King Alfred's Viking

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King Alfred's Viking Page 6

by Charles W. Whistler

  Chapter V. Two Meetings in England.

  It was not long before the shift of wind that I looked for came,and at once I took all the ships round to the river Exe. Odda hadleft me all the seamen he had, and they were enough for the short,fair passage. We came to the haven in the river, and there heardwhat news there was, and it was good enough. Odda had sentwell-mounted men to reach the king by roads away from theretreating Danes, and he had been ready for them. He drew off hislevies from before the walls of the town, and let his enemies passhim; then he and Odda fell on their rear and drove them intoExeter, and there was holding them. It was well done; for thoughthe host sallied from the town to meet the newcomers, they gainednothing but a share in the rout that followed when Odda closed onthe rear guard and the king charged the flank.

  Now we heard that as soon as we landed. And then I had my firstknowledge of the ways of a Saxon levy. For no sooner were the shipsberthed than their crews began to leave them, making for theirhomes.

  One or two men I caught in the act of leaving in the early morning,and spoke sharply to them, for it seemed that soon there would beships enough and not a man to tend them. Whereon they answered:

  "We have done what we were called up for, and more also. Now mayothers take our places. What more would you have? We have won ourvictory, and the ships are not needed for a while."

  So they went, and nothing I could say would stay them. I waxedangry on that, and I thought I might as well sail for Ireland asnot. There seemed no chance of doing aught here, where men wouldthrow away what they had won of advantage.

  So I went back to my own ship and sat under the after awning, in nogood temper. Thord and Kolgrim were yet busy in and about thevessels, making all secure, and setting men to work on what neededrepairing. Presently Harek the scald came and sat with me, and Igrumbled to my heart's content about this Saxon carelessness andthrowing away of good luck.

  Many Saxons--men from camp, and freemen of the place, and somethanes--came, as one might expect, to stare at the ships and theirprizes. I paid no heed to them as the day went on, only wishingthat Odda would come and speak to me about his doings, for I hadsent word to him that we were in the river. Sometimes a thane wouldstay and speak with me from the wharf alongside which my own shipwas with one or two others, and they were pleasant enough, thoughthey troubled me with over many thanks, which was Odda's fault.However, I will say this, that if every man made as little of hisown doings and as much of those of his friends as did the honestealdorman, it were well in some ways.

  By and by, while we were talking, having got through my grumble,Kolgrim came along the shore with some Saxon noble whom he had met;and this stranger was asking questions about each ship that hepassed. I suppose that Kolgrim had answered many such curious folkalready; for when he came near and we could hear what he wassaying, I was fain to laugh, for, as sailors will, he was tellingthe landsman strange things.

  "What do we pull up the anchor with?" he was saying. "Why, withyonder big rope that goes from masthead to bows." and he pointed tothe great mainstay of our ship. "One must have a long purchase, ifyou know what that is."

  "Ah, 'tis wonderful," said the Saxon.

  Then he caught my eye, and saw that I was smiling. He paid no heedto me, however, but looked long at the ship that lay astern ofours--one of the captured Danes. Thord had set a gang of shore folkto bend the sail afresh to a new yard, for the old one had beenstrained in the gale that came before the fight.

  "What are those men doing, friend?" he asked Kolgrim directly.

  "Bending a sail," answered my comrade listlessly, trusting, as itwould seem, to the sea language for puzzlement enough to thelandsman.

  "So," said the Saxon, quite quietly. "It was in my mind that when asail was bent to the yard it was bent with the luff to the fore endthereof."

  At which words Kolgrim started, in a way, and looked first at theriggers and then back at the Saxon, who moved no muscle of hisface, though one might see that his eyes twinkled. And I looked atthe riggers also, and saw that the Saxon was right, and that themen had the square-cut sail turned over with the leech forward andthe luff aft. The sail was half laced to the yard, and none but aman who knew much of ships would have seen that aught was wrong.

  Then Kolgrim's face was so red, and angry, and full of shame all atonce, that I had the best laugh at him that had come to me for manya day. And he did not bide with the Saxon any longer, but went onboard the ship hastily, and said what he had to say to the riggers.The Saxon stood, and looked after him with a smile breaking overhis pleasant face, and I thought that maybe I owed him some amendsfor my comrade's rough jesting, though indeed he had his revenge.

