Twisted Vow

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Twisted Vow Page 5

by Ella Miles

  “Acting, and very bad acting at that.”

  I want to ask her the next question—why can’t she lie?

  But I don’t. I have a million questions, but none of them I ask.

  I push the needle through her skin again, carefully this time, but she doesn’t move or moan or make any sound to indicate that I hurt her. I’ve stitched up buddies before, but never a woman. And never my enemy.

  She’s my enemy—I have to remember that.

  I finish the stitch, and then I look up. Siren is staring into my eyes with such emotion that I can’t read her expression.

  She’s two women—Aria and Siren. My enemy and a woman I could love with everything I have.

  My hand strokes her thigh automatically; her skin warms under my touch. Her skin isn’t the only thing that warms—her eyes soften and her lips part.

  I want her.

  She wants me.

  She’s still not wearing a shirt or pants, and I’m dying to explore all of her body—her breasts, her stomach, and I need to get reacquainted with her pussy. The way she’s staring at my chest, abs, and biceps; the way she avoids looking down to see my growing erection, all tell me she wants to get to know my body too, even though she won’t admit it.

  I lean close, so close that a heavy breath could push our lips together. So close that kissing her seems inevitable instead of just something I want.

  My siren doesn’t move away. But she doesn’t close the gap. I won’t close the gap either. I won’t make the first move, not after what she did to me. But I won’t stop this from happening either.

  I need this to happen. I need to finish the physical connection we started—fuck Siren out of my system. Use her and then hurt her like she did me. Have my one moment with Siren and then turn her into Aria, the sweet girl I want nothing to do with.

  The moment stretches into infinity. Both of us too stubborn to move the final inch, both too needy to move away.

  My gaze falls down to her bra. Maybe it will just snap open? The straps look pretty thin and worn after all.

  Jesus, I can’t keep this up much longer. I need to move. I need to taste her.

  Her breath heats against my mouth. Yes, just give in, Siren.

  She closes her eyes. She’s going to falter. She’s going to kiss me.

  “Truth or sin?” she says, her eyes opening in pain.

  “What?” I ask, shocked that she spoke instead of kissing me.

  She stands up and grabs the clothes I dropped on the floor next to us. She grabs an oversized shirt and slips it over her body, wearing it like a dress. Then she picks up another shirt and sweatpants and hands them to me.

  The moment has passed, so I don’t argue, taking the clothes from her and putting them on. With us dressed, our hormones won’t get the best of us again. I will never kiss Siren again. I may never even have an excuse to touch her skin.

  I nod. She wants to play this game, so she goes first.

  Siren sits down, crossing her legs in front of her like a child, instead of the serpent she is. I wait for her question. A question I won’t answer—about my former boss, about my friends. Not going to happen. But it means she will get to commit a sin if I don’t answer her question with the truth.

  Her eyes read my thoughts, and she smiles—such a beautiful genuine smile.

  Don’t fall for it.

  “Why did you plunge that syringe into my leg instead of your own?” she asks.

  I frown. She gave me an easy question she already knows the answer to. Does she think me answering is going to make me feel weak? Because being who I am will never make me feel anything but strong.

  My eyes sear into hers, as I shift my weight forward and sit on the edge of the mattress on the floor, leaning as close to her as possible. “You already know my answer, but since you don’t trust actions, only words—the truth is I couldn’t handle seeing you in pain. Watching you thrash in pain was worse than my own pain. To stop my own torment, I had to stop yours. You are still my weakness,” I say, admitting everything. It’s the truth, and she knows it. It’s why I told Julian a lie to protect her. She may think she’s the only special one, but she isn’t. I save and protect people. Put any other woman in Siren’s place, and I would have done the same thing.

  “But don’t think for a second that just because I don’t like seeing you suffer, it means that I will always protect you. That ship sailed the second you sold me out to Julian.”

  Her smile brightens. “Good, because I don’t want you to save me, Zeke. I never have.”

  I growl and attack her without thinking. She’s on her back, and I’m sprawled on top of her. My leg spreads hers, my breath coats her face, and my arms have her pinned beneath me.

