Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors)

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Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors) Page 5

by Maia Starr

  He walked the area for a few more minutes, but there were no other clues he could come up with. Making sure he was alone, he forced his transformation back before he was ready. If there were wolf shifters in the area, he needed to get back to Jenna Mae.

  He made sure that every ounce of fur and teeth were gone before he walked back to the cabin. It had started to rain again, and he knew Jenna Mae would be afraid.

  When he came in the door, he found her huddled on the bed with Cameron in her arms. She jumped when he came in the door, but smiled, trying to relax.

  “Hi,” she said, softly. “Did you have a nice walk?”

  “I did,” he said, trying to erase his previously stressful thoughts. It wasn’t hard to do when she was smiling at him. “I’m sorry I had to leave you alone.”

  “It’s ok,” she said. “Cameron and I had a little sing-along. And no more phone calls.”

  “That’s good,” he said, sitting on a nearby chair. To his surprise, Jenna Mae patted the bed beside her. Carefully, as if she were a frightened deer, he accepted her invitation. “I don’t expect there will be.”

  “When do you have to go back to the real world?” she asked him. He raised an eyebrow.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You keep talking about your company and that this is your escape. I expect that you cannot stay escaped forever.”

  “Oh,” he said, with a shrug. “Whenever I want. I guess whenever you’re ready.”

  “I…” she took a deep breath. “I’ve been trying to think about that. About the future. About what I’m going to do. But the truth is, I have no idea. I’ve relied on James for so long.”

  “What did you want to do?” he asked her. “Did you have a job, before you got with him?”

  “I did,” she said. “It was nothing, a retail job, but it made me happy. And I thought about going to school for something like that, fashion merchandising or retail management or something. Or even teaching kindergarten. I didn’t realize that I loved children so much until I had Cameron.”

  “Is that what ignites your soul?” he asked, and she smiled.

  “It sounds stupid...but sort of,” she said. “It’s a combination of all the things that make my soul light up.”

  “Then perhaps it’s something you should do,” he said. “At least look into it.”

  “I guess I never thought that it was possible, she said. “And I never thought I’d be very good at it.”

  “Who told you that?” he asked and she realized what she was saying.

  “James told me that,” she admitted.

  “Well, I think you can assume that everything he said was untrue,” Jean-Paul replied. “People who love you don’t put you down, Jenna Mae. They do their duty, and they take care of you.”

  “I’ve never met anyone like you,” she said, softly. “But people must tell you that all the time. How come you aren’t happily married with children?”

  “I…” It was hard to make up a story when he knew he was staring into the eyes of his mate. “I guess I haven’t met the right person yet.”

  “I’m sure that the right person is out there for you,” she answered, and he met her eyes.

  This time, their gaze was unbreakable. He wasn’t about to repeat his earlier mistake and frighten her. He fought against his every instinct to not move, to not violate any boundaries that she set out.

  However, it wasn’t Jean-Paul that moved, but Jenna Mae. She leaned in as if pulled by a string and kissed him carefully. She was clearly still skittish, but their kiss sent electricity up and down her spine.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you,” she whispered again. He gave her the gentle kiss on the forehead that he had been saving and then got up, ready to let both of them head to bed. However, she grabbed his wrist as he pulled away.

  “You can stay here,” she said. “The bed is big enough for the three of us. I don’t mean anything by it; it’s always look so tired in the morning. That chair really can’t be comfortable.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked her. “I just want you to be happy and feel safe.”

  “I will feel that way,” she assured him. “If you stay. James’ phone call really shook me up. Please stay.”

  “Of course,” he said, grateful for her invitation. He had been aching to feel the touch of her skin, and her soft hair brushing his face.

  Once he was ready for bed, she shifted over, and he slid under the covers, keeping a healthy distance from her. Despite the fact that he tried to keep half a foot between them, to keep her comfortable, she slid up right next to him, with Cameron between them.

  “Are you sure this is ok?” he asked her, referring to the baby. It was such an odd feeling to have. Normally, there wasn’t a being that Jean-Paul didn’t feel like he could save. He was stronger and mightier than anything that approached him. But in the case of this tiny baby, he was worried that he would hurt Cameron in his sleep.

  “It’s fine,” Jenna Mae said, sleep already taking her. “I trust you.”

  She was gently touching his shoulder, and she yawned, snuggling deeper into his bulk. Jean-Paul normally had an incredibly difficult time sleeping, but this felt like the most comfortable place in the world. He drifted off peacefully, and both of them slept until late morning.

  Chapter Seven

  Their peaceful night was interrupted mid-morning by a knock on the door. Both of them jumped, sitting up quickly as Cameron shrieked, startled. Jenna Mae barely remembered getting up with the baby a few times because it had been so easy to fall back asleep beside Jean-Paul’s safe, strong form.

  Now, as the knock came again, she pulled Cameron closer, her eyes wide with fear.

  “It’s ok,” Jean-Paul told her, although he wasn’t sure that it was. He had no idea who was at the door, and his human senses didn’t give him any insight. “Just stay here, alright?”