  So I came ashore and spoke to him. He was a slight, brown-hairedman of about thirty, bearded and long-haired after the Saxonfashion, and I thought he seemed to be recovering from some woundor sickness that had made him white and thin. He wore his beardlong and forked, which may have made him look thinner; but heseemed active and wiry in his movements--one of those men who makeup for want of strength by quickness and mastery of their weapons.Soberly dressed enough he was, but the cloth of his short cloak andjerkin was very rich, and he had a gold bracelet and brooch thatseemed to mark him as high in rank.

  "My comrade has been well caught, thane," I said; "he will be morecareful what tales he tells the next comer. But I think he wastired of giving the same answers to the same questions to all whocome to see us."

  "Likely enough," the Saxon answered, laughing a little. "I asked tosee the prizes and the vikings' ships, and he showed me more than Iexpected."

  Then he looked along the line of vessels that he had not yetpassed, and added:

  "I thought there were more Norse ships with Odda."

  I told him how the other vikings had left us with their plunder atWareham, saying that I thought they could well be spared at thattime.

  "However," I said, "I did not count on the Saxons leaving theirvessels so soon."

  "Then I take it that I am speaking with King Ranald, of whom Oddahas so much to say," he said, without answering my last words.

  "I am Ranald Vemundsson," I said; "but this ship is all my kingdomnow. Harald Fairhair has the land that should have been mine. I ambut a sea king."

  Then he held out his hand, saying that there was much for whichevery Saxon should thank me, and I passed that by as well as Icould, though I was pleased with the hearty grip he gave me.

  "So long as Odda is satisfied it is enough," I said. "If I havehelped him a little, I have helped a man who is worth it."

  "Well," said the thane, "you seem to be pleased with one another.Now I should like to see this ship of yours, of which he has somuch to say."

  We went over her, and it was plain that this thane knew what he wastalking about. I wondered that the king had not set him in commandinstead of Odda, who frankly said what was true--that he was nosailor. I supposed that this man, however, was not of high rankenough to lead so great a gathering of Saxons, and so I saidnothing to him about it.

  By and by we sat on the after deck with Harek, and I had alebrought to us, and we talked of ship craft of all sorts. Presently,however, he said:

  "What shall you do now--if one may ask?"

  "I know not. When I sailed from Wareham, I thought to have seenmore sea service with Alfred your king. But now his men are goinghome, and in a day or two, at this rate, there will be none left toman the ships."

  "We can call them up again when need is," he answered.

  "They should not go home till the king sends them," I said. "Thisis not the way in which Harald Fairhair made himself master ofNorway. Once his men are called out they know that they must bidewith him till he gives them rest and sends them home with rewards.It is his saying that one sets not down the hammer till the nail isdriven home, and clinched moreover."

  "That is where the Danes are our masters," the Saxon said, verygravely. "Our levies fight and disperse. It was not so in the timeof the great battles round Reading that brought us peace, for theynev
er had time to do so. Then we won. Now the harvest wantsgathering. Our people know they are needed at home and in thefields."

  "They must learn to know that home and fields will be better servedby their biding in arms while there is a foe left in the land. Whatsays Alfred the king?" I said.

  "Alfred sees this as well as you, or as any one but our freemen,"he answered; "but not yet can he make things go as he knows theyshould. This is the end at which he ever aims, and I think he willteach his people how to fight in time. I know this, that we shallhave no peace until he does."

  "Your king can build a grand ship, but she is of no use without menin her day by day, till they know every plank of her."

  "Ay," said the Saxon; "but that will come in time. It is hard toknow how to manage all things."

  "Why," I said, "if the care of a ship is a man's business, for thathe will care. You cannot expect him to care for farm and ship atonce, when the farm is his living, and the ship but a thing thatcalls him away from it."

  "What then?"

  "Pay the shipman to mind the sea, that is all. Make his ship hisliving, and the thing is done."

  "It seems to me," the thane said, "that this can be done. I shalltell the king your words."

  "As you will," I answered; "they are plain enough. I would say alsothat Harald our king has about him paid warriors whose living is toserve him, and more who hold lands on condition that they bear armsfor him at any time."

  Now Harek had listened to all this, and could tell the thane moreof Harald's ordering of things than I; so he took up the talk for atime, and presently asked about the war and its beginning.

  "Faith," answered the Saxon, with a grim smile, "I cannot tell whenthe war began, for that was when the first Danes came to theEnglish shores. But if you mean the trouble that is on hand now, itis easily told. Ten years has this host been in England--comingfirst with Ingvar and Halfden and Hubba, the three sons of Lodbrok.Ingvar has gone away, and Guthrum takes his place. Halfden is inNorthumbria, Hubba is in Wales, and Guthrum is king over EastAnglia and overlord of Mercia. It is Guthrum against whom we arefighting."

