Picking Poppy

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Picking Poppy Page 6

by Pepper North

  “There is a basement, but the main living space is on this floor.” He took her finger and placed it on the area she could tell was a wide porch. “Outside, we’ll have a porch swing so we can enjoy the fresh air. You’ll walk in the front door here.” He slid her finger to the door.

  “When you walk in, you’ll be in the big family room, kitchen, and dining room. It will be open. Can you see what it says here?” he asked, pointing to the side of the large area.

  Leaning forward to look at the small letters, she read, “Toys and games!” She turned to look at him in delight. “I love to play games. Can we have some board games?”

  “Yes, blossom. We’ll have games to enjoy together.”

  Excited, Poppy began to scan the other rooms. “Here’s Daddy’s room and here’s a nursery. Is that for me?” she looked at Tyler with a combination of fascination and embarrassment.

  “It is. Little girls need a nursery for naps and for their daddies to take care of them,” he explained. “I would like to turn the rooms above the floral shop into a nursery for you to nap during your afternoon break and an office for me to write. I’d like to be near you, and I can weave my mysteries anywhere.”

  “I don’t think I’ll fit into a baby’s crib,” she protested. “I’m small but not that short!”

  “Gordon’s is a store in a city nearby that carries cribs for adult little girls. We’ll find one that fits you perfectly,” he assured her before pointing out the long table drawn at the side of the room. “Here’s your changing table. We’ll put one of those in both nurseries. I will need a place to change your diapers and make sure that you’re healthy.”

  “Diapers?” she whispered as her face heated with embarrassment. “You want me to wear a diaper… and use it?”

  Tyler’s arm tightened around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. “I want to be your Daddy. I will take care of you completely.”

  “Do Samantha, Shelby, Lindy, and Priscilla all wear diapers?” she asked in horrid fascination. The image of the four women started alternating in her head. Definitely, the clothes they wore could accommodate a diaper. She wondered how she’d never noticed.

  “You didn’t see them because it wasn’t important to you.” He paused. “Most people won’t have any idea that you’re wearing a diaper except for your Little friends and Mommies and Daddies.”

  “But you’ll know. You’ll see my… stuff,” she stumbled over the words.


  His simple answer made her look at him in wonder. Tyler’s face looked concerned. Not like he didn’t want to take care of her so intimately, but worried that she wouldn’t be able to surrender to his care. “I don’t want you to get grossed out by my…” she started, but her voice faded away as he moved her hand to rest on the fly of his pants.

  There was no doubt about his reaction to caring for her. His erection proudly tented the front of his pants, pushing the waistband away from his trim waistline to make room for the engorged shaft. Her eyes rose from the arousing sight to meet his.

  “It turns you on to think of taking care of me,” she said in amazement.

  “It does,” he confirmed with a slow smile. “It’s what I’m wired to do.”

  Chapter 15

  Too soon, it was time to begin the considerable trip back to the floral shop for the late afternoon and evening sales. As Tyler secured Poppy into the comfortable seat, her mind was whirling. Thinking over the building floor plans as well as the ideas that Tyler had planned for the space upstairs at her store, Poppy missed noting the transition from open space to the residential areas on the edges of the town. Surprised to see her shop appear in front of her so quickly, she smiled. She’d been so busy wrapped up in considering possibilities for the future, that despite the distance, it hadn’t seemed to take long to drive between downtown and SANCTUM.

  The sight of a very muscular young man waiting by the door of Posies by Poppy, drew her back to the present. Worried that she was late, Poppy tried to unfasten her seatbelt and repeatedly yanked at the door release. Unable to free herself once again, she turned to hiss at Tyler. “Open this, right now. We’re not playing games. I’m late.”

  His face hardened into a very stern mask. “Remember that you were warned, little girl.” His voice was quiet and hard. Without another second’s delay, he pressed the button on his door, releasing the child locks.

  Thrusting his reaction from her mind, Poppy pulled the door release once again and pushed the door open easily. She scrambled to the shop entrance, apologizing as she practically ran to open the lock. “I’m so sorry. I’m running a little late. The store hours just changed, and I’m not used to them yet. You must be Zach,” she guessed in a rush of words.

