The Realm

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The Realm Page 8

by Leigh Walker

  He was speaking for the cameras, but I caught the undercurrent of sincerity. He was putting me in a good light for the show, and I would do the same for him. I gazed up at him, certain that the hazy glow of the flames lit my face perfectly. “As I said before, Your Highness, it’s my pleasure to serve the crown.” I really hoped the king would watch this. “I’m thrilled to be a contestant, and I already love the Realm and the North. I’ve come to think of it as home.” I fluttered my lashes at the werewolf, and his mouth hung open.

  “T-Tamara.” He reached for my hands and gripped them. “It would mean everything to me if you could imagine a future here—with me.”

  “That’s why I’m here, Your Highness. To consider that very thing.”

  He moved closer, looming over me, and I quickly glanced at the fire. Is it burning too brightly? The room suddenly felt very, very hot.

  “Thank you, my lady.” His voice was husky.

  “Cut!” yelled the set director. “Nice work, you two.”

  I took a step back and smiled, trying to break the spell. “That went well, I think.”

  Rhys still gaped at me. “Yes… It did.”

  I fanned myself, still feeling heated. “Well, I suppose you need to get through this with all the other girls. I’ll just retire to my room, thank you.”

  But the werewolf put his arm on me before I could run away. “My lady, wait.” He turned to the crew. “I need a moment. Please wait outside.”

  He didn’t release me once they’d left. My skin was hot where he touched me. Darn werewolf allergy.

  “I see you’ve been working on your manners,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. “I don’t know that I’ve heard the word please pass your lips before.” The fire cast a warm glow over his features, and now that I’d mentioned his lips, I couldn’t stop staring. They were annoyingly, perfectly full.

  “Yes, yes. I’m saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ Mira’s been up my backside with all the manners and the chiv—chiv—chiv-whatever-it-bloody-is.”


  He swatted his hand into the air. “Right, right. Where I come from, we call it common sense to be nice to the ladies. Don’t need such a fancy-pants word for it.”

  I couldn’t help it—I laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a werewolf say ‘fancy-pants’ before, either.”

  “At least I’ve got you laughing. I thought you’d never speak to me again.” Rhys sighed and finally let me go. “Tamara, what you said earlier, about the other girls… I should explain.”

  “I was just taken aback, is all. I’d expected them to be doe-eyed innocents. Instead they seem like trained professionals.” As the words rushed out, I realized I was embarrassed by what I’d said. “It’s going to be quite a contest.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it will be interesting.” He took a moment before continuing. “Mira encouraged me to choose girls who appeared to be sophisticated, savvy about the world, if that makes sense. They’re probably much more cultured than I am. I think that’s the point, you know? A sophisticate to guide the rogue. In any event, Mira led the way, my lady. I’ve only ever been personally invested in one of the candidates. You should know that hasn’t changed.”

  “Ah, Rhys, how kind of you. But I saw you drooling over those other girls.” I kept my voice light.

  “They are lovely, to be sure. But only one of them can be my bride.” His dark eyes searched mine.

  There was a knock at the door, and Mira Kinney stuck her face in without waiting. “Ah, there you are. The other girls are getting impatient.” She quickly studied us, probably looking for salient details to incorporate into her show. “Is everything all right?”

  “Everything except for this bloody makeup and the hateful shirt,” Rhys growled. “Now, let’s get on with it, shall we? The sooner I scrub that filth off my face, the better.”

  “I’ll leave you to it, then.” I curtsied one last time. “See you later, Your Highness.”

  He stood over me when I rose, his dark eyes piercing mine. “I’m looking forward to it, my lady.”

  As I swept from the room, I shivered. Away from His Highness, the palace seemed quite cold.

  Status Check

  The contestants were called to the kitchen after we finished filming. Hors d’oeuvres were served, including smoked meats, cheeses, figs, and freshly made bread. All of the girls, myself included, dug in.

