Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors)

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Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors) Page 3

by Maia Starr

  But looking into this woman’s eyes, he wondered if that was true.

  “What is your name?” he asked at last.

  “Jenna Mae,” she said, at last. “Where did you find me?”

  “By the trees,” he said. “I can call anyone you like for you.”

  “No,” she said quickly, pulling her baby closer. He looked down at the small child.

  “What is your baby’s name?” he asked, at last.

  “Cameron,” she said. “His name is Cameron.”

  “My name is Jean-Paul,” he said, at last. “And I want you to know that my only interest is keeping you safe.”

  It seemed like a rather bold statement, but she didn’t react too much to it. She seemed a bit stunned still, and she was shivering.

  “You can stay as long as you like,” he said. “It’s still raining; you can’t possibly go out in this. Is your car salvageable?”

  “I don’t think so,” she said. “It was smoking, which is why I had to get out of it.”

  “How far from here is it?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted it. “I walked for quite a while, and it was so cold and so wet and…”

  “Please,” he said, offering her a blanket. “Don’t worry. My first concern is that you need to be dry and warm. I have a few blankets, and perhaps I can find some dry clothing for you. It’ll be big, but it’ll be warmer than what you have on.”

  She seemed completely torn but she didn’t have a better idea. If she left to go out into the storm, she was pretty sure that she wouldn’t survive out there. And she would never do anything to put Cameron in danger.

  She briefly considered the fact that it was dangerous to stay with a man that she didn’t know. However, he seemed kind, and was keeping his distance.

  And he was ruggedly handsome, a fact that she couldn’t deny. With a long body ripped with muscles, and eyes that seemed to see straight into her soul, she couldn’t bring himself to look away.

  “Ok,” she said, at last, in a small voice. “Thank you.”

  He rustled about the cabin, trying to find some options for her. She pulled the blanket closer as Cameron slowly fell asleep. Jenna Mae knew that it was the middle of the night and she should be exhausted. However, now that she had laid eyes on Jean-Paul, her head was buzzing. Was this a dream? People that handsome didn’t exist.

  “Here,” he said, coming back. He had several oversized sweaters on his arm, and several blankets. “I hope these will suffice. There are curtains around the bed if you’d like to change.”

  She couldn’t believe how kind he was being. She wasn’t used to people being kind to her; certainly not in the past few years. James had pretty much made her cut off anyone she had known and made her conform to a life exactly as he wished.

  “Thank you,” she said again, pulling the curtains tight. She was pretty sure she would never be warm at this point but she needed to change Cameron at least. She had no idea what had happened to their bags, or how far they were from the tree that they started at.

  Once she was warm and dry, her mood increased. She even thought that the rain outside sounded a bit more pleasant rather than apocalyptic.

  “So, what do you do out here?” she asked once she had emerged and placed Cameron on the bed. She still felt dizzy, but it was a big change from dripping wet and freezing. “Do you own this cabin?”

  “It’s one of a couple of places I own,” he replied. “I spend about half my time here.”

  “You must really like nature,” she said. “Or do you hunt or something?”

  “I do like nature,” he said. “I find that I can be myself here, rather than...confined to what society asks.”

  “I think I understand that,” she said. “Society...judges a lot of things.”

  “Yes,” he said. “Exactly. So, can I get you some food?”

  It was as if all the kindness suddenly hit her. Jenna Mae felt tears trickling through her eyes, and they caught her off guard. Jean-Paul looked shocked and completely unsure of what to do.

  “Uh...have I done something wrong?” he asked. “Are you in pain?”

  “No, no, I’m sorry,” she wiped the tears from her eyes. “I just... Sorry, I’ve had a rough time lately.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” he said. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Food is a good idea,” she answered, and he nodded.

  He wasn’t the best cook, mostly because he was used to people doing things for him. When he lived in the height of society, he had servants. But here, in the cabin, living half as a bear, he was on his own.

  He did have some things in the small kitchen, and he prepared a meal for her of dried meat and a small salad. It wasn’t fancy, but she downed it like she hadn’t eaten in weeks.

  “What is it you do?” she asked him, as she finished chewing. “Do you work or…?”

  “I do many things,” he answered, with a shrug. “This is usually my time to recharge, as one would say.”

  “I’m sorry if we are intruding,” she replied.

  “No, no,” he said. “I couldn’t leave you out there in the rain.”

  “Well that’s very decent of you,” she said, the tears catching in her throat again.

  “You can stay on the bed,” he said. “And we can call whoever you like in the morning.”

  “Thank you,” she said, not wanting to venture into the fact that there was no one to call. “But where will you sleep?”

  “I have a few things to do,” he answered. “And then I can sleep in the chair. I’ve done it more than once.”

  “I feel bad,” she said, and he shook his head.

  “Don’t,” he replied. “You have your baby to concern yourself with. Everything will be fine for the night.”

