Dead World Rising (Book 1): Staying Human

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Dead World Rising (Book 1): Staying Human Page 22

by Petrova, Katerina

  I felt him grow hard, as I pressed myself against him. He moaned as I kissed my way down his body, his ginger chest hair tickling my face. Jensen sent shivers down my spine as he stroked my skin, I rose to my feet and pulled him by his hand over to the bed. I felt as though I were a cat in heat, I wanted nothing more than to take him right there, but I feared we weren't ready.

  'Are you alright?' He asked gently.

  'Yeah, I just want to make sure you're ready for this,' I said nervously.

  'I love you, I've been ready since the moment I laid eyes on you,' he replied lovingly. I pulled him on to the bed and jumped under the covers, where he joined me. My body tingled as he reached up to play with my nipples, I moaned as my hand slid down his body and found his hardness. As I'd never been intimate with a man I didn't know if it was big or not, but it was certainly more than a handful. I could feel it pulsing in my hands, he pulled away from me after a few moments and climbed on top of me. I lay there moaning as he kissed my breasts, it had been too long since I'd felt this kind of burning passion. It felt painful at first as he entered me but the pain only lasted a few moments, I wrapped my arms around him as he thrust. Our rhythms matched as we moved in synch with each other, I could feel my body building as it let loose with an earth shattering orgasm.

  'I love you,' I moaned.

  'I love you too,' he murmured.

  I let the feeling ecstasy overtake me as I spiralled into that black void that is la petite mort, the little death of orgasm.

  I was awakened in the morning by a rather panicked Izzy shouting the place down.

  'Walker herd, heading this way!' She screamed. I jumped out of bed and shoved my clothes on as fast as I could, grabbing my knife I ran over to Izzy and asked her to show me the herd. We raced to the keep, looking out from on top of it I could see for miles around.

  'Help, someone help us. Let us in!' Shouted a panicked voice from below. I looked down to see a group of about ten survivor's banging on our door, as the herd loomed in the distance. I could see the hungry corpses clawing their way forward, trying aimlessly to get to their food source. The walkers would be here before long, given their speed I guessed they'd reach us within fifteen minutes.

  'Izzy let them in, I'm going to grab the others,' I told her sternly. I ran back down to the second floor to find the others groggily getting up, I yelled at them to move and hearing the panic in my voice they hurried up. I told them to grab as many weapons as possible, I picked up my crossbow and couple of daggers making sure I was well prepared.

  'What's wrong?' Jensen asked worriedly.

  'There are some people at our door, who are running from a horde of corpses,' I told him urgently.

  'How big is the horde?' Tamara asked panicked.

  'There's a few hundred if not more,' I replied. 'Shit, what are we going to do?' Finn piped up.

  'We can't fight them in the castle, it's too much of an enclosed space. Jensen go down to Izzy and tell her to lead the people out the side entrance, everyone else follow me,' I ordered. I raced down to the side entrance and looked outside, it looked clear from that side. Izzy must have let us sleep in, given how high the sun was in the sky. The others raced through the door down the hill, while I waited for Izzy to bring the survivor's in. I had no idea how we were going to survive this, even if we locked the main door the dead would still eventually get to it. There was nowhere else nearby that would give us safety from that many dead ones, our only hope was to fight and pray to the Goddess that we made it out alive.

  I was starting getting worried that Izzy was taking so long, she had to hurry up otherwise I'd have to leave. I could see the others at the bottom of the hill weapons at the ready, just then I saw Izzy running towards me followed by almost a dozen people.

  I ran out the door and down the hill to the others, followed immediately by Izzy and the survivor's. Just as I reached the bottom of the hill I could see the first wave of dead spilling out of the tiny side door, I looked nervously at my family to see they all shared my worry. We looked at each other and nodded, we'd fight together until the end even if that end happened to be now.

  Some of the corpses still had enough leg muscles to be able to run down the hill, others however seemed to almost roll down. As a few dozen walkers cascaded down the greenery, Tamara, some of the other survivor's and I readied our crossbows. Luckily we all had different targets, seven different arrows shot through the air all thankfully reaching their target right where intended.

  I saw in the other group there was an equal number of men and women though I was too preoccupied to take notice of anything else, I saw some of the biters trip over those we had killed. As Izzy and the other group were nearer, they took out the first wave, Tamara and I used our crossbows to help. Looking up at the door I could see more corpses trying to claw their way out of the tiny space, almost twenty had been taken out but I still didn't think we'd have a chance in hell of taking out over a hundred of them, with just sixteen of us.