  “Hey, no problem,” he said quickly. “I appreciate you giving me a chance to interview. I love flowers. I hang out with Garrett at the nursery all I can to learn about plants, but”—he stopped to shrug broad shoulders—“I really would like to learn about flowers and floral arrangements. I was going to stop by and ask if I could do an internship with you this summer, but I didn’t want you to feel like you had to allow me in your shop because my brother had worked for you.”

  Stunned, Poppy looked at him. Realizing her mouth was gaping open, she laughed. “Wow! I wasn’t expecting that!” She held her hand up as Zach began to talk quickly and back away. “Hold on! You’re not getting away now. I would simply love to teach you all I know about floral arrangements.” Poppy clapped her hands in delight.

  Walking forward, she tucked her fingers under Zach’s bulging biceps and pulled him in the door as she talked rapidly. She was in the middle of showing her new employee and summer intern the area where the flowers were stored when she heard that stubborn drawer grate closed. Yikes! She had totally ignored Tyler. Suddenly, a heavy feeling of remorse began to churn in her tummy. She knew she wouldn’t have wanted to have someone completely forget her and treat her as unimportant.

  Changing her tour to pass by the office, she stepped inside to apologize quickly, “I’m so sorry, Tyler. I’m not usually so unthoughtful.”

  “We’ll talk,” was the only response she received. He did not look up from his keyboard.

  Her heart sunk at his unyielding reaction. She’d totally screwed this up. Quickly, she found the paperwork she needed from the file cabinet. A question from Zach in the hallway drew her attention, and Poppy gave Tyler a last glance before reluctantly leaving the small room. Forcing herself to concentrate as they discussed salary and pay in the main shop area, Zach’s answers could not have pleased her more. She made a copy of his driver’s license using the printer again in her office. Peeking from the side of her eye at the quiet figure sitting at the desk, she watched with concern as Tyler silently continued to focus on his novel.

  When the door jangled again as Zach left, she had a new employee. More importantly, she had lucked into finding someone who she could tell loved flowers and wanted to learn anything that she would teach him. Doing a little happy dance, she sobered quickly as the chair squeaked in the office. She held her breath, waiting to see if Tyler would come out to talk to her, but the clicking of the keys continued without pause. She tried not to worry as she picked up the ringing phone and focused on business for the next several hours.

  To her delight, everyone was very supportive of her new hours. Her business was brisk as everyone came or called in a steady stream. This really was so much more efficient. She piled up several orders to work on in the morning and would have deliveries that Zach could make for her in the afternoon.

  As her new closing time approached, Poppy began to worry. Throughout the afternoon and evening hours, she’d frequently looked into the office. Tyler had never met her eyes. He’d simply focused on his novel. He doesn’t look angry, she thought after an unnecessary trip past the office door to peek in. Maybe I’m worrying for no reason?

  Finally, the clock hand clicked that last minute to land at 7:00 pm. She could hear him stir in the office and quickly ru
shed to the door to flip over the open sign and lock the door. She pulled the drawer from the cash register and carried it to the office, turning off the front lights. Poppy hesitated just outside of his sight in the hallway outside the office door.

  “Come in, Poppy,” he said.

  Quickly, she walked inside. After busying herself by putting the cash drawer in the safe, Poppy saw from the corner of her eye that his computer bag was zipped and sitting by the door. Was he leaving? Panicked, she whirled to face him as he leaned against the office wall.

  “Did I screw up that bad?” Her voice trembled with emotion she tried to control. Since she’d met him, he had been so sure that she was his Little. Could he have changed his mind so abruptly?

  “Come here, Poppy,” Tyler instructed as he opened his arms.

  Poppy flew across the floor to wrap her arms around his trim waist and laid her head on his shoulder. “I was terribly rude. I’m sorry. Are you going to say goodbye?”

  “You are my little girl, blossom. I’m not going to leave you for smarting off to me. We are, however, going to discuss how you chose to talk to me.” He led her over to a straight chair in front of her desk. Sitting down, he pulled her onto his lap.