  “What if it’s…?” she didn’t have to finish her sentence for him to know exactly what she was talking about.

  “It’s not,” he said. “I promise.”

  The knock came again, and she gasped, pulling on his wrist.

  “Don’t answer,” she begged him. “Please don’t answer.”

  “Jenna Mae,” he said, meeting her eyes. “It’s ok. If there is any danger, I will protect you from it.”

  She leaned back eventually, but it was clear that she was still afraid.

  Jean-Paul took off the covers and moved to the door. He was on his guard, but the hairs on the back of his neck weren’t raised, which told him that perhaps there wasn’t as much danger behind the door as Jenna Mae thought.

  Tensing and throwing open the door, he was prepared for anything to be on the other side.

  Instead, it was a delivery man with a large box.

  “Hello,” he said. “Jean-Paul?”

  “Oh,” Jean-Paul realized. “Wow, I didn’t realize that you guys came all the way out here.”

  “New service,” said the delivery man. “Rural delivery. And you folks are certainly rural.”

  “Do you need me to sign for that or something?” Jean-Paul asked, and the delivery man remembered his job, handing over a tablet. Jean-Paul signed for the package and took it from the man without any struggle.

  Once he got it inside, Jenna Mae felt safer.

  “What is it?” she asked him. “What could you have ordered that was so large?”

  Jean-Paul smiled.

  “It’s for you. I ordered it the first day you were here. I might need it if you were planning to stay for a while.”

  She was confused by that, but grinned, going to open it.

  As soon as she tore open the box, she laughed in delight.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “You really didn’t have to.”

  Inside was a top of the line crib. It was beautiful, with shining white paint and gold edging. She knew such things existed, but she never in her life thought she would have one.

  “Wow,” she said. “I can
’t believe this.”

  “I think Cameron will be more comfortable in this, don’t you?” Jean-Paul asked. “Especially if...we consider continuing our current sleeping arrangement.”

  “This must have been so expensive,” she managed. “I can never repay you.”

  “You don’t have to,” he assured her. “Do you want me to set it up?”

  “Yes, please,” she practically squealed in excitement.

  Jean-Paul had done many things in his life. However, setting up a crib wasn’t one of them. It took him quite a few tries, but he eventually managed to get everything set up and stable. Putting it in the corner, near the big bed, he pulled back the curtains to let some light in. Jenna Mae put Cameron in as soon as it was ready. The smile on her child’s face told her that they had made the right choice.

  “I wonder if…” he shifted in the box and eventually pulled out a smaller package. “Oh good, they sent them both at once.”

  Buying a crib and a mobile without being asked was more than James had ever done for his child. Jenna Mae threw herself on Jean-Paul, covering him with kisses. He laughed, kissing her back.

  Every time he thought he had lived a perfect moment, she managed to top it.

  “Thank you,” she said, gazing into his eyes.

  “If it makes you stay a little longer,” he said, placing his hands gently on her waist, “then I’m happy for it.”

  It seemed her gratefulness for his hospitality extended past the moment the crib had been delivered. That night, with Cameron sleeping peacefully in the crib, her attitude was different when she invited him into the bed. She traced her fingers lightly over his arms and placed her lips on his neck.

  He shuddered in pleasure as she kissed him.

  “Jenna Mae,” he said, half in a moan. “Be careful.”

  “Why?” she pulled back, meeting his eyes. “Is this ok?”

  “It is ok…” he started. “But I’m afraid that I won’t be able to control myself if you keep going. And I want you to feel comfortable.”

  “I do feel comfortable,” she said. “And safe. And welcome. You don’t understand how long it’s been since I’ve felt these things.”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” he said. “I want you to know that. Don’t feel like you have to anything.”

  “I know,” she said. “You have made me feel so safe and so...full of agency. I know that this is my choice. The truth is, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you for the past few days. And I feel loved. I need to be touched.”

  His breath came quickly as she said that.

  “I can do that,” he said, starting to responded to her kisses. He felt his need grow hot in his pants, and he shifted so that she was brushing up against it. “If that’s what you need.”

  “What do you need?” she asked. “What can I do to make you feel good?”

  “I...” he bit her lip gently. “I need you. I’ve needed you since I first saw you.”

  Jenna Mae had sworn to herself that she would never again sleep with another man. She really thought that part of her life was over. But at this moment, she couldn’t think of anything she wanted more than Jean-Paul’s body under hers.

  Perhaps falling in love, or at least in lust, wasn’t so bad after all. Perhaps there was another chance for her.

  She didn’t know if Jean-Paul was her Mr. Right, but she did know that she needed him desperately at the moment.

  She was careful to stay quiet as she pulled off her shirt, revealing small curves and a toned figure. Despite having a child, she had bounced back to the naturally petite shape she had been in before. He sucked in his breath when he saw her half-naked in front of him, trying to resist the urge to take her then and there.

  They began to kiss again, her full weight lying on him. Jenna Mae’s body was lithe against his, and he ran his hands up and down her small curves, marveling at every inch. She was perfect in his mind. Their hearts were beating rapidly, but in sync, and she started to squirm against him as she felt a fire ignite between her legs. She couldn’t resist him much longer. She needed him inside of her, and she needed it now. She had never felt so lustful, even at the height of her relationship with James.