  She’s not scared though, nor pissed. In fact, she’s turned on seeing this side of me, the side that takes instead of asking.

  Her eyes light up, looking at me. “Your turn.”

  Dammit, this is probably part of her game. Get me so turned on I can’t think straight to get me to ask an easy, softball question instead of one where I get to sin. I take a deep breath, trying to clear Siren from my thoughts. Like that’s going to happen. I need to fuck her, then I can get her out of my head, and my cock can stop begging for her. It will realize she’s just like any other woman I’ve ever fucked. My brain will realize that even though she has boobs and a pussy, she is basically an extension of Julian—my enemy, a person I need to take out, not protect.

  I open my mouth to speak but stop. I debate which question I want the answer to before finally deciding. “Why didn’t you fight back against Julian?”

  She doesn’t break eye contact, not even to bat her eyelashes at me.


  She arches her back, her pointed nipples poking through her bra and T-shirt and stabbing me in the chest. I push my groin higher up against her soaked panties. Her eyes darken, and she licks her luscious lips—lips I haven’t tasted in far too long.

  “Screw it,” I say and do both what I want and shouldn’t do, which makes this a sin—I kiss her.

  Our lips crash together in a sexy ambush. She can’t move beneath me, and I grip her wrists to keep myself from exploring too much of her body too quickly. I just focus on her lips. Her fucking swollen lips know exactly how to kiss me. Her lips part just enough to allow plenty of tongue, and what a magnificent tongue she has. It has so many more talents than just lying to me and pretending to only speak the truth. Her tongue teases and taunts mine, before finally surrendering.

  But God, her moans are intoxicating. I could live off her sweet moans. They penetrate every ounce of my body and shoot straight to my cock. I’m desperate for her. My cock is throbbing between her legs, and I could easily rip the clothes that separate us and drive through until I’m buried deep inside her.

  She tries to move her wrists, desperate to tangle her hands in my hair as much as I am to tangle my hands in hers. We both want this sin with everything we have.

  We want this kiss to never end.

  We want this kiss to turn to more.

  We want this kiss to become fucking.

  I slowly let go of her wrist, needing to feel more of her soft flesh, but not wanting her to have too much power. I don’t even want to give her the ability to control her own hand, but needing to feel her skin wins out.

  I run my hand up her thigh as I continue to taste her mouth. Slowing my kisses as I feel more of her, taking my time, so I get to experience all of her.

  My hand slides up her side, pushing the T-shirt she is wearing up her smooth skin.

  “I wish I could enjoy my sin without you enjoying it as well.” I bite her lip, sucking it furiously, and I instantly feel her soak my sweatpants between her legs. “But I know that you are going to enjoy this sin as much as I will.”

  The sound of footsteps startles me. I instantly jerk Siren up and into my arms and away from whatever danger is approaching. But from the slow, careful descent of the steps, I know who is approaching. And I don’t know
who he is more dangerous to—Siren or me.

  Julian appears at the bottom of the stairs in a full suit, like he’s attending a formal dinner instead of creeping on us in the basement.

  I look around the room searching for cameras, and I spot a dozen places where there are likely some hidden. That means he can see and hear every word Siren and I have said.

  I shoot Siren a glare as I think back to everything we said or did. What did Julian hear? And he almost got to see what was mine—Siren, her body at least.

  “Oh, don’t stop on my account,” Julian says, smiling.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “Just to say that your little tip was fake, a lie. It’s something I wouldn’t usually put up with, but after listening in on your little conversation, I got an idea.”

  I loosen my grip on Siren, who doesn’t seem in any hurry to get out of my arms. It doesn’t surprise me considering what Julian did to her, but he’s still her boss, and I’m her enemy, why is she still in my arms?

  “What is your brilliant idea? Releasing me and giving me a boat to leave on?”

  Julian laughs. “I can see what the ladies see in you; you are a funny one.” He walks further into the room, before leaning against the open door of the cell and crossing his arms as he looks from Siren to me.