  "He is minded to be overlord of all England," said Harek.

  "That is to be seen if a Dane shall be so," the Saxon answered,flushing. "We beat them at first, as I have said, and have hadpeace till last year. Then they came to Wareham from East Anglia.There they were forced to make peace, and they swore on the holyring {v} to depart from Wessex; and we, on our part, sworepeace on the relics of the holy saints. Whereon, before the king,Alfred, was ware of their treachery, they fell on our camp, slewall our horsemen, and marched here. Then we gathered the leviesagain--ay, I know why you look so impatiently, King Ranald--andcame here after them. As for the rest, you have taken your part.Now we have them all inside these walls, and I think we have done."

  Then his face grew dark, and he added:

  "But I cannot tell. What can one do with oath breakers of thissort?"

  Then I said:

  "Surely you do not look for the men of one chief to be bound bywhat another promises?"

  He looked wonderingly at me for a moment, and then said:

  "How should it be that the oath of their king should not bind thepeople?"

  "Why," said I, "you have spoken of several chiefs. If Guthrumchooses to make peace, that is not Halfden's business, or Hubba's,or that of any chief who likes it not. One is as free as theother."

  "What mean you? I say that Guthrum and his chiefs swore by thegreatest oath they knew to return to Mercia."

  "If they swore by the holy ring, there is no doubt that they whoswore would keep the oath. But that does not bind those who wereagainst the peace making. So I suppose that they who held not withthe peace made by the rest fell on you, when your levies went homeafter their wont. One might have known they would do so."

  Thereat the thane was silent for a while, and I saw that he wastroubled. It seemed to be a new thought to him at this time thatthe Danish hosts in England were many, and each free to act in theway its own chief thought best, uniting now and then, and againseparating. This he must needs have learned sooner or later, butthe knowledge came first to him there before Exeter walls.

  Presently he said:

  "I have believed that all the Danes were as much one under Guthrumtheir king as are my folk under theirs. I cannot see the end ofthis war."

  "It will end when Alfred the king is strong enough always to havemen in the field to face every leader that will fall on him," Hareksaid. "What King Ranald says is true. It is as if his own fatherhad minded what Harald had sworn in the old days."

  "Wherefore Harald brought all Norway under him, that every manshould mind what he said," the Saxon answered.

  Then came three or four more thanes along the shore, and he rose upand waved his hand to them.

  "Here are more butts for Kolgrim," he said, laughing. "Now, KingRanald, I must go to my friends. But I have learned much. I thinkyou must speak with the king before you go, and I will tell him allyou have said."

  "Maybe we shall meet again," said I, taking his offered hand. "Ithink I would see Alfred; but he is over wise, from all accounts,to learn aught from me."

  "King Alfred says that wisdom comes little by little, and bylearning from every one. I belong to the court, and so shall surelymeet you if you do come to speak to him."

  Then I asked the thane's name.

  "Godred {vi} men say it is," he answered, laughing; "but thatmeans better counsel than belongs to me."

  So he went ashore and joined the thanes, who had gone slowly alongthe road, and we lost sight of him.

  "Yonder goes a pleasant comrade enough," I said to Harek.

  "Ay," the scald answered; "but if that is not Alfred the kinghimself, I am much in error."

  "It is not likely. I think he is a bigger man and older, from allaccounts," I said carelessly. "Moreover, he would not have put upwith Kolgrim's jests as he did."

  "One knows not; but I thought he spoke of 'my folk' once. And heseemed to ask more than would a simple thane, and in a differentway."

  However, it seemed to me that Harek had found a marvel for himself,and I laughed at him for supposing that Alfred the king would comethere to speak to any man.

  Now towards evening Odda came, and with him many servants and atrain of wagons. He would make a feast for us in the best house ofthe village, by the king's order. Every one of us was called, andall the leading Saxon shipmen, when all was ready, and it was akingly feast enough.

  While they were making it ready, the ealdorman came to me on boardthe ship, and welcomed me in most friendly wise.

  "I have a message for you, King Ranald," he said presently. "Somethanes have been to me from the king, and he bids me ask you tocome and speak with him."

  "I saw a thane here this morning who was anxious for me to see theking," I said. "A pleasant man enough--one Godred."

