The rest of the group stopped.
"You could have been killed, and instead of three mares, we only have two now." Serra turned away and continued walking.
"She's right Odder," Aimma said, shaking her head. "You're like a child with dangerous powers. You don't have the luxury of experience and wisdom, so you need to balance your magic with restraint." She ran and caught up to Serra.
"Well, laddy." Finkle winked. "Lesson learned?"
"I seem to have many lessons to learn still," Odder said, nodding.
The phantom mares blew blue fire from their nostrils and kicked at the wooden bars confining them as the group stood around.
"How did you capture them?" Odder asked.
"A simple illusion," Karzan said. "As the mares ran close, they saw a small break in the woods into another prairie. They ran into the cage without hesitation."
"Wonderful, so now what?" Serra muttered. "We only have two mares."
Drugan took Karzan aside and whispered into his ear. They walked into the woods. Odder tried to hear the conversation but only saw Drugan's hand motions and Karzan pointing. With a final nod from Drugan, they returned.
"The two mares can take five of us plus Corbin to Rigan," Karzan said.
"So who's left behind?" Finkle asked.
"Drugan and Veselus," replied Karzan.
"We have another mission. We need allies from the other Houses." Drugan motioned for Veselus to join him. "I'll fly Veselus back to the Elestus war room and try to communicate with the other kingdoms to bring reinforcements and meet you at Skyger." Veselus morphed into a raven. "The goblin army will be waiting for you at the portal, and we'll need all the help we can get."
"It's too dangerous," said Aimma. "The township is in ruins, overrun by goblins, and what about the dragon?"
"It's a chance I have to take," Drugan replied. “Besides, I have my ways in.”
Aimma pulled at Odder's arm to draw him close. "I'm still concerned where his loyalty lies."
"Do we have a choice?" Odder whispered back. "Eight against an army is suicide. We can't do it on our own."
"Corbin will sit in the wagon with Odder, Finkle, and Aimma while Serra and myself will ride the mares. We need saddles and harnesses." Karzan lifted his spectacles and eyed Finkle. "Is this something you can fashion?"
Finkle pulled on a twisted whipbush, tugged at a knotty tree limb, and squeezed a patch of creeping moss. "No problem."
As Finkle gathered the materials and the others prepared for the travel, Odder took the opportunity to approach Serra.
"What is it," Serra said, her voice frigid.
"I wanted to say sorry again."
She stood silent like an icy shard ready to break free from its captive glacier.
Odder bowed his head and walked away.
"Wait." She held her head up, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. "What you did was reckless and deadly. It only takes a moment to end a spark. Think before you react."
"I know that now."
"Good but there is another lesson to be learned."
Odder perked up.
"Your fighting is atrocious. If you're going to take on an army, then you better know how to battle. I'll teach you some basic Xenduri fighting moves." Serra crouched with one leg ahead of the other. She tightened her fists and placed them in a cross pattern in front of her chest. "Hopefully, you can pick up on the technique as fast as you pick up on spells."
Odder stood across from her and mimicked her position.
"From the time Xenduri can walk and talk, we are taught about the relationship between magic and our bodies." She moved her arms to her left. "Every movement has a purpose." She moved her arms to her right and stepped closer to Odder. "In battle, efficiency over showmanship." She swapped her arm's positions, now leading with her left. "Can you see?"
Odder's expression contorted. "See what?"
"Look carefully." She opened her fist.
He focused. He saw a slight sparkle around her movements. "Yes, yes I think I do. You're moving the magic."
She smiled then struck him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. "Very good. Few can see magic let alone become one with its movements. This is why we Xenduri are fierce fighters."
Serra reached to help Odder up. He gripped her hand, smirked, and then flung her over his body. She flew like a feral animal and landed on her feet.
She drew in her eyebrows and sneered.
Drugan laughed catching her attention.
Her sneer raised at the corners, and she joined him in laughter. "Ah, nice one, Oddy."
Odder stood and brushed the dirt from his clothing. He radiated on the inside but kept a calm expression. "What's next?"
"Focusing on the magic aura can give away your opponent's movements." She stood and charged, arranging her arms in various attacking positions.
Odder saw the magic move slightly before her swings. She came up to him and slapped him. His head reeled and moved to the side. "Hey!"
"Pay attention." She slapped him again and then attempted another, but this time, Odder ducked.
Words leaped into his thoughts. Magic, movement, timing.
She pursed her lips, squinted, and tightened her hands into fists. She swung toward his nose. Odder blocked her swing and hit her in her chest with his other palm, knocking her to the ground.
"Oh!" said Finkle, his eyes as wide as gold ducats.
Odder, no longer able to contain his glee, exploded in laughter.
Serra gasped, held her chest, and slowly climbed to her feet. "I... I can't breathe."
Odder's laughing halted, and he ran to her. "Serra, I'm sorry. I'm-"
She flung him to his back and straddled his waist, her fists clenched on his collar. She leaned in and bared her teeth. She glimpsed into his eyes. Her scornful expression turned awkward, and she sat up.
"Ahem," Karzan coughed. "Finkle's done, and we're ready to go."
Serra's cheeks flushed, and she jumped up.
Odder stood, blushing, and pressing his lips tight.
"Serra, this is your mare," said Karzan. "I'll ride the other. They mounted the mares while the others sat in the wagon.
Aimma elbowed Finkle in the side. "What was that about?"
Finkle grit his teeth and shrugged.
Drugan approached Odder. "May the Celestines bless your travel."
"Thank you, but I think you'll need far more blessings."
"The consequences of my failure pale in comparison to yours." Drugan gripped Odder's shoulder. "You must succeed." He mounted the giant raven. "South of Skyger, at the base of the Seth-Gath mountain ridge, you will find a steeple with a spire made from onyx, I will meet you there." He waved to the group as he circled above and flew west.
The phantom mares exceeded Odder's expectation on their travel time. With Karzan's and Serra's guidance, they flew down the pass, whizzed around corners, hurled over hills, and buzzed through the forests. By the time they stopped at Rigan, Odder had to peel his pasty white hands from the wagon's sideboards.
"We'll stop here just outside the village to rest before Kellas rises," said Karzan.
Odder and Aimma stumbled out the back like drunken gnomes after a harvest festival. Finkle took a misstep and flipped to the ground, landing on his back. Corbin appeared unaffected from the erratic journey and stepped out with ease. Karzan and Serra dismounted and unhitched the mares. Blue fire swirled around them, and they darted into the woods.
Karzan conjured a cloaking and protection spell around the camp as the group prepared for rest.
Odder fixed his gaze at the radiant mountains of Rigan. "The glowing embers are spellbinding."
"Indeed, laddy," said Finkle. "Like a distant blazing forest."
"It's hypnotizing," added Aimma. "Is the township on fire?"
"Not exactly," Serra said. "The township is in the fire. What you see are Rigan's twin volcanos and somewhere in there, the source of silq."
bsp; CHAPTER 26
The Rigan twin volcanos appeared much less ominous during the day. Plumes of light gray smoke lifted into the sky as molten lava trudged from the hollow crest and down the carved channels like bleeding veins. An impious haze choked the base of the mountain, seeping into its crevices as the colder air combined with the heat.
The group passed by crowds of sick, decrepit, and dying elves. Some passed out on the ground, camped in makeshift huts and tents, and roamed the area like the mindless undead.
Odder held his fist over his mouth.
"Not a pretty sight is it lad?" Karzan questioned.
"What's wrong with them?"
"They are called the less than." Karzan pulled out his wand. "Unfortunate elves who have become slaves to silq. Be careful. They will kill to have it."
"How does the silq control them?"
"They have tasted its madness," said Serra. "Now they know nothing else."
"Trace amounts of silq seep into the water and food of the local villages," Karzan added. "They slowly die over time but never satisfy their hunger for its poison."
A small youngling approached Odder and pulled at his pant leg. He bent down, resting on his knee, and looked into her dull fogged eyes. The same lifeless eyes one might see in a blind elder on their deathbed. He covered his grief with a warm smile. "What's your name.?"
She parted her crusted lips. "My name is Esha." Tears trickled down her cheeks. "Do you have silq?"
"Laddy." Finkle patted his shoulder. "There's only one cure for her thirst, and it's death."
Odder turned and glared. "Show some sympathy. She's standing right here." He glanced at Aimma. "Can you help?"
Aimma knelt and took her hand. "Esha, where are your parents?"
Esha pointed toward a pit. "Sleeping." She sobbed.
A lump formed in Odder's throat.
"I don't mean to be crass, but gnomie's right, we can't help her." Serra motioned her hand toward the crowd, "There's nothing we can do for any of them. We need to move on."
Aimma deepened her resolve. "I'm not leaving. She deserves to have someone try."
Karzan leaned in. "I understand how you feel. Her condition is terrible, but every elf on Arcaina will suffer an even worse fate if you, Odder, don't succeed in your quest."
Odder looked into Esha's eyes. He sensed her sorrow and pain and placed his hands on her head. He concentrated on healing her. A blue glow enclosed her delicate frame but faded. He pulled away. Her facial expression remained hollow and cold. He stared down at his empty hands. All this power... Silq is not life. It’s death. His chest tightened, and he stood – saddened by the choice he must make.
"Let's go," Odder said, waving forward. His face stern. "Times running out."
Everyone followed him as he walked toward the mountain except Aimma.
"Odder wait," Finkle said. "Aimma's trying to heal her."
"Leave her be," Odder said, without looking back. "She's doing her duty as a healer."
"We can't just leave her," Finkle pleaded. "Tell him Karzan."
"Odder's right. We can't make her follow."
"Stay calm, Finkle," Serra whispered in his ear. "We'll come back for her."
"This power has changed you!" Finkle yelled at Odder. "Tell me different."
After a long pause, Odder replied, "With great power, comes great responsibility. We have a world to save."
Finkle kicked the dirt, then turned and yelled, "We'll be back, Aimma. Wait for us here."
Odder, Karzan, Finkle, Corbin, and Serra stood at the base of the mountain looking up at a daunting thirty-foot-tall iron gate. Etched into the metal were three fire-breathing dragons circling a sword similar in design to the Maha'De.
Karzan stepped forward and called out to the gatekeeper. Flames erupted from the ground in front of the gate. Corbin jumped in front, but Karzan ushered him back. He shielded his eyes. A twenty-foot creature made from fire stood before him. It's two legs melted into the ground, and it stood with one fist clenched and its other hand holding a flaming hammer. The creatures head danced like a flame on a log but possessed no facial features.
"I am high wizard Karzan Ka, and we need entry into Rigan," he said, with authority.
"What is it?" Odder mumbled in Serra’s ear.
"A fire elemental," she responded.
The head of the elemental fluttered as it spoke, and its voice boomed like thunder. "All entry is prohibited."
Karzan held up his wand. The tip burst into flames. "By my command, grant us entry. We are on a mission to hinder the goblins from entering the portal."
"What's Karzan doing?" Odder questioned.
"Looks like he's trying to use a fire spell to control the elemental," said Finkle.
"You have no authority over me." The elemental moved its hammer toward Karzan.
Odder unsheathed the Maha'De and held it above his head. "Stop!"
The elemental halted, withdrew its hammer and stood still for several moments. Its yellow and red flames turned black as coal. Then the creature burst into a plume of dark smoke that dissipated. The iron doors creaked open.
"Hurry." Karzan pointed toward the opening.
As soon as the group entered, the doors shut. They stood on gray slate floors in a massive courtyard. Odder looked around in wonder. The township of Rigan was built within an enormous cave with a vast ceiling thousands of feet up. The sides resembled a vertical cliff with dwelling structures built into the rock. An extensive network of pathways connected buildings to the courtyard. Rivers and streams of lava circled monuments and shrines then poured into reservoirs.
A fifty-foot statue of their King with lava dripping from his eyes stood to their left. While to the right, the Rigan castle protruded from the mountain like a recluse closing in on its prey.
A sudden showering of blue lightning filled the air, and five elves, dressed in crimson leather armor with red leather hoods, appeared.
Finkle jumped in between, swinging his hammer and Corbin pounded his fists together. The elves lifted their brightly glowing red staffs in defensive positions.
The lead Rigan elf held out his hand to the others, motioning them to stand down. Their staffs faded to a polished silver. He turned toward Odder. "I am Ostasis of the royal guard. Do you wield the Maha'De?"
Odder nodded. "I do."
"May I see it?"
Odder nudged Finkle to the side and held the sword up. Its radiance caused the guards to step back.
Ostasis stepped up to Odder. "You may sheath it now. We have been waiting for you."
"Where's your King?" asked Karzan.
"He did not return from the games. I fear he is lost from this world. King Jedifre instructed if such a crisis happened, to summon a fire elemental to stand guard and allow no one to enter the township except the wielder of the Maha'De."
"So that's why the elemental burst into ash," said Serra.
"Yes," Ostasis answered. He eyed Corbin with bitterness. "The golem, he is not welcome here. He must leave."
"He's with us," Odder defended.
The guard's staff illuminated.
"It's alright," said Karzan. "Time is short." He turned to Corbin. "Watch after Aimma. We'll be back soon."
Corbin grunted but walked out the doors.
The guards put away their weapons. "The Maha'De must be dipped into raw silq," Ostasis said, walking toward the castle. "Please, come this way."
"Where are all the townsfolks?" Odder asked.
"Hiding." Ostasis pointed to several dwellings in the rocks. "Our homes are built into the mountain. What you see is only the surface of thousands of catacombs, passages, vaults, and rooms."
"Do you not venture out?"
"We do for hunting, trading, or when the need arises, but the House of Rigan protects the most valuable substance in Arcaina. For that purpose, we are confined to live within these walls."
"And what of the thousands of people o
utside of the city. Where's their protection?"
"Unfortunate casualties of silq."
Odder recalled the look in Esha's eyes, and waves of nausea passed through him. "You say it with such a lack of compassion. They are fellow elves."
Finkle growled.
"Be calm gnomie," said Serra. "This is not our fight."
"And why aren't the townspeople of Rigan poisoned?" Finkle questioned.
"Surrounding villages are encouraged to stay clear. Their madness is their own fault." Ostasis glared at Finkle. "We're not mad simply because we drink the mountain spring before the water reaches the silq."
Odder gripped his sword, squeezing the hilt until his knuckles turned pale.
Karzan discreetly placed his fingers over Odder's hand and pressed down. Odder jerked and glanced at Karzan who narrowed his eyes. "Diplomacy is best right now."
Odder released his hand from the sword and relaxed.
Serra cleared her throat, seeming to make a small distraction. "So, your weapons. They're unique."
"Yes," said Ostasis, with a smile. "Rigan fire sticks." He held his staff in the air. The polished silver heated into a red glow. "Enchanted Elven steel heated to an incredible temperature. It pierces goblin armor as smooth as a flaming sword melts wax."
The glow receded, and he placed the staff in a holster on his back. "We're almost there."
The group walked behind the castle, crossing a bridge over jumping flames, and then to another smaller iron gate.
"Odder," said Ostasis. "Only you can enter. On the other side of these doors, in a large chamber, are statues of a thousand golden imps. They guard the entry to the sepulcher, where the source of the silq dwells. Keep your sword hidden. They will only attack if the source is stolen or threatened." He handed him a blue stone amulet. "Where this around your neck to protect you from the heat. The magic is only temporary so do your task and hurry back."
Odder placed the amulet around his neck. Ostasis directed the others to stand back. He chanted a spell opening the gate, and Odder stepped in. The door slammed closed causing a loud clang that echoed throughout the brightly lit chamber. The golden imps lifted their heads as if awakened. Odder crouched back, his hands in a defensive position, and held his breath. The statues stood still like corpses in a sarcophagus. He carefully inched close to examined one. It seemed to be made of solid gold, standing around five feet tall, and holding a sword, blade up with both hands. A golden cone-shaped hat etched with old elven writing, rested on its bat-like head. Gold jewelry adored its chest and waist, and its legs bent backward at the knees. Its irregular clawed feet were nearly the size of a wild cat. Feathered wings mounted open on its back as if ready to take flight.
Odder- The Blood Curse Page 28