  “Oh, my heavens.” After having a bite of the bread, Dae piled her plate sky-high. “I’ve never tasted anything this good!”

  “It’s delicious.” Thalia moaned as she devoured some Brie. “I’ll be happy to eat myself silly while I’m here.”

  Maya was still quietly sulking, but that didn’t stop her from going for thirds.

  “I can’t wait to see what we’re having for an actual meal,” Joely said. “I haven’t had bread like this since before the war.”

  Mira swept in, clutching a wine goblet. I wondered if the girls knew that the television host was a vampire and were curious about the contents of her chalice. But no one said a word as she commanded the front of the room. “Ladies, it’s time for our meeting. I want to tell you what to expect and when to expect it, and then we’ll do a brief review of today’s filming. Are you ready?”

  Two members of her crew hustled in, carrying a large screen that they set up on a stand. Mira produced a laser pointer and started a slide show. “Welcome to The Realm: The Bachelor King. I have the signed confidentiality agreements from each of you. Tamara, I still have yours on file. As we discussed, nothing that is said or done during filming or production is to be shared with anyone not directly related to the show. Is everyone clear on this?”

  All five of us nodded. The confidentiality agreement was airtight. If anyone strayed from it, King Reginald Black would come after her and most likely lock her in the dungeon.

  “Very good. Let’s move on.” Mira smiled at us. “Now that you know about King Rhys’s lineage and have still agreed to do the show—”

  “Hold on.” I raised my hand. “When was this discussed with the contestants?”

  “This afternoon, during Rhys’s private interview with each of the girls. It wasn’t recorded, of course.” Mira nodded and continued. “So we need to—”

  “I’m sorry, Mira.” I raised my hand again. “But everyone now knows about His Highness?” I scanned the other girls’ faces, but they were unfazed. “And no one had any objections to his, his…wolfiness?”

  Mira tilted her chin as she examined me. “Each of the girls is comfortable with the disclosure, and everyone feels safe being here with the supernaturals. King Rhys was very clear with them, and they are all on board. Isn’t that right, ladies?”

  The four girls nodded. Dae said, “I’ve known there were vampires forever. I saw them for myself in my settlement. I’m hardly going to be scared off of being a queen because the king’s a shifter.”

  I blinked at her.

  “I actually think it’s exciting that he’s a werewolf.” In her signature move, Maya carefully brushed the hair from each side of her face. “Not only is he handsome and rich, but His Highness can fight to protect us, too. It’s very alpha, if you ask me.”

  “Rhys seems like a nice guy, and that’s all that matters.” Thalia held up her bread. “I’m tired of starving back home. It’s worth it.”

  “Amen,” Joely said.

  “Yes.” I cleared my throat. “Quite.” I’d hoped that at least one of the girls would run, screaming, from the contest when she learned that the prize was a werewolf. Apparently, there was no such luck. These girls really were jaded. “Go ahead, Mira. I’m sorry to interrupt. I just needed a little clarification on this topic.”

  “Of course. Now”—Mira broke out her laser pointer again, highlighting a bullet list on the screen—“here’s the schedule for the next few weeks. Our first episode goes live next week, so we have a lot of work to do. Be prepared to film round the clock. A new episode will premiere every Tuesday. Please re
view the schedule.”

  The laser pointer went down, bullet by bullet:

  •Episode 1: Introductions

  •Episode 2: First Dates

  •Episode 3: Coronation Ball

  •Episode 4: Contestants’ Challenge

  •Episode 5: Overnight Dates

  •Episode 6: The Proposal

  Mira continued, “What we filmed today will be used as part of the first episode. We’ll also produce vignettes about each of you individually so that the audience can get to know you. Tomorrow morning, you’ll meet the Northern royals—they’ve invited us for a welcoming tea at the castle.”

  “We’re going to meet Prince Austin and Princess Blake?” Joely practically screeched. “I just watched their wedding on TV. It was so amazing!”

  “Chill,” Maya said under her breath.