  “This truth or sin game seems intriguing. Have room for a third player?”



  I should have been more careful. I shouldn’t have played our truth or sin game, knowing Julian had cameras hidden in the basement. I shouldn’t have let Zeke kiss me…

  But God, what a kiss.

  Zeke’s kisses are like nothing I’ve ever felt before. They are toe-curling, fireworks shooting, and every other cliché in the book. His kisses wreck my soul and make me wish I could kidnap Zeke and travel far away from here—start my life over with just him and me.

  But that can never happen.

  I’ve been careless, selfish even. I wanted Zeke to kiss me again. I wanted so much more than just a kiss. I wanted every physical thing Zeke was offering.

  And I would have gotten it, if Julian hadn’t interrupted. Some small part of me is thankful Julian did interrupt before I let things go too far. Because once I fuck Zeke, there is no going back. I can keep protecting my heart from falling for a man like Zeke, but my lady bits—that’s another story.

  I already know from the way Zeke kisses, from the way he licked me like I was his favorite flavor of ice cream, that if he fucked me, he would ruin me for any other man. No man would ever compare to him, and I would always crave Zeke. He would have the upper hand again, and I can’t let that happen. I need to be in control. I need to manipulate him into giving up Enzo Black.

  “The truth or sin game is invite-only, and I don’t remember inviting you,” Zeke answers, his voice deep and throaty.

  Every word the man speaks is sexy and makes me constantly on edge and soaked with need.

  Julian stares at me, like I’m his. I guess I am.

  I’m usually comfortable wearing very little clothes. My body is fit and curvy, most men’s dream body. And I flaunt it often. It’s how I get information for Julian from men. But the only man in the world whose gaze scares me is Julian’s.

  I should have put pants on. And a baggy sweatshirt. Anything to cover every inch of my skin, because the way Julian is looking at me scares the hell out of me. I can’t tell if he wants to taste me, fuck me, or beat me.

  Julian laughs. “I think you are forgetting one important detail. You don’t get a say in your life anymore. You are locked in that cell, and I’m out here, so I suggest you hear my proposal.”

  Zeke raises an eyebrow as he runs his hand up my ass and over my smooth stomach like he owns me. I love the feeling of his hand on my skin. I love him taking charge over my body, demanding me to surrender to him. But I don’t like him doing it with Julian in the room.

  Zeke nods to the cell door. “Seems I’ve already figured out how to get the door open. I don’t think I’m the one whose trapped or should be worried. I would sleep with one eye open if I were you.”

  “Cockiness doesn’t suit you, Zeke.” Julian looks at me and snaps his fingers.

  I hate being called like a dog, but I’d rather not get beaten or shot again. So I comply. I reluctantly climb out from under Zeke. The ache in my heart is worse than the ache in my leg as I stand, and Zeke’s hands fall from my body. He is no longer willing to protect me, not when I’m following Julian’s orders. And I don’t blame him.

  It’s better this way.

  Knowing it’s right doesn’t temper the pain from walking away from Zeke, again. And from knowing that this time might be really goodbye. This time will put us squarely on different sides of the line. Enemy versus enemy. There will be no going back. We won’t be able to protect each other anymore. I have to protect myself, and Zeke is insistent on protecting Enzo Black and his family.

  I pull the T-shirt I’m wearing down until it’s covering my ass again, and then I walk proudly over to Julian, like I’d prefer to be by his side instead of Zeke’s.

  Julian strokes my hair in the way I wish Zeke had the chance to do.

  “You are just as trapped as ever, Zeke. You just fell for Aria’s beauty and spell again,” Julian says.

  Zeke doesn’t look at me. He doesn’t change his expression at all, like the comment didn’t even hurt him. Like I mean nothing to him. Not like he didn’t just have me trapped and writhing under his body, as his erection pushed between my legs. He can pretend all he wants that I mean nothing to him, but I know the truth. His body can’t lie to me.

  Julian smirks. “Now, as I was saying. I would like to make you an offer.”