  “Well, thank you very much,” she answered, and he cleared the dishes away. He tried not to glance back at her, because he knew he would feel that electric shock feeling again. His hands were shaking because of what he felt when he looked into her eyes. She eventually got up and headed to the bed. He could hear her yawning, and he waited until the curtain was closed before he turned around.

  This couldn’t be right. This small human with a child in her arms couldn’t be his mate. It would produce so many complicated situations if she were his fated mate, meant to rule at his side.

  He didn’t know anything about her, but he always pictured that his fated mate would be an obvious queen, strong and regal. She was petite and timid. And the fact that her baby wasn’t his was also going to present a problem when it came to inheriting the throne.

  For now, though, she was headed to sleep, and he could focus on just keeping her safe from whatever she had been running from. He had no idea what her story was, but he knew that whatever it was, he could protect her.

  Chapter Four

  When Jenna Mae awoke, she had no idea where she was. She sat up with a start, flashes of the last few days coming to her like a thunderstorm. She remembered the rain and the car crash, and then she remembered feeling very safe.

  There was a man, Jean-Paul. She remembered waking up in the very bed she was in, and she remembered eating a light meal.

  Cameron was asleep beside her, very soundly. It surprised her because he normally didn’t sleep through the night. However, they’d had quite the adventure.

  Jenna Mae couldn’t remember the last time that she woke up feeling safe. She remembered running from James, and that she could never go back.

  She put her head on her knees, breathing quickly.

  What if James had followed her? What if he showed up at the door? What if he wanted to hurt her again?

  She gripped her fist and tried to get her breathing under control.

  When she pulled the curtain back, she was surprised to find her bags on the floor in front of her. They were still wet, clearly having been retrieved recently.

  Jean-Paul was in his small kitchen, mostly staring out the window. When she put her feet on the floor, he turned aroun
d with a smile.

  “Hello,” he said, gently.

  “Hello,” she said, with a smile. “Good morning?”

  “Good morning,” he said. “How did you sleep?”

  “I slept alright,” she said. “Although I was a bit confused where I was. Did you get my bags?”

  “I did,” he said. “I realized that you would probably need some things in them.”

  “Yes, for Cameron,” she said. “But I think that everything is going to be wet. Is there somewhere I can hang it? Do you have a blow dryer?”

  “I don’t have a blow dryer,” he said, with a smile. “But you can hang things wherever you can find a place.”

  “Right,” she said. “I will have to feed Cameron as soon as he wakes up. He’s mostly breastfed, and I’ve bought some formula...but…”

  “Whatever you need,” he said. “There’s a general store about ten miles from here that is pretty well stocked. I can get it for you.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she said, her voice faltering. Jenna Mae knew, however, that she didn’t really have another option. “I could…”

  “Please don’t feel like you have to rush out of here,” he said. “I had a look at your car when I went to get the bags. You hadn’t gone far from it, but you are right: it is totaled.”

  “I’ll have to call insurance and arrange a tow,” she said, feeling like it was overwhelming. “But I don’t want to because what if he…”

  “He?” Jean-Paul paused. He had a suspicion that she was running from a man, but he didn’t want to assume.

  “He,” Jenna Mae said, softly. “He…”

  He could tell that she didn’t want to talk about, and he held out a hand.

  “It’s ok,” he said. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  “No,” Jenna Mae took a deep breath. “I should. After all, you were so kind to me. You should know what kind of situation I’m involved in.”

  “If you feel comfortable,” he replied, pausing.

  “I mean, I suppose it’s not that complicated or that unique of story,” she said. “Cameron’s father was my boyfriend. He was abusive, and I couldn’t take it any longer. He put Cameron in danger.”

  “Did he harm your child?” Jean-Paul asked, and she shook her head.

  “No,” she replied. “But he harmed me when I had Cameron in my arms. I almost dropped him or smashed into a wall.”

  “That is unacceptable,” Jean-Paul answered. “What kind of man does that? What was wrong with him?”

  His level of anger surprised Jenna Mae and she smiled despite herself.


  “Why were you with him?” Jean-Paul asked.

  “I thought I loved him,” she said, quietly. “And then I thought I owed him something. He was ...kind at first. Intoxicating. Enchanting. All the things that people tell you when they first fall in love. And then I got pregnant, and I felt like I couldn’t leave him. He was the father of my child, and I wasn’t working and…”

  “I’m sorry that you felt you had to stay,” Jean-Paul said. “Was there no one that could help you?”

  “That’s the thing,” Jenna Mae answered. “He cut me off from all my friends and family, one by one. I…” she took a deep breath, trying not to cry. “When I thought about who I could call for help, I realized there was no one I had talked to recently. My whole life became about Cameron and about keeping James happy.”

  “If I knew you and I found out that something like that was happening, I would have ripped him apart.”

  His anger touched her, and she sat in one of the two chairs at the kitchen table.

  “I’m not keeping you from work or anything, am I?”

  “No,” he said. “Not unless someone turns up and needs something from me again.”

  “What would they need?” she asked nervously, and he realized that he had to give her a little more of an explanation than what he had already said.

