Eve Lloyd’s A Deadline Cozy Mystery Box Set 2

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Eve Lloyd’s A Deadline Cozy Mystery Box Set 2 Page 1

by Sonia Parin

  Eve Lloyd’s A Deadline Cozy Mystery

  Books 6 to 10

  Sonia Parin

  Copyright © 2020 Sonia Parin

  No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  If you wish to receive notifications about new releases, please follow Sonia Parin on BookBub

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  Sleeping With the Fishes

  About Sleeping With the Fishes

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  A Kink in the Road

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  The Merry Widow

  About this book

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Dying Trade

  About this book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Yuletide Murder

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  Preview - Killer Spring

  Other books by Sonia Parin

  Sleeping With the Fishes

  A Deadline Cozy Mystery - Book 6

  About Sleeping With the Fishes

  There are 100 Carmen Miranda impersonators on board the cruise ship and they’re all moving to the rhythm... Chica chica bom chic. Now there are 99 Carmen Miranda impersonators... and it’s sink or swim for Eve Lloyd.

  Eve is on a cruise with her aunt, Mira, and suffering from separation anxiety. However, she’s made up her mind to enjoy the trip and, despite her reservations, she is willing to use anything and everything in her arsenal of personal inducements to ensure she makes the best of this cruise. But on her first day, she discovers someone has gone overboard. At least, that’s what the captain wants her to believe. Eve has had too many close encounters with killers and suspects foul play. Now she must tread with care because the killer’s choice of weapon leaves no room for negotiation...

  Chapter One

  Less than an hour into her forced captivity with fifteen days remaining. She’d never make it, Eve thought as the cool sea breeze swept around her.

  A few weeks before she’d been counting down the days and walking on air because she’d finally agreed to take some real time off to relax.


  Eve watched the shoreline disappearing.

  Sagging against the railing, she made a point of smiling.

  “You’ll be pleased to know we arrived safe and sound,” she told Jill, her voice light and cheerful.

  Jill laughed. “Try saying it with less anxiety in your voice. What’s up?”

  “It’s not anxiety, it’s...” Eve sighed and tried to admit to being out of her depth, but her pride stopped her. “Have you ever been to an Elvis convention?” she asked. “Or any convention where everyone is dressed in their elaborate costumes... and you’re not.”

  “Not in this lifetime. Don’t tell me there’s one on board?”

  “Hang on, you’re breaking up.” Eve leaned over the railing. “Not an Elvis convention. It’s a Carmen Miranda glitzy extravaganza. Everywhere I look, there’s someone wearing a bunch of bananas on their head. I’ve boarded the cruise ship from hell.”

  “Carmen Miranda! But that sounds like fun.”

  “You’d say that and I thought so too at first, but then I saw their true colors. Ruthless comes to mind. They have this ‘get out of my way or be run down’ air about them. It’s actually scary.”

  “What I’d give to see you there right now,” Jill said in what sounded like teary-eyed laughter.

  Eve stared at a woman who was not only dressed to the nines in her Carmen Miranda getup, but was also surrounded by a musical entourage serenading her.

  The woman gave Eve a head to toe sweep that felt like fingernails digging into her.

  “Eve? Talk to me. I need to know you haven’t been pushed overboard.”

  “Close. One of the impersonators just gave me a death stare.”

  “Try to play nice,” Jill suggested.

  “Honestly, I haven’t said a word to them.”

  “You’re on a ship... on the water,” Jill reasoned, “Sound travels. Either that or they think you’re their competition.”

  “Why would they think that?”

  Jill hummed. “Well... you do have a sort of retro look happening and with the right costume, I’m sure you could give them a run for their money.”

  Unconvinced, Eve snorted. “As if. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a pineapple on my head.”

  “I thought you said it was bananas.”

  “Let me put it this way, I’d have no trouble throwing together a fruit salad and I wouldn’t have to go anywhere near a fruit market.”

  “Just how many are there?”

  “Hard to say. They all look the same, give or take a banana.”

  “Eve, you’re broadcasting your thoughts. They must be picking up on your disapproval.”

  “Who said I disapprove of them?”

  “Your tone?”

  Eve harrumphed. “Did I happen to mention one of them already shoved me... quite unceremoniously, out of her way?”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Well, she also threw in a few expletives.”