  “There is nothing you can say to make me turn on my friends,” Zeke says.

  Julian plays with the ends of my hair as he looks from me to Zeke. His eyes eventually land on the wound Zeke stitched up, more evidence of Zeke’s lust for me.

  “I’m sure I can find some reason that you might reconsider giving up your friends for,” Julian says, referring to me. He doesn’t realize Zeke only wants me for my body. He doesn’t care about me. He doesn’t love me. He doesn’t even like me.

  “Never,” Zeke says.

  Julian lets go of my hair, and my stomach settles just a little.

  “I thought you’d say that, which is why my deal includes an option other than spilling your friends’ secrets,” Julian says.

  Zeke narrows his gaze, his teeth snarling like a wolf about to attack.

  I stand still, watching the two men threaten each other with their bodies.

  “As I said before, I’d like to play the truth or sin game with you,” Julian says.

  Zeke turns up his nose and makes a disgusted look. “You do understand that when I say truth or sin, that sin means something sexual. You may be into men, but I have no desire to fuck you, Julian.”

  “I think you’d very much like to fuck me, and that’s why you’ll say yes to my arrangement.”

  Zeke doesn’t spit a comeback. He just waits to hear what sneaky deal Julian has come up with that will more than likely be a win-win for Julian and a lose-lose for Zeke.

  “I don’t care how you play the game with Aria. With me, the rules are simple. We will play five rounds. Well—you will play five rounds. I won’t be offering up any truths or sins of my own,” Julian says.

  There it is. Julian will play the game by not having to risk anything in the first place.

  “Each round, I will offer you a chance to answer a simple question with the truth. If you refuse, you will complete a sin. Any sin that I choose.”

  “And what’s in it for me?” Zeke asks.

  Nothing, nothing is in it for you. The sooner you figure that out, Zeke, the sooner you will figure out how to get free.

  “Once you complete all five rounds, I’ll set you free. I’ll even throw in a boat.”

  “That’s not good enough,” Zeke answers.

  “I figured it
wouldn’t be.” Julian cuts his eyes to me and winks, like he and I are in cahoots. The truth is, I’m on nobody’s side but my own. “I also promise not to harm Mr. Black until you have completed all five rounds.”

  Zeke’s pupils dilate. Julian’s got him. Zeke could protect his boss for as long as the five rounds go on, and as soon as the game is over, he could run to his friends’ rescue. All Zeke ever wants is to protect those he loves. I don’t know exactly how many people that includes, but I know it’s Mr. Black and the immediate people around him. Zeke will take the deal.

  I try to catch Zeke’s attention, to warn him with my eyes, my tight lips, my clenched jaw. But he doesn’t glance my way. And even if he did, I doubt he would listen to me.

  Julian, on the other hand, is practically giddy. He knows that Zeke will accept his offer. He knows Zeke’s weakness.

  “I’ll throw in one more sweetener,” Julian says.

  I still—I don’t like the sound of that. Julian never offers something for nothing.

  Zeke practically growls in response. He, too, knows that Julian isn’t going to offer something without asking for more in return.

  Julian wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me tightly to his side, stroking my hip over my shirt. If he so much as slips his hand beneath my shirt, I’m going to kill him. I put my hand on top of Julian’s, not even pretending to enjoy his touch. I dig my nails into his hand so hard that I’m sure I’m making him bleed.

  Julian, to his credit, doesn’t wince, hiss, or pull his hand away. He just takes the pain like he deserves it.

  Zeke’s lip curls up the tiniest bit, and I know he sees my nails digging into Julian’s hand.

  “To give you a little more incentive to complete the sins or tell the truth, you’ll be playing with Aria’s life,” Julian says.

  I frown, my hand pushing Julian’s off my body as I stare at him incredulously. He can’t bargain with my life. He has no right. I’m his employee. His best employee, in fact. He can’t just decide that he can offer up my life if Zeke fails.

  “You complete the five rounds by either telling the truth or completing the sins, and Aria lives. If you lie, or fail to complete a single one of the sins, then Aria dies,” Julian says.


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