  We all ran to the waters edge as a large portion of the dead spiralled down the hill, before I knew what was happening I was knee deep in the water fending off a couple of corpses who were trying make a meal of out me. I managed knock one down long enough to stab the other one, I stomped on the one I'd knocked down until I felt my foot go through it's head. I looked up for a moment to see everyone else fighting their own biters, Jensen was having trouble though. I ran through the water back on to land, Jensen was surround by four walkers and I got there just in time to stop one from biting him. I grabbed two of them by what little hair they had left and smashed their heads together until I felt their brains spill down my hands, Jensen had managed to take out the other two.

  'You okay?' I asked worryingly.

  'Yeah, oh shit looks like Tamara and Finn could use some help,' he replied as he rushed off towards them. Finn and Tamara were further up, near the vibrant forest that surrounded the castle. Me and Jensen raced towards them, as a dozen walkers broke off from the bulk of the horde and shuffled towards them. I threw Tamara an extra knife that I had concealed in my boots.


  'Thanks,' she called back. The four of us stood in a small circle with our backs to each other the dead surrounded us, somehow I still had my crossbow strapped around me. I took out three of the corpses with it, leaving another dozen to fend off between us. I stabbed one that got too close to me, while the others were trying to deal with some.

  'We can't take them all,' I shouted.

  'Where else can we go?' Finn replied. I quickly looked around, if we ran through the woods we'd end up back at the top next to the main entrance. There might be a chance that we could fight the back of the horde up there, there's no way we could get back in the car as there wasn't enough room for everyone.

  'Let's get back to the main entrance, we can fight the rest from there,' I yelled as I started to run. I felt panicked, I was worried about Izzy and Jillian but I had to keep going. After everything I'd lived through in the last five years, I refused to let this be my end. I was starting to feel tired but I pushed it aside and carried on running, once I was far enough away from the majority of corpses, I turned to shoot a few who had gotten too close with my crossbow.

  'Come on, hurry,' I shouted to the others.

  Luckily for us there were some stone stairs that led up to where the front door was, I checked to make sure that the others were behind me then raced inside the castle.

  'Quick help me lock the door,' I told them.

  It wouldn't keep them out for long, but it might just be long enough for us to take care of the ones near the side exit.

  'What do we do now?' Finn asked concernedly. 'This isn't going to keep them out for long,' Tamara said franticly. 'Hopefully there won't be too many near the side exit, we can take them out and get back outside to help the others,' I told them.

  It's a good a plan as any,' Jensen replied. They nodded in agreement, we walked towards the side door tiptoeing as we got closer. We reached the kitche
n and I peered round the corner to see about twenty walkers trying to get out, I smiled thinking that we could handle twenty. I crept back around to the others and told them.

  'We can deal with twenty,' I said quietly.

  Finn looked nervous, Tamara just nodded.

  'What about when we've taken care of them?' Jensen asked in a hushed voice.

  'We go find Jillian and Izzy, then get the hell out here,' Finn urged.

  'No, we need to find those other people first,' I told him.

  'Why?' He asked confused.

  'Because we don't leave people behind, not only if we save them they'll owe us one and we can do with as much muscle as possible when rescuing the others,' I replied strongly.

  'She's got a point laddie,' Tamara said quietly.

  'Alright then, let's go,' Finn answered nervously.

  I motioned for Tamara to take front with me, I gave Jensen my crossbow and Tamara gave Finn hers.

  'Cover us,' I told them. Tamara and I crept up behind the walkers to stab a couple of them while the guys got to work shooting. I fell into a sort of frenzy as I slashed my way through them, I kicked one out the way causing it to fall into the rest of them. They all fell down making our job of killing them that much easier, I saw Tamara stab one just as I dodged one of the guys arrows.

  'Hey, be careful you almost got me,' I hissed at them. 'Sorry,' they both said.

  I turned just in time to dodge a walker that lunged at me, I ducked causing it crash into the wall. Before I had a chance to get it, Jensen shot at it.

  'Looks like we got them all,' Tamara announced happily.

  'Everyone alright?' I asked wiping the blood off me.

  'I'm just a little sore, but I'm okay,' Jensen said tiredly.

  'Same here,' Finn chimed in.

  'Aye, I could do with a bath,' Tamara complained.