  “Yes, of course you get to meet them. They’re honored to host you. All for a good cause,” Mira said. “And I have another surprise—you have maids here to attend to you. Some are from the North, and some have been sent from the settlements. They’ll be dressing you tomorrow in one of the many gowns that have been specially prepared for you by our team.” The contestants chattered excitedly, and Mira waited for them to quiet down. “Beautiful gowns, professional hair and makeup, and personal assistants are just some of the perks of being a contestant. Not to mention the food.”

  “This keeps getting better and better.” Dae helped herself to more tea. “I love being a contestant. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “That’s what I love to hear, Dae.” Mira beamed at her then continued. “Tomorrow after tea, His Highness will announce the order of his first private dates.”

  “Can you tell us more about these dates?” Hyper focused, Maya leaned forward. “What happens? What can we expect?”

  “King Rhys may choose to have a romantic dinner with you or take a walk around the grounds. It’s up to him really. It will be time for each contestant to spend with the king alone so you can get to know each other. Private time is essential to see if you’re a good match. Of course, ‘private’ is a term of art. The cameras will be following your every move.”

  “Can His Highness kiss us if he wants to?” Maya asked.

  She’s getting ahead of herself, isn’t she?

  “Only if you consent to being kissed,” Mira answered.

  “I’ll consent, all right.” Maya fanned herself. “If the hot werewolf king wants to kiss me, I’m all for it.”

  I rolled my eyes, Thalia laughed, and Dae and Joely gave each other an I told you so look.

  Mira took Maya’s measure. “All in good time, my dear. Pace yourself.”

  Maya stopped fanning herself and sat up straighter. “I plan on being here at the end—I’m not in any rush.”

  I had to fight the urge to reach across the table and yank her pretty hair. Instead, I busied myself with a fig as Mira continued, “There will be no cuts in the contest until episode three, ‘The Coronation Ball,’” the television host said. “Rhys will officially be crowned king of the Realm in a ceremony to be followed by a royal ball, the first ever in the Realm. At the reception, he will only ask three of you to dance. The two who are not chosen will be sent home.”

  The other girls looked at each other, but I stared straight ahead.

  “After episode four, another girl will be cut. Then only two contestants will remain. We’ll have the overnight dates, and then the lucky winner will be chosen. In the final episode, she’ll get proposed to by His Highness.”

  Dae raised her hand. “How can we please His Highness? I love it here. I seriously don’t ever want to go home.”

  Mira chuckled. “That’s what I’m here to help you with. Beginning right now, we’ll have daily instruction. I’ll teach you more about the supernaturals, the history of the North and the Realm, and of course, the royal expectations in terms of society, table manners, etcetera. Per your contract, none of this information is to be repeated outside of this contest. If it is, there will be consequences. Harsh ones. That being said, feel free to teach your family how to use a salad fork. We won’t come after you for that.” She cleared her throat. “Before we get to instructions, I want to give you notes from the scenes we filmed earlier. These are my impressions of things you should each be aware of. In order of appearance:

  “Tamara—you made a fine showing. Things were a bit formal between you and the king at first, but then it got hot. Quite hot. Keep up the good work, and don’t be afraid to let your feelings for His Highness show. I know he would relish it.”

  Maya glared at me while I grinned, basking in Mira’s approval.

  “Thalia—you show very well on camera. Your face was made to be filmed, darling. But there was a noted lack of spark between you and His Highness. You need to work on turning up the feelings. Don’t be afraid of the cameras—they love you. Give His Highness a chance to love you, too.

  “Joely—you were born to be a star. His Highness is obviously taken with you. He was tripping over himself. When you smiled at him, he lit up. Keep using your warmth and friendliness. I expect that you’ll be very popular with the viewers back home. You’ve got warmth, style, and beauty, something we all aspire to.

  “Dae—darling, you are gorgeous. You look amazing on film, and the king was checking you out from head to toe. I saw it for myself. But you seemed a little timid around him. That’s bad for business. You need to sparkle when you’re near the king and let him get to know the real you so that he can fall in love. He’s already clearly in lust.

