Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors)

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Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors) Page 12

by Maia Starr

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jean-Paul had waited for what felt like forever to officially call her his wife. But more so than that, he had waited to carry her over the threshold of his house and ravish her as his own.

  They were mated in the eyes of the bears. They were married in the eyes of the humans. Nothing had been more right with the world. When he opened the door to the cabin, carrying her in his arms, she gasped. He’d had the place decorated from top to bottom with a thousand rose petals, soft and silky.

  “Oh my goodness,” she said, looking around. “This is...this is…”

  “This is less than you deserve,” he said, huskily, as he carried her to the bed. “But let’s start with this.”

  The bed was also covered with rose petals, beautiful and bright red. He placed her on the white sheets and began to kiss her.

  Jenna Mae was immediately in the mood, drawing her legs up under her skirts to wrap around his back. Their sex life up until this point had been marvelous, but she had a feeling that tonight was going to be even better.

  She wanted him with her whole body, aching to have him inside of her. As he kissed the top of her breasts and put his strong hands on her sides, she moaned, drawing him in.

  “Please,” she said. “Please don’t wait.”

  “My dear,” he teased. “You normally like to play a little.”

  “I normally do,” she said, bringing him up to look right into his eyes. “But tonight is not a night to play. Tonight, I want you to fuck me and fuck me hard.”

  Those were not words that he had heard her use before. His cock immediately became harder, and he reached down to unbutton his pants. He said a brief prayer of thanks that her wedding dress was not one of those that had a thousand layers of silk and tulle.

  “Are you sure you want it right now?” he asked as he pushed her skirt up and pulled her silk panties down. “Because I could tease you a little bit…” His fingers traced her outer lips, and she moaned. Her thighs were already trembling, and she was soaking wet.

  “Give it to me,” she begged. “Give it to me now.”

  “Oh God,” he said, as his penis sprang free. It was rock hard, and he knew that there was no going back now, even if she asked him to. “What do you want?”

  “I want you inside of me,” she said, meeting his eyes with a fire in hers. “I want you inside me, and I want you to cum.”

  “How do you want me to fuck you?” he teased her with his cock now, putting just the tip inside of her.

  “Fuck me hard,” she begged him. “Don’t stop until I scream.”

  “If that’s what you want, wife,” he replied, “that is what I will give you.”

  And then he plunged deep inside of her.

  Being inside of Jenna Mae always felt like coming home. He fit inside her pussy perfectly, and she arched her hips, moaning as he began to thrust. They no longer needed words to communicate exactly what they needed with each other.

  They found their rhythm quickly, rocking back and forth. The entire bed began to shake, and Jean-Paul’s muscles trembled. Reaching down to pull her skirt up higher, he found resistance in the dress. He needed her to be naked under him at the moment, and he wasn’t going to let anything stand in his way. He pulled on the dress, and it ripped upwards. Neither of them cared as the white dress fell away, revealing her perfect body.

  “Oh God,” he said, as he fell on her, pushing his cock deeper inside of her. “Is that what you want? How does that feel?”

  “It feels so good,” she moaned, her eyes rolling back. “I don’t want you to stop. Don’t stop.”

  “I’m not going to stop until you cum for me,” he said, as he rocked forward. “Cum for me baby. Cum for me.”

  “Tell me how badly you want me,” she begged.

  “I wanted you from the moment I first saw,” he admitted. “You ignited a fire in me that—uh, oh God—a fire I couldn’t ignore. You made me so hard.”

  “Did you want to take me then?” she asked. “That first night?”

  “So much,” he replied. “I…”

  “What?” she asked, her voice hitting a naughty tone. “What did you do?”

  “As soon as you were asleep,” he said, “I found a quiet corner. My cock was rock hard. I couldn’t resist. I was thinking of you and, oh made me cum in my hand, just a few pulls on my cock and I was done.”

  “Good,” she said. “I want you to always want me like that.”

  “There’s not a thing in the world that could make me not attracted to you,” he said, and thrust deep inside of her.

  “Oh God, I’m going to cum,” she moaned. “I’m going to cum. Cum with me. Cum at the same time.”

  “I’ll...try…” he gritted his teeth. He was so close that he wondered if he was going to explode before her. Together, they rocked towards their blinding orgasms, the pleasure so intense that they couldn’t keep their voices down.

  “I’m cumming, oh God,” she cried, and he felt her walls clench around him. It was all he needed to push him over the edge, and he exploded inside of her, letting out a mighty roar.

  Jean-Paul was pretty sure that he saw spots, falling to her side. He felt like he couldn’t think; he couldn’t breathe. He had never had pleasure that intense before.

  Eventually, when he could speak again, he pulled her close.

  “How was that?” he asked.

  “The best,” she said, swinging a naked leg over his. “Tell me that we’re going to do that the rest of our lives.”

  “I promise we are,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  “Do you think,” she asked, in a sultry tone, “we could do it again tonight?”

  “Again?” he laughed. “Woman, you are insatiable.”

  “Kiss me,” she said. “And we’ll see where we get to.”