  When she was settled, he asked, “I am not asking you to play a game. If you decide that you can be my little girl, you will be mine every hour of every day. Until you make that commitment, we will not be able to move forward. I think you need time to decide whether you are ready to live as a Little or not.”

  “No, I don’t need any time,” she pleaded with tears filling her blue eyes.

  “After your punishment, I am going to give you twenty-four hours to think. If you need more time, it is absolutely okay to tell me you need another day or so. It’s important that you are sure. Until then, I will enjoy spending time with you and getting to know you,” he assured her, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes with a tissue from a colorful box on the top of her desk.

  Tyler leaned in to kiss her. “Now, little girls don’t talk hostilely to their daddies. Go open the front pocket of my computer bag and bring me the paddle that you will find inside,” he instructed.

  “The paddle,” she repeated in a vain hope that she was misunderstanding him.

  “Yes. Bring me the paddle, blossom.” He boosted her up onto her feet and gave her bottom a little push to get her started.

  Looking over her shoulder, half hoping he was going to stop her, Poppy dragged her feet over to the bag and unzipped the front pocket. She stuck her hand down into the pocket and pulled out a long flat piece of wood. It looked a lot like a thick ruler but bigger. She held it gingerly by two fingers as she turned around.


  “Yes, bring it to me,” he instructed, pointing to a spot on the floor and held out his hand.

  She inched her way toward him, taking baby steps. This time she regretted her small office for an entirely different reason. Too soon, she could delay no longer. Standing in front of him, she laid the paddle in his hand. “Couldn’t I just have a warning today?” she asked, looking at him hopefully.

  He shook his head before turning to lay the paddle on the desk. Then, without delay, he reached for the button at her waist to unfasten her jeans. Her hands flew to stop him. Tyler looked up at Poppy and asked, “You can make your decision now, and I’ll leave, or you can take your punishment like a good girl.” Holding her gaze, he seemed ready to wait as long as it took for her to make up her mind.

  “I want you to be my daddy,” she whispered.

  “Put your hands behind your back, blossom, and clasp them together,” he instructed. As her hands began to move slowly, he efficiently unfastened the front of her jeans and pulled them down to her knees. Hooking his fingers into the waistband of her cotton panties, he reminded Poppy, “Hands behind your back. Link your fingers together.” That reminder stopped her automatic movement to draw her hands forward.

  Poppy bit her lip as his fingers pulled her pink bikini underwear down over her hips. She looked down to see her small mound appear. She knew some women had fancy waxing jobs to manicure their pubic hair. Poppy had never understood why women would waste their time and money on this.

  Watching his face closely for any sign of displeasure, her eyes were drawn to the front of his pants. As he drew her plain cotton panties to her knees, Poppy watched his penis thicken and press against the front of his jeans. Warmth began to gather in a tight ball low in her abdomen. She could feel herself start to get wet. It wasn’t until he helped her lean over his lap that it dawned on her that he could see her shiny arousal fluid spreading to the top of her thighs.

  By that time, it was too late. His hands held her firmly in position. One hand rubbed over her exposed flesh while his hand covered her interlaced fingers, pinning them to the small of her back. She felt him twist slightly to pick up the paddle, and she sucked in a deep breath.

  Whack! Poppy felt the sting of the wood burn into her mind. Nothing had prepared her for how much a paddle hurt. Not those naughty books that she loved nor her vivid dreams captured that burning feeling.

  “Beautiful,” he complimented in a low, aroused tone.

  Whack! Whack! Whack! The next swats came in rapid succession.

  “Nooo!” she cried as she wiggled frantically on his lap, trying to avoid the stinging blows. Tyler held her firmly in place. His superior strength overwhelmed her attempts to free herself.

  “I’ll be good,” she promised. “I’m sorry!”

  “Thank you, blossom. Five more and your punishment will be over,” he warned before administering those last five swats without pausing.