  “Maya—you photograph beautifully, and His Highness obviously finds you attractive. But the keyword here is obvious. You might want to tone it down a bit. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, but fires burn out. Give the king a glimpse into your inner life, darling, not just down your dress. He’s looking for a life partner, not a hookup.”

  Mira raised her chalice toward us and smiled. “There was lots of good conversation, lots of good chemistry. I know we have a match here for His Highness. I look forward to joining you as you compete for your happily ever after. Cheers! May the best woman win.”

  VIP Treatment

  By the time I got to my room, my head was spinning. First of all, I still reeled from the notes Mira had given each of us. I’d expected to be clearly in the lead, but that wasn’t the case. Each of the girls had things to work on, but Mira had also said that Rhys was attracted to all of us. I thought of the way the werewolf’s gaze raked over me, fiery and hungry, making my skin flush. Does he do that to the other girls, too? He said that wolves run hot. Does the king really have that much heat to spare? I was left wondering if he thought I was at all special. This was a first for me, and I disliked it.

  When we’d continued to the instructions, Mira was much more transparent than I’d expected. She talked about how the werewolves procreated and about the recent agreement between the wolves and the vampires, and she briefly touched on the historical tensions between the two races. Joely, Dae, Thalia, and Maya sat in rapt attention; Dae had even taken notes.

  I needed to process everything that had happened during this long day, so I sat quietly for a moment, taking extra enjoyment in my luxurious room. I vowed to show it off to the other girls as soon as I had the opportunity. But a little voice inside me argued that I was being petty and nagged that I was above all this. After all, I was in this competition because I’d been ordered to participate. So why do I seem to care about crushing these little weasels so much? Why does it bother me that Rhys seems to like all of the candidates, not just me?

  My mind had been churning since the other girls arrived that morning. But in the quiet of my suite, I could admit the truth: I was jealous of them. I hadn’t recognized the feeling at first. I’d had little cause in my life to be jealous of anyone for anything. I’d been expecting the girls to be timid; instead, they were composed, forward, and focused. My shortsightedness had led me to underprepare for the possibility that I might have some real competi
tion in this contest. Not that I wanted to win, of course. But…I hated losing. That had to be why I was such a train wreck.

  There was a knock on my door. “Tamara?” Rhys asked.

  I hopped off the bed and smoothed my gown. “Yes, come in.”

  “Ah, there you are.” He shut the door behind him. He’d changed out his formal clothes and was once again barefoot, wearing loose black pants, an open black sweater, and a gray T-shirt that showed off his broad chest. He went to my fire and stoked it. “You don’t want this to get too low. The weather is turning.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure I can handle it, though.”

  He grinned, his perfect white teeth flashing in the firelight. “I’m sure you can handle most anything.”

  “Can I help you with something?” It annoyed me to realize that I felt stung, still, from hearing about his time with the other girls. The sight of him in the middle of my bedroom somehow made it worse.

  “I wanted to know if you’d come with me on a walk. I’ve something I’d like to show you.”

  “Are the other girls invited, too?” I sounded snippy to my own ears.

  His face darkened. “No, my lady, and please don’t tell them. I’ll catch Mira’s ire if she finds out we’re alone. But it’s something for your eyes only—I need your opinion.”

  Slightly cheered, I held out my hand. “Well, in that case, I’d love to. Lead the way, Your Highness.”

  His hand engulfed mine, and once again, I was overwhelmed with heat at his touch. It had to be that werewolf-heat thing again. Except that even my cheeks were burning.

  Out in the hall, he made sure to look carefully before dragging me behind him. All was quiet. “Follow me—we’ll take the back stairs,” Rhys whispered. He led me to the opposite end of the hall and down a dark stairwell lit only by torches.

  “Who exactly are we hiding from—the other girls?” I whispered as we crept down.


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