  He had no idea how many times he made love to her that night. He remembered at least three times, rocking her to orgasm and finding his explosion of pleasure in hers. Eventually, the sun came up, although both of them made no move to leave the bed.

  “Good morning, wife,” he said, kissing her forehead as she shifted.

  “Good morning, husband,” she answered, moving to lie on his chest. “How did you sleep?”

  “Not very much,” he admitted. “Which is just the way I like it.”

  “Mmm,” she said. “I’m pretty used to not sleeping much.”

  “Because of…”

  “Because of Cameron, you dirty…” she gave him a little smack on the chest and he laughed. “We should probably go and pick him up from the babysitter's soon. She’ll wonder what happened to us.”

  “I don’t think anyone will wonder what happened to us on our wedding night,” Jean-Paul answered. “If you know what I mean.”

  “I don’t think I know what you mean,” she pretended, innocently. “I think you need to show me.”

  “Show you?” he asked, running his hand up and down her arm. “Whatever could you mean?”

  It was well past midday by the time they got out of the door. They were holding hands, walking in the sunlight, and discussing something of no consequence when Jenna Mae finally asked the question that had been plaguing her.

  “Are you happy?” she asked.

  “What?” he looked at her like she had lost her mind. “Of course I’m happy.”

  “I’m mean...could you be happy if this was the rest of your life?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said, without hesitation, but she touched his arm.

  “I mean it,” she said. “If there was no...Alpha status ever again.”

  “My dear,” he said, turning to face her. “From the second I met you, I knew I would give up everything to be with you. And I would do it happily. I love you, and you are far more than enough for me. You and Cameron are my world now.”

  “I love you too,” she said, leaning in to kiss him. It had been a long road, but she was grateful for every bump along the way. She didn’t think they’d be who they were or w
here they were without them.

  “Are you happy?” he asked her.

  “Absolutely,” she replied. “As long as you are by my side, I will always be happy.”

  “And I intend never to leave you,” he replied. “So I guess that will be your permanent state of being.”

  “Perfect,” she said with a grin. “Now, let’s go get our son.”


  “Alright, children, can you pack up your things?” Jenna Mae asked, looking around. “It’s time to go home.”

  She was so lucky with her class that all the children were good and responsive. At least, she thought so. But many people also said that she had a natural way with children and that they would listen to her even if they were considered a terror somewhere else.

  Jenna Mae loved working in a kindergarten room while she went to school for her teaching degree.

  Life was so different than a few years ago, and she was quite happy with it. If someone had told her three years ago that she would be happy, in love, living with a husband, and getting her teaching degree, she wouldn’t have believed them.

  If they told her husband would be the former Alpha of the bear pack, and that she would be raising James’s son away from him, because James would be dead, she would have thought it was a nightmare, or perhaps some broken dream.

  Either way, she thought it was all turning out ok. But today, she was incredibly tired. She had been tired for days, and she couldn’t figure out why. She normally loved her job and loved the children she worked with. Each day gave her energy and any energy that she expended came back when she came home to Cameron and Jean-Paul.

  Jean-Paul had gone back to the business he had worked on before, mostly real estate, which explained all the beautiful houses that he had. It seemed that giving up the title was enough for him to be free of whatever crimes the packs thought he had committed.

  What Jenna Mae thought was telling was the fact that the wolves didn’t come after him. She thought it showed how much they knew about James. Even though they took very little action against what he had done, they didn’t accuse Jean-Paul of murder either. They knew what a monster James was, Jenna Mae was sure of it, and it seemed all was now swept under the rug.

  “Miss, Miss, Miss,” one of the children, Dwayne, pulled at Jenna Mae’s arm as he walked out the door. “Can I come over and play with Cameron this weekend?”

  “Sure,” Jenna Mae said with a smile. Dwayne lived across the street, and he often came and played with Cameron, whom he was a year older than. “Just have your mom call me.”

  “Ok,” Dwayne said with a smile. “Happy weekend!”

  “Happy weekend!” she said, stifling a yawn.

  By the time she got home that evening, Jenna Mae felt like she was going to fall asleep at the dinner table. However, she still wanted to make dinner for Cameron, and for Jean-Paul, who was always home an hour after her, having swung by the daycare to pick up Cameron.

  Their life these days was shockingly normal and Jenna Mae preferred it that way. Save for the few times a month Jean-Paul went running in the forest, in his bear form, everything about their day-to-day moments could be taken from any textbook. Their neighbors, although there weren’t many in the small community of cabins, were just like them: young families full of newlyweds and young children, and Jenna Mae took pleasure in the little moments where she felt like she could fit in. She tried to forget the years that she spent cooped up in an apartment, never allowed to go out unless she justified and accounted for every moment she was away. She felt happy, and she felt free.

  Today, however, Jean-Paul’s mood seemed dark when he returned home, with Cameron in his arms. Cameron, however, seemed oblivious to Jean-Paul’s mood and was babbling away at him.

  “Is everything alright?” Jenna Mae asked as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Yeah,” he said. “I’ve just heard some gossip.”

  “Gossip?” she asked, confused. “From where?”

  “From the pack,” he said. “Remy is in over his head, and they are calling for a vote of no confidence.”