  "Ay, Godred is pleasant enough," Odda said, smiling, "but he is aterrible man for asking questions."

  He laughed again, as if he knew the man well, and was pleased tothink of him and his ways.

  "None of his questions are foolish, however," I said. "I waspleased with him."

  "It is well if you pleased him, for he is a powerful man at court,"said Odda.

  "I do not know if I pleased him, or if it makes any difference tome what power he has," I said carelessly. "If I want any man tospeak for me to the king--which is not likely--I should come to youfirst."

  "Speak for yourself," laughed Odda, "that is the best way withAlfred."

  So we planned to go to Exeter with the next morning's light. Oddawould bide here for the night, after the feast.

  Now after we had finished eating, and the ale and mead and the winethe king had sent in our honour were going round, and the gleemenwere singing at times, there came a messenger into the house, andbrought me a written message from the king himself, as he said.

  "Much good are these scratches to me," said I to Odda. "Can youread them?"

  "I can read nou
ght but what is written in a man's face," he said.

  So I gave the scroll to Harek, who sat next me, thinking that maybethe scald could read it. He pored over it for a while.

  "It is of no use, king," he said. "It is in my mind that I knowwhich is the right way up of the writing, but I am not sure."

  So I laughed, and asked aloud if any man present could read. Therewere a good many thanes and franklins present to feast in ourhonour.

  Then rose up a man, in a long brown hooded habit girt with a cord,from below the salt where he sat among the servants. He had a longbeard, but was very bald. His hair grew in a thick ring round hishead; which was strange, for he seemed young.

  "I am here, ealdorman," he said to Odda; "I will read for KingRanald."

  Now all eyes turned to see who spoke, and in a moment Odda rose uphastily and went down the long room till he came to where the manstood. Then I was amazed, for the ealdorman went on one knee beforehim, and said:

  "Good my lord, I knew not that you were here among the crowd. Ipray you come to the high seat."

  "When will you remember that titles and high places are no longerpleasing to me?" the man said wearily. "I tire of them all. Riseup, Odda, my friend, and let me be."

  "I will not rise without your blessing, nevertheless," said theealdorman.

  Whereon the man spoke a few words to him softly and quickly,signing with his hand crosswise over him.

  Then I said to those about me, who were watching all this insilence:

  "Who is this strange man?"

  "It is Neot the holy, King Alfred's cousin," one answered,whispering.

  "That is a strange dress for an atheling," I said; but they hushedme.

  Now it seemed that Odda tried again to draw this Neot to the hightable, but he would not come.

  Then I said to old Thord, who sat over against me beyond Odda'sempty chair:

  "This is foolishness; or will he not honour the king's guests?"

  But a thane shook his head at me, whispering behind his hand:

  "It is humbleness. He has put his rank from him, and will not beheld as being above any man."

  Then spoke old Thord:

  "Maybe he can put his rank away among men who know him not, andthat is a good humbleness in a way. But where all know what hisbirth is, he has but to be humble and kind in ways and speech, andthen men will think more thereof than they will if they see himpretending to be a churl."

  Now Thord's voice was rough with long years of speaking against thewash of the waves, and the thunder of wind in sail and rigging, andthe roll and creak of oars; and as he said this, every one turnedtowards him, for a silence had fallen on the crowd of folk whowatched Neot the king's cousin and his strife with Odda.

  So Neot heard, and his face flushed a little, and he looked hard atThord and smiled curiously, saying:

  "In good truth the old warrior is right, and I am foolish to hidehere now I am known. Let me go and sit by him."

  Then Odda led him to the upper end of the room, and every one roseas he passed by. I drew myself nearer to the ealdorman's place, andmade room for him where only the table was between him and Thord,for that bench was full.

  So he put his hand on my shoulder and sat down, looking over toThord, and saying with a quiet smile:

  "Thanks for that word in season, friend."

  But the old warrior was somewhat ashamed, and did but shift in hisseat uneasily.

  "Ay, ay," he growled; "I cannot keep my voice quiet."

  Neot laughed, and then turned to me and held out his hand for theking's letter, which I gave him.

  He ran his eyes over the writing very quickly, and then said:

  "Here is nothing private; shall I read aloud?"

  But the thanes fell to talking quickly, and I nodded.