  He pulled off his shirt as well, and the bare skin contact made them both moan, despite their attempts to stay quiet.

  “Do you want me?” she asked him in a soft teasing tone.

  “Oh God,” he replied. “Yes, I want you. I’ve wanted you from the moment that I saw you.”

  “What do you want to do to me?” she asked.

  “I want to do many things to you,” he answered. “Mostly, I want to make you scream.”

  “We can do that,” she replied. “But I’m not…”

  “You’re not what?” he inquired.

  “I never...finished, with James,” she replied. “I wanted to. I wanted to desperately. But I never could.”

  “Oh my dear,” he said, flipping her over. “Don’t think for a moment that I can’t make you cum hard.”

  Before she could say anything, he pulled her skirt down, revealing lacy black underwear. She felt like she was dripping wet already, but when he touched her, she got even wetter.

  “Oh baby,” he said. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you? Nice and wet, just the way I like it.”

  “Please take it slowly,” she said. “It’s been awhile.”

  Trying to listen, but desperate with need, he inserted one finger into her, and then a second, letting them sit inside her for a moment before he began to thrust. She groaned as he went slowly in and out of her, carefully watching her face in case she was in any pain. Her face, however, only reflected pure pleasure. She threw her head back, closing her eyes as she began to move to the rhythm of his fingers.

  “Do you like that?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Oh yes, oh God, please don’t stop.”

  “I can give you more if you want?” he teased her, picking up the pace a little bit. She was starting to clench around him, her body rocking with waves of pleasure. “Do you want more?”

  “Yes,” she gripped his forearm as he thrust harder into her. “More, please give me more. More.”

  He stopped, making her whimper, but it was only to insert a third finger into her. Feeling her pussy stretch made her shudder, and when he began to thrust again, she couldn’t contain herself any longer.

  “Oh God, I’m going to cum,” she said. “I’m going to cum so hard. Don’t stop; please don’t stop.”

  “Cum for me, baby,” he said. “Cum on my hand.”

  It didn’t take long to build to her climax. He felt her clench again and then she pulled the pillow over her head, screaming into it.

  Her entire body shuddered, and she went limp after a few moments, the waves of pleasure overtaking her. When she finally removed the pillow from her head, she looked bleary-eyed at him, dazed and delirious.

  “That was so good,” she managed, her chest still heaving. “But what about you?”

  His erection was rock hard, standing straight up through his pants. Despite his need, he was gentle, stroking the side of her face.

  “If that’s what you want,” he said.

  “I want you inside me,” she replied. “I want you deep inside of me.”

  “If you keep talking like that, you’re going to make me cum,” he answered. “Right here.”

  “No,” she unzipped his pants, guiding his cock closer to hers. “Inside me.”

  Jenna Mae had been on the pill since Cameron was born, and she didn’t think twice about trusting Jean-Paul. He slipped inside of her, and she moaned, a bit too loudly.

  “Oh God,” he said, as soon as he was inside her. “I’m not going to last.”

  “It’s ok,” she said, as their hips began to move in unison. “It’s ok. Cum inside me.”

  He normally prided himself on his stamina. But he was no match for his attraction to Jenna Mae. Within three thrusts, he let out a roar and came in
side of her.

  She came simultaneously, feeling his cum hit her walls. Both of them saw spots, and Jean-Paul fell to one side of her, panting.

  “That was...spectacular,” she said. “Wow.”

  “That’s one word for it,” he said.

  She laughed, rolling over to snuggle with him.

  “It’s been so long since I had a good time during sex,” she said. “Most of the time it was just sort of a grin-and-bear-it situation.”

  He kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m sorry that you had to deal with it,” he said. “You are a queen, and you deserve the best treatment.”

  “I would have settled for just...equal treatment,” she answered. “Or something. Anyway, I’m sorry; I don’t need to harp on about my ex constantly.”

  It was the first time that she had called him her ex, and she paused, letting it hit home. There was a time that she couldn’t imagine a life without James. Now, she couldn’t imagine a life with him.

  “Whatever makes you feel comfortable,” he answered and yawned. “Oh my. What have you done to me?”

  “Bore you, apparently,” she said, and he chuckled.

  “No,” he replied. “But you have shown me that…”

  He cut himself off there. He was about to speak about the fact that she had made him believe in fated mates again, but he realized that wouldn’t make any sense to her.

  As Jenna Mae drifted off to sleep, Jean-Paul lay awake. He was exhausted, but now his thoughts were swirling.

  If she was his fated mate, then she was going to need to know what he was. And if that was the case, he had to decide how to handle it. If he told her and she rejected him, then she was going to have figure out what to do. She couldn’t live away from him and know about shifters.

  It broke his heart, and his earlier sleepier manner disappeared as he watched Jenna Mae peacefully sleep. He hoped that she would accept him for what he was.

  As Jenna Mae snuggled closer, he realized he couldn’t fight sleep any longer. Whatever the issue was, tonight was perfect. He could deal with the real world tomorrow.


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