  'Couldn't we all,' I laughed. I looked outside the door to find that about fifty of the corpses were down near the water, I couldn't see Jillian but I saw Izzy and five of the other survivor's. I didn't have time to wonder where the rest of them were, I just hoped that Jillian was alright.

  'Come on, we've still got work to do,' I told them. They groaned but followed my lead, I knew how they felt I wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. I raced down the hill a little too fast, I tripped on a large rock and went flying downwards. I tried to grab hold of something but couldn't, I continued to spiral down the hill. I could hear Jensen and the others calling me, but I didn't stop until I was faced down in the lake. I held my breath as I landed in the surprisingly deep water, I pushed myself up but was pushed down by biter trying to get me. I scrambled for my knife as my eyes tried to adjust to seeing underwater, everything was blurry but I could make out the shape of the corpse that was after me.

  I couldn't find my knife so I settled for head butting it, which as I was under water was completely futile. I felt someone pull it away from me, allowing me turn around and get my head above water. I pushed myself out of the water, letting the fresh air fill my lungs. A strong scent of lavender lingered in the air, I turned to see my saviour.

  She stood at 6'4, with long flaming red hair that fell past her shoulders, eyes of emerald green; skin the colour of the moon in it's fullness. Her body was mosaic, covered in the most beautiful pictures. In the midst of the battle of my life stood Nikkita, my first love.

  I didn't have time to think, only to fight the wave of corpses still in our way. I found my knife, it was stuck blade down in the grass on the edge of the water, I grabbed it before engaging with a corpse that was lunging for Jensen. I buried my feelings of confusion and uncertainty as I plunged my knife into the biters head, I looked at Jensen who smiled at me, before kicking another walker out of his way.

  I knew I'd seen her, yet I could not believe what my eyes were telling me. It was impossible, she was long dead, I'd been told that by Andi and Bob all those months ago.

  'Where's Jillian?' I shouted to my friends.

  'I'm here,' I heard her voice from under a pile of corpses. I raced to her side, pleading silently with the universe to let her be unharmed. I moved the bodies from on top of her only to find that my friend, our only medic had bites that covered the length of her dark arms, not to mention a pretty nasty gaping wound on her cheek.

  'They got me, I'm sorry,' she said almost crying.

  'Don't be, your not dead yet, can you still fight?' I asked trying to not sound upset.

  For a moment she just looked at me as if searching my face for sadness, then she smiled and nodded.

  'I'm not going down without a fight, just do me a favour,' she asked kindly.

  'Anything,' I told her.

  'Tell Cammi and Gail, I love them,' I could see the tears in her eyes as she spoke.

  'I promise, now let's get those undead bastards,' I said determinedly. Jillian still had her knife, I watched as she rose to her feet, her face a mask of forceful determination. My friend was going to die, the fact that I could do nothing to prevent it made my heart ache.

  Even though I was a good six inches taller than her, we stood shoulder to shoulder as we raced into battle. In some ways it didn't matter what happened to Jillian as she was already dead, but I would not let her suffer more than she had to. We tackled a few corpses together, watching triumphantly as they fell beneath our blades. I couldn't wrap my head around how sixteen people had managed to overcome a hundred walkers, not that we'd won yet by any means, but our prospects were good.

  'Frankie, watch out!' I heard Nikkita shout from afar. I turned to find a biter who'd had it's legs cut off, crawling towards me. It was almost upon me when Nikkita shouted, I shoved my black, steel boots through its head, feeling the squelch of its brains beneath my feet. I gave her a look of gratitude before returning to the fight, Jillian had punched through a corpses head, I could see the black blood spilling down her arm. I took a quick look around the battlefield to find that we'd decimated over three quarters of the dead, I could see Jensen, Tamara and Finn holing their own against a group of ten walkers. Nikkita's friends were finishing the ones nearest to them while Nikkita and Izzy fought side by side to obliterate the five the surrounded them.

  I kicked a corpse that had advanced on me while Jillian fought her way through a small cluster, not caring that she got bit a few more times. I fought back the tears as I slashed through another biter, this would be Jillian's last day on earth. I felt the sun blazing down on me as finished off the last few walkers nearby, I saw that everyone else was just about done so I plopped down on the soft, bloody grass to catch my breath and take in everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. It was only when Jensen and Nikkita came face to face that my heart sank and my mind became filled with questions.

  Where had she been all this time? How had she survived? What was she doing here? And most importantly, what did her return mean for me and Jensen?




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