breath fell across my earlobe. “Why don’t we skip the polite talk and you show me your bedroom?”

  Damn, when he spoke to me that way…I’d do anything he asked.


  Closing my bedroom door behind us, I turned to him. He stood against the wall, worrying at his lip ring.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”


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