  "Alfred the king to his cousin Ranald Vemundsson, greeting. Oddathe ealdorman of Devon, and one Godred, have spoken to me ofyourself--one telling of help given freely and without question ofreward or bargain made, and the other of certain plain words spokenthis morning. Now I would fain see you, and since the said Godredseems to doubt if you will come to me, I ask it under my own handthus. For I have thanks to give both to you and your men, and alsowould ask you somewhat which it is my hope that you will not refuseme. Therefore, my cousin, I would ask you to come with ourealdorman tomorrow and hear all I would say."

  Then Neot said,

  "That is all. I think you will not refuse so kindly an invitation.The writing is the king's own, and here is his name at the end."

  So he showed it me. The letter was better written than the name, asit seemed to me.

  "I will take your word for it," I said, laughing as I looked; "butit is a kindly letter, and I will surely come."

  "Ay; he has written to you as to an equal," Odda said.

  "That is so. Now I would have the good king know that I am notthat; I am but a sea king. Maybe he thinks that I shall be a goodally, and makes more of my power than should be. I told Godred thethane as plainly as I could what I was, this morning."

  "Why, then," said Neot, smiling, "Godred has told the king, nodoubt."

  "I hope he has," I answered, "but I doubt it. Nevertheless it iseasy to tell the king myself when I see him."

  After that we talked about other matters, and it became plain thatthis Neot was a wonderfully wise man, and, as I thought, a holy onein truth, as they called him. There is that about such an one thatcannot be mistaken.

  Harek sang for us, and pleased all, and into his song came, as onemight suppose, a good deal about the Asir. And then Neot began toask me a good deal about the old gods, as he called them. I toldhim what I knew, which was little enough maybe, and so said thatHarek knew all about them, and that he should rather ask him.

  He did not care to do that, but asked me plainly if I were aChristian.

  "How should I be?" I said. "Odda is the first Christian man I havespoken with, to my knowledge. So, if I were likely to leave my ownfaith, I have not so much as heard of another."

  "So you are no hater of Christians?" he said.

  "Surely not. Why should I be? I never thought of the matter."

  Then he said:

  "Herein you Norsemen are not like the Danes, who hate our faith,and slay our priests because of their hatred."

  "More likely because Christian means Saxon to them, or else becauseyou have slain them as heathens. Northmen do not trouble aboutanother nation's faith so long as their own is not interfered with.Why should they? Each country has its own ways in this as in othermatters."

  Thereat Neot was silent, and asked me no more. Hereafter I learnedthat hatred of race had made the hatred of religion bitter, untilthe last seemed to be the greatest hatred of all, adding terror andbitterest cruelty to the struggle for mastery.

  Presently, before it was very late, Neot rose up and spoke to Odda,bidding him farewell. Then he came to me, and said:

  "Tell the king that we have spoken together, and give him thismessage if you will that I go to my place in Cornwall, and shall bethere for a while."

  Then he passed to Thord, and took his hard hand and said:

  "Good are words that come from an honest heart. I have learned alesson tonight where I thought to have learned none."

  "I marvel that you needed to learn that," Thord said gruffly.

  "So do I, friend," answered Neot; "but one is apt to go too far ina matter which one has at heart, sometimes before one is aware.Then is a word in season welcome."

  Then he thanked Harek for his songs, and went, the Saxons bowing ashe passed down the long table with Odda.

  "That is a wise man and a holy," said Thord.

  "Ay, truly," answered the thane who had told me about him. "I mindwhen he and Alfred the king were the haughtiest and mostoverbearing of princes. But when Neot found out that his pride andwrath and strength were getting the mastery in his heart, he thrusthimself down there to overcome them. So he grows more saintlikeevery day, and has wrought a wondrous change in the king himself.He is the only ma
n to whom Alfred will listen in reproof."

  "That is likely," I said, not knowing aught of the holy bishops whowere the king's counsellors; "kings brook little of that sort. Butwhy does he wear yon strange dress?"

  "He has taken vows on him, and is a hermit," the thane said; but Idid not know what he meant at the time.

  It was some Saxon way, I supposed, and cared not to ask more.

  So it came to pass that I met one of the two most wonderful men inEngland, and I was to see the other on the morrow. Yet I had nothought that I should care to stay in the land, for it seemedcertain from what Odda told me that peace would be made, and peacewas not my business nor that of my men.

  So in a way I was sorry that the war was at an end, seeing that wecame for fighting and should have none.

  Then came a thought to me that made me laugh at myself. I was glad,after all, that we were not going sword foremost into Exeter town,because of the Lady Thora, who was there. I suppose it would nothave been reasonable had I not had that much thought for the bravemaiden whom I had helped out of danger once.


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