  “Well, isn’t that interesting,” she said. “How do you feel about that?”

  “I think I could have told them that all along,” Jean-Paul said with a grin. “However, that’s not really my problem anymore.”

  “That’s true,” she said with a grin and then yawned. “Oh my goodness, sorry! It’s not that you are boring. I’m just so tired.”

  “Well, of course,” he said. “You've worked hard this week and no doubt you have schoolwork to do.”

  “It’s ok,” she said, running a hand through her hair. “I’ll finish making dinner and then…”

  “How about I worry about dinner?” he asked her. “And you worry about relaxing?”

  It was so foreign to the way James used to be with her. She couldn’t believe that he was offering and meant it.

  “Really?” she asked. “I mean...”

  “It’s fine, my darling,” he said. “You go and relax on the couch. Cameron and I will have fun finishing whatever you’ve started. And we’ll do the dishes, won’t we, Cameron?”

  “Yes,” Cameron cried. “Daddy washes and I’ll dry.”

  Hearing Cameron say Daddy warmed Jenna Mae’s heart. She couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if James was here. She had never heard Cameron call James Daddy, and she didn’t want him to. Cameron never needed to know what they escaped. She wanted him only to know happiness.

  “Sounds like fun,” Jenna Mae said. “Dwayne wanted to play with you this weekend, Cameron. Would you like that?”

  “Right now?” Cameron asked, excitedly.

  “Not right now,” Jenna Mae said. “Dinner first and then if his mom hasn’t called, I’ll call her.”

  “Thank you, Mommy!” Cameron said, kissing her knee and then hugging Jean-Paul and running into the living room to play.

  Cameron seemed completely adjusted to their life, and Jenna Mae hopped that he wouldn’t remember the first year of his life. When he asked, she would tell him the good parts of his father and nothing more. She didn’t want Cameron to be dragged into a horror story that would be a generation old.

  If she were honest with herself, she hoped that Cameron would never ask about his father. She hoped that he would accept that Jean-Paul was the man that raised him, and he wouldn’t have a need to search for his biological family.

  “Any other news?” she asked him.

  “None,” he replied. “Just normal work…”

  She cut him off by choking. It had taken her by surprise, and she doubled over, trying not to throw up. Jean-Paul moved forward to touch her arm, immediately concerned.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing, nothing,” she brushed him off. “Sorry, I just felt sick today.”

  “Sick how?” he asked, concerned.

  “I think I’m just overtired,” she said. “I haven't been sleeping very well.”

  “Oh my dear, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

  “It’s not that bad,” she said, and he grinned.

  “Darling, if anyone understands needing more sleep, it’s me. When winter comes, you know how I feel about needing as much sleep as possible.”

  “You think I’m turning into a bear?” she asked. “Hibernate during the winter?”

  “Wouldn’t that be nice?” he replied. “Some people go to warm climates for the winter, but you and I could just sleep it away.”

  “And Cameron would wreck the whole house,” she said. “But he’d be happy at least.”

  She was about to make another joke and then she felt the bile rise in her stomach again. This time, she managed to make it to the bathroom, where she threw up her last few meals.

  It had taken her by surprise, and what got her the most was that she didn’t feel sick. She had felt nauseous and then vomited almost within seconds, which was not in line with the past few times she had been sick. Normally, when she was sick, there was forewarning
for hours that she was going to be violently ill.

  “Are you alright?” Jean-Paul asked, concerned. “What happened? Are you ill?”

  “I don’t know,” Jenna Mae said. “That was so strange.”

  “You really should go lie down,” he said. “Don’t worry about a thing.”

  “I feel much better now,” she said, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He set her up in the bedroom with a book and a cup of tea and told her to relax.

  Jenna Mae thought that she felt better and then she threw up again an hour later. By the time night time came, she felt completely off. She threw up several more times, and she felt dizzy and feverish.

  “Maybe we should call a doctor,” Jean-Paul said after he put Cameron to bed.

  “No,” she said. “I’m fin; it’s probably just a bug…”

  “My darling,” he said. “You look so pale. I’m concerned.”

  “Don’t be,” she said. “They told me that this would happen my first few years of teaching. Children carry a lot of germs.”

  “Alright,” he said, although he didn’t seem satisfied. “Let me know if things get any worse.”

  “I won’t get worse,” she said, trying to fall asleep. “It’s just a...bug.”

  But when she woke up in the morning, she realized that perhaps Jean-Paul was right, and it was more than just a bug. She felt like she might actually be dying; so nauseous and her stomach doing flip flops.

  She hated to break up their perfect weekend. Dwayne’s mom had texted them, and she had planned to host the boys. However, she didn’t think she could stay at home and throw up one more time.

  Jenna Mae was usually pretty strong when it came to pain and illness. She could deal with headaches; she could grit her teeth and walk on bones that ache and with bruises that covered her body. If anything good came of James’s life with her, it had taught her to have a higher pain tolerance than a normal person.

  However, no matter what she had been through, she still couldn’t stand it when her stomach hurt. She didn’t know whether she just ate something bad or whether she had a virus, but it was getting worse by the second. She wanted nothing more than the pain to go away.


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