  Tears ran from her eyes. Collapsing over his lap in pain and relief that her spanking was finished, Poppy allowed herself to cry freely. That large hand once again rubbed over her painful bottom as he talked to her in a low tone. She wasn’t quite sure of all that he said, but she felt the reassurance flowing over her.

  When he released her hands, Poppy allowed him to lift her and sit her on his lap. One hand ran over her arm and shoulder, holding her close as Tyler rocked her gently in his arms.

  “Shh, blossom. Your punishment is over. You took your spanking very well. Daddy is proud of you,” he whispered as he held her securely. As her sobs began to decrease, Tyler wiped her nose and the trails of tears from her face.

  When he tilted her face up to kiss her red lips, she threw her arms around his neck. Pressing her lips against his passionately, she tried to show him that she was genuinely sorry. Instantly, the heat flared between them.

  Her daddy lifted her to settle her straddling his lap. Moaning at the relief from sitting on her reddened bottom, Poppy allowed her hands to roam over Tyler’s hard body. Without conscious thought, her hips began to rock against the rigid shaft thrusting against the fly of his jeans. They both groaned in reaction.

  Feeling very daring, Poppy reached for the button at the top of his pants. His hand captured hers with gentle strength. The Little’s eyes jumped to meet his.

  “Ask permission first, blossom.”

  His low guttural tone let her know that he was as aroused as she was. A slow smile spread across her face. It was an amazing feeling. She had created the passion that flared from his eyes. No longer acting as Poppy, the quiet young woman whom everyone seemed to overlook, she stepped into a new possibility that he had invited her to join.

  “Daddy, may I unfasten your jeans? I need to touch you,” she beseeched.

  When he nodded his consent, she quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Immediately the material spread apart to allow the thick erection that had been contained in his tight pants to escape. His moan of arousal as she pulled his knit boxer briefs down to reveal his penis made her shift restlessly.

  Her hands wrapped around the thick erection. It was hot and steely, wrapped in soft flesh. His hooded eyes watched her closely as her hands explored his body. She could tell he liked her touch. His penis jerked in her hand. A drop of liquid appeared on the thick head. Without
a deliberate thought, her tongue darted from her mouth to wet her lips. Suddenly, all she wanted was to taste him.

  She started to back off his spread thighs, but his hands tightened around her waist. Looking up at him in surprise, Poppy whispered, “Can I taste you, Daddy?”

  Instantly his hands relaxed around her waist, and he nodded. Smiling as if she had been given a precious gift, the Little shifted off his legs to kneel awkwardly in front of him. Her jeans and panties around her lower legs were an annoyance but not worth the time to tug them off. She hissed as her spanked bottom settled against the rough denim fabric.

  “Naughty little girls have sore bottoms to remind them of their bad choices,” his low voice reminded her as a large hand caressed the side of her hair running forward to cup her cheek.

  As she moved forward, the fingers of that hand brushed through her hair to hold the blonde strands from her face. With a thrill, she realized that he wanted to see her taste him. Lapping at the broad head, she scooped up that drop of liquid. Mmmm! Salty and just him, Poppy sat back slightly to lick his thick erection from the base to the tip, enjoying the sting of his fingers tightening in her hair.

  Exploring his body, Poppy tried to please him. His moans and movements helped her begin to learn where he was the most sensitive. Her eyes frequently lifted to lock with his. Heat and passion etched themselves into his expression. Daringly, Poppy allowed her fingers to cup his sac. When she heard the rasp of his rapid breath in, she knew she had him.

  With a roar, Tyler’s hands wrapped around her ribcage and lifted her off the floor. Poppy’s hands gripped his shoulders for stability as he turned to lay her gently on the desk. He held her eyes captive, and she reveled in the pure masculine passion she read there as his hand fumbled in his pocket to pull out a condom. She watched him roll the protection over his thick shaft.

  Stepping back, he reached down to grab the jeans still shackling her ankles together. Lifting the loop of fabric over his head to bind her feet behind his neck, he stepped forward to fit the tip of his erection to her tight channel. She could go nowhere. He was in control. The fact that they were both still dressed from the waist up made their joining more intimate and urgent.


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