  “When I live in the city, I run quite a few companies,” he lied. “So despite the fact that I’m all the way out here, they sometimes seek me out.”

  “Have they not considered just sending a text message?” she asked, and he laughed.

  “Apparently not,” he replied, going back to breakfast. “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes,” she said, leaning back on the chair. “Thank you so much, for everything.”

  “I really don’t mind,” he assured her. “It’s lonely out here sometimes.”

  “Isn’t that what you want?” she asked. “A bit of seclusion?”

  “I want both,” he said. “At the same time.”

  “Isn’t that the human condition?” she answered, with a soft smile.

  They got along very well for strangers who had just met. She felt completely safe with Jean-Paul, and she admitted to herself that she was at least allowed to enjoy how handsome he was. She often scolded herself when she was with James for even noticing someone else. She felt like she was a bad girlfriend when she so much as noticed another man. And if James ever noticed that she was looking at anyone else, he would make sure to express his displeasure.

  Jenna Mae spent the morning hanging up her clothing that was wet from the rain and then tried to get her phone to start up so that she could call someone about her car. Cameron awoke happy, which surprised her. Normally, he was quite fussy in the morning, and she expected him to be fussier after such an eventful night. However, he seemed completely comfortable in Jean-Paul’s house, looking around at all the new things.

  Jean-Paul offered to help her where he could, but he disappeared for a good chunk of the afternoon outside. Jenna Mae thought it was to give her some space, but he also looked more peaceful when he walked back in the door. She assumed that he had gone for a walk, or perhaps a run, and he had three fish swung over his shoulder on a rope.

  “Did you catch those?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said. “Is that alright? Do you eat fish?”

  “I do,” she said. “I love fish. I just...I’ve never seen anyone walk in the door with fresh fish before.”

  He smiled.

  “Have you lived your whole life in the city?”

  “Pretty much,” she replied. “My parents live in the suburbs, if that counts.

  “Where would you prefer to live?” he asked. “If you could live anywhere?”

  “Oh,” she said. “I’ve never thought of that. Maybe a small town?”

  “A small town?” he asked with a smile. “Nowhere in particular?”

  “No,” she said. “Just a small town where everyone knows each other and supports each other. Maybe the English countryside or something. ”

  He fell quiet for a moment.

  “Is that where you were heading when you crashed?”

  “Not as far away as England, but a small town, yes,” she said, softly. “The truth was, I didn’t know where I was going. I just had to get away from James.”

  “Did this just happen last night?” he asked, and she nodded. “I didn’t realize it was so soon. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s ok,” she said, as she bounced Cameron in her arms. “I just...I’m glad to be away from it. Although I have no idea how I’m going to pay for my car to be fixed.”

  “What did they say?” he asked her.

  “I don’t even know what I’m going to do,” she said. “My phone is still wet, so…”

  “Here,” he handed his over without a second thought. “This is just the one I use when I’m out here. I have another.”

  Her mouth dropped.

  “Are you me your phone?” she asked, in shock.

  “Really, it’s nothing,” he said. “I get quite a few phones through work, for various purposes, and then they don’t take them back.”

  “I don’t know how I am ever going to repay you,” she answered, and he shrugged.

  “Focus on getting things fixed first,” he said. “And then we’ll focus on the rest.”

  Jenna Mae
began to dial the numbers she needed, and Jean-Paul tried not to listen in as she made the calls. It only took a few minutes before Jenna Mae was in tears again.

  “No, please,” she said. “It is my name on there...I need… please, it’s my car.”

  He tried to break in, but she turned around, trying to talk the insurance agent into listening to her. Eventually, she hung up the phone, tears pouring down her face.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “James has taken the car out of my name,” she said.

  “Is it your car?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said. “I mean, I paid for it before James was working, but it was a joint account and…”

  “It’s ok,” he said, trying not to let his anger get the best of him. “It’s ok. Give me the number that you called and your account number. I’ll fix it.”

  “How?” she asked. “I mean, it’s done. They said that there’s nothing they could do and James has to call in…”

  “Please, let me call,” he said. “I will fix this for you. I promise.”

  Jenna Mae was at the end of her rope and handed over the phone, trying to wipe her tears away. Jean-Paul got the information from her and walked outside.

  Jenna Mae sat down in the chair again, putting her head in her hands. Cameron was napping, and she wished she could do the same: sleep her day away. She didn’t want to face any of this. She couldn’t believe that James was doing this to her. She had no doubt that her credit cards and phone also wouldn’t work. James had joint accounts with her on everything, and she had a feeling that he wasn’t going to release anything to her until she came back to him.

  And she had no doubt that he would kill her if she came back to him.

  She had no idea what to do.

  “There,” Jean-Paul came back in eventually, handing her the phone. “They will send a tow truck for your car and call you from there. But when I sent them the pictures, they said that it was written off likely, and they’d deposit a check right into your account. They said it’ll take longer because we are rural but in the next couple of days. I told them it was no rush, that you were safe and you didn’t need it ASAP.”


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