  “You must have said something to aggravate her.”

  “I might have suggested she tone it down a bit. There are kids around. Hang on. I’m taking a photo of this. You need to see it.” Just as she snapped a photo, the Carmen Miranda impersonator who had earlier on given her a scathing look stuck her elbow out and jabbed another Carmen Miranda in the ribs. “Oh...”


  “There’s a Carmen Miranda rumble about to erupt.” Another woman bu
rst in on the scene. Eve stood well out of hearing range but going by the hand gestures, she’d guess they were exchanging more than a few harsh words. “Okay, it’s on its way. I only wish I could send myself off.”

  “Don’t be so melodramatic, Eve. What’s the worst that can happen?”

  “Apart from losing my cell signal... I don’t know.” She rolled her eyes. “I could be marooned on an island with them.”

  Jill said something but the signal dropped off.

  “Jill. Are you there?” she asked, her tone desperate.

  “You might be right,” Jill’s voice crackled slightly. “This cruise might not have been the best idea for you. Is it too early for a drink?”

  “I think they saw me coming. Waiters have been plying me with tropical drinks since I arrived. I thought it would help settle me down, but now I’m thinking I need my wits about me. I can’t let Mira see me like this. As far as she knows, I’m here to have the best time of my life. That means I need to dump all my angst on you. Sorry.” Although Eve doubted her aunt would notice. She’d fallen behind on her next book and was facing another deadline so would most likely be too busy to even come up for breath.

  “You’re suffering from first day jitters. Relax. Enjoy. Remember, you’ve got an inn to set up. It’ll probably be ages before you can take another vacation.”

  “That’s just it. What was I thinking taking time off now? I’m about to open a business I don’t know the first thing about. People will be depending on me to provide a service... to employ them...”

  “Think of the positives. What’s your cabin like?”

  Eve drew in a shaky breath. “It’s simple, which is a lovely respite from the rest of the ship. Think of Vegas and you’ll get the idea. Lots of gold trim clashing with pastel colors. Remind me to steer clear of them for the inn. No peach, lilac, cream or beige...”

  “Positives, Eve. You’re straying.”

  “Okay. The bed felt comfortable when I collapsed on it. Then again, a wooden plank would have been heaven after all the waiting around I did.” Eve listened to the silence. “Did you just roll your eyes?”

  “Do you blame me?”

  No. She didn’t. She’d only ever gone on working vacations. She should be over the moon happy. Instead... “Boarding a cruise ship is hard work,” Eve complained. “The security checkpoints got me a bit rattled. I’m sure I look like a maniac on the photo, which I had no idea they were going to take. If anything happens on this ship, I’m going to be the prime suspect.” She raked her fingers through her hair. “I’m not cut out for this.”

  “A life of leisure?” Jill laughed.

  “It’s not that. I can relax. I’m sure I can. I know I can. It’s just... all the fake tans and over the top chirpiness, not to mention the toothpaste commercial bleached smiles... it’s all too much. I’m all for happiness, but this is too contrived.”

  “Careful, it might be contagious.”

  “Don’t joke. After we checked in, Mira took me to the top deck. That’s when the drinking started. Everyone was super happy and pumped with excitement and waving at imaginary people on the dock. I caught the bug and I swear I had tears in my eyes when the ship slipped away from the pier. Now that I think about it, the Carmen Miranda scuffle is a breath of fresh air.” Eve shook her head. “Okay, I just heard myself.”

  “Actually, you might be right. A cruise was a huge step for you. Maybe you should have started with a weekend away. Chip away the workaholic in you a tiny layer at a time.”

  “Jill, I’ve already had a few months on the island to wind down—”

  “Your time on the island doesn’t count. Think about all the killers who’ve come after you.”

  Several more Carmen Miranda lookalikes had joined in the argument. Fingers were pointed. Expletives exchanged. Before anyone could draw blood, a man stepped in and somehow managed to pacify everyone. He didn’t appear to favor anyone in particular, but Eve noticed all the women responded to his call for calm without any arguments.

  “Killjoy,” Eve said under her breath.

  “What? Did someone get killed?” Jill asked.

  “No, but I almost wish someone had. I think I’ve become addicted to murder and mayhem. Why didn’t you talk me out of this? You must have known I’d go stir crazy.”

  “Think of me, I’m surrounded by your paint and fabric swatches. Oh, and boxes. Too many to count. Linen. Cutlery. Pots. Pans.”

  “Sorry, on our way to New York I insisted we stop by a catering supplier and I went a bit overboard. By the way, thank you for staying at the inn.”

  “Are you grateful enough to offer me permanent residency? I need to get out of my parents’ place. They’re driving me batty with their squabbling. Dad’s got his eye on a new Winnebago and mom’s set her heart on a trip to Hawaii. I’m in the middle and I’m afraid that even after they sort this argument out, they’ll find something else to bicker about. If I don’t get out now... well, I might do something.”

  “A room at the inn? If that’s what you want, go for it. Or maybe we could convert the space above the stables for you.”

  “Hang on. It sounds as if I missed my chance to ask for more.”

  “This is interesting,” Eve said changing the subject.


  “That man who broke up the scuffle. He’s walking away now and all the impersonators are following him.”


  “They all have goofy, adoring smiles on their faces. If they all have their eyes on him, we could be in for more than just a bit of elbowing.”

  “See, I knew you’d cheer up. You only needed a hint of trouble.”

  Eve groaned. “I can’t be that person. I’m... too run of the mill normal.”

  “Aha. That’s why you’re freaked out by the impersonators.”

  “Well... think about it. People pretending to be what they’re not. There’s a lot of scope there. Who knows what they’re hiding behind those fake personas?” Eve drew in a big breath. “Yoga. I saw it on one of the brochures. Yes... that’s what I’ll do. Spend my trip mastering the art of relaxation. Thanks for being my sounding board, Jill. Talk to you soon.”

  Eve returned to her cabin, along the way making sure she steered clear of anyone wearing a costume. However, her efforts were futile. They’d taken over the ship. Thoughts of being decked by a pineapple had her hurrying her steps.

  Inside her cabin, she leaned against the door and sighed with relief.

  Her aunt Mira looked up from her laptop. “Glad to see you haven’t jumped ship.”

  “Am I that obvious?” She collapsed on the bed and stared at a painting of a woman dressed in 1920s clothing. In those days, casual meant wearing suits and hats, with gloves not far behind. Kicking off her sandals, Eve smiled as she thought of the five new pair of shorts she’d packed for the trip.

  Mira chuckled. “I’m surprised you’re not hyper-ventilating.”

  “Sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me.”

  Mira hummed under her breath. “I expected to see a hint of cabin fever, but it hasn’t even been a day. Maybe you’ve had too much excitement in your life lately and you’re finding all this too sedate.”

  “Hardly.” Eve chortled. “You wouldn’t say that if you’d seen the Carmen Miranda brawl.”

  Mira smiled. “Trust you to come across a bit of excitement. I saw them mentioned on the program. It’s their tenth anniversary cruise. They’re going to commemorate it with a competition for best Carmen Miranda impersonator.”

  A competition. That would definitely raise the stakes. Eve bit the edge of her lip. This was one spectacle she needed to stay away from. “I’ve decided to look into the yoga classes on board. I think it’ll do me a world of good. Force me to focus on relaxing.”

  “That’s jumping in at the deep end. You should work up to it. Get a massage first,” Mira suggested.

  Eve sat up and dug her fingers into her shoulder. “You know me too well.”

had too many close encounters with killers, Eve. I think you’re suffering from fight or flight syndrome. You need to shake it off.”

  Eve gave a pensive nod. Mira had a point. Maybe she should look into a meditation class. She swung her legs off the couch and sat up. “How’s your book coming along?”

  Mira stretched her arms over her head. “My hero thinks he knows what’s best for the heroine and that’s landed him in a heap of trouble.”

  “What about the mad innkeeper? How’s she doing?”

  “Turns out she’s been working undercover. I’ve turned her into a spy. She’s investigating the hero.”

  “Is this where the heroine steps in and saves the day?”

  Mira’s mouth gaped open. “You’ve been reading my manuscript.”

  “I snuck a peak.” Only after she’d discovered her aunt had fashioned the innkeeper after her. “Please tell me you’re not going to kill the